Complex "Opti-Men" for men with an active lifestyle

Instructions for use

"Opti-Men" was developed specifically for men who take care of their well-being and devote a lot of time and effort to sports (since physical activity is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a strong immune system).

Ginseng, which is part of the drug, activates strength energy and increases endurance, strengthening the heart and nervous system.

Phyto-components help enrich the diet with vitamins contained in exotic (and therefore not always available) fruits and vegetables.

For example, papaya and pineapple extracts help optimize lipid metabolism, as well as the proper absorption of glucose, which accumulates in the muscles and gives them the necessary energy.

Composition and release form

The drug has a rich composition of nutrients, and contains minerals, enzymes, vitamins, and acids.

Thanks to such a number of useful elements, Opti-Men is a leader in the market of sports vitamin complexes. The high level of sales is explained by the distinctive results that almost all men notice after a month of use.

“Opti-Men” contains 13 vitamins ( , group B, , , , ) and 9 macro- and microelements ( copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium, molybdenum, calcium ), including iodine , which supports healthy brain activity, and chromium , which significantly reduces the need for products containing large amounts of simple carbohydrates (primarily sugar, confectionery and rich products).

Note! It is worth considering that two versions of the “Opti-Men” complex are produced on the market: the first is intended for domestic consumption (in the United States), and the second is exported to the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. This need is caused by the difference in regulations containing standards for the consumption of minerals and vitamins. The European version of Opti-Men does not contain iodine!

The complex is also supplemented with additives to increase performance, improve endurance and replenish energy resources.

Amino acids . “Opti-Men” contains 8 amino acids ( glutamine, arginine , etc.), which help increase muscle mass in terms of “dry” values.

It is worth noting that the amount of acids is quite small - only 800 mg. Therefore, the complex is not suitable for men seriously involved in bodybuilding.

Enzymes (lipase, bromelain, etc.). Digestive enzymes are necessary for the complete absorption of nutrients and beneficial substances that enter the body with food or other sources (for example, synthetic additives). People who do not have problems with the digestive system should consult a doctor, since additional intake of enzymes may disrupt the production of their own.

Plant concentrates. A mixture of extracts from vegetables and fruits (for example, spinach, grape seeds, broccoli, kiwi, etc.) helps provide additional vitamins, as well as normalize intestinal activity and stomach function. Ingredients of plant origin also help increase vital energy and regulate metabolic processes.

Marine concentrates and plant extracts (oyster extract, ginseng, pumpkin seeds, etc.) are responsible for the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system: they stimulate sperm production, improve its quality, increase libido, and stimulate erection.

Important! The complex contains an extract from oysters, so men prone to allergic reactions should refrain from using it.

"Opti-Men" is available in the form of capsules placed in jars (90, 150 or 240 pieces per pack).


"Opti-Men" can serve as a source of additional vitamins and minerals during periods when it is necessary, and act as an energy activator and an auxiliary element of a sports diet.

Indications for admission are:

  • intensive training in professional sports;

  • exercise in the gym or strength groups in combination with a low-carbohydrate diet (if necessary, reducing the amount of fatty tissue in the body);
  • problems in the sexual sphere (impaired potency, decreased sexual desire, loss of sensitivity during intimacy, etc.);
  • disruption of digestive processes;
  • general fatigue and malaise;
  • deficiency of nutrients.

Important! People intolerant to palm oil should use this drug carefully. If frequent digestive disorders occur, use of Opti-Men should be discontinued.

How to use?

The drug "Opti-Men" must be taken 3 times a day, 1 capsule. Take with any liquid that does not contain caffeine, sugar or alcohol. The duration of the course is 30 days . It is recommended to repeat the course at least 3 times a year.

Interactions with drugs

It is prohibited to use the complex together with other drugs containing vitamins or minerals. Failure to comply with this rule is fraught with overdose and hypervitaminosis (hypervitaminosis A is especially dangerous), which can lead to an upset stomach, disruption of the nervous system and other negative consequences.

