Proviron in bodybuilding (on course)

If you are involved in bodybuilding or find yourself in other sports disciplines, then in addition to training, you will most likely use a number of medications that promote accelerated results or gain muscle mass.
Proviron may be among them. Before you start using it, we suggest studying its effect on the body, as well as the correct dosage regimen and combination with other medications. Proviron (Mesterolone), active ingredient – ​​mesterolone. Chemical name: 17b-hydroxy-1a-methyl-5a-androstan-3-one1-methyl-5a-dihydrotestosterone. A hormonal drug that has moderate androgenic activity and significantly enhances erectile function. It appeared in 1934 and, despite its long life, remains a unique anabolic.

Description of the drug[edit | edit code]

Proviron from SCHERING Provimed from Balkan (Moldova) Proviger from Gerth Pharmaceuticals (50 tablets of 50 mg each)

(active ingredient -
) is a hormonal drug that has moderate androgenic activity[1] and significantly enhances erectile function. Proviron is often used in bodybuilding during a cycle of anabolic steroids to solve various problems.

Among the well-known manufacturers of mesterolone are various branches of the company Schering ( Proviron in the form of tablets of 25 mg

), the Moldovan company Balkan Pharmaceuticals (
Provimed, 50 mg tablets
), Gerth Pharmaceuticals (Proviger, 50 mg tablets) and some others.

It is a weak aromatase inhibitor, i.e. it slightly interferes with the conversion of steroids to estrogens in the body.[2][3][4] According to numerous reports from athletes, in practice, Proviron does not prevent gynecomastia, water retention, female pattern fat deposition and other estrogen side effects.

It has virtually no effect on the body’s production of its own testosterone (in large doses it can suppress), but it helps to increase the concentration of free testosterone in the blood by blocking the activity of sex hormone-binding globulin. These properties make Proviron an attractive option during a cycle.

It is often used as part of post-cycle therapy, although its expediency is questionable, since it does not have the ability to restore the secretion of endogenous testosterone.[5]

Legal status[edit | edit code]

Mesterolone, its salts, isomers, esters, all dosage forms and trade names are included in the list of potent substances on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 964. Criminal liability entails: illegal production, processing, acquisition, storage, transportation or forwarding for the purpose of sales, as well as illegal sale, or equipment for its production or processing.

Large size

Mesterolone is 2.5 g or more.[6]

How to take Proviron during the course[edit | edit code]

The usual daily dosage for men is 50 mg per day, divided into two equal doses, preferably after meals. A dosage of up to 100 mg of Proviron per day is considered acceptable. Higher doses of Proviron may result in effects opposite to those expected. For prolonged erections, which are often quite painful and uncomfortable, the dosage of the drug should be reduced or discontinued altogether.

Considering that the drug increases libido and improves potency in men, its use is justified during a course of drugs that lower libido (for example, Deca-Dic when using nandrolone or Tren-Dic from trenbolone).

In addition, Proviron in bodybuilding is often used in pre-competition preparation to increase muscle hardness and give it definition. It is a favorite drug of Western film actors to give a muscular appearance to those who are afraid to use heavier steroid “artillery”. It is also used by female bodybuilders to add density to the muscles, but their dosages should not exceed 25 mg per day for no more than four weeks to avoid the phenomenon of masculinization. Although professional female bodybuilders do not adhere to these standards.

Medical use[edit | edit code]

“Improves the quality and increases the number of sperm. It compensates for the lack of production of male sex hormones (androgens), having a stimulating effect on the development of male genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics, improves libido and potency, exhibits anabolic properties, and stimulates erythropoiesis.” Mode of application:

Orally, without chewing, 25 mg 1–3 times a day.[7]

According to some studies, Proviron has performed well as an antidepressant. For the experiment, we took masterolone and amitriptyline. Both drugs showed good results in improving mood. However, Masterolon turned out to be less toxic to the human body, with fewer side effects. [8]

Features and properties of Proviron

  • activity: 8-12 hours (residual effect up to 24 hours);
  • androgenic steroid;
  • androgen index: 30-40%;
  • anabolic index: 100-150%;
  • does not retain water;
  • low hepatoxicity;
  • does not aromatize;
  • A derivative of DHT but not convertible to DHT.

