Badyaga for the face - a remedy for acne, post-acne and pigmentation

Healing properties and recipes for using badyagi

What is badyaga?

So, what is badyaga ? The freshwater sponge is a representative of the animal world. Belongs to the silicon sponges; they live in colonies at shallow depths in fresh water bodies. They occupy space on underwater objects and rocks with the ability to grow in diameter or length. Life expectancy becomes about 2 years. The structure of the sponges is porous, they are easily ground into a yellow-gray or greenish powder, and have a specific pungent odor. Badyaga is harvested in the summer, since the colonies die off in the fall, but thanks to the remaining buds, new representatives appear in the spring. After the sponges are collected, they are rinsed under running water to undergo the procedure of cleansing from dirt, including third-party objects. Then the badyaga is dried in a thin layer in the open sun.

Help from professionals

A person who uses bodyagu needs the help of a professional narcologist.
It is very difficult to quit using this drug on your own. Treatment for this type of drug addiction should take place in a special drug treatment clinic. Drug addicts who want to return to a healthy, normal life can receive help from professional drug addiction specialists in our drug treatment center. We employ competent, experienced, attentive doctors who know how to treat different types of addiction. We help patients who are addicted to any narcotic or psychostimulant drugs.

The initial stage of treatment is to cleanse the drug addict’s body of drug residues. This is followed by the stages of therapy and rehabilitation. Our doctors use the latest therapeutic techniques in their work. We also employ experienced psychiatrists and psychotherapists who help our clients solve their psychological problems associated with drug use.

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The main active components of freshwater sponge

The unique properties of badyagi are manifested thanks to the components included in the composition:

  • a huge amount of silica, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, cleanses of dead cells, and takes an effective part in the regeneration of the integumentary epithelium. It also helps in the production of collagen, it is thanks to it that the skin becomes elastic and more youthful;

• sponginin, prevents inflammatory processes and prevents acne;

• calcium salts, organic substances, etc.

The benefits of badyag for human health

Badyaga is used in medicine and cosmetology, and is widely used as a healing agent. Sponge abilities:

• masks, scrubs and gels from badyagi have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes of the skin. The skin becomes even and smooth thanks to the exfoliating effect. Eliminate dark spots after acne;

• blood vessels dilate, blood circulation increases, which has a great effect on wound healing and the disappearance of scars, bright spots from acne and pimples;

• masks against pigment spots are effective in making freckles disappear or make them less noticeable. Cleanse the skin, open pores, increase metabolic processes;

• restores and saturates the skin with oxygen;

• treats bruises and hematomas;

• has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects thanks to sponginin;

• ointment based on badyagi treats neuralgia, arthritis and polyarthritis. It also works great for burns and rheumatism.

What is badyaga in the jargon of drug addicts?

The word "bodyaga" has a large number of different meanings.
In the encyclopedic dictionary it is deciphered as gimmick, chatter, empty jokes. In medicine, it is called a drug of animal origin that has a local analgesic, anti-inflammatory and irritant effect. In thieves' jargon, the meaning of bodyagi is “thief.” People suffering from drug addiction use the word bodyaga in a different meaning. What does it mean in their language? This word can be used in two meanings. Sometimes this is the name for any low-quality drugs prepared in an artisanal way and containing a large amount of impurities. But much more often the word bodyaga means ephedron, a home-made psychostimulant that is obtained from ephedrine. Ephedrone is a fast-acting stimulant that produces a feeling of euphoria. This condition is accompanied by psychosensory changes. After taking bodyagi, a drug addict’s mood improves and a feeling of lightness and carefree arises.

Drug addiction treatment

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Ephedron has a powerful psychostimulating effect. This drug is very toxic; when used regularly, it quickly destroys the human psyche and has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system. The use of bodyagi is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dilated pupils, poorly responsive to light;
  • rapid eye movements in different directions (nystagmus);
  • hallucinations;
  • lack of criticism of one’s condition;
  • pale skin;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, tachycardia.

Ephedrine addicts are often depressed, rude, and constantly depressed. Their behavior changes and emotional swings occur. After taking bodyagi, a feeling of dryness occurs in the mouth, sleep and appetite disappear. This condition can last up to eight hours.

Recipes for using badyaga

First of all, it is worth mentioning that when using the badyagi you need to use rubber gloves, because it can cause burns on the skin. Basic recipes for treatment with badyaga:

• Deformities of the joints of the big toes. Treatment of a bunion on the big toe is carried out with an ointment made from badyagi powder, machine oil, mustard (one teaspoon each). Next, 2 tablespoons of turpentine are added to this mixture. Everything is mixed well. Before use, the feet are steamed and the ointment is applied to the bones, then the feet should be wrapped. The duration of treatment is 7 times, the mixture is applied every other day. Treatment continues after a six-month break.