Video: “Opti-men vitamin complex review”

Men-s formula caps. 60 pcs more than multivitamins

Active substance:

Vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol succinate), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), nicotinamide, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride ), vitamin B12 (cyanocolamine), choline bitartrate, inositol, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), pantothenic acid (calcium pantothenate), folic acid, biotin, calcium (carbonate), magnesium (oxide), potassium (dibasic phosphate), zinc (citrate ), manganese (aspartate), copper (gluconate), iodine (potassium iodine), boron (sodium borate), chromium (polynicotinate), molybdenum (sodium molybdate), selenium (selenomethionine), quercetin, rutin, hesperidin, betaine, L- glutathione, dwarf palm fruits, eleutherococcus roots, fenugreek seeds, cayenne pepper fruits, gelatin. Content of active substances in 1 capsule: Vitamin A -4950 IU; Vitamin D3 - 200 IU; Vitamin E, IU/drop. — 12.5 IU; Vitamin C – 50 mg; Vitamin B1–2 mg; Vitamin B2–2 mg; Nicotinamide – 30 mg; Vitamin B6–2 mg; Vitamin B12–2 mcg; Pantothenic acid-7.5 mg; Folic acid – 200 mcg; Biotin–25 mcg; Calcium – 25 mg; Magnesium-62.5 mg; Potassium – 25 mg; Zinc-12.5 mg; Manganese – 2 mg; Copper-0.25 mg; Iodine–75 mcg; Boron–50 µg; Chromium–50 mcg; Molybdenum–25 mcg; Selenium-12.5 mcg; Eleutherosides - not less than 0.05 mg; Trigonelline - not less than 0.1 mg; Flavonoids in terms of rutin - not less than 11 mg.


Man's formula® More than a multivitamin™ is designed specifically to strengthen the immune system and men's health, increase energy and endurance.

The vitamins, microelements and extracts of medicinal plants included in the composition provide: - more energy; -more endurance; -more immunity.

20 vitamins +11 minerals +4 medicinal plant extracts.

STRENGTHENS IMMUNITY: -Vitamin D3 - takes part in the production of antimicrobial proteins, increases the motor activity of immune cells and their ability to capture and digest bacteria and viruses, enhances the immune response, prevents inflammation, activates T- and B-lymphocytes, strengthening acquired immunity; - Vitamin C - stimulates the formation of antibodies and the production of interferon - the main “conductor” of our immunity. Vitamin C destroys cells infected with the virus that have already begun to multiply and removes them from the body; — Zinc — facilitates the course and shortens the duration of the disease. Possessing direct antiviral activity, it suppresses the reproduction of various viruses, including pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, intestinal infections (rhinoviruses), enteroviruses, and herpes simplex virus; -Folic acid (vitamin B9) increases the speed of the immune response. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and riboflavin (vitamin B2) enhance the body's production of antibodies to fight infections. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) increases the power of the immune response and increases its ability to fight foreign cells.

INCREASES ENERGY: -Siberian Ginseng root extract - tones, eliminates lethargy and drowsiness, helps increase physical and mental performance, helps resist stress, stimulating the production of endorphins - joy hormones; - Fenugreek - promotes energy accumulation and leads to improved physical fitness due to the unique components in its composition, which are used as a natural anabolic agent and help to naturally and safely increase muscle mass and strength; — Vitamin D3 is the main nutrient necessary for energy production and is practically indispensable for good metabolism: it normalizes metabolism, including lipid metabolism, and promotes the healthy absorption of sugar, the main “fuel” for the body; -Iodine is the main component for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which have a direct effect on various metabolic processes in the body: the breakdown of proteins, fats and glycogen, resulting in the release of energy necessary for the full functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

SUPPORTS TESTOSTERONE LEVELS: - Zinc - stops the breakdown of testosterone, maintaining its normal level in the body, and also prevents the transformation of testosterone into the female sex hormone - estrogen; - Selenium - is part of more than 300 enzymes and antioxidants, participates in the biosynthesis of the main male hormone - testosterone, supports the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, including the prostate gland; - Ginseng extract - reduces stress levels by inhibiting the production of the stress hormone - cortisol, thereby restoring the normal level of the main male hormone - testosterone. That is why Ginseng is deservedly called the “male root”.

The complex improves immunity; reduces the risk of respiratory viral infections; shortens the recovery period after acute respiratory viral infections; improves the metabolism of the male body; maintains testosterone levels; increases vitality, performance and endurance; helps improve the functional state of the prostate gland; enriches the male body with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Release form:

60 capsules weighing 1 g

Side effects

As a rule, there are no side effects when using Opti-Men, but in some cases the following negative reactions may appear:

  • allergies (rash, irritation, itching);
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • digestive disorders (stomach pain, nausea, flatulence, etc.);
  • headache;
  • excessive excitability;
  • hyperactivity.

