How to get rid of post-acne: remove scars and red spots with products or see a cosmetologist, effective treatment of scars on the face

What it is

This term suggests a symptom complex of secondary rashes. They appear after various forms of skin inflammation, pimples, and acne. Considering that its debut usually occurs in adolescence, the remaining traces pose a serious problem for youth and affect the psychological state of young people. If acne develops at an older age, the patient may also experience post-acne; treatment in this case is complicated by the general condition of the skin.

The consequences come in the following forms:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • pathological scars;
  • atheromas;
  • milia (whiteheads).

Treatment and subsequent recovery of patients requires an integrated approach.

Indications for use

The use of zinc paste is justified when the following disorders occur:

  • intertrigo;
  • "diaper" rash;
  • prickly heat;
  • ulcerative skin changes;
  • dermatitis;
  • superficial wounds;
  • herpes simplex;
  • exacerbation of eczema ;
  • streptoderma;
  • burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores.

Reasons for appearance

Human skin has a complex structure; in addition to the cells themselves, it contains hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. If the functioning of the latter is disrupted, their ducts narrow, making it difficult for secretions to reach the surface. It accumulates inside the gland, creating ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and the formation of inflammation.

Over time, swelling occurs in the area of ​​the pimple, and collagen begins to be actively produced in this area. This means that denser tissue is formed, so patients’ requests often sound like this: “How to remove post-acne scars on the face?” The capillary network also grows and the work of pigment cells is stimulated. Darker stains are formed that are more durable.

Also factors that provoke the negative consequences of acne are:

  • long-term fight against inflammation;
  • unprofessional acne removal;
  • the presence of nodules or cysts on the skin.

Persistent acne

Post-acne may be a consequence of this phenomenon, which cannot be dealt with for a long time. As a rule, to solve this problem it is recommended to do a hormone test.

The fact is that the receptors of the sebaceous glands, which are directly involved in the process of acne formation, are sensitive to male hormones, androgens (they are produced in the body of both women and men). An increase in their production also leads to a decrease in the content of linoleic acid in sebaceous secretions, and subsequently to the reliability of the skin’s protective barrier.

Such situations, and therefore prolonged inflammation on the surface of the epidermis, can be provoked by the following factors:

  • puberty;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • obesity;
  • menopause;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

Mechanical damage to the skin

In order not to solve the problem of how to quickly get rid of post-acne scars forever and remove neoplasms, during the period of exacerbation of acne, it is recommended to avoid rough influence. Squeezing pimples, as well as mechanical damage (often resulting from careless care), leads to the formation of scars and age spots in this area. This is especially dangerous for people with dark skin, and also if the patient’s age exceeds 35 years. The peculiarities of the functioning of the endocrine glands during this period often lead to the formation of scars after acne and acne.

Mechanical injury to the face can also result from inaccurately performed cleaning or deep peeling. These procedures are not recommended during an exacerbation period.

Effect of the drug

The main active component has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect. Zinc oxide, when applied topically to the skin, can destroy a wide range of different bacteria, as it negatively affects the proteins of their cells. Ultimately, this causes the death of microbes. Of course, the drug is not an antibiotic; if the infection process is active, it will be powerless, but it is able to disinfect the surface of the skin.


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Other beneficial properties of zinc oxide are based on the following:

  1. Astringent and healing effect
    . The mineral destroys the structure of proteins and amino acids, and a thin film appears on the surface.

    The skin and mucous membranes under the film are protected and heal faster.

  2. Anti-inflammatory effect
    . Due to a decrease in skin infection and drying, inflammatory processes subside. The deeper layers are not involved in inflammation.
  3. Adsorbent action
    . This is especially true for zinc paste. Due to the presence of a large number of powdery substances, the latter absorb harmful elements and decay products of microbes.

Additional components of ointments and pastes are needed not only to give the desired dosage form. They soften the effect of the medicine, preventing excessive drying of the skin and mucous membranes.


Areas of localization and how to remove post-acne spots

The place where scars appear can be not only the face, but also other areas of the body:

  • neckline;
  • back;
  • neck.

Be that as it may, in most cases the marks are on open areas of the body, which worsens the psychological state of the patients. Improper treatment can lead to the skin retaining an uneven texture, and the places where there were inflamed acne will be clearly visible. That is why it is important for the doctor to give comprehensive recommendations on how to quickly cure and remove post-acne on the face, how to get rid of spots on other parts of the body, so that the patient’s quality of life does not decrease and the emotional background is normalized.

