Tuberculin BIOLEK PPD-L solution 2TE/dose-1ml 10 doses intradermal injection.

Possible side effects

  • For most, the test process is asymptomatic.
  • Headaches may rarely occur
  • General weakness, sleep disturbances, and increased body temperature rarely develop.
  • Individuals with altered reactivity experience allergic reactions.
  • Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria) in particularly sensitive individuals, vaccinated persons must be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes.

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Indications for Tuberculin vaccination

Tuberculin is used for tuberculin diagnostics (carrying out an intradermal Mantoux tuberculin test), which is an indicative diagnostic test for the purpose of:

  • identifying the need for a patient to be vaccinated against tuberculosis with BCG
  • diagnosis of tuberculosis;
  • determining whether the population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (or the state of hypersensitivity to tuberculin, if the existing post-vaccination allergy does not give grounds to talk about infection).

The active substance of the drug (allergen-tuberculoprotein) causes, when performing an intradermal tuberculin test in people infected or vaccinated with BCG/BCG-M, a specific delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in the form of a local reaction - hyperemia (redness) and infiltrate (papule formation).

Reaction to the vaccine

  • Negative - when no papule has appeared, that is, there is only one small dot at the injection site, which means that there is no infection.
  • What does a dubious Mantoux reaction mean? Sometimes the result is given - the test is questionable, when it is impossible to understand the body’s reaction, that is, redness of different sizes may appear, but there are no papules, then they can redo the Mantoux test.
  • Positive Mantoux reaction, what does it mean? There is a possibility that the child came into contact with and became infected with tuberculosis (size up to 15 mm), after this result the baby is sent to specialists for a detailed examination, after which the Mantoux test is repeated throughout the year.
  • A hyperergic Mantoux reaction to tuberculin injection (more than 15 mm) definitely indicates infection.

Adverse reaction
There is no need to be afraid of the Mantoux test process. In most cases, it does not give an adverse reaction, and the difficulties always lie in the individual characteristics of the children. At any age, they cannot always resist touching the injection site.

Evaluation of Mantoux test results

The test result is assessed by a doctor or trained nurse 72 hours after the test. A reaction to tuberculin is possible in the form of hyperemia (redness of the skin) and the formation of a papule (a dense round area rising above the skin). Assessment of the Mantoux test consists of taking into account the size of the papule and assessing the severity of hyperemia. The measurement is carried out in a direction transverse to the axis of the hand, the result is taken into account in millimeters. Only the size of the papule is measured, and not the size of the area of ​​hyperemia (redness). The size of the redness is taken into account only when the papule has not occurred.

Reaction options for the Mantoux test:

  • negative - there are no changes on the skin;
  • doubtful - there is redness of any size without a papule, or a papule no more than 2-4 mm;
  • positive mild - papule size 5-9 mm;
  • positive of medium intensity - papule size 10-14 mm;
  • positive pronounced - papule size 15-16 mm;
  • excessive (hyperergic) - the size of the papule exceeds 17 mm or there are pronounced signs of inflammation (reaction of the lymph nodes, skin ulceration, etc.).
  • A negative Mantoux reaction indicates that the body does not have antibodies that are “familiar” with the tuberculosis bacterium. This means that the child is not infected, or there is no immune reaction to BCG vaccination.
  • A questionable sample is considered negative.
  • A positive test can be either a consequence of BCG vaccination or a sign of infection.

To assess the likelihood of infection, you need to look at the turn of the tuberculin test - the transition of a negative Mantoux reaction to a positive one (not associated with previous vaccination) or an increase in the diameter of the papule compared to the result of the previous test by 6 millimeters or more.

Also signs of infection are:

  • hyperergic reaction;
  • persistent (more than 4 years) persistent reaction with a papule of 12 mm or more;
  • gradual (over several years) increase in sensitivity to tuberculin with the formation of an infiltrate measuring 12 mm or more.

A positive Mantoux test result without taking into account other diagnostic criteria is not a basis for making a diagnosis or starting any treatment.

Only a doctor can evaluate the reaction; if necessary, the child will be referred for additional examination to a TB specialist.

Indications for the Mantoux test

The Mantoux test is performed to diagnose tuberculosis.

Children vaccinated against tuberculosis:

The Mantoux test (Intradermal allergy test with tuberculin) is performed once a year, regardless of the results of previous tests, at the age of 1 to 7 years inclusive.

