"Omnadren": reviews, composition, instructions for use, effectiveness

  • July 31, 2018
  • Sports nutrition
  • Ulyana Romanova

Omnadren 250 is a powerful anabolic steroid that accelerates protein synthesis inside cells. It became widespread among bodybuilders, but in 2014 it was banned, so now to purchase it you must present a prescription form in form N 148-1/у-88. In this regard, the price for it increased 7 times.

What kind of drug is this? What is its composition, principle of application, and effectiveness? What is the opinion of men themselves about this substance? This and much more will be discussed now.


Stimulates protein synthesis, retaining the necessary potassium, sulfur, and phosphorus ions, enhances calcium fixation in bones, and increases muscle mass. Affects the development and function of the external genitalia, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, secondary sexual characteristics (voice, hair). Determines body constitution and sexual behavior, activates libido and potency, stimulates spermatogenesis. It is an antagonist of female sex hormones - estrogens. Reduces the negative manifestations of menopause.


Above we briefly described what the drug “Omnadren 250” is and what it is needed for. It is also necessary to list some conditions for which this medication can really help. It fixes the following problems:

  • Eunuchoidism.
  • Hypopituitarism.
  • Post-castration syndrome.
  • Oligospermia.
  • Impotence.
  • Infertility.
  • Male menopause.
  • Lack of androgens. Its appearance is provoked by the following problems: adiposogenital syndrome, pituitary dwarfism, Addison's disease.

It is important to note that women can also be prescribed the use of Omnadren. It is used in the following cases:

  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Osteoporosis caused by androgen deficiency.
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Hyperestrogenism with uterine dysfunctional bleeding.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Premenstrual tension syndrome.
  • Menopause.
  • Hermaphroditism.

Of course, only a doctor can prescribe the use of this drug as a medicine. And only after a thorough examination and diagnosis. However, you cannot buy it without a prescription.

Side effects

From the gastrointestinal tract: cholestatic jaundice, increased aminotransferase activity.

From the genitourinary system: peripheral edema, fluid retention in the body, bleeding from the genital tract, oligospermia, increased libido in men, impaired spermatogenesis.

Allergic reactions: pain, itching, redness at the injection site.

Other: acne, phlebothrombosis, hypercalcemia, bone pain; extremely rarely - increased sensitivity to insulin in patients with hypoglycemia. Women may experience symptoms of masculinization after prolonged use.

Feature of the drug

The specificity of this medication lies in its unique composition. The mixture of esters has impressive power, and they all influence each other. It is the joint action that determines the effectiveness of Omnadren. Therefore, it is injected not only by athletes who want to “pump up” quickly, but also by serious bodybuilders and powerlifters.

The active components begin to work not together, but one by one. It is due to this that the level of testosterone in the body is at a constantly high level. This fact determines the pharmacological effectiveness of the drug.

Also, the mixture of esters has a different effect. The components influence the joints, facilitating their movements. This occurs due to moderate fluid retention in the body.

In addition, the use of Omnadren 250 accelerates tissue restoration processes, which is the most important nuance for professional athletes. The medication also stimulates appetite. This is also necessary for people whose lives revolve around regular high-intensity training.

Directions for use and doses

IM, deep into the gluteal muscle. The dose is set individually depending on the indications and the patient’s response.

For primary male hypogonadism: depending on the degree of insufficiency of the gonads (according to clinical assessment and laboratory test results), initially it is administered once every 1-2 weeks, after achieving a therapeutic effect - once every 3 weeks.

For menopause in men: once every 2 weeks, after achieving a therapeutic effect - once every 3 weeks.

For infertility in men (azospermia, oligospermia): 2 ml 1 time every 2 weeks (if a painful erection of the penis appears, treatment is stopped).

For menopausal syndrome in women: 1 ml once every 2–3 weeks.

For breast and ovarian cancer: 1–2 ml every 1–2 weeks, long-term treatment.

Composition and release form

Before studying the reviews left about Omnadren, you need to talk about what this drug is.

This is an oil solution intended for intramuscular administration. Available in ampoules of 1 ml. Sold in cardboard packs. Each of them contains 5 ampoules.

The drug contains a mixture of four testosterone esters - propionate, isocaproate, capronate and phenylpropionate. In addition, the solution contains benzyl alcohol and peanut oil for injection.

Omnadren 250: reviews from doctors

The drug is very similar to Sustanon. Thanks to this, the Omnadren 250 solution quickly gained popularity. Reviews and recommendations from doctors are quite clear - the drug has a positive effect on the body with a minimum number of side effects that are easily eliminated, however, it is recommended to use no more than 500 ml per week and only under conditions of heavy physical activity and the use of agents that reduce testosterone aromatization. Doctors do not recommend taking the Omnadren 250 solution without accompanying medications, exceeding the dosage, or injecting without the appropriate knowledge.

Expert opinion

The reviews left about Omnadren are mostly positive. Experts say that this is a unique drug that is one of the most effective for building muscle mass and increasing strength. In powerlifting, as well as other strength sports, this is not only in demand, but necessary.

However, some criticize this drug for its side effects. It also cannot be called affordable, which is also a disadvantage - you can only get it with a prescription.