Contraindications and side effects

The main and strict contraindication is an allergy to zinc, starch, additional components of the drug, hypersensitivity to the ingredients. Also among the prohibitions are acute purulent processes on the skin and mucous membranes. Ointment can be applied to these areas only after surgical treatment and with the approval of a doctor.

Pregnancy is not a prohibition for treatment with zinc; this drug is harmless for expectant mothers and the child.

The active components of medications do not pass into breast milk, so zinc products can also be used during lactation. But it is preferable to buy a paste to ensure that systemic absorption is excluded.

Occasionally, patients experience local side effects during therapy. In most cases, there is an allergic reaction to zinc and other substances that was not previously identified. Symptoms may include:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • rash, small spots;
  • skin hyperthermia;
  • redness;
  • excessive dryness.

In this case, you should immediately refuse treatment. If there is no improvement, you should visit a doctor.


The consequences of acne are of several types:

  • scars - at the site of the pimple, an area of ​​dense tissue is formed, which is noticeably different from the surrounding skin and is characterized by a high content of collagen fibers;
  • pigment spots - they form at the site of acne rashes and are noticeably different from the general tone;
  • congestive erythema - a complication that occurs as a result of inflammation of small vessels, as well as subcutaneous fatty tissue and is accompanied by redness and thickening at the site of the former pimple;
  • whiteheads, enlarged pores, etc.

To understand how to get rid of post-acne on the face and what removes it well, you need to establish which of the main types your problem belongs to. Only after this can you create an effective comprehensive treatment program.

We recommend

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G

Curacen – for injection

Enlarged pores

The fact is that these are opening ducts of the sebaceous glands and the problem is directly related to acne. They expand due to hormonal imbalances, increased oily skin, poor diet, use of inappropriate cosmetics and other reasons. An additional factor that has recently been identified is the impact of free radicals, their content is increased in the atmosphere of large cities. In search of a way to exactly how and whether it is possible to cure post-acne on the face, you need to find out why the pores are enlarged.

Should we fight this problem? Certainly. They look unaesthetic, worsen the dermal relief, and in addition, they are an entry point for infections and are clogged with the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The processes of skin respiration and metabolism are disrupted.

To avoid enlarged pores and acne formation, you can undergo professional cleaning on time. This procedure stimulates their narrowing and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With its help, you will stop thinking about how to get rid of post-acne spots and remove redness on your face with the help of a cosmetologist.

Stagnant traces

They are also called erythema. They arise as a result of capillary expansion. As a result, red areas form on the skin. In some cases, such phenomena go away on their own, especially if they arise as a response to mechanical stress, due to a reaction to intense sun or similar factors.

But most often, it is better to consult a specialist with such a problem, since usually the consequences of this kind are persistent and cannot be removed with home remedies.

Hyperpigmentation (brown spots)

Increased skin pigmentation usually occurs as a result of inflammation of papulopustular elements. Papules are inflamed small nodules with a diameter of 2-4 mm. Pustules are nodules with a cavity filled with pus formed inside them. A light-colored crust may form on their surface.

The formation of hyperpigmentation is usually promoted by active solar and mechanical exposure, for example, when trying to squeeze out pimples.


The problem of how to effectively get rid of post-acne, how to cure the consequences of inflammation, is especially aggravated if the skin lesion takes the form of whiteheads (milia).

As a rule, they are localized in the following areas of the face:

  • forehead;
  • nose;
  • cheeks;
  • chin;
  • around eyes.

Most often, milia appear during periods of hormonal changes, including adolescence, as well as during pregnancy. The second factor influencing the formation of whiteheads is increased fat content.

Ways to effectively remove post-acne scars, how to get rid of them in these situations, should include changing your diet, a competent approach to skin care, as well as monitoring hormonal levels and its timely correction.


They can form where pimples once were. Studies have been conducted in which it was found that about 1% of people who have suffered from acne suffer from them. However, approximately one-seventh of scars are disfiguring in nature, which means they lead to serious psychological problems. This condition requires an individual approach and careful study of the quality of the skin around the scar. Also, the nature of treatment depends on the stage of maturity.