The drug has lower toxicity to the liver, which in turn makes it possible to take Proviron in combination with other tableted anabolic steroids during the steroid cycle.

Its action is aimed at blocking the transformation of testosterone into estrogens, but its effectiveness in this matter is very low. Therefore, it is not equivalent in effect to aromatase inhibitors (it will not cope with aromatization during the course). However, Proviron may actually decrease the sensitivity of estrogen receptors, which further increases its effectiveness by weakening circulating estrogens in the blood.

A more significant effect is the suppression of sex hormone binding globulin. This increases the effectiveness of the course by increasing the amount of free testosterone in the blood. This occurs in conditions where testosterone in the human body is 80-98% inactive due to globulin and albumin, which bind to the sex hormone and prevent the release of testosterone. And the participation of proviron in this ballet leads to the fact that dihydrotestosterone, having a higher affinity to these proteins than testosterone, joins globulin and albumin, which in turn releases a large amount of free testosterone and this leads to better anabolic activity. Reducing SHBG helps increase results from the course.

Proviron is added to the course when the effectiveness of the latter decreases. This can also happen in the first week of the course. This decrease in steroid effect may be due to an increase in globulin function. If this is indeed the reason, you will feel the effect of the drug within a week.

It is worth noting that Proviron slightly, but suppresses the hypothalamic-testicular axis. According to studies conducted at St. George's Medical School in London found that out of 250 subjects, approximately one in three patients had low LH, FSH and low testosterone levels after taking Proviron. In this case, it should be assumed that the use of Proviron as an additional drug during post-course therapy may have a negative effect in every third person. Are you ready to be that third? I'm sure they're not ready!

Side effects[edit | edit code]

It is not toxic to the liver in moderate dosages, which makes it safe to take during a course of several weeks. Does not suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.[9] Given the chemical nature and similarity to dihydrotestosterone, side effects such as prostate hypertrophy and male pattern baldness are possible.

For the purpose of prevention, periodic examinations of the prostate gland are recommended. Caution for use After taking the hormonal substances that make up the drug Proviron, the formation of benign, and even more rarely, malignant liver tumors was very rarely observed. In some cases, intra-abdominal bleeding caused by such tumors was life-threatening. If a man using Proviron has severe pain in the upper abdomen, an enlarged liver, or signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, the possibility of a liver tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis

Weakening the effect of AC[edit | edit code]

Many authors, for example, A. Vasilenko and others, point to the use of proviron and anabolic steroids (AS) of the same receptors, which supposedly reduces the effect of the latter. This information first appeared in Dan Duchaine's Underground Steroid Handbook II. However, basic knowledge of pharmacokinetics allows us to refute this. Firstly, this anti-estrogen is quickly destroyed in the muscles to inactive metabolites. Secondly, due to its high affinity for binding proteins (SHBG), the drug can increase the concentration of free AS, which increases the effectiveness of the course.

Legal status[edit | edit code]

Proviron is freely available in Ukraine.

Included in the “List of potent substances for the purposes of Article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.”[10] If it is detected in you in an amount of more than 15 tablets. (2.5 grams of tablet form) entails criminal liability. When determining the weight, law enforcement agencies also take into account the weight of the filler (starch, TiO2 and other related substances). In some cases, weighing occurs along with the packaging.

Proviron for men. In what cases is it used and how does it work?

The drug reduces the side effects of anabolic steroids on the male reproductive system, helps not to lose libido and maintain erectile function.

Mesterolone is used when it is not possible to achieve a decrease in SHBG without resorting to this drug.

It is commonly used in a range of steroids. It is not used as an independent drug, since it does not have any special anabolic properties. It is not suitable for building muscle mass. But as a preparatory stage for serious steroids, its use is justified.