For children not vaccinated against tuberculosis (children who have not been vaccinated with BCG), the Mantoux test is performed 2 times a year starting at the age of 6 months

Children not vaccinated against tuberculosis:

The Mantoux test is performed - 2 times a year, starting from the age of 6 months, the Mantoux test is performed.

Tuberculin (PPD) purified for mammals 1 bottle (100 doses)


Purified tuberculin (PPD) - for allergic diagnosis of tuberculosis in mammals. In appearance, tuberculin is a transparent, light brown liquid without sediment.


Tuberculin is made from the protein fraction of the products of growth and thermal destruction of the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (strain: No. 8 or Valle, or AN5), grown on a synthetic nutrient medium purified by membrane fractionation, with the addition of phenol (no more than 0.5% by volume), glycerin (no more than 10% by volume) and sodium chloride (0.85% ±0.05%).


Purified tuberculin (IPT) for mammals is a veterinary immunobiological preparation - an allergen for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Tuberculin, when administered to animals infected with bovine or human tuberculosis, causes a local or general allergic reaction, depending on the method of application. A local reaction to intradermal injection of tuberculin can occur in animals infected with the causative agent of avian tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, as well as non-tuberculous mycobacteria of various species. In severe forms of tuberculosis, as well as in sick animals with metabolic disorders, immunodeficiencies, etc. the reaction to tuberculin may be mild or absent (anergy).

The activity of purified tuberculin (IPT) for mammals is 10,000 IU (international units of the First International Standard PPD bovine) per 1 cm3.

Tuberculin is harmless and has no medicinal properties.


Tuberculin is intended for allergic diagnosis of tuberculosis in mammals. Allergy testing is carried out in accordance with these instructions and current documents regulating the diagnosis of animal tuberculosis.

The following are subject to tuberculinization: cattle, buffaloes, zebu-like animals, yaks, horses and other representatives of equids, pigs, sheep, goats, monkeys, marsupials, wolves and other representatives of carnivores, dogs, cats - from 2 months of age; deer, deer, antelope, fur-bearing animals (minks, arctic foxes, foxes) - from 6 months of age; camels, dolphins, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos - from 1 year.

Cows (heifers), buffaloes, yaches, and camels are examined regardless of the period of pregnancy; zebu, mares, donkeys, sows, sheep, goats, bitches, fur-bearing animals and females of other animal species - no earlier than 1 month after birth.

For allergic testing of mammals (except monkeys, cats and fur-bearing animals), tuberculin is used in a volume of 0.2 cm3; when studying monkeys, cats and fur-bearing animals - in a volume of 0.1 cm3.

When studying monkeys, tuberculin is diluted 10 times (1 volume of tuberculin and 9 volumes of diluent) with sterile physiological solution pH 7.0 ± 0.5 or a solvent of mycobacterial allergens.

For intradermal administration of tuberculin, syringes with a capacity of 1-2 cm3 and needles for intradermal injections or needleless injectors BI-7, IBV-02 and their analogues are used, for intravenous administration - syringes with a capacity of 5-10 cm3 with needles for injections. To administer tuberculin, disposable syringes are allowed. Tuberculin is administered to monkeys, fur-bearing animals, and cats only with a syringe and a needle. To apply tuberculin to the conjunctiva, eye pipettes or syringes without needles are used.

Before and after use, syringes, needles and eye pipettes are sterilized by boiling for 30 minutes in distilled or boiled water without adding disinfectants. Needle-free injectors are sterilized in accordance with the instructions for use.

A separate sterile needle is used for each animal.

Before administering tuberculin, the fur (hair) at the injection site in animals (except sheep, goats, monkeys, marsupials and fur-bearing animals) is cut off, and the skin is treated with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol.

With the intradermal method of tuberculinization, tuberculin is administered to: cattle (except bulls), buffalos, zebu, yaks, deer, deer - in the middle third of the neck; for bulls, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses - in the sub-tail fold; for camels - into the abdominal wall or groin area at the level of the horizontal line of the ischial tuberosity; for pigs - from the outer surface of the ear 2-3 cm from its base; for piglets aged 2-3 months, tuberculin can be injected into the lumbar region, 5-8 cm away from the spine, using only a needle-free injector; for dogs, wolves and other representatives of carnivores - in the area of ​​the inner thigh or elbow fold; for monkeys, marsupials, fur-bearing animals - in the upper eyelid; for sheep and goats - in the lower eyelid, 1.5 - 2.0 cm from its edge; for dolphins - in the back in the area of ​​the front flipper; for cats - in the area of ​​the inner surface of the ear.

