Hyaluronidase - how to eliminate the consequences of complications after using hyaluronic acid

Physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used as an additional method to the main treatment, as well as during rehabilitation. This group of methods includes electrophoresis with lidase.

This technique is used in the rehabilitation clinic of the Yusupov Hospital in the treatment of various diseases. The affordable cost of the procedure is combined with the professionalism of specialists and the friendly attitude of the staff, which makes a stay at the Yusupov Hospital not only comfortable, but also beneficial for the body.

Device structure

The electrophoresis apparatus is an alternating current rectifier, semiconductor (now), electron tube (formerly). It operates from a standard network with a frequency of 50 Hz and a voltage of 220 V and is equipped with a milliammeter.

Electrophoresis devices operate primarily using galvanic current. It is continuous, low voltage, constant intensity. Always passing in one direction, the current is able to maintain polarity, strength, and voltage. The action is comparable to a blow of wind that does not change its strength. Thanks to this, the electrophoresis device is able to “deliver” drugs deep into the body, affecting the tissues and mucous membranes of the body. For direct current, even dense tissues can be considered permeable.

What complications after the injection of hyaluronic acid will hyaluronidase help with?

If you contact an experienced cosmetologist-dermatologist in a timely manner, he will be able to help in any situation, except blindness and skin necrosis. Of course, the introduction of hyaluronidase will not give anything if it was not hyaluronic acid that was used, but some other drug of unknown origin. Hyaluronidase acts on any cross-linked hyaluronic acid that is approved for injection in the European Union.


Mechanism of action of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis introduces drugs percutaneously directly into the pathological focus. The device promotes the breakdown of substances into smaller particles - ions. They move towards the electrophoresis electrodes from opposite poles. When approaching them, the ions undergo electrolysis. They change from ions to atoms due to the loss of their charge.

If a drug is placed on one of the electrodes, it begins to move into the tissue. There it accumulates in depth in the form of a depot and is slowly consumed (up to 2 weeks). Knowing the specific density and resistance of body tissues, the physicochemical properties of the drug, and the parameters of the electric current, it is possible to accurately determine the concentration of the drug at a given depth.

There are two types of ions: anions (-), cations (+). Water breaks down into H (+) and OH (-). Near the electrodes, ions interact with water and form acid and alkali. Therefore, burns are likely at the site where the cathode and anode are attached, and during electrophoresis, pads moistened with water are always used to dilute these solutions.

A change in ion concentration causes the body's cells to become excited. Metabolic processes and the ability to respond to external influences are accelerated. Ultimately, this accelerates intracellular recovery and removes metabolic products faster.

Electrophoresis with lidase: contraindications

Before performing electrophoresis with lidase, specialists from the Yusupov Hospital Rehabilitation Center carry out a comprehensive diagnosis aimed at identifying possible contraindications.

The main contraindications for electrophoresis with lidase:

  • diseases and damage to the skin;
  • malignant formations;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergic reaction to lidase;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • high sensitivity to electrical discharges.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of this procedure should also be limited. Lidase for electrophoresis, the price of which is affordable, does not cause unpleasant sensations, nor does exposure to electric current, but during this period the woman is the most sensitive and vulnerable.

The Yusupov Hospital employs experienced physiotherapists who regularly improve their skills, so when contacting the rehabilitation center, patients can be confident that the services provided meet international quality standards.

Will electrophoresis help get rid of a hernia?

Galvanization is prescribed for hernias as an auxiliary or primary method of treatment. It is not able to get rid of advanced forms of the disease. Its main action is aimed at stimulating the natural regenerative abilities of tissues and relieving pain in the initial stages of the disease.

The use of electrophoresis for hernia leads to:

  • changes in the permeability of cell membranes - cells become more sensitive, regenerative capacity increases;
  • dilation of blood vessels, which promotes blood flow and the supply of more essential nutrients;
  • increased lymphatic drainage - decomposition products are removed more quickly;
  • the occurrence of local and general reflex reactions.

Thanks to this, the affected tissues are restored faster, the foci of inflammation are reduced, and the pain syndrome is weakened.

After treatment, most patients experience a decrease in the volume of the hernia by 50% or more, its structure becomes more homogeneous and less dense. In the case of small hernias, in some patients their complete disappearance was recorded.

