35 best remedies for acne on the face: effective ointments for teenagers and adults

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Methyluracil is a stimulator of immunity and tissue regeneration. It is produced in various dosage forms (tablets, ointments, suppositories) by a number of domestic enterprises: Biokhimik, Nizhpharm, Obnovlenye, Rosbio, Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Altaivitamins, Dalkhimfarm, Sintez, etc. Stimulates cell growth and reproduction, acting as a repair agent and accelerating the restoration of damaged tissues. Promotes rapid healing of wounds, erosive and ulcerative lesions, burns. Increases the body's resistance to invasion by bacterial and viral agents. Normalizes protein metabolism, activates cell regeneration in the area of ​​damage, accelerates tissue epithelization, strengthens cellular and humoral immunity. Shows anabolic activity. External forms have a photoprotective effect. A distinctive feature of the drug is its ability to stimulate hematopoiesis (to activate the processes of formation of white and red blood cells in the bone marrow). In addition to this, methyluracil exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the body's tolerance to blood loss and hypoxia, normalizes gastric secretion and the acid-base balance of gastric juice. The tablet form of methyluracil is prescribed for the treatment of mild forms of leukopenia (including those that developed as a result of chemotherapy for malignant tumors, radiotherapy or x-ray therapy), ulcerative necrotic lesions of the pharynx and tonsils, septic tonsillitis, anemia, decreased platelet counts, benzene poisoning, ulcerative erosive lesions of the gastric and duodenal mucosa, slowly healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, hepatitis, etc.

d. The external form (ointment) is used to treat slow-healing wounds, burns, the so-called. “sun allergy” (photodermatitis), trophic ulcers of the lower and upper extremities, bedsores. Local forms (suppositories) are used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon, ulcerative colitis. Methyluracil has a relatively small number of side effects: these are allergic reactions, and for internal forms - vertigo, headaches, heartburn. The drug is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the active component, leukemia, malignant processes in the bone marrow, excessive wound granulation (for external and local forms). Methyluracial in the form of an ointment combines well with external applications of disinfectants and antibacterial agents. Clinically significant interactions (increased or decreased effects of drugs when used together) have not been established for methyluracil. A number of sources (mainly from the Soviet period) indicated the possibility of using methyluracil tablets to stimulate anabolic processes during sports, but not a single study has been conducted that would confirm the effectiveness of the drug for sports purposes.

How to choose the right ointment for acne

When purchasing an effective remedy for acne on the face, you need to pay attention to:

  • Skin type – drying medications are used for oily skin types, and are completely unsuitable for dry skin types. Emollients are suitable for those who are sensitive.
  • Expiration date - if there is a month left until the end of the date, it is better not to take such an anti-acne ointment, it is already less effective. Buy the product at a pharmacy that can withstand humidity and the required temperatures. Expired ointment will lead to skin pathologies.
  • Certificate of quality - if you have doubts about the caring gel or cream you are purchasing, you can request a document.
  • It is better not to buy ointment manufacturers – it is better not to buy little-known products, but to give preference to those brought from Italy, Switzerland, and France.

Gels and ointments must combat the acne factor, otherwise some acne will disappear and new ones will appear.

List of effective acne remedies

Effective medications for rashes cope well with epidermal disorders, do not have negative effects when used correctly, have a small number of contraindications and are well accepted by the skin, without clogging pores or leading to allergies.

Below is a review of the best facial acne treatments for teenagers and adults .

Salicylic ointment

The composition of the medicine includes salicylic acid and petroleum jelly. The substances exhibit a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Suitable for treating purulent rashes and lightening the skin after acne. Salicylic ointment is used for no more than 21 days.

Restrictions on use: kidney pathologies. The product has an exfoliating effect and is often used for acne scars. The ointment causes a burning sensation, increases local blood flow, thereby regenerating skin cells.

Heparin ointment

The product contains heparin, benzocaine, and benzyl nicotinate. Healing ointment is indicated for the treatment of comedones and acne. Helps relieve inflammation and has an analgesic effect.

The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cannot be used by pregnant or lactating women.

Zinc ointment

The main substance is zinc oxide. Disinfects and perfectly dries purulent rashes, removes acne. Under its influence, traces of acne instantly resolve, and the ulcers themselves dry out, leaving no scars.

Contraindications for use: individual intolerance and allergic reaction to the ointment.


Indications for the use of Akriderm are skin pathologies, including comedones, blackheads, pimples, acne. Hormonal ointment, the main element is glucocorticosteroid betamethasone. This pharmaceutical acne remedy has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect.

