Prontosan gel for wound healing. Instructions, analogues, price

Release forms and composition of the drug

The manufacturer of this drug is Germany.

The drug is produced in the form of a gel for external use, the active ingredients of which are several components:

  • 0.1% undecylenic amidopropyl betaine - this substance acts as a cleansing agent for the wound;
  • 0.1% polyhexanide is an antimicrobial agent.

Additional substances include glycerol, filtered water and hydroxyethyl cellulose ether.

Prontosan gel for wound healing

The product is packaged in oblong plastic tubes of 30 ml. Each tube is packed in a cardboard container, accompanied by an insert containing instructions for using transparent liniment.

Composition and purpose

Prontosan is a medical drug that helps eliminate the consequences of a wound. The main purpose of the healing gel: disinfection, moisturizing, cleansing the cavity from pathogenic bacteria. The action is aimed at creating favorable conditions for relieving unpleasant symptoms and pain relief.

Prontosan contains useful substances that have a mild effect on the wound. Does not irritate, does not cause swelling, is easy to use, does not cause pain, does not sting. Healing gel includes the following components:

  1. Polyhexanide at a concentration of 0.1% is a broad-spectrum antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on bacterial flora.
  2. Undecylenic amidopropyl betaine 0.1% is an active assistant in cleansing the wound cavity, removes pus and necrotic tissue.
  3. Purified water.

Prontosan is used to treat purulent open and closed wounds. The gel is effective in the treatment of long-term non-healing injuries, trophic ulcers, and bedsores. Relieves pain and disinfects. In surgery, the drug is used in the treatment of postoperative sutures.

Prontosan cleanses the damaged area and eliminates unpleasant odor.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Prontosan is a wound healing gel that exhibits some pharmacodynamic properties when used topically.

The drug has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial and antifungal activity. Thanks to its constituent components, the product has a cleansing, moisturizing and wound-healing effect.

The product is effective against wounds of various origins. At the same time, the active elements help eliminate biological film and unpleasant odors.

The gel base is highly effective on wound surfaces where delayed epithelization is noted. It does not have a negative effect on granulations and can be used in conjunction with various healing dressings.

The drug has a local effect without penetrating into the systemic bloodstream, and therefore the drug has no pharmacokinetic properties.

Pharmacological properties

Instructions for use of Prontosan gel do not contain detailed data on the mechanism of action of the drug. The main pharmacological effects are wound healing and antimicrobial. At the same time, the product helps eliminate the unpleasant odor during purulent and necrotic processes in the wound.

Long-term non-healing wounds are accompanied by the constant formation of necrotic masses, the appearance of waste products of pathogens and fibrinous deposits. This leads to constant contamination of the cavity and slower healing time. Such processes can be finally stopped by eliminating their root cause. In case of infection or endocrine disorders, this is quite difficult to do. Often the etiological factor is a violation of tissue trophism and the presence of systemic diseases (vascular insufficiency, diabetic foot syndrome, neurodermatitis, eczema, oncological ulcers and other similar conditions).

It will be possible to speed up cell renewal in the affected area, increase the efficiency of healing and improve the functioning of the tissue if the cavity is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants. This will help eliminate conditions favorable for the proliferation of bacteria and wait for the appearance of new cells with sufficient protective properties.

The surfactant effectively removes any contaminants from the wound cavity - necrotic masses, biofilm, dust dirt, microbes and more. The second active component, polyhexanide, is necessary to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and restore the natural protective properties of the renewed tissue. At the same time, the substance does not have a damaging effect on a healthy area and acts only locally, without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which is a great advantage.

Indications for use

This gel base is used in the presence of wound surfaces of any origin and location. This takes into account the presence of additional signs or reactions that complicate the use of the medicinal composition.

Liniment is prescribed both as part of monotherapy and as an adjuvant.