At the same time, mesterolone is used in a general course of steroids in order to increase androgenicity (this is good and bad - an individual approach is used). Therefore, Proviron is often used with steroids such as nandrolone and trenbolone, which have a low androgenic effect. This combination gives a pleasant and predictable result - increased libido. Dihydrotestosterone plays a key role in improving libido and therefore, Proviron is used together with such steroids to weaken or reduce the insidious side effect.

It makes no sense to use Proviron alone, but combining it with other testosterone-based anabolics can increase the effectiveness of the latter several times. Hence the conclusion that mesterolone always makes sense when it does not cause harm. In this case, the dosage is approximately 75-150 mg, the course is extended for a month or longer.

Proviron in bodybuilding is most often used before competitions. It significantly improves muscle definition. This positive effect is due to the low level of regulation of estrogen receptors in muscle tissue, due to which the body’s water balance decreases, giving the visual effect of dry, high-quality, hard muscles.

This drug on a course of testosterone helps during drying. It enhances the effect of the hormone on the body, allowing the athlete to relax a little in nutrition without switching to proteins alone.

In the medical field, Proviron is prescribed to patients with low testosterone levels or chronic weakness. Since the drug is not considered a powerful anabolic, it works effectively in these cases and is no worse than other anabolic steroids. Mesterolone has a lower chance of abuse, which makes it very positive in medical practice.

Choice of antiestrogens[edit | edit code]

Very often the question is raised which anti-estrogenic drug should be preferred.


is a drug that blocks estrogen receptors, but does not prevent the formation of estrogen. Tamoxifen is more conducive to restoring your own testosterone, as it can directly influence the pituitary gland. The disadvantage is that it slightly reduces the anabolic activity of steroid drugs. Only used during PCT.


increases the concentration of androgens due to binding to SHBG, thus increasing the effectiveness of the course. However, Proviron has not been shown in studies to restore testosterone secretion, unlike tamoxifen.[11][12] Repeated analyzes of hormone levels[13] have shown that the antiestrogenic effect of Proviron is practically not manifested during the course.

Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of both drugs, the optimal course of steroids is structured as follows (relevant only for aromatizable AS):

  • Starting from the 2nd week of the course, Proviron is administered at a dose of 50 mg per day. Additionally, aromatase inhibitors should be used to control estrogen levels.
  • Immediately after the end of the course, Proviron is stopped and after the steroids are removed from the body, tamoxifen is prescribed for 2-3 weeks at a dose of 10-20 mg per day.

Proviron is on course. Side effects

The drug is considered one of the safest in a number of steroids. Its side effects on the male body are insignificant or absent altogether. But for women it can cause many problems. After its use, hair growth may increase in various parts of the body, the voice may become rougher, and the appearance may become more masculine.

Blood cholesterol levels may also increase, blood pressure may rise, and rashes may appear on the body. The hair on your scalp may begin to fall out. In women, the drug can also cause infertility.

Notes[edit | edit code]

  1. Andrologia. 1983 May-Jun;15(3):283-6. German.
  2. Source: William Llewellyn's, Anabolics 9th edition, 2009
  5. Kövary PM, Lenau H, Niermann H, Zierden E, Wagner H (May 1977). "Testosterone levels and gonadotrophins in Klinefelter's patients treated with injections of mesterolone cipionate." Arch Dermatol Res 258(3):289–94.
  7. Register of Medicines of Russia -
  9. Spitz IM, Margalioth EJ, Effect of non aromatizable androgens on LHRH and TRH responses in primary testicular failure. PMID: 2892728
  10. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 964 “On approval of lists of potent and toxic substances for the purposes of Article 234 and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as large amounts of potent substances for the purposes of Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”
  11. Effect of non aromatizable androgens on LHRH and TRH responses in primary testicular failure. Horm Metab Res. 1984 Sep;16(9):492-7.
  12. The effect of mesterolone on sperm count, on serum follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, plasma testosterone and outcome in idiopathic oligospermic men.Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1988 Feb;26(1):121-8.
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