Zinc paste

Zinc paste is an external medicinal product for use in dermatological practice. Refers to dermatoprotectors. It has an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfecting and drying effect. Acts as an adsorbent. The microelement zinc and its various compounds (including zinc oxide, the active ingredient in zinc paste) have a centuries-old history of use in medicine. Of particular interest is its use in medicines for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Zinc paste has found widespread use in pediatric practice, in particular to prevent the so-called. diaper dermatitis: the drug creates a protective barrier for urine and other biological fluids and irritating substances, relieves irritation and softens the skin. Prevents the release of hematogenous and histogenic fluid of inflammatory origin into the tissues and cavities of the body. Reduces the separation of serous exudate through epidermal defects during inflammation. Eliminates external inflammatory manifestations and relieves irritation. The active component of the drug, zinc oxide, in combination with the formative substance Vaseline, creates a physiological protective barrier on the surface of the skin, protecting the affected areas and preventing the appearance of skin rashes. Zinc paste is also effective as first aid for minor traumatic injuries to the skin (burns on small areas of the skin, scratches, abrasions, cuts, burns from excessive exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation). A contraindication to the use of zinc paste is individual intolerance to the active component of the drug or auxiliary ingredients.

Individual intolerance is manifested by allergic reactions (itching, redness, skin rashes). For external use only. For diaper dermatitis, the drug is used as follows. First of all, wash and dry the area where the zinc paste is to be applied. Then apply it to the skin with each diaper change (at least three times a day). The fastest therapeutic effect can be achieved with timely initiation of treatment (already at the first signs of hyperemia, oozing, exudation). For abrasions, scratches and ultraviolet burns, the paste is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer (you can use it under a bandage). Important condition: the surface for applying the paste must not be infected. Cases of overdose of zinc paste, as well as the possibility of its interaction with other drugs, have not been reported in the medical literature. Particular care should be taken to avoid contact of the paste with the eyes. If there is no therapeutic response (disappearance or reduction of the rash) after 2-3 days of using zinc paste, you should seek medical advice from your doctor. The paste is packaged in primary packaging - aluminum tubes or jars (to protect the active component from exposure to sunlight, orange glass jars are used for packaging). Another area of ​​application for zinc paste is the elimination of common warts. Studies have shown that zinc paste is more effective in treating warts than salicylic ointment: after three months of use, complete cure was observed in 50% of patients in the zinc paste group, and in 42% of patients in the salicylic acid group.

Methods of disposal

Advising on what works well to remove acne marks on the face, experts draw attention to the need for an integrated approach:

  • diagnosis by a doctor, drawing up recommendations taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin;
  • consultation with a cosmetologist who will recommend hardware and injection methods;
  • regular use of home care products.

What can you do at home?

To get rid of stains, it is best to take the advice of experts who recommend home care products designed to resolve scars, such as Contractubex. The enzymes contained in these medications are designed to break down the dense collagen fibers that form scar tissue.

But home peels and self-exfoliation are unlikely to give the expected effect. They act at the level of the epidermis, and acne is a deep-seated change in the skin that affects the dermis. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor for professional treatment of post-acne and prescribe the necessary products, which should be designed for deep care.

What treatment methods are used in cosmetology?

How to quickly remove acne, spots, scars and cysts? Patients often come to a cosmetologist with such a request. Experts most often recommend the following treatment options:

  • Phototherapy. Exposing the affected areas to light of a certain length improves the condition of the skin. As a result, inflammation decreases and erythema disappears.
  • Microdermabrasion. This is a delicate procedure, during which the cosmetologist removes the top layer of the epidermis and carefully polishes its surface. It is effective if home cosmetics do not allow you to choose a product that can remove post-acne.
  • Laser resurfacing. It is not mechanical and is necessary to improve the relief due to the action of the light beam. The laser allows you to fine-tune the depth of exposure, but it is important to remember that for about 10 days after it, crusts and redness will remain on the face.

Consumer Reviews

I always carry this miracle product with me in my cosmetic bag. The drug is quite versatile, it can be used not only to treat acne, but also abrasions and burns. As soon as I get a pimple, I eliminate it with zinc paste. As a rule, after a few hours the inflamed red area is not as pronounced. By the way, I also treat colds on the lips with the help of it; this problem, unfortunately, bothers me often.

Ekaterina, 28 years old

I have been using zinc ointment and paste for many years now, they always help me without fail. The product has many advantages and this is a fact, but there are also disadvantages that are significant for me. During treatment, you should not use decorative cosmetics, and the composition of the drug dries out the skin greatly. I work in an office and want to look presentable, but without makeup I look like a schoolgirl.