Advantages of using electrophoresis

The main advantage is the rapid achievement of a positive effect due to local effects. Medicines are administered specifically to the desired site. This compares favorably with this method of treatment even from injections. Electrophoresis allows it to be used even by patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract (there is no load on these organs). It can be used by people with blood flow disorders. In this case, standard tablets and injections will be ineffective. And the action of galvanic current bypasses the circulatory system.

Already after the first session of electrophoresis, the pain syndrome associated with a hernia decreases

Electrophoresis is effective due to the long-lasting current. Therefore, it is carried out in a course, with pre-calculated sessions. During the intervals between them, the therapeutic effect is maintained.

Electrophoresis has no side effects. The process is non-invasive, so there is no discomfort or recovery period. The action of current through tissue does not cause allergic reactions, eliminating the possibility of overdose.

What problems require treatment with hyaluronidase?

Most often, patients come to the clinic after unsuccessful lip augmentation in two cases:

  • When the drug shines through the mucous membrane because it was not injected deeply enough.
  • When unsightly lumps appear on the lips because the drug was administered incorrectly or granulomas have formed.

Also, when introducing hyaluronic acid into different parts of the body, the following complications are possible:

  • threatening necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue around the lower lip;
  • Tyndall effect or swelling under the eyes caused by too superficial placement of the drug;
  • abscesses after increasing the volume of the cheeks;
  • early and late allergic reactions.

Lumpiness of lips

Lip necrosis

Swelling of lips

Problems arise due to the administration of a low-quality drug or as a result of the administration of biological products under questionable sanitary conditions.

Many of these patients do not receive care from the esthetician who performed the cross-linked hyaluronic acid procedure because he is not qualified enough to resolve the medical problem in the event of an adverse event. A beauty salon is not a clinic! And a cosmetologist is not a doctor!

Indications for procedures

Electrophoresis is prescribed to all patients diagnosed with a hernia who experience severe pain - an inevitable companion to this disease. Other indications depend on the type of protrusion.

Each type of intervertebral hernia has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easy it is to get rid of a hernia in 10 sessions

Indications for electrophoresis for cervical hernia

For herniated intervertebral discs in the cervical spine, electrophoresis is prescribed for:

  • dizziness and migraines;
  • surges in blood pressure;
  • weakness in the upper limbs;
  • loss of sensitivity in the limbs;
  • limitation of movement, muscle weakness.

Read more about cervical hernia in this article.

Indications for electrophoresis for thoracic hernia

For a thoracic hernia, electrophoresis is indicated for anyone who has:

  • numbness, tingling in the upper extremities;
  • limited mobility due to muscle hypertonicity.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of thoracic intervertebral hernia here.

Indications for electrophoresis for lumbar hernia

For a lumbar hernia, electrophoresis is prescribed if the following symptoms are present:

  • tingling sensation, numbness of the lower extremities;
  • problems with urination;
  • the feeling that “your legs won’t obey you.”

Read about other symptoms in the article “Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine.”

How quickly does hyaluronidase work?

The effect of hyaluronidase is immediate, but often causes swelling, so most often patients see the effect of complete dissolution of hyaluronidase only after 2-3 days.

  • If it is necessary to dissolve only part of the hyaluronic acid, small doses of the enzyme must be administered every 10-14 days.
  • If we are dealing with a serious complication and want to dissolve all the acid at once, large doses of the enzyme should be used.

Effect of hyaluronidase

How an electrophoresis session is performed in the clinic

Electrophoresis sessions are carried out in a special physiotherapy room.

What devices are used

The most popular device for carrying out the procedure is Potok-1. It has long proven itself in the market and does not lose its effectiveness and demand. This is what is used in most clinics.

But there are a large number of modern devices:

  • Elfor;
  • Nevoton;
  • Mustang-Physio-GalvaFor et al.

Electrophoresis devices

The differences between them are minimal. All are easy to use, they have a compact shape and are affordable. The operation of any device is based on galvanic current, which flows continuously, with constant intensity, in one direction. But sometimes Trabert current is used. It has higher frequency, amplitude modulated currents that do not move in a straight line. They can pass sinusoidally, pulsate or change randomly.

Devices can also be equipped with:

  • sinusoidal modulated currents;
  • pulsed diadynamic currents (DDT);
  • fluctuating current.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia


Before the procedure, the specialist prepares the apparatus and solution. You need to adjust the required current strength, which is selected by the attending physician. Electrodes are then attached to the patient with wipes moistened with a special liquid consisting of prescribed medications and water.