  • thermal damage to parts of the body caused by the development of necrotic masses;
  • the period of recovery of damaged skin areas after radiation therapy;
  • the presence of long-term or poorly healing wound surfaces - the formation of bedsores, the presence of trophic ulcerative lesions, other dermatological problems;
  • rehabilitation of damaged skin areas for the purpose of their further disinfection;

  • cleansing wound surfaces in hard-to-reach locations;
  • prevention of infection development in wound surfaces;
  • preventive cleansing of areas in which various medical devices are located - catheters, IVs, probes.

The drug is used only if indicated, taking into account the nature of the damage. Additional indications are determined only by the treating specialist.

Before using the dosage form, it is recommended to undergo additional examinations and get advice from several specialists at once - a traumatologist, an infectious disease specialist, a therapist.


Indications for the use of sterile Prontosan gel are as follows:

  • prevention of necrotic processes in case of burns with chemicals or high temperature, as well as frostbite;
  • skin regeneration after radiation therapy;
  • treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, which include bedsores, trophic ulcers on the legs of various etiologies and dermatological diseases;
  • skin restoration and disinfection during injuries and after operations;
  • preventing infection of deep wounds and removing contaminants from hard-to-reach skin lesions;
  • treatment of the cavity around probes, catheters for disinfection and removal of contaminants;
  • primary treatment and sanitation of the wound surface.


Prontosan (gel for wound healing is used for various types of injuries) has some restrictions on use due to the distinctive characteristics of the patient’s body.

According to the manufacturer's instructions, the gel has the only limitation for use - individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. Therefore, before using the product, you must ensure the absence/presence of an allergy to the components by conducting a small test.

To do this, you need to apply a small amount of transparent liniment to the elbow bend and monitor the reaction.


  • Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes and hyaline cartilage. In case of contact, rinse thoroughly with saline solution;
  • Prontosan gel should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the ingredients;
  • Prontosan is not recommended to be mixed or used together with other disinfectants, ointments, oils, surfactants and enzymes;
  • To reduce the risk of introducing germs into the wound, it is recommended to clean as much of the area around the wound as possible.

Instructions for use, dosage

The product is intended for external use only.

Before applying the composition, it is necessary to clean the wound area using a solution of the same name from various necrotic masses, films, exudative impurities and other foreign components.

When applying the solution, it is necessary to cover a slightly larger area for complete cleansing, which will reduce the risk of infection or re-infection.

When using auxiliary products in the form of gauze or napkins soaked in solution, you must follow the instructions for their use. Due to the low hygroscopic properties of the solution, the dressing material is recommended to be used several times a day.

In this case, the frequency of use of this product should be sufficient to completely clean the damaged area necessary for further therapeutic actions, including surgical interventions.

If there is an abundant accumulation of foreign impurities, films, or exudate in the wound surface, it is recommended to further clean it using a gel base.

For voluminous or lesions or wounds located in hard-to-reach places, rinsing with the solution must be carried out completely throughout the entire organ. The procedure is recommended to be carried out for 15 minutes.

Before use, it is recommended to warm the solution to body temperature.

Further purification, including the presence of extensive impurities, is carried out using the main drug. The composition must be distributed over the entire damaged area or injected into the wound. In this case, the liniment layer must be at least 3 mm. Several dressings or sterile gauze are applied over the drug.

The gel base should be placed on the wound surface until the next use of the medication. Dressings should be performed regularly (daily).

With a good therapeutic effect, dressings can be carried out every other day.

The maximum amount of medication should not exceed 5 mm. The dosage is calculated according to the frequency of use of the drug. The frequency of use of the gel should be sufficient to completely remove all necrotic impurities and other foreign elements in the wound surface.

Prontosan solution for washing wounds 350ml


Active ingredients: 0.1% undecylenic amidopropyl betaine, 0.1% polyaminopropyl biguanide (polyhexanide)


Healing of the wound surface may be delayed due to the presence of exudate, film-like formations, crusts and scabs of dead tissue and cellular debris and/or biofilms in the wound. These coatings are difficult to remove and create good conditions for the growth of pathogenic microflora. In addition, even apparently clean wounds, especially post-traumatic ones, can be contaminated with microorganisms that can cause infectious complications in the wound.

