Nystatin suppositories are an effective remedy against thrush

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


What is nystatin ? This is a polyene antibiotic with antifungal activity. Shows activity against yeast-like fungi Candida . against bacteria . Has a fungistatic effect. Resistance of fungi to the drug develops slowly.

The structure of nystatin contains double bonds, which determine its affinity for the formation of the cell membrane of fungi - the substance molecule is embedded in the membrane and forms channels for the transport of electrolytes into the cell. An increase in osmolarity inside it leads to death. The cell lyses, losing its resistance to external osmotic forces.


When taken orally, it is almost not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Does not accumulate with repeated doses. Excreted through the intestines.

The active substance of ointments and suppositories when applied externally is not absorbed through the mucous membrane and skin.

Indications for use

For vaginal suppositories

  • candidiasis of the vulvo-vaginal area ;
  • prevention of fungal diseases with local antibiotic .

For tablets

  • prevention of fungal diseases in the postoperative period during operations on the gastrointestinal tract ;
  • candidiasis of internal organs of the skin and mucous membranes ;
  • prevention of gastrointestinal candidiasis during long-term antibiotic therapy .

Indications for use of ointment

Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes .

special instructions

During menstruation, treatment should not be interrupted.

For fungal diseases of the vagina, simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner is recommended. During the treatment period, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During treatment with the drug, it is possible to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Instructions for use of Nystatin (Method and dosage)

The drug has several forms of release, so we will consider the instructions for use of all dosage forms.

Nystatin tablets, instructions for use

How to take the pills? The tablets are taken orally, regardless of food intake. They are swallowed without chewing. Nystatin tablets are prescribed to adults for candidiasis of internal organs , 500,000 units 6-8 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 14 days. The average daily dose is 1,500,000 - 3,000,000 units. For generalized candidiasis - up to 6,000,000 units per day, repeated courses are given after 2 weeks.

For children under 1 year of age, the dose is 125,000 units, from 1 to 5 years - 250,000 units, over 13 years - 500,000 units, dosage frequency 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 14 days.

Nystatin ointment, instructions for use

Nystatin ointment is intended for external use; it is applied in a thin layer to the skin or mucous membranes 2 times a day for 10 days. Often combined with oral tablets. For stomatitis in a child, apply ointment to the affected areas 3 times a day after meals, treatment continues for at least a week.

If local irritation , skin rash or urticaria , the drug is discontinued.

Nystatin suppositories, instructions for use

Vaginal suppositories Nystatin are inserted deep into the vagina. The dosage regimen is individual. Usually 1 candle in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment is 14 days. During menstruation, treatment is not interrupted. During the treatment period, avoid sexual intercourse. Treatment of the sexual partner is necessary. During pregnancy, suppositories with Nystatin are used as prescribed by a doctor in case of urgent need.

Negative reactions of the body

When using nystatin suppositories in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and the dosage instructions for use, adverse reactions of the body are rarely observed. Allergic reactions are practically eliminated, since the active component almost does not enter the bloodstream.

Minor local discomfort after using suppositories disappears quickly, so replacement of the drug is not required. Yellowish discharge after using suppositories is considered normal. The main unpleasant symptoms that can persist on the mucous membrane of the vagina or anus for a couple of days are as follows:

  • Burning or itching.
  • Edema and hyperemia.

A false sensation of the presence of a foreign body may also occur. This is due to swelling. When used rectally, suppositories can provoke a frequent and strong urge to defecate. In some patients, suppositories may cause diarrhea. It can be one-time or maintained for the entire period of use of the candles.

Serious negative reactions of the body can occur in people with weakened immune systems, as well as those suffering from serious kidney and liver pathologies. In such cases, chills, nausea and vomiting may occur after using suppositories. In addition, while taking the drug there is a risk of increased signs of liver failure.

The risks of overdose are not high due to the absorption characteristics of the active substance. But if pronounced negative reactions of the body appear, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take absorbents.

Nystatin during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a predisposing factor for the development of vulvovaginitis . The main thing in this situation is the safety of treatment. The instructions include contraindications for the use of nystatin during pregnancy, since there is no information about their safety for the fetus. Nystatin suppositories can be used during pregnancy only in exceptional cases when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. Reviews from forum visitors confirm that the drug in this form is sometimes prescribed to pregnant women for short courses of treatment.

The use of ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy. However, it has been proven that the active substance is not excreted in milk when used externally, so breastfeeding can be continued during treatment with the ointment. Do not apply the ointment to the area of ​​the mammary gland and nipple.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, children under 18 years of age (there is no data on the effectiveness and safety of the use of nystatin in dosage form for intravaginal use in children).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. Use during breastfeeding is possible, since the drug is practically not absorbed through the mucous membranes, so it does not penetrate into breast milk.

Nystatin for thrush

Candidiasis of the genital mucosa and oral cavity is called thrush . The main method of treating mild and moderate oral thrush is local treatment in the form of mouth rinses and treatment of the affected areas with a solution of this drug.

Women often experience candidal vulvitis or vulvovaginitis . Vaginal cream or ointment is recommended for the treatment of vulvitis, and tablets and suppositories for vaginitis. For mild vulvovaginitis, local treatment is sufficient - vaginal tablets or suppositories: micogal, clotrimazole, Klion-D. Suppositories with nystatin for thrush have recently been rarely used, since most strains of the Candida fungus have become insensitive to it. The drug has a mycostatic effect, not mycocidal. This provides temporary relief, making you feel better, but leads to relapse. Reviews from forum visitors also speak about this.

If there is no other choice, or the woman has an individual intolerance to the above drugs, then Nystatin is prescribed.