Requires caution in use, as addiction is possible. It is forbidden to apply to large areas of skin and mucous membranes.

Akriderm - various ointments and creams - Genta, GK, SK. A one-component product is sufficient, but if:

  • a bacterial infection has joined - the choice of drug is gentamicin and betamethasone - Akriderm Genta;
  • a fungal infection occurred - Akriderm GK.

Tetracycline ointment

The antibacterial agent contains a powerful antibiotic - tetracycline. Intended for therapy:

  • extensive skin rash;
  • effective against purulent acne on the shoulders, eyebrows, head;
  • boil;
  • trophic ulcers.

Prescribed only if weaker antibiotic ointments do not produce results.

Contraindications: mycosis, children under 12 years of age.

Tetracycline ointment is inexpensive, only 15-20 rubles.

Ichthyol ointment

This is a powerful remedy for facial rashes. The element ichthyol included in the composition creates complex therapy. Black ointment instantly removes inflammation and pain that appears from internal acne. The medication is precisely distributed to the pathological area to accelerate maturation.

Directions for use: 1 time per day until the rash disappears completely. Ichthyol ointment is also used against boils.

The limitation is sensitivity to Vaseline.

Vishnevsky ointment

Birch tar and xeroform are natural components of the medicine. Substances exhibit:

  • antiseptic, absorbable seal action;
  • ointment accelerates the maturation of ulcers;
  • Castor oil softens the epidermis and promotes rapid healing.

The only contraindication: individual intolerance.


The antibacterial complex drug is suitable for the treatment of acne and folliculitis. The active substance is bacitracin, neomycin sulfate. An anti-inflammatory ointment with an antibiotic removes diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

The affected area is treated three times a day for 7 days.

Do not use for severely damaged skin.


Glucocorticosteroid relieves swelling, itching and inflammation. Indicated for non-bacterial skin rashes.

Instructions for use: 2 times a day (morning and evening). The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks, if necessary, you can take a 3rd week.

Restrictions on the use of the medicine are:

  • infection of the epidermis by viruses, bacteria;
  • younger age up to 2 years;
  • pregnancy period, lactation.


The main element is methyluracil, aimed at accelerating metabolism in skin tissues. The healing agent provides:

  • antiseptic, antibacterial effect;
  • relieves inflammation, swelling;
  • strengthens the immune system.

The medicine is prescribed for acne, boils, diaper rash, carbuncle, and is also effective in the presence of subcutaneous mites.

We previously wrote about methyluracil suppositories in more detail - we recommend that you read it.

Therapeutic ointment is not recommended for use by pregnant women, women during breastfeeding, or with allergies to lanolin, paraffin, or cancer.

This remedy for acne on the face can be bought at a pharmacy for 30-80 rubles. for the tuba.

Streptocide ointment

Antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of effects. It kills streptococcal type bacteria. Relieves inflammation, pain, increases the process of maturation of rashes.

Indications for use: wounds, cuts, erosions, ulcers, erysipelas.

For subcutaneous acne, streptocide is best used in tablet form, crushed and applied as a compress.


The cleansing product has an immediate effect. Chloramphenicol – the main component relieves inflammation. Intended for the treatment of ulcers, small spots, acne. The antibiotic kills microorganisms that cause acne.

We wrote more about this ointment in our article.

Contraindications for syntomycin ointment:

  • liver, kidney failure;
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • fungal skin pathologies;
  • acute porphyria.

The spot remedy is applied to the pathological area. The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days.

This is a relatively inexpensive remedy for acne - you can buy it at a pharmacy from 76 rubles.


An antifungal drug fights inflammation in various parts of the body, acne. Beneficially removes acne marks and age spots.

The only limitation to the use of the ointment is skin hypersensitivity to its constituent components.

The gel is used for a month.

It may be interesting: The most effective remedies for toenail fungus.


The active ingredient - methylprednisolone, prevents accelerated cell division, eliminates redness, itching, swelling, and rashes. It is an antiallergic agent.

Indications for use are as follows:

  • childhood eczema;
  • acne in teenagers;
  • seborrhea, exogenous pathologies.

Therapeutic course: 1 time per day for 1 month. in children. The duration of treatment in adult patients is no more than 3 months.


Oil and larch extract are the main substances that help cope with purulent rashes. Elon ointment effectively draws out pus and relieves inflammation.

The herbal product has almost no contraindications, except for personal intolerance to the constituent components.

The cost of the medicine is 300-600 rubles, it can also be ordered through the online store.


