Contraceptives Innotech Pharmatex suppositories - reviews


Pharmatex (benzalkonium chloride 50% aqueous solution) is a vaginal contraceptive with a spermicidal effect. It has high spermicidal and disinfectant activity, as well as ease of use. Once in the vagina, benzalkonium chloride combines with the mucous membrane, covering it with a continuous protective film. It only takes a few seconds to immobilize and destroy the sperm. The spermicidal effect of benzalkonium chloride is four times greater than that of nonoxynol-9. In addition, this substance is an antiseptic and exhibits bactericidal activity against microorganisms that transmit sexually transmitted infections. The drug has no effect on saprophytic vaginal microflora. Does not have a systemic effect. Non-toxic, because does not penetrate into the blood. Quickly and irreversibly destroys sperm, separating the head from the flagellum. The unidirectional movement of benzalkonium chloride molecules ensures the integrity of the protective film covering the mucous membrane. The mucus produced by the cervix is ​​transparent and has a viscous and viscous consistency. Benzalkonium chloride makes it a thick, jelly-like substance that acts as a natural barrier to sperm entering the uterus. After 10 seconds from the moment of instillation of the drug into the vagina, it is impossible to detect a single viable sperm. The drug acts in the same way on bacteria and viruses: it breaks their membranes and causes cell lysis. Benzalkonium chloride is active against staphylococci, streptococci, coliform bacteria, enterobacteria, chlamydia, gardnerella, neisseria, treponema, trichomonas, herpes simplex virus, HIV, etc.

d. Weakly active or inactive against candida, Haemophilus influenzae, and mycoplasmas. It has no effect on normal microflora. The drug does not penetrate the uterine cavity, does not pass through the vaginal epithelium, and does not have a teratogenic effect, which is confirmed by many clinical trials (a total of 18 studies were conducted in Western Europe, Canada and the USA). The active component of the drug is easily removed from the vagina by regular rinsing and along with urine and other physiological secretions. Pharmatex can be used as a priority contraceptive:

• if taking oral contraceptives or using an intrauterine device is contraindicated for some reason;

• in the period after the birth of a child;

• during breastfeeding (since the drug does not pass into breast milk and does not have systemic effects);

• in adolescents;

• during rare sexual intercourse, when there is no need for regular contraception using oral contraceptives;

• in women over 40 years old;

• with an increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Available in the form of vaginal capsules, tablets, suppositories and cream. The effectiveness of the contraceptive effect of Farmatex depends on the implementation of the recommendations set out in the instructions for use.

Contraceptives Innotech Pharmatex suppositories - reviews


We didn't plan to have a child, it happened by accident. I drank ok, then decided to change at the insistence of the doctor. I didn’t drink for a month, I protected myself with Pharmatex and PPA suppositories. By the way, her mother advised that the candles helped her... but, after a month, there was a delay. I took a test. Positive. I was hysterical. The husband was waiting under the toilet door when he heard two stripes and began to break into the bathtub. He pulled up the door, hugged me and persuaded me to leave the child. Throughout the entire pregnancy, he took time off from work for all ultrasounds, tests, and visits to the doctor and came with me. He also went with me to the birth. From birth I took care of the child as much as I did. He loves his daughter madly. He wants more, but we can’t do it yet.

Marina Panteleeva

I use hormonal birth control pills all the time. And then I decided to try suppositories; the pharmacy recommended Pharmatex. In general, when the time came to use it, I used it. Everything is in accordance with the instructions, five minutes before sexual intercourse. But that was not the case, after 5 minutes the itching began, which developed into a burning sensation, so much so that my eyes popped out of my head, I decided to be patient for a while, in the hope that it would go away. After another five minutes, I quickly ran into the bathroom to wash myself. Naturally, there was no desire to continue anything. So my husband and I went to bed, as they say, without eating too much... (((

My husband actually said that birth control suppositories are complete nonsense. It somehow turns out unnaturally, people want to do their love affair, but they still have to insert something, and besides, they have to wait….

I feel sorry for the money and myself, it burned and stung all night...


I was very afraid of hormones, so we tried everything that was non-hormonal. The Pharmatex tablets burned strongly. I tried Pharmatex suppositories - I thought it was burning because of the pills. No, Pharmatex burns all over. When dissolved, an unsightly substance is obtained. Simply terrible. At the pharmacy they scared me and said that they don’t give a guarantee that the candles won’t fly. Simply terrible. I switched to hormonal pills with a minimum dose - Difenda. I went to the gynecologist and asked - she approved. I stopped twitching. If I had known that everything would be so good, I would have switched earlier. Very pleased


I didn’t want to write about these candles, but I couldn’t stand it. I only used them twice and they didn’t help me and I don’t think I should expect anything good from them.