But it has a nice price. "Omnadren" costs only 600-700 rubles per pack. Unfortunately, some men often exceed recommended dosages precisely because of the price. It is strictly not recommended to do this. Eliminating side effects and long-term treatment will cost much more.

Reviews from athletes: cons

The drug works 100%, but, nevertheless, everything has its drawbacks. Here are the specific disadvantages of this drug that you can learn from the reviews left about Omnadren:

  • The skin condition is deteriorating. Many people develop a rash, especially on the back, shoulders and chest. This side effect can be minimized if you sunbathe in a solarium (or on the beach, if you have the opportunity). Reducing the intake of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates also works.
  • The endogenous test is recovering slowly after discontinuation of the course.
  • After the injection, many people develop bumps. Athletes recommend rubbing and warming the injection site. Then the oil dissolves and the lump goes away.
  • Injections are difficult to give. The liquid is tight, stringy and oily. It is drawn into the syringe slowly; you have to shake it frequently to remove air bubbles. After all, if they get into a muscle, they can cause an abscess. The injection itself is also administered slowly. Because of this, many people have skin pain later.
  • For some, the body takes a long time to get used to the drug. This is manifested by increased sweating, irritability, anxiety and lethargy.
  • Girls taking the drug experience deepening of their voices. He becomes hoarse. An acne rash that is difficult to remove also appears, and aggressiveness also increases.

And many are also upset by the fact that Omnadren 250 (5 ampoules) cannot be bought everywhere without a prescription. However, athletes simply order the drug and it is delivered to them. But it is better and safer, of course, to take it in pharmacies.

Recommendations from athletes

Having decided to start taking Omnadren, you should contact a qualified specialist responsible for training athletes. He will prescribe an individual regimen for using the drug.

Also, in order for its effect to be maximum and the harm to be minimal, it is necessary to follow certain rules, which are the basics of strength sports. That is, you need to eat well, work out in the gym (at least 3 times a week), and also sleep 7-8 hours a day.

This is really important. Because many people overestimate the role of pharmaceutical support. “Omnadren” is a powerful medicine, but if a person does nothing himself, then there will be little benefit from it.

Reviews from athletes: advantages

Their study should also be given attention. There are a lot of reviews about Omnadren, and here are the advantages of this drug that athletes talk about:

  • The efficiency is truly impressive. The vast majority of analogues are much inferior according to this criterion.
  • The price-quality ratio is the best in the entire market.
  • Athletes of average build gain weight intensively. If you believe some reviews, Omnadren is capable of giving about 5-6 kilograms in the first week with an injection of 500 mg.
  • “Advanced” athletes experience a stable increase in weight from 5 to 10 kg.
  • The drug significantly affects potency and libido. In a good way, of course. By the way, the medication also affects the quality of sex.
  • After completing the course, the results are obvious - both strength and external. What is important is that they last even after the injections stop.
  • It is muscle mass that is gained. Of course, “water” is also present, but in adequate quantities.
  • On thin men, the effect is noticed faster. If you train conscientiously, giving your all in the gym, then even within a month or a month and a half you will see a visible effect.
  • Thin girls who take this drug in order to gain weight and acquire appetizing shapes claim that already on the 2nd day after the first injection their appetite noticeably increases. If you go to the gym, you will see an increase in muscle mass (not body fat) literally before your eyes. In simple words, what will grow is that the girl starts pumping.

In general, Omnadren is popular in bodybuilding. And the effect will be exactly as described in the instructions. The most important thing is not to exceed the dosage.

Post cycle therapy

Proviron product. The most popular hormonal drug taken after a course of steroids. The active ingredient is masterolon. Helps avoid aromatization of steroids and their conversion into estrogens. Prevents the appearance of gynecomastia. Take 50 mg per day, it is advisable to split the dose into two 25 mg doses. The course lasts approximately 3-5 weeks. It is better to purchase the drug in advance so that there are no problems later, because the body needs help after taking potent steroids. It also eliminates excess water in the body and removes fat deposits on the body.

The drug "Tamoxifen". The most affordable and effective anti-estrogen. It is taken during courses of steroids at 20-40 mg per day. The drug Tamoxifen fights the aromatization of steroids, eliminates the accumulation of excess water in the muscles, and fights the appearance of acne, which is important when taking Omnadren 250. Unlike the drugs "Proviron", "Tamoxifen" only prevents aromatization, and does not fight the appearance of its signs, so you can start taking it immediately after leaving the course.


Let's look at the results of taking the drug Omnadren 250. Feedback from specific people allows us to draw a conclusion about the difference in the initial data and results.

For example, an athlete weighing 95 kilograms gains ten kilograms over a course of 5 weeks on a high-protein diet. The course includes:

— The drug “Omnadren 250”. There is a 7 day difference between the first two injections. Then, every four days, an injection of 250 mg of the substance, that is, one milliliter of the drug.

- Proveron product. Its course begins with the last injection of the previous one. 50 mg per day for three weeks.

- The drug Tamoxifen. 20 mg per day, ends with the course of Proveron.

After leaving the course, the athlete weighs 102 kg.

Strength indicators increase as follows:

Bench press – 130, after the course 145.

Squat – 140, after the course 155.

Deadlift – 155, after the course 180.

This is an example of how the drug “Omnadren 250” works for the first course. With its help, you can achieve much greater results, especially if you take other anabolic agents at the same time.

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