Prontosan allows for thorough cleansing of the wound surface, moisturizing the wound and suppressing bacterial flora, which creates conditions for speedy wound healing. Thanks to the antibacterial component, Prontosan can be successfully used to prevent infection of wounds by pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of infectious complications in the wound.

Indications for use

Prontosan wound solution can be used to rinse and cleanse:

  • purulent-necrotic wounds of various origins, including long-term non-healing wounds, such as trophic ulcers, bedsores, etc.,
  • post-traumatic wounds with the presence of foreign and necrotic tissues,
  • thermal and chemical burns, especially in lesions with a large amount of necrotic tissue and scab,
  • wound surfaces around stomas, catheters or probes,
  • postoperative wounds.


Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Avoid contact with eyes and hyaline cartilage; in case of contact, rinse thoroughly with saline solution.

Directions for use and doses

The surface of the wound must be thoroughly washed and cleaned with Prontosan solution to remove foreign and necrotic tissue, exudate, surface films and crusts, fibrin and biofilms.

In order to reduce the risk of introducing microbes into the wound, it is recommended to clean as much of the area around the wound as possible using Prontosan solution.

Gauze pads or other types of dressings soaked in Prontosan solution can be used to clean and moisturize the wound surface according to their instructions. Due to the relatively low water-holding capacity of the solution, dressings should be carried out at least once a day, and preferably several times a day. To remove large accumulations of fibrin, denser films, crusts, scabs, etc. It is recommended to continue treating the wound with Prontosan gel.

Washing the wound with Prontosan solution should be performed with a frequency sufficient to completely remove all films and necrotic tissue and achieve optimal cleansing of the wound to accelerate its healing or for the subsequent stage of surgical treatment.

To wash large wound surfaces, as well as wounds in hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to treat the entire affected organ or part of the body with Prontosan solution for at least 15 minutes.

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature, protected from light. Keep away from children. An opened bottle can be stored and used for 8 weeks.

Best before date

2 years

special instructions

Prontosan does not have allergenic or irritating properties, is painlessly applied to the wound surface, does not inhibit the development of granulations and does not interfere with wound epithelization. To avoid reinfection of the wound, vials that directly touched the surface of the wound should be discarded immediately after use.

Side effects

Rarely: a slight burning sensation that disappears after a few minutes.


Prontosan should not be mixed or used with other disinfectants, ointments, oils, surfactants, enzymes, etc.

Side effects

In most cases, Prontosan is tolerated very well by all groups of patients and does not cause undesirable manifestations or complications during damage healing.

However, when using the gel, symptoms such as a burning sensation on the wound surfaces, in places where liniment is applied, may occasionally occur. This symptom goes away on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug or prescription of treatment.

If other reactions not listed in the annotation develop, it is recommended to temporarily stop taking the medication and consult with your doctor.

special instructions

The gel base located inside the tube is sterile. In this regard, when distributing the composition, great care should be taken and the dispenser-dropper should not be allowed to come into contact with the wound surface. Otherwise, improper use may lead to re-infection.

The product is not recommended for use in the area of ​​damaged cartilage tissue, as well as in the area of ​​joints where surgery has recently been performed.

The medication does not have a systemic effect and does not have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus. In this regard, it is allowed to use the gel while carrying or feeding a child.

The drug does not have a depressing effect on mental functions, therefore it is allowed to drive a car or perform work that requires increased concentration while using the gel.


Prontosan is a wound healing gel that can only be replaced if there are signs of intolerance or for other physiological reasons. The choice of a substitute takes into account the pharmacological group of the drug, as well as the expected therapeutic effect.