Evgeniya, 26 years old

For a long time I suffered from constant rashes, nothing helped me, not even regular cleanings from a cosmetologist. One day, a pharmacist suggested that I pay attention not to expensive “pacifiers”, but to zinc ointment. A rather large container with contents cost about 30 rubles. I didn’t really believe in its power, but I decided to try it.

I carefully studied the instructions for use, gave up decorative cosmetics completely (oh, that was hard for me), but after two weeks of regular use, the first positive changes appeared.
Now, answering the question whether zinc paste helps with acne, I confidently say YES. For minor rashes, I always apply the paste pointwise, and soon the inflamed areas disappear. Christina, 18 years old

How to quickly lighten or conceal

This is only possible if you use an effective integrated approach. That is, here it is necessary to combine competent home care and post-acne treatment from a cosmetologist, and you also need to take the necessary preventive measures.

Cosmetic and therapeutic products provide noticeable positive results, including:

  • retinol;
  • soft acids;
  • keratolytics;
  • natural ingredients, including badyagu and arnica.

However, they must be used with caution. Skin with acne scars is sensitive and needs delicate and competent care; active components of cosmetics can only aggravate the situation. In particular, it is important to remember that retinol is UV sensitive and should not be used if you plan to go out in the sun. That is why it is not recommended to get rid of this problem on your own, but should be done under the supervision and control of a doctor.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Local anti-inflammatory agent , has adsorbent, astringent, antiseptic and drying effects. When used in children, it helps prevent the development of diaper rash, protects against the action of urine and other irritating substances, and softens irritated skin. Reduces exudation, relieves local manifestations of inflammation and irritation. The protective effect of the drug is determined by the presence of zinc oxide, which, in combination with Vaseline , creates a mechanical barrier and forms a coating that protects the affected area from irritating agents and prevents the appearance of a rash.

Can spots go away on their own?

How to quickly remove acne marks, and can they disappear without any help? This question is asked by many patients who are encountering this problem for the first time. It is important to remember that scarring and pigment formations on the skin cannot be ignored; it is imperative to undergo treatment. They do not go away on their own, and without the necessary therapy the situation can only get worse. Therefore, we recommend that you come for a consultation with a dermatologist and, if necessary, undergo an examination.

We recommend

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 30G

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 33G

Curacen – for injection

Analogues and other information

How many analogues of the product are there in pharmacies? There are not so many of them, some have a higher price compared to Zinc ointment and paste.

A drugComposition (main components)Price, rubles
DesitinZinc oxide260
TsindolZinc oxide160
ZinkundanZinc undecylenate, salicylanilide450
Salicylic-zinc pasteZinc oxide, salicylic acid85
DiadermZinc, essential and base oils170

Overdose of this drug is impossible; no cases have been reported. , dark pigment spots may appear on the skin.

, which should be taken into account when treating various chronic pathologies of the face and body.

You should not overuse ointment to treat acne on the face - it can cause severe drying of the skin.

Sometimes it can be difficult to wash off Zinc ointment or paste from the skin of the face; in this case, it is recommended to use tar soap. On the contrary, patients with dry skin should use only special nourishing washes, milk, tonics, and after the procedure apply a moisturizer to the face.

How to cure with the drug Curasen

When looking for an option on how to effectively remove post-acne on the face, placental therapy comes first. In particular, dermatologists recommend using the drug CURACEN. Due to the fact that it is made on the basis of human placenta hydrolyzate, it has the following effects:

  • deep hydration and nutrition of the skin from the inside, prevention of inflammatory processes;
  • increasing elasticity and firmness;
  • compaction and alignment, creation of an internal cellular framework;
  • smoothing out fine, moderate and deep wrinkles;
  • elimination of hyperpigmentation, as well as reducing the severity of dark circles in the lower eyelid area;
  • tightening in conditions of gravitational ptosis of soft tissues;
  • stimulation of the body’s own synthesis of new cells, as well as acceleration of metabolism;
  • assistance in restoring the dermis after aggressive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery.

How to prevent acne

To remove acne and red post-acne, remove traces, treatments in cosmetology and therapy turn out to be very effective. However, in many cases it is easier to prevent the formation of acne and subsequent complications:

  • balance your diet, exclude fatty foods, limit your consumption of sugar, tonic drinks, and canned foods;
  • use cosmetics suitable for your skin type;
  • do not overuse makeup;
  • do not squeeze pimples;
  • consult a dermatologist.
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