The occurrence of undesirable consequences is extremely individual, so the decision to continue taking the complex should be made together with your doctor.

Who should not take it?

Contraindications for taking Opti-Men are allergic reactions, as well as bronchial asthma in the acute stage. This is due to the content of oyster extract in the composition and the high risk of undesirable consequences.

Admission restrictions also include:

  • hypervitaminosis;
  • age under 18 years;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the Opti-Men complex is intended for the male population, the manufacturer is obliged to issue a warning that pregnant and lactating women cannot take the product.

Video: “Review of Opti-men vitamins”

Questions about Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men (90 tablets)

Salatov Alexey Sergeevich

2 years experience

9.01.2022 20:32

Hello. I would like to clarify, when taking the Seriuos Mass gainer (training days - 2 times a day and not training 1 time... servings of 1 spoon per 200 ml of water), is it possible to simultaneously take the Opti Men vitamin complex as a supplement. Or are all the necessary vitamins already included in the gainer??? And will this combination be useful? The desired dose for Opti Men is 2t per day. Thanks for understanding…

<Salatov Alexey Sergeevich> 9.01.2022 20:53

Taking vitamins after eating should be washed down with water... But after taking food, it is not advisable to drink water, as it will dilute the gastric juice... Therefore, the question is, is it possible to take Opti Men along with meals???

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 9.01.2022 21:09

Of course, it’s worth taking Optimen with water, a sip of water will not have any negative effect on digestion

<Salatov Alexey Sergeevich> 9.01.2022 21:37

Ilya..thanks for the answer. And regarding the first question above, can it be combined with a gainer?

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 9.01.2022 21:54

It is quite possible to combine

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28.12.2021 07:16

Tell me, is it better to swallow or chew tablets?

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 1.01.2022 14:39

Take completely, do not chew

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19.12.2021 12:08

Please tell me, is it possible to take this complex for duodenal ulcers? And irritable bowel syndrome? The ulcer is not in the acute stage

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 19.12.2021 12:24

If the disease is compensated, then it is quite possible

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19.12.2021 12:04

Hello. When will 90 Optimen tablets be available?
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9.12.2021 23:27

Hello, is it possible to drink Opti Men after 60 years?

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 10.12.2021 10:25

Of course. There are no contraindications based on age.

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Malikov Artem Andreevich

5.12.2021 23:19

I take two tablets of Optimen, one in the morning before meals and one before dinner, active work plus training, the urine is very yellow and plus I constantly have to go to the toilet after them. Tell me what’s connected with it???

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 6.12.2021 10:07

The change in urine color is due to the presence of B vitamins, don’t worry

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28.11.2021 15:33

Hello, is it possible to combine these vitamins with ursosan?

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 28.11.2021 17:04

For what reason were you prescribed Ursosan?

<Denis> 28.11.2021 17:09

In order to expel stagnation of bile

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 28.11.2021 21:39


<Denis> 28.11.2021 23:38

Biliary sludge

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 29.11.2021 10:53

Cholecystitis? What is the stage of the disease now?

<Denis> 29.11.2021 12:23

Cholisticitis was not diagnosed. Ursosan is told to take 3 capsules 3 times a day after meals for 3 months.

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 29.11.2021 12:39

If the disease is not currently in an active stage, it is quite possible to take

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23.11.2021 12:47

Hello, 45 years old, I train at the gym 3 times a week. I took another vitamin complex (the usual one from the pharmacy) and bought Optimen. Do I need to take a break for a month?

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 23.11.2021 13:03

Yes, after a month of taking it you need to take a break for at least a month

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28.09.2021 17:33

I recommend the clearest wheels to everyone; I’ve been buying them for years now)))

<Dmitry Grekhov, expert 5lb> 29.09.2021 16:18

Good afternoon Thank you for your feedback.

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6.09.2021 22:03

Good afternoon. I started drinking Optimene and developed heartburn. My stomach always reacted to proteins/dairy/fast food/sour foods. Could it cause heartburn? Not long ago I had a gastrointestinal examination - everything was fine. The heartburn is weak, but there. I took 2 tablets, today I took 1 - it’s still there.

<Ilya Melekhin, sports medicine doctor> 7.09.2021 10:33

How exactly do you take Optimene?

<Vadim> 7.09.2021 15:08

Along with food. In the morning and at lunchtime.

<Vadim> 7.09.2021 15:09

I also take omega 3, magnesium and q10. I think maybe not from Optimen

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