The active substance is fluocinolone acetonide. The effect of the ointment is as follows: it exhibits antipruritic, decongestant results. Suitable for the treatment of typical and atypical types of rashes. Available in the form of cream and gel.

Sinaflan cannot be used if you have:

  • bacterial infection (pyoderma);
  • papular acne with syphilis;
  • skin tuberculosis.


The dermatotropic agent has an anti-inflammatory, sebostatic effect. The substance Adapalene is used for acne and blocks the development of comedones.

The drug is effective:

  • softens dead skin areas, preventing their transformation into keratinized tissue;
  • protects the epidermis from the introduction of infectious pathogens.

The therapeutic effect occurs gradually, after about 2-3 months.


Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial express remedy. Indicated for pyoderma, mycoses, superficial dermatoses.


The best bacteriostatic drug, suitable for men and women. Helps cure cystic fibrosis, acne, boils.

A fast-acting antibiotic should be used up to 5 times a day.


A popular regenerating ointment with a softening effect. Prevents the appearance of scars and skin pits after acne, relieves pain, tightens wounds.

The balm has received a high rating on the Internet because it is an inexpensive and effective remedy.

Sulfuric ointment

Consists of precipitated sulfur, has an antimicrobial, drying effect. Helps well with:

  • rash;
  • subcutaneous acne;
  • inflammation during a cold;
  • skin parasites.

Use for about 3 weeks.


Baziron is a proven ointment for rashes, suitable for dry skin. The medicine produces:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • corrects sebum secretion;
  • pleasantly moisturizes the epidermis.

Effective against acne, juvenile acne, rashes.

Duration of use – 3 months.


Silver sulfanilamide is the active substance. Argosulfan is an antimicrobial bacteriostatic drug. Suitable for the treatment of purulent wounds, acne, bedsores.

The cream should be applied to the painful area until the wounds are completely healed, but no more than 2 months.


The active ingredient is diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide. The new product kills pathogenic organisms and fungi.

Contraindications: hyperthyroidism, thyroid tumors.

Stellanin is a combined natural ointment. Use: burns, peptic ulcers, bedsores.


Methyluracil, Lidocaine hydrochloride, ofloxacin - the medicine has 3 main substances. It has an antimicrobial, regenerating, analgesic effect, and helps speed up the healing process.

Prescribed for the following processes:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • abscess boils;
  • removes white rods located in a pimple wound;
  • fistulas

Oflomelid should not be used if you are under 18 years of age or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


The antifungal antibiotic exhibits a fungicidal effect. Used for stomatitis, candidiasis, diaper rash, mycoses.

Directions for use: apply as a compress at least 2 times a day for 14 days.

Fenistil gel

The 0.1 percent emulsion is suitable for the treatment of both teenage and adult acne, comedones, blackheads, blackheads on the back and face.

Therapeutic effect:

  • antipruritic;
  • soothing;
  • antiallergic;
  • anti-bradykinin.

Contraindications: prostatic hyperplasia, sensitivity to dimethindene.

Gentamicin ointment

Used in cosmetology and medicine, treats acne, fungal dermatitis, seborrhea. Does not affect fungi or viruses.

Negative manifestations: hematopoiesis disorder, malaise, weakness, headache.

Retinoic ointment

Skin care cosmetics are effective against acne, blackheads and prevent the appearance of wrinkles in women. The ointment increases blood circulation and renews skin cells. The effect of the drug is uncertain and can lead to irritation of the epidermis, redness, and burning.

Erythromycin ointment

Used in combination with other medications. The active component of erythromycin ED copes favorably with purulent rashes, wounds, burns, and conjunctivitis.

Therapeutic course – 1 month.


The product is intended to eliminate rashes and ulcers. For teenagers - an excellent salvation, removes painful acne on the face and forehead.

Chloramphenicol, methyluracil – active ingredient:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • dries out the skin.

Treatment should be carried out for no more than 1 month.


The antibiotic removes erysipelas, pyoderma, felon, furunculosis, and purulent rash. Active ingredient: zinc oxide, lincomycin hydrochloride. Not used for renal or liver failure.


The cosmetic product eliminates allergic rashes, relieves inflammation, relieves symptoms of the disease, regenerates the skin, and blocks the production of histamines.


Methylprednisolone aceponate is the active substance. The ointment treats:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • inflammatory skin pathologies;
  • Suitable for acne spots.

Features of use: do not exceed therapy for children for more than 28 days, for adults - 3 months.


Antiseptic cream reduces swelling and inflammation, soothes the skin, dries out ulcers, has a resolving effect, prevents the formation of irritations after shaving, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

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