Methyluracil in bodybuilding is a simple and easy alternative to anabolic steroids!

In winter, eczema and dermatitis often worsen, and in the summer season it is difficult to protect yourself from the influence of the sun. Methyluracil ointment softens the skin and makes it look healthy. The main task is to enhance the regeneration of damaged tissues. By activating cellular metabolism, it promotes rapid healing. Many women use methyluracil instead of anti-aging cream. The active component also stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. But doctors do not recommend using the ointment on an ongoing basis. It is known that it does not carry the function of full rejuvenation.

Properties of methyluracil ointment

Its peculiarity is the rapid healing of wounds and cracks, which is indispensable in winter. Ointment is often used instead of protective cream. She:

  • has photoprotective properties, therefore preventing damage from solar influence;
  • softens redness after ultraviolet radiation;
  • protects from frost;
  • has a beneficial effect on chapped areas;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • quickly heals cracked lips.

The activity of the main substance does not cause damage to other parts of the body. The cream acts only locally and does not penetrate into tissues, so it does not enter the bloodstream or spread throughout the internal organs.

Due to the appearance of many medications on the pharmaceutical market, methyluracil silicon has deservedly lost its former popularity. But many fans are in no hurry to give up an effective means of protection. With high effectiveness, the price is low compared to other drugs, and the result is always positive.

How does Methyluracil work?

The active component of the drug, when in contact with the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, prevents the development of pathological processes, affects rapidly proliferating cells, favors cellular and humoral immune factors, protects tissues from damage by aggressive substances and radiation, helps fight leukopenia and neuropenia during chemotherapy.

When taken orally, Methyluracil accelerates the healing of erosive damage to the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates inflammatory pathologies, stimulates bone healing in fractures, and restores the normal blood formula. Local forms of the medication help heal non-healing wounds, accelerate recovery from infectious lesions, and prevent secondary infections from occurring during injuries and after surgical treatment.

What is methyluracil ointment used for?

It is recommended when on the body:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • wounds;
  • burns.

Due to its high effectiveness, it is used in the treatment of:

  • ulcers;
  • dermatitis;
  • erosions.

It also copes with many skin problems.

The cream is often used as a medicinal lip balm. Methyluracil quickly heals everything, relieves unpleasant sensations: itching, burning. It is indispensable when treating individual areas of the body.

  1. For heels. If the ointment is applied in a thick layer and wrapped with film, then the deepest and bloodiest cracks will quickly heal and tighten. If you smear your heels with methyluracil every day, they will always be smooth and soft.
  2. For cuts, scratches and abrasions. If the wound is severely inflamed or an abscess has formed on the skin, then use Levomekol, which is based on the same active substance. Only an additional component - an antibiotic - has an enhanced antimicrobial effect.

Ointments based on methyluracil are a protective agent for the whole family and even for pets.

When is Methyluracil indicated?

The product is approved for use from 3 years of age. Methyluracil tablets are prescribed:

  • with leukopenia that has developed due to X-ray irradiation, radiation therapy, or exposure to medications;
  • with radiation sickness;
  • in case of intoxication with benzene derivatives and other chemicals;
  • for long-term infections;
  • for indolent gastritis, pancreatitis, and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with anemia.

Suppositories Methyluracil are used in proctology and gynecology:

  • for proctitis, rectal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids;
  • with inflammatory and infectious processes of the vaginal mucosa, cervix;
  • with local dysbacteriosis: as a result of the use of antibiotics, systemic disorders;
  • after treatment of ectopia and cervical dysplasia.

Medicinal ointment is used to heal superficial wounds and cracks.

If necessary, Methyluracil can be used in the treatment of pregnant women and breastfeeding.

Other applications

The universal effect of the ointment allows you to treat gynecological diseases. Doctors often recommend the drug for healing ruptures and tightening of sutures.

1. It is practiced for hemorrhoidal cones. Means:

  • restores damaged areas;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • heals cracks.

The ointment is used twice a day. It is applied to the bumps and spread on the skin around them.

2. For the treatment of acne. The ointment has a wound-healing effect; it can be used to treat various rashes and suppurations. These are ordinary acne on the face. Quite often they appear in teenagers. The cream does not guarantee absolute health, but the overall condition of the skin can significantly improve. The only drawback is the fatty mixture. It is usually applied in the evening or when you do not plan to go outside. The ointment is used to treat problem areas for 3 weeks, and the bluish, thin spots disappear.

3. For the prevention of age-related defects and stretch marks. It works well both in pure form and in combination with body milk. Methyluracil helps restore defective tissues and cells. It is used on the face, neck, and hands to even out fine wrinkles. When applied, unpleasant sensations may occur because it is oily. After some time, its remains can be blotted with a napkin. Typically courses last 7 days with weekly breaks.

4. The cream does a great job with dry skin on the elbows. The medicine relieves itching, removes peeling, softens the dermis of the elbow area.

Methyluracil - the “forgotten” medicine

In this article I will talk about a unique medicine that is successfully used to treat many diseases. But at the same time, for some reason, many modern doctors “forgot” him.

This medicine is called Methyluracil .

Methyluracil was synthesized in the Soviet Union more than 70 years ago by a group of scientists led by prof. N.V. Lazareva.

This drug is unique! Methyluracil - improves immunity, accelerates healing processes, including in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and increases the body's defenses.

Here is an incomplete list of diseases for which methyluracil can help: hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, anemia, reduced immunity, fractures, radiation, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Methyluracil is available in different forms - in suppositories, tablets, and ointment.