• Reducing excessive skin greasiness. Badyagi powder or gel with badyagi is diluted with boiled or mineral water, the consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Apply to face for half an hour. It perfectly cleanses pores, reduces the amount of sebum secreted and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In cases of extremely sensitive skin, it is recommended to use vegetable oil instead of water.

• Face mask with whitening effect. If you need to make your skin lighter or get rid of age spots or freckles, make a mask from sponge powder, white or black clay. To do this, all components are mixed in equal proportions with the addition of a small amount of water or hydrogen peroxide. The mixture should be very thick and not run off your face. Apply to problem areas, leave for up to 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

• Mask for bruises and stretch marks. Badyaga helps get rid of stretch marks and microcracks. To do this, the sponge powder is diluted with 3% hydrogen peroxide. The consistency of the resulting mass should be thick. Apply with a cotton pad for up to 20 minutes. If a piercing sensation appears, wash off the mask before the specified time or lightly moisten it with hydrogen peroxide. This mask is also used for bruises. In the case where the bruise is under the eye, the sponge powder is mixed with water. The mask is applied to the bruised areas until completely dry, applied daily until the blueness or swelling completely disappears.

• Cleansing face mask. To completely cleanse your facial skin, mix dry yeast, badyagi powder and cream in equal quantities (fat content depending on skin type: the drier the skin, the fattier the cream). The resulting mass is applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes.

• Badyaga for acne. To get rid of acne, you need to mix badyagi powder with a 2% solution of boric acid. Keep it on your face until a burning sensation appears.

• Wrinkle remover. To obtain a mask against wrinkles, you need to mix one teaspoon of gel with a teaspoon of honey and apply to cleansed skin for 15 minutes, then rinse. Under no circumstances should it be used under the eyes.

• Badyaga has a medicinal effect and is used for joint pain. To treat joints, bodyaga powder is mixed with sunflower oil. It is applied to damaged joints, then they are insulated, and done at night.

We recommend using our gel with badaga; you can buy and read about the product at

How to use badyagu

To avoid complications when using bodyaga products, read some useful recommendations and reminders:

How to use the powder? It is wise to apply the mask in a thin layer. Do not rub the mixture vigorously into the skin, otherwise the burning sensation will be unbearable. When rubbed in, abrasive particles of powder create microtraumas that give a “blush.” By the way, badyagu used to be used instead of blush.

How to use on the face? Apply strictly along massage lines, leaving areas around the eyes and lips. It is advisable to use the diluted product immediately; storing it for several days is not recommended.

How often can you apply powder masks? You need to focus on your feelings. If the procedure does not cause discomfort, only a tolerable slight tingling sensation is felt - 2-3 times a week. If the burning sensation does not go away for a couple of days, do it once a weekend or stop experimenting altogether.

How long should I keep it on my face? The first time, no more than 5–10 minutes, then 15–20 minutes, trying not to exceed the recommended time. It is convenient to do the procedures before bedtime.

How many times a day can you use the gel? No more than 3 times when treating pimples and acne. To eliminate post-acne 1-2 times a day. For cosmetic procedures 1 time every 2-3 days.

Can it be used under the eyes or on the lips? Not recommended. The drugs should not be applied to areas with delicate skin or mucous membranes to avoid unpleasant sensations if they come into contact with the mouth or eyes.

What should I put on my face after? 15–20 minutes after washing off the mask, when the skin has calmed down, you can apply the cream that you use daily. If the face is very red, apply baby powder. If you need to relieve discomfort, apply kefir.

Contraindications should be taken into account by everyone concerned. The instructions attached to pharmaceutical drugs must be strictly followed. Do not use products that have expired.

Applications, contraindications. Peculiarities

It is best to use the sponge from November to April. Before use, check for any allergic reaction. After use, when going outside, you should apply sunscreen to your face. Please note that after using badyagi there may be side effects in the form of redness, burning or tingling. If symptoms persist for more than a day, you should consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should procedures be performed on damaged skin (with cuts, injuries, etc.).

Do not use in case of pronounced vascular network on the face, skin diseases and problem skin, various irritations and inflammations. Should not be used for nervous disorders or autoimmune diseases.

With badyaga it is much easier to be healthy and beautiful!

Side effects

Unpleasant allergic reactions are possible. If, when using badyagi, the skin slightly burns and tingles, this is a normal reaction. If your face is very red and the unnatural blush persists for several hours, it is better to change the drug. If after a mask the burn lasts for a long time, the face remains red for several days, inflammation or a rash begins - this is an alarm bell.

What to do if the unpleasant sensations do not go away for a long time and intensify? Go for a consultation with a dermatologist. If there are signs of an allergy, you need to select a different composition or completely abandon drugs with bodyaga.

If there are no contraindications, badyagu is beneficial to use for treatment and cosmetic procedures. It is inexpensive, but gives an amazing effect. Try it and see for yourself.

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