Gaskets are installed based on the location of pathological foci. They need to be attached as close to their center as possible. Due to this, the maximum positive effect is obtained.

Electrode location:

  • For a cervical hernia,
    the first electrode (+) is attached to the neck, the other (-) to the lumbar area.
  • In case of pathology of the thoracic discs
    - (+) is attached to the thoracic spine, (-) to the lower back.
  • For a lumbar hernia
    , the method of split electrodes is used: (+) attached to the lower back, split (two electrodes) (-) attached to the legs - in the back of the thighs or calves.

Then turn on the device and slowly increase the current based on the recommendations. This eliminates discomfort for the patient. During the first session, the electrodes are left on for only 10-15 minutes in order to observe the patient’s condition and completely eliminate negative consequences.

What should the current be?

The current strength for all types of hernias is on average the same. The device is set at 6 milliamps and gradually increased to 15. But these values ​​may vary depending on the characteristics of the human body and the stage of the disease.

Session duration

The duration of the session for cervical hernias is from 5 to 15 minutes. When treating the thoracic and lumbar areas, the procedure will take an average of 20 minutes.

What should be the duration of the course?

The course for cervical hernias is 15 sessions, for pathologies of the thoracic and lumbar spine - 20. These are average numbers, the exact number is determined by a specialist, based on the needs and characteristics of the body. Procedures can be done daily or every other day. The main thing is to complete the entire course in order to achieve a positive effect.

How does the patient feel?

During the procedure, the patient may experience a slight tingling or warmth under the electrodes. Under no circumstances should there be pain or burning sensation. If they occur, the procedure is completed immediately.

The electrophoresis procedure is painless

Cost of electrophoresis

The cost of electrophoresis treatment consists of the cost of medications and the procedure. The average price of medicines is 70 rubles, and procedures – from 500 rubles.

Carrying out at home

Before starting self-medication, it is imperative to consult a doctor. He will prescribe a course of treatment and the necessary medications. The wrong dosage or medication may cause more harm than good. Also, if you are not sure that you will do everything correctly during the first procedure, it is better to have a medical professional nearby and show everything.

For galvanization, many doctors advise purchasing the Potok-1 or Elfor device. They have simple controls, different modes with different current strengths. The price of the device varies from 5,000 to 12,000 rubles. You will also need pads made of gauze or fabric.


  1. Prepare a working solution. Attention, you can only use freshly prepared mixture.
  2. The electrodes are fixed exclusively on napkins moistened with a solution, otherwise a chemical burn is possible.
  3. Remove clothing from the required area of ​​the body to apply electrodes.
  4. Secure the electrodes and place bags of salt, sand, etc. on top of them for a tighter fit.
  5. At the end of the procedure, gradually reduce the current supply, turn off the device and only then remove the electrodes.
  6. Stay calm for 10-15 minutes.

If all prescribed doctor's recommendations are followed, electrophoresis performed at home is in no way inferior in effectiveness. However, it is still worth visiting a doctor in the middle and at the end of the course so that he can determine how much the treatment has helped and whether it is worth adjusting. If pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately and consult a specialist.

What medications are used for electrophoresis for hernia


Carazipam for electrophoresis

It is a solution for external use, which contains papain, a natural plant substance. The main effect of the drug is the breakdown of necrotic elements and the dilution of blood clots, viscous secretions and other protein compounds. Electrophoresis has a beneficial effect on cartilage tissue, stimulating its regeneration, and enhances the restoration of intervertebral disc tissue.

For external use only. Side effects include allergic reactions. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding and hypersensitivity to the main component. Does not have a systemic effect on the body.

No cases of drug overdose have been identified. There are no important clinically significant interactions with other drugs. Produced in Georgia and Russia. The price for one ampoule, on average, is from 60 rubles.

The course of treatment must be at least 14 procedures.

Karipain Plus

Karipain Plus for electrophoresis

The drug contains papain, bromelain (an enzyme isolated from pineapple pulp), lysozyme (an antibacterial agent), collagenase (an enzyme that breaks down collagen) and excipients (sodium chloride and lactose monohydrate). It relieves local inflammatory processes and reduces joint pain. Stimulates microcirculatory processes and restores skin elasticity. With the help of galvanization, it penetrates deep into the tissue, stimulates natural reconstructive processes, and softens the hernia. This helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

Among the contraindications:

  • pregnancy period;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • disintegration of the intervertebral disc;
  • allergic reactions.