  • Levasept. This medical product is manufactured by a German drug manufacturer. The medicine is produced in the form of a concentrate necessary for preparing an external solution. Its active element is the antibacterial substance polyhexanide. The concentrate has high disinfectant and antiseptic properties, while providing a wide range of activity against various pathogenic microflora. The solution is used in the treatment of various injuries and wound surfaces. The product can also be used to prevent the development of complications after surgery. The drug is intended for the treatment of burn surfaces and surgical instruments. The medicine has the following contraindications: a high degree of sensitivity to substances that are part of the concentrate, childhood, gestation and feeding, surgical actions carried out in the area of ​​the brain, eyes, ears. The dosage is calculated by the treating specialist. The solution is prepared using additional components. The duration of therapy is determined individually. The price of the drug is 1249 rubles.
  • Mukosanin. This drug is produced in the form of a solution for external use. Its active substance is polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride, which exhibits a pronounced antimicrobial effect against most gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microflora. The drug has a wide range of applications and is used in various medical practices. The solution is prescribed for the treatment of the following injuries and disorders: the presence of trophic ulcers, bedsores, open wounds with purulent processes occurring in them, infection of injured areas, pyoderma. The medication is prohibited for use if there are signs of intolerance, as well as during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Methods of use and dosage regimen are established after consultation with a specialist and examination. The duration of drug treatment is individual. The medicine is available over-the-counter. The cost of the solution in Moscow and regional pharmacies varies between 72-210 rubles. depending on the dosage dispensed.
  • Bepanten. This pharmacological development is produced by a domestic company engaged in the production of drugs. The product has several dosage forms and is made in the form of an ointment, cream or gel, the active element of which is dexpanthenol. This substance exhibits high regenerating properties aimed at stimulating cellular metabolism. The ointment has the following areas of application: treatment and prevention of various damage to the skin - burns, chronic ulcers, bedsores, cracks or abrasions. The drug can be used in the period after skin transplantation. Dosage regimen: apply the composition to the damaged area 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and area of ​​the lesion. You should not use the medicine if you are intolerant to the components included in its composition. The method of dispensing the drug is over-the-counter. The cost of ointment in Moscow pharmacies starts from 172 rubles. for the tuba.
  • Levomekol. This drug is manufactured by a domestic manufacturer engaged in the production of medicines. It has 2 main ingredients - chloramphenicol dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. Dosage form – ointment for external use. Liniment has high antimicrobial properties aimed at suppressing the activity of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The product is used in the presence of purulent-necrotic processes occurring in the area of ​​wound surfaces. Restrictions on the use of the composition are reactions of intolerance to the components, as well as children under 1 year of age. The drug can be used with extreme caution when carrying a child and breastfeeding. The dosage is determined by the attending physician based on the nature of the pathological disorder and is usually equal to a single daily use. If necessary, treatment can be adjusted. Therapy is carried out until all symptoms associated with the development of purulent and necrotic lesions are completely eliminated. The ointment is available without a doctor's prescription. Prices for the product in state Moscow pharmacies start from 120 rubles. per package (30 g).

Prontosan is a gel for wound healing, which should be replaced with similar products only with the permission of the treating specialist. Independent choice of a substitute can cause the development of negative reactions.

When choosing a similar drug, it is necessary to take into account not only the indications for its use, but also the individual (physiological) characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as the degree of tolerability of the components that make up the drug.


The cost of the medicine may vary slightly depending on the place of sale. You can buy the gel at any public or private pharmacies located at the patient’s place of residence.

Province/regionDosage form/volumePrice
Moscow, Moscow regionGel, 30 ml485-1127 rub.
Moscow, Moscow regionSolution, 350 ml458-2570 rub.
Saint PetersburgGel, 30 ml641-1104 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs)Gel, 250 ml2338-2680 rub.
Leningrad regionGel, 30 ml649-802 rub.
Novgorod regionGel, 30 ml669-670 rub.

Before using Prontosan, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the gel and consult with your doctor or pharmacist. In addition, it is recommended to study reviews of patients who used the drug as a wound healing agent.

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