I wasn’t going to buy these candles, but just after I gave birth and a little time had passed, I was terribly afraid of getting pregnant, and besides, my husband wasn’t confident in himself either, because during the time when I was pregnant, he was very relaxed. I complained to his sister about this and that problem, and since she works as a nurse in gynecology, she gave me these and such suppositories, and said that they are not suitable for everyone, so that I should be on my guard.

You need to insert these candles and wait for a while, so to speak, “listen to it.” But then it all started right away, the candle didn’t want to melt or dissolve, it constantly floated out, then expectations began and thoughts would I heal or not?

Whatever you say, after those two incidents I don’t even touch them, my husband and I decided to do without all this, just take a little precaution and be careful. And these candles still lie in the medicine cabinet.


I have a younger child “pharmatex”:) Then I read on the Internet that the reliability of candles is 60% if you, in principle, allow pregnancy, then you can, but if you definitely don’t need children yet, I don’t recommend it



did not find


temperature rose, pain appeared

My husband and I tried Farmatex suppositories, the first times everything was fine, but then a week after the next time, chills began, in the morning my stomach hurt, everything burned, it was painful to go to the toilet... I couldn’t think that it was from Farmatex... I referred to cystitis. A week passed, all the symptoms went away, and we used the suppository again, as a result the same symptoms, but also with a temperature of 37.6... and yellow discharge. I went online and read it, and now there is no doubt that all these symptoms are from Pharmatex.



Non-hormonal, easily accessible.


Discomfort after use.

Now my husband and I have been using these suppositories for about half a year. There was no pregnancy, but there was a constant state of tension about it (since no one promises 100% protection). In addition, you need to wait time until they begin to act. We only used suppositories, but the instructions stipulated that to select a drug, you can try all the products from their line: tablets, cream. I also read somewhere on the forum that for greater safety you need to use them together with condoms - well, this is kind of crazy. The question immediately arises: what is the point of these candles (condoms) in general, if you can easily buy one thing and still not feel safe. After use (sexual intercourse), there was severe discomfort in the form of nagging pain or burning in both me and my husband. The only plus (or maybe not) is that they are available without a prescription and do not contain hormones. So for those who don’t have the time to go to the doctor (which is not good) or teenagers who are still embarrassed to do this, these candles may come in handy. There is still a chance to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Be healthy.


Good day everyone)) Today I was inspired to write about contraceptives and after my review of Lactinet I decided to write about these “miracle” candles. And so, in order, Pharmatex was prescribed to me by my gynecologist as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy for nursing mothers. I probably used about 2 or 3 packs and realized that I was pregnant again!!! This is the surprise Pharmatex gave my husband and me on the eve of the New Year holidays)) I’ll make a reservation right away, since pregnancy was not part of my plans at that time, I took the issue of contraception seriously, I studied the instructions for the candles inside and out and used these candles strictly according to instructions, but still they turned out to be a rather useless thing (it was only after I learned that all sorts of suppositories, creams and gels are only 60-70 percent effective, and this is when used correctly!!!) In addition, they are very inconvenient to use and here’s why: 1 they cause itching, burning and irritation in the intimate places of both partners 2 spontaneous sex will not work, after inserting the suppository you still need to wait for its action to begin and only then proceed with what you have planned (unless, of course, you have already forgotten and why did all this even start ) 3 stains your bedding and even manages to stain your underwear, given the fact that you’ve naturally been in the shower and a couple of hours have passed 4 they stink of something incomprehensible 5 contribute to the rubbing of “work blisters” even if your pranks did not last that long 6 before with each new step you need to introduce a new candle and wait again... 7 before and after using Pharmatex you can’t use soap, it’s better not to even look at it (even hands washed with soap or your martyr taking a shower with soap, min 30 before, can nullify your trying not to get pregnant) These are such wonderful Pharmatex suppositories. z.y. Despite all the disadvantages of this contraceptive, I am immensely grateful that the suppositories turned out to be so useless, because thanks to this miracle of the pharmaceutical industry, I now have an immensely beloved, terribly adored little daughter)))