No cases of overdose have been identified. There are no important clinically significant interactions with other drugs. Produced in Georgia and Russia. The price for one ampoule, on average, is from 210 rubles.

The number of sessions is individual, on average 10-20 sessions.


Novocaine for electrophoresis

The main active ingredient of the drug is procaine hydrochloride 5 mg or 20 mg. Auxiliary ingredients: sodium chloride, water for injection. The drug is available in the form of an injection solution. Has a local anesthetic effect. Therefore, it is prescribed mainly to patients with pronounced pain syndrome due to a hernia.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient, progressive cardiovascular disorders, and pregnancy.

Side effects include:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness, weakness;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • tachycardia;
  • nervous excitement.

Novocaine enhances the effect of sedatives, anesthetics and muscle relaxants. Therefore, it must be used for electrophoresis strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

They mainly use a drug of Russian origin. The price for 10 ampoules of 0.5% 10 ml starts from 50 rubles. The duration of the course and dosage are regulated by the doctor.


Eufillin for electrophoresis

The active ingredient of the drug is aminophylline. The effect of the drug leads to a decrease in muscle contractile activity. Eufillin is mainly used in pulmonology. In the treatment of hernias, it is used to dilate blood vessels, which improves blood flow in the lesion and stimulates venous outflow. Due to this, pain is reduced and swelling in the area of ​​inflammation is resolved. Thanks to galvanization, the drug has a targeted effect without having a systemic effect.

Local application reduces the occurrence of side effects. A slight drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and tachycardia may occur. Contraindications: allergic reactions, convulsions, severe liver or kidney failure.

Eufillin increases the effect of glucocorticoids, drugs that excite the central nervous system. Reduces the activity of lithium salts. The country of manufacture of the drug is Russia. A box of 10 ampoules will cost 40-60 rubles.


Trypsion for electrophoresis

Trypsin is an enzyme of the hydrolase class that breaks down peptides and proteins. Therefore, its pharmacological effect is regenerative and anti-inflammatory. The main function is the disposal of half-life products.

Contraindications: tumor processes, pregnancy, allergic reactions. Side effects include: tachycardia, allergies.

There are no important clinically significant interactions with other drugs. Trypsin is produced in Russia. The price for trypsin 10 ampoules of 10 mg each starts at an average of 500 rubles.

The duration of the course and dosage are prescribed by the attending physician.

We use non-surgical hernia treatment techniques
Read more about our unique technique

Incorrect administration of hyaluronic acid – when and who to contact?

Below is a list of the most alarming symptoms that - if they occur after the injection of cross-linked hyaluronic acid - should prompt the patient to immediately seek help from a specialist experienced in treating complications in the field of aesthetic medicine:

  • pain that is not relieved by over-the-counter pain medications;
  • increased swelling of the face;
  • dyspnea (shortness of breath);
  • whitening, decrease or increase in skin temperature over the injection site of hyaluronic acid;
  • suspicion of an abscess;
  • heat.

Unsatisfactory aesthetic effect, asymmetry, visible lumps and translucency of the drug do not require urgent intervention.

The only correct address where you can eliminate the consequences of complications after using hyaluronic acid is the office of a dermatologist with experience in treating complications in the field of aesthetic medicine.


Can electrophoresis be used for children?

Galvanization is often used in pediatrics. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure. It does no harm, is non-invasive, absolutely painless. But only a doctor should select the necessary medications, frequency and amplitude of the current.

Is it possible to combine electrophoresis with other procedures - acupuncture, massage, paraffin baths?

Electrophoresis is compatible with many other procedures, such as acupuncture, various therapeutic and cosmetic massages, and paraffin baths. But a complex treatment regimen is developed by a doctor, since between some manipulations it is necessary to take a break from several hours to several days.


  1. ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases).
  2. L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308. Bogolyubov.
  3. Medical rehabilitation (manual, 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998. Popov S. N.
  4. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.
  5. State Register of Medicines (GRLS) of the Russian Federation.

Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 12/23/2020 Date of update: 01/11/2021

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