Accounting and assessment of the reaction in cattle, buffaloes, zebu-like, yaks, camels, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, deer, deer, antelopes, monkeys, marsupials, dolphins is carried out 72 hours after the administration of tuberculin; in pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, wolves and other representatives of carnivores, cats, fur-bearing animals - after 48 hours.

When taking into account the reaction, the site of tuberculin injection is palpated in each animal under study; in monkeys, marsupials, sheep, goats and fur-bearing animals, the condition of the eyelids of the right and left eyes is assessed; in bulls, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos - the left and right sub-caudal folds.

If changes are detected in cattle (except bulls), buffalos, zebu-like, yaks, camels, deer, deer, antelopes, measure the thickness of the fold in millimeters with a cutimeter at the site of tuberculin injection and determine the amount of its thickening in comparison with the thickness of the fold of skin near the injection site tuberculin.

Animals are considered to be responsive to tuberculin: cattle (except bulls), buffalo, zebu, camels, deer, red deer, antelope - when the skin fold thickens by 3 mm or more, regardless of the nature of the swelling (swelling, pain, increased local temperature); bulls, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, pigs, dogs, wolves and other representatives of carnivores, dolphins, cats - when a swelling forms at the site of tuberculin injection; monkeys, marsupials, sheep, goats and fur-bearing animals - with a visible difference in the eyelids of the right and left eyes.

In areas unfavorable for bovine tuberculosis, the use of a double tuberculin test is allowed. For this purpose, animals that did not respond to the first injection of tuberculin are re-administered the drug on the day the reaction is recorded in the same dose and in the same place. The reaction to the second injection of tuberculin is recorded after 24 hours.

The ocular tuberculinization method (ophthalmotest) is used to diagnose tuberculosis in horses and other equids.

In cattle, this method can only be used simultaneously with an intradermal tuberculin test for additional identification of infected animals in farms unaffected by tuberculosis or when selecting animals for diagnostic slaughter. The diagnosis of tuberculosis during pathological examination is most often confirmed in animals that react simultaneously when examined in each of the samples.

The ocular tuberculin test is carried out twice with an interval of 5-6 days between administrations. Tuberculin in an amount of 3-5 drops is applied with a pipette or syringe without a needle to the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid or to the surface of the cornea with the lower eyelid retracted. Animals that responded to the first injection of tuberculin are not given the drug again. The results of the ophthalmic test are recorded 6, 9, 12 and 24 hours after the first and 3, 6, 9 and 12 hours after repeated administration of tuberculin. A positive reaction is characterized by the formation of a mucopurulent or purulent secretion that accumulates in the conjunctival sac or flows in the form of a cord from the inner corner of the eye, hyperemia and swelling of the conjunctiva. When taking into account the reaction, it is necessary to retract the lower eyelid and inspect the conjunctival sac, since the reaction may be limited to the short-term formation of purulent secretion in the form of grains.

Short-term hyperemia and lacrimation with the formation of a small amount of mucous secretion, as well as the absence of any changes, are assessed as a negative reaction.

The intravenous tuberculinization method is used to select animals for diagnostic slaughter from among those reacting to tuberculin in tuberculosis-free herds.

Intravenous testing is allowed only in adult cattle (at least 18 months old), with the exception of cows (heifers) during the month before and after calving.

Before administering tuberculin, the animal's body temperature is measured. Animals with elevated temperature (above 39.5 °C are not examined).

An intravenous test is carried out with a 50% tuberculin solution (tuberculin is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with physiological solution with a pH of 6.8 to 7.2 or a solvent for mycobacterial allergens). The test animal is injected intravenously with 1 cm3 of tuberculin per 100 kg of live weight.

The reaction is taken into account 3, 6 and 9 hours after the administration of tuberculin by measuring the animal’s body temperature.

In animals with tuberculosis, the reaction to intravenous administration of tuberculin is characterized in most cases by an increase in body temperature. A general reaction of the body is possible in the form of convulsive phenomena, severe anxiety, and rarely, loss of consciousness and death from anaphylactic shock.

Animals are considered to react positively when their body temperature rises to 40.5 °C or more.

The palpebral method of tuberculinization of cattle is used simultaneously with an intradermal tuberculin test to differentiate specific and nonspecific reactions during the initial diagnosis. Tuberculin is administered to cattle in a dose of 0.2 cm

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