Irishka Zhenina

I feel a little guilty about the appearance of the red-haired miracle Danila... The fact is that 6 years ago my husband and I were childless, carefree, and if we had become pregnant, there would have been no problems. Therefore, we successfully used this miracle remedy for some time, without really thinking about its effectiveness. Why for a while? Yes, because there is a lot of inconvenience - waiting 10 minutes .... do not wash with soap but buy special solutions for this product at the pharmacy (a little expensive) In general, this is not very convenient for a young and hot couple of young people who want variety - both quick cakes and other things. But we have to wait. After the process, everything is sticky, and everything...greasy comes out...It’s good if you are family people and you have your own bed, your own bed linen, which you can wash yourself and no one will be able to see it on the sheet.....You haven’t really thought about the effectiveness of the drug (I repeat) Fortunately, neither I nor my husband had any allergic reactions... But I liked using Pharmatex cream more. We still use it successfully. And so my husband’s sister chose contraceptives for herself after the birth of her first child. She's allergic to latex, OK - she was a little scared to take it. And I advised her to take Pharmatex contraceptives. She told me that there was cream and candles. They say I don’t get pregnant with these products. And in principle, they are like family people - they are not in a hurry, they can afford to wait 10 minutes until the candle dissolves.....or they are not afraid that they will stain the sheet with cream... As a result, after the first use of the candles (I don’t know why she chose them), my husband’s sister became pregnant . As she told me later, the candle did not dissolve . even though we waited 10 minutes. Children are a joy, especially planned ones... but sometimes surprises are also pleasant. Now that we already have our sweet daughter (we conceived consciously), we approach contraception more responsibly. From all the chaotic writing, we can draw a conclusion: - Not suitable for spontaneous sex - 70% effectiveness is very little. — In principle, the introduction itself can be played up… but what if you don’t have the strength and don’t want to wait at all…. - not very aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. - You can use suppositories (cream) and interrupted sexual intercourse. But what if the MC doesn’t want the interrupted act at all? Are you afraid then at the end of the month waiting? — The tablets must be swallowed, picking them out from the blister, washed down with water. The condom must be put on and before doing so, remove it from the package, which sometimes for some reason does not break. The Pharmatex candle also needs to be removed from the package and placed in the right place, but the effectiveness, aesthetics and hygiene are different for everyone. The question is - why then use them at all? After all, there is no 100% certainty. Yes! There is no such confidence with any contraceptive.... especially with this one... but about everything else I have already written my opinion. And you, girls and women who are faced with the problem of contraception, think what will be best for YOU! Well, then. I finished writing. Tomorrow we will go to visit our nephews and our daughter. Now let's go for a walk and buy cars as gifts!

Pharmatex vaginal suppositories No. 10

A country

The country of production may vary depending on the batch of goods. Please check with the operator for detailed information when confirming your order.

Active substance

Benzalkonium chloride + Hypromellose


Active substance: Benzalkonium chloride.

pharmachologic effect

Contraceptive, antiseptic. Damages sperm membranes, causes destruction of the flagellum and rupture of the head, making the fertilization process impossible. Does not change the saprophytic flora of the vagina and the hormonal cycle. Bactericidal effect on Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamidia spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, herpes virus (type 2), Staphylococcus aureus, less active against Gardnerelia vaginalis, Candida albicans, Haernophilus ducreyi and Treponema pallidum. Practically not undergoes absorption and has no resorptive effect. The effect develops after 8-10 minutes (vaginal tablets), 5 minutes (vaginal suppositories), 3 minutes (vaginal cream) or immediately after insertion into the vagina (tampon).

Indications for use

Local contraception (including in the presence of contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives or intrauterine devices, during periods of breastfeeding, premenopause, with irregular sexual activity, after childbirth or abortion, in case of skipping regular oral contraceptives); as an additional means of contraception when using a vaginal diaphragm or intrauterine device.

Mode of application

Intravaginally. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina no later than 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action of the drug is 4 hours.


Incompatible with anionic detergents, because destroyed by soap (vaginal irrigation and washing with soapy water are contraindicated).

Side effect

Allergic reactions, candidiasis, vulvovaginitis.


Hypersensitivity, inability to use contraceptives correctly, incl. for mental disorders, contact dermatitis, colpitis, ulceration of the vaginal mucosa, irritation of the uterine mucosa, a history of allergic reactions.


No information available.

special instructions

Using the drug significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy, but does not eliminate it completely. During use, you should refrain from using other intravaginal drugs (Pharmatex may be inactivated). Only external irrigation of the genitals with clean water or external toileting using a foaming product that does not contain soap and corresponds to the local contraceptive Pharmatex is allowed. While using the drug, it is not recommended to take baths, swim in pools, ponds or the sea. If vaginal diseases occur (or worsen) you should temporarily stop using the drug.

Dispensing conditions in pharmacies

On prescription

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