Vivaton herbal candles application

Savelov-Deryabin long path to enlightenment

Many healers, sages, alchemists and scientists have been searching for centuries for a remedy that would allow the body to become less susceptible to diseases and stop or at least slow down the aging process. The person who devoted his life to studying this problem was Alexander Mikhailovich Savelov-Deryabin. If his life had turned out differently, then perhaps the famous scientist would not have dealt with such issues. But, as you know, circumstances create a person. The life path of a scientist is similar to the plot of a fascinating novel, where there is a place for both joy and troubles.

Savelov-Deryabin is a direct descendant of the glorious Savelov family, in whose honor the Moscow station of the same name is named. Alexander was born in the city of Zaporozhye. As a child, trouble came to the boy’s family - his father was repressed as an “enemy of the people,” so his mother, fearing for her son, gave him her last name. At the age of fifteen, Sasha Deryabin first began working in one of the Rostov mines. And two years later he experienced an event that completely changed his perception of the world - he spent three days under the rubble. After this, the young man realized that the highest value is human life, and began to appreciate those moments that people practically do not notice: the sunset, the smell of freshly cut grass, the rustle of leaves underfoot.

In addition to his main activity, Alexander Mikhailovich loved to sing. He carried this passion through the years. While in the army, playing in the drama theater, studying at the institute, the guy dreamed of being on the big stage. Over time, the dream came true - Alexander became an extra at the Bolshoi Theater, where he had the opportunity to sing many opera roles. It seemed that life had opened up new horizons for him, when suddenly disaster struck - the young man fell ill with an open form of tuberculosis. Without this illness, perhaps Alexander’s fate would have been different. In the hospital, despite the efforts of the doctors, the disease progressed, and eventually the question arose about removing the lung. Then the guy couldn’t stand it and ran away to his mother in Karelia. There he was treated with a decoction of aspen bark, and the disease subsided. Thus, Alexander Mikhailovich for the first time believed in the miraculous power of natural remedies and began to study books devoted to this topic.

Healing procedure

Massage with Vivaton is truly a life-giving, rejuvenating and restorative procedure. For this purpose, the line of products includes such products as:

  • Honey jelly. This product is used for therapeutic massage. Jelly has an analgesic and anti-cellulite effect, improves blood circulation.
  • Lavender jelly. This product is suitable for everyone. It is very calming and relaxing. Lavender essential oil helps remove toxins and radionuclides, and also nourishes the body. It is better to use it warmed up and not rinse off for 40 minutes.
  • Jelly with resin. Coniferous tree resin included in this product has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The healing effect after such a massage will remain for a long time.
  • Massage cream. This remedy is successfully used in the general procedure. It perfectly tones the skin, helps get rid of cellulite, eliminates chronic fatigue and the effects of stress. It is recommended to cleanse the skin before the procedure.
  • Cream-oil "Vivaton". This product stimulates metabolic processes, smoothes wrinkles and evens out the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it. It is used both for facial and general massage.

Those people who have received massage treatments with Vivaton leave very positive reviews. Many people call it simply magical, its effect on the body is so amazing. Clients who have undergone a complex of massage manipulations using Vivaton products claim that their skin simply glows with health and beauty, which is why many call Savelov-Deryabin’s products the “elixir of youth.”

As for contraindications, they are the same as for all similar products - hypersensitivity to the components of the products or open wounds and damage to the skin.

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the medicinal collection, which has gained quick and well-deserved popularity among consumers.

Customers' opinions

We can endlessly continue the review of responses from people who use Vivaton. Reviews most often collect massage procedures with various creams and jellies, as well as the use of extracts and dietary supplements. As mentioned above, clients mostly talk about massage with Vivaton in an optimistic manner. Many ladies have done anti-cellulite procedures and claim that they are very successful. Some took their children to a salon massage with this product, and mothers are sure that this particular manipulation helped strengthen the children’s local immunity. There are users who, when they anticipate the onset of an illness, regularly apply compresses with Vivaton - the illness goes away literally the next morning. And the vast majority of clients take Vivaton medicinal preparations and infusions in the off-season, since the products have an excellent immunomodulatory effect.

But almost everyone notes an amazing cosmetic effect after using these products. True, some clients do not respond well to the scrub. Ladies complain that its consistency is too rough for delicate women's skin. There are also negative reviews about shampoos. Some users complain of dry skin after using these products.

Vivaton instructions for use

This remedy belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory dietary supplements. Herbal tea "Vivaton" is created on the basis of the above-described miraculous herbal composition with the addition of the necessary groups of vitamins. This collection has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract. Particularly effective as part of complex therapy. As for the brewing method, there are two of them:

  • Tea. One teaspoon of the mixture must be poured with a glass of boiled water. The liquid should infuse for about ten minutes, after which it can be consumed half a glass (but not more than one glass at a time) before or after meals. The duration of the course varies from two to three weeks.
  • Infusion. This option will be stronger and richer. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of the raw material with boiling water in an amount of 200 g. The product must be infused for quite a long time - from 8 to 10 hours. If the infusion is being prepared for a family, then there should be seven tablespoons of the mixture, and boiling water, respectively, one and a half liters. The product should be taken in the same way as tea, but when heated (up to 30 ⁰C) and shaken before use. The dosage will also change - a quarter or half a glass once. The infusion is used no more than three times a day. The course of treatment lasts up to a month and is repeated periodically (3-4 times a year).
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