How to take Nystatin suppositories for thrush? They are inserted deep into the vagina 2 times a day. It is very important that the sexual partner also treats with antifungal tablets. If treatment is not carried out, there is a possibility of re-infection of the woman. For mild cases of the disease, drugs for local treatment can be replaced with a single dose of Fluconazole .

For recurrent candidiasis , which tends to exacerbate more than 4 times a year, a combination of local and systemic administration of drugs with one active ingredient is necessary. So, ointment and tablets for thrush are applied topically orally. The following treatment regimen is also possible: a suppository with Nystatin 250,000–500,000 units at night for 14 days, a thin layer of ointment on the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina 2 times a day for 14-21 days, and tablets of 500,000 units 4 times a day for up to 10 days.

If there is a combined infection (yeast-like fungi and various bacteria), then complex drugs are used, which include nystatin: Macmiror , Terzhinan , Mikozhinaks , Polizhinaks .


To treat thrush, the drug is used vaginally. Before inserting a suppository into the vagina, it is necessary to perform hygienic procedures. It is necessary to ensure deep insertion of the suppository. After the procedure, you should take a lying position of a quarter asa.

To obtain the desired effect, candles must be used a couple of times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 10-14 days. If thrush is recurrent, you should additionally take nystatin tablets. The need for repeated courses of treatment is determined by the doctor.

It is important to use suppositories only if indicated in accordance with medical recommendations. If used incorrectly, it can provoke nystatin-resistant fungi, which will complicate treatment.

The shelf life of nystatin suppositories is 2 years. The product should be stored in a place out of direct sunlight at temperatures up to +5°C. The optimal storage location is the refrigerator. After the expiration date, the product must not be used. You can buy nystatin suppositories without a prescription in pharmacies.

Nystatin analogues

Level 4 ATC code matches:



Polygynax Virgo


Analogs of the polyene series: Levoy , Natamycin ; imidazoles: Ketoconazole , Miconazole , Clotrimazole ; triazoles: Fluconazole , Intraconazole .

Reviews about Nystatin

Nystatin tablets, what are they for? This is an antifungal drug used to treat candidiasis , a fungal disease that can occur with damage to the skin, nail plates, mucous membranes and internal organs ( generalized candidiasis ). Candidiasis of the genital mucosa and oral cavity is called thrush. The main method of treating mild to moderate oral thrush is local treatment. Adults can dissolve the tablet after meals 3-4 times a day or lubricate the affected areas of the oral mucosa with ointment. For newborns, a tablet of nystatin 250,000 units is crushed and dissolved in a small amount of water. Drops of the resulting solution are applied to a gauze swab and the areas are treated 3-4 times a day. Children from 2 years of age can be given the drug orally, 1/4 tablet three times a day, and the oral mucosa can be treated with the drug “ Candide ”.

Reviews of Nystatin suppositories for thrush are associated with side effects: increased urination, irritation, burning sensation in the vagina. Women often stopped treatment immediately after the symptoms disappeared, while the pathogen was not eliminated and the symptoms returned after a while. According to many women, these suppositories are not very effective; they believe that the drug is “outdated” and prefer modern antimycotic drugs. There are also reviews that these suppositories were prescribed during pregnancy to treat thrush.

Reviews of Nystatin tablets are most often associated with its prescription for the prevention of dysbacteriosis during long-term use of antibiotics. From the first days of antibiotic treatment, many patients were prescribed 250,000 units 4 times a day. It is effective only for the prevention of intestinal candidiasis, since its systemic absorption is 3–5% and it does not affect fungi outside the intestine. When taking the tablets, side effects were observed in the form of nausea and stool upset. In order to prevent candidiasis infections, this drug is immediately introduced into tablets containing an antibiotic. Thus, Tetracycline with nystatin are used for bronchitis , tonsillitis , furunculosis , tracheitis , cholecystitis , purulent skin infections and acne .

Nystatin ointment was used to treat superficial candidomycosis of the skin and in cases of mild disease, good results were noted. For severe fungal skin infections, local application of ointment alone was not enough and systemic antimycotics ( Fluconazole ) were prescribed.

Nystatin price, where to buy

You can buy nystatin preparations for thrush at any pharmacy, they are available for free sale and you do not need a prescription in Latin, written out by a doctor. Their cost is reasonable. Thus, the price of Nystatin in suppositories ranges from 84-92 rubles, the price of Nystatin in tablets No. 20, 500,000 units. is 20-28 rubles, and the price of Nystatin ointment 30 g is 49-75 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Nystatin tab.
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  • Nystatin sup. vaginal 500 thousand units 10 pcs. PJSC Biosintez

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  • Nystatin vaginal suppositories 250 thousand units 10 pcs. PJSC Biosintez

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  • Tetracycline with nystatin 100,000 units tablets p.o. 10 pcs PAO Biosintez

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Tetracycline + nystatin (tablet 100 mg + 22.2 mg No. 10) Biosynthesis OJSC

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  • Nystatin suppositories (sup. vag. 250TE No. 10) Biosynthesis OJSC

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  • Nystatin ointment (tube 100 units 30 g) Biosynthesis OJSC

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  • Nystatin suppositories (sup. vag. 500TE No. 10) Biosynthesis OJSC

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  • Nystatin ointment 15g PAT "Lubnipharm", Ukraine
    18 UAH. order
  • Nystatin 500000 OD No. 10 rectal suppositories PAT Monfarm, Ukraine

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  • Nystatin 500000 units No. 20 tablets PAT NEC "Borshchagivsky chemical-pharmaceutical plant", Kiev, Ukraine

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