Methyluracil - TABLETS Cost in Russia at the beginning of 2019 on average about 150 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • for the treatment of pancreatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • from anemia;
  • to improve immunity;
  • with a decrease in the number of leukocytes or platelets in the blood;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • from radiation sickness, after radiation exposure, including after radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology;
  • for recovery after severe infections;
  • for fractures - for faster healing of broken bones.

Methyluracil tablets can be used not only to treat adults, but also to treat children over 3 years of age.

The “fly in the ointment” is that it takes a long time to take methyluracil tablets, usually the course of treatment is 30–40 days, although this does not cause any problems - it is convenient to take the drug: you drink it during meals or immediately after meals.

Methyluracil tablets of 500 mg are taken in the following doses:

Adults - 1 tablet 4 times a day, during or after meals , children from 3 to 8 years old - half a tablet (that is, 250 mg) 3 times a day, children over 8 years old - half a tablet or 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Side effects: For many modern medications, the list of contraindications and possible side effects sometimes takes up an entire page. But when taking methyluracil, side effects are rare. Occasionally, an allergy to this drug occurs; it most often goes away quickly when it is discontinued. Sometimes you experience nausea or heartburn, dizziness or headache, usually when you start taking this drug. Moreover, for many, such headaches or dizziness go away on their own after 2-3 days of use. That is, you don’t even need to stop taking pills often.

Contraindications for use: Hypersensitivity to methyluracil or allergy to it; leukemia (leukemic forms, especially myeloid), lymphogranulomatosis, hemoblastosis, malignant diseases of the bone marrow; children's age - up to 3 years.

Methyluracil - CANDLES (rectal suppositories):

They are quite inexpensive in Russia, at the beginning of 2022 - about 30–50 rubles.

Methyluracil - CANDLES help:

  • in the treatment of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids;
  • for the treatment of proctitis, anal fissures, fissures in the rectum;
  • after surgery to remove hemorrhoids, suppositories with methyluracil can also be useful for faster healing. But in this case, suppositories can be used no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the operation (the timing should be clarified with the surgeon who operated on you).

For all these diseases, suppositories with Methyluracil are placed in the rectum: 1 suppository 2-3 times a day (maximum 4 times a day), and they help very quickly - many patients note improvement in the first 2-3 days.

The course of treatment averages from 5 to 14 days.

Although the course declared by the manufacturer is longer - up to 1 month, it is usually not necessary to use candles for longer than 2 weeks, since lasting improvement, as a rule, occurs faster.

The effectiveness is high - suppositories help more than 90% of patients! - except when they are used incorrectly! For example, they are inserted not into the rectum, but into the vagina (according to the advice of some sites).

Contraindications to suppositories: Allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 8 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding: No special studies have been conducted regarding the safety of using the drug Methyluracil in pregnant women and during breastfeeding. The drug is used during pregnancy and breastfeeding only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or child.

Side effects: Rarely - Allergic reactions.

Storage conditions: at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

INTRODUCTION of suppositories with METHYLURACIL into the VAGINA: questions and answers.

A lot of questions arise about the use of methyluracil in suppositories inserted into the vagina. On the one hand, manufacturers write that suppositories must be administered strictly into the rectum.

But some gynecologists prescribe these suppositories vaginally - inserted into the vagina. And the results often seem to be quite good.

We have nothing against such treatment. We are talking about only one thing - we found almost no bad reviews when administering methyluracil suppositories strictly “at the address” - that is, when inserting into the rectum.

But with vaginal administration, adverse reactions were much more common - although in this case there were still much more positive results than negative cases.

So it’s up to you to decide whether to use these candles for other purposes or not.

Ointments with Methyluracil help:

- in the treatment of trophic ulcers, - sluggish-healing wounds, - with photodermatitis and sometimes even with eczema. The ointment should be used strictly according to the instructions in the package.


The author of the article is Dr. Evdokimenko©. Published 04/02/2019. Attention! When copying or reprinting materials, be sure to indicate the source! All articles, news and book chapters are protected by copyright P.V. Evdokimenko©


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Not recommended:

  • with high sensitivity to the active substance;
  • children under 3 to 12 years old;

When pregnancy occurs, it is advised to strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the dosage regimen. Candles may cause:

  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • headache.

The lactation period is an extremely important period of time. The physiological development of the baby depends on this, and it is better to listen to the doctor’s advice, even in relation to such a safe drug as methyluracil.

Composition and release forms

The active ingredient of the drug has a long scientific name - dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. It stimulates the activity of the immune system, has the ability to accelerate the division of healthy epithelial cells, prevents the accumulation of exudative masses, and reduces inflammatory tissue reactions in various pathologies and injuries.

Methyluracil is available in several forms:

  • Ointment for external and local use: contains 10% active substance, petroleum jelly, lanolin and water. It is a yellow or yellowish-white oily viscous mass with a characteristic medicinal odor. Packaged in metal tubes or jars weighing 25–50 g.
  • Suppositories: torpedo-shaped suppositories of light yellow color with a waxy texture, with a dosage of the active substance of 500 mg, containing solid paraffin, petroleum jelly and other auxiliary components. Packaged in contour plates with cells, the cardboard packaging of the drug contains 10 suppositories.
  • Methyluracil tablets: with a dosage of 500 mg, flat-cylindrical, uncoated, white, bitter in taste. Packaged in 10 pieces in metallized blisters and cardboard packaging.

You can buy 10% Methyluracil ointment in pharmacies without a prescription, but to obtain the drug in tablets and suppositories you will need a doctor's prescription.

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