Gammalon - instructions for use, composition and release form, indications and analogues

Why is Gammalon effective?

Gammalon is a latest generation nootropic stimulant. It gives phenomenal results in the treatment of mental retardation in children. The drug directly affects the nerve cell, increases neutron activity, stabilizes the cell membrane, and accelerates synthesis in the cell. For example, you need to buy Gammalon if you have poor memory, get tired quickly, and slowly absorb information. Drugs for the treatment of stroke are neurometabolics, among which Gammalon occupies one of the first places. The drug is popular not only in Moscow and Russia, but throughout the world. It stimulates cognition and accelerates the recovery of motor activity.


Before using the drug, pay attention to the composition in order to remove side effects from the body’s reactions, due to which the patient’s health condition worsens, therefore there are contraindications due to which it is not recommended to use the drug, namely, increased hypersensitivity, after which side effects occur effects such as allergic reactions. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Before starting to use this drug for pregnant or nursing mothers, it is necessary to take into account the risks that may appear after starting use, and they may negatively affect the health of your baby and the health of the mother herself. Therefore, read the ingredients, but before doing so, seek advice from a specialist regarding use.

Instructions for use of Gammalon

The drug was developed in Japan. Its original purpose is the rehabilitation of patients after a stroke. The medicine Gammalon is effective for people who need regular brain nourishment. The assessment of specialists and patients who completed the course of therapy is positive. They claim that the drug does not act immediately, but after long-term use the result is clearly visible.

Composition and release form

Gammalon tablets are manufactured by the Japanese company Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. ATX code: N03AG03. Characteristics of the drug Gammalon:

Compound1 tablet contains 250 mg of gamma-aminobutyric acid
Release form of the drugThe box contains 10 blisters of 10 tablets each (100 tablets in total)

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Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug provides a nootropic effect: γ-aminobutyric acid restores metabolism, improves blood supply and microcirculation of the brain, normalizes the process of utilization of toxic metabolic products and glucose, and reduces glycemia levels. GABA is one of the main neurotransmitters that control central inhibition. The substance improves the dynamics of nervous processes.

The maximum concentration of the active substance in plasma is observed 60 minutes after administration. After 24 hours it is not detectable in the blood and does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier well. Pharmacodynamics of Gammalon:

  • improves memory;
  • makes thinking more productive;
  • provides a mild psychostimulating, antioxidant effect;
  • helps restore motor activity and speech after cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • has moderate anticonvulsant, neurotrophic, antidepressant effects;
  • eliminates dizziness;
  • puts your sleep in order;
  • provides a hypotensive effect - reduces high blood pressure.

Indications for use

The drug Gammalon is taken for various diagnoses and conditions:

  • consequences of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries with impaired attention and memory;
  • arterial hypertension of different etymologies (primary, secondary), which leads to headaches, dizziness, insomnia;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy, polyneuritis, alcohol dependence;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries, cerebrovascular diseases;
  • depression, provoking astheno-hypochondriacal conditions, behavioral disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • sea, air sickness.

In pediatric practice, the drug is used for cerebral palsy, birth injuries, and mental retardation. Gammalon is given to children after traumatic brain injuries or for cerebrovascular accidents. As an auxiliary drug, it is prescribed for Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, delayed speech development, hypertonicity, etc.

Indications for use

Gamma-aminobutyric acid helps restore brain metabolic processes: activates energy processes, improves glucose utilization and blood supply, and increases the respiratory activity of tissues. GABA has a mild psychostimulating effect, has anticonvulsant activity, stabilizes high blood pressure, improves memory, increases thinking productivity, and helps restore speech and movements after cerebrovascular accidents.

Taking into account these properties of the active substance, Gammalon is prescribed to adult patients for:

  • Vascular diseases of the brain (damage to cerebral vessels, atherosclerosis caused by hypertension), especially in cases where they are accompanied by sleep disturbances, headaches, dizziness;
  • Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries with accompanying phenomena of softening of the brain;
  • Conditions after cerebrovascular accident, stroke, traumatic brain injury;
  • Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, discirculatory encephalopathy, characterized by impaired attention, memory and speech, headaches and dizziness;
  • Symptom complex of motion sickness (sea sickness, air sickness);
  • Alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • Alcoholic polyneuritis.

In pediatrics, Gammalon, according to the instructions, is used for:

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Mental retardation, accompanied by decreased mental activity;
  • Consequences of birth and/or traumatic brain injury;
  • Symptom complex of motion sickness.


Aminalon can be replaced by drugs containing gamma-aminobutyric acid or another active ingredient, but with the same effect. Analogues of the product include:

  • Gammalon – nootropic tablets based on GABA, treat atherosclerosis;
  • Biotropil - psychostimulant and nootropic tablets containing piracetam;
  • Lucetam - tablets and injection solution containing piracetam, treat cortical myoclonus;
  • Nootropil - tablets, capsules, solution for oral use, for intravenous administration based on piracetam, have a nootropic effect;
  • Piracetam - injection solution and tablets containing piracetam have neurometabolic and psychostimulating effects;
  • Phenibut is a tableted medication based on aminophenylbutyric acid, which has nootropic and anxiolytic effects;
  • Phezam - combined capsules containing piracetam and cinnarizine, dilate blood vessels, improve brain function;
  • Amylonosar - nootropic tablets and solution, which include nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • Noofen - tablets and capsules based on phenibut, have tranquilizing and psychostimulating properties;
  • Cavinton - concentrate for infusion and tablets based on vinpocetine, have a cerebrovasodilating effect;
  • Vinpocetine - tablets and solution for parenteral administration, contain vinpocetine, have antihypoxic, antiaggregation, vasodilating effects.

Gammalon price

The drug based on gamma-aminobutyric acid can be purchased offline, online pharmacies, and on specialized websites. Cost of Gammalon and available analogues in Moscow:

Drug name Price
Gammalon 2100–2800
Aminalon 170–200
GABA 1200–1500

special instructions

At the beginning of treatment, blood pressure monitoring is necessary due to the possibility of its fluctuation.

While using Gammalon, it is prohibited to drink alcohol-containing drinks.

It is not recommended to take the drug immediately before bedtime, because Possible sleep disturbances (including insomnia).

In the first days of treatment, doctors advise refraining from driving a car or performing potentially dangerous activities that require increased attention, high speed of motor and/or mental reactions.

In the future, with long-term use of this medicine, caution should be exercised.

Mutual potentiation of the effect is observed with the simultaneous use of Gammalon with benzodiazepine drugs (anticonvulsants and tranquilizers), most sleeping pills and sedatives.

The effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid may be enhanced by pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6).

The use of any other drug should be discussed with your doctor.

Gammalon effect for developmental delays

Gammalon from Japan is often ordered when supportive treatment is needed for children with developmental delays, such as children with Down syndrome. Whether it is developmental features caused by disorders of neural connections or genetic diseases, gammalon has proven effectiveness.

The drug certainly improves speech and memory. Reduces disorders of the vestibular apparatus and restores movement. Moreover, sleep improves and dizziness goes away. The drug’s functions in normalizing neural connections and improving cerebral circulation make the drug extremely effective for therapeutic effects and maintenance therapy in cases of documented developmental lag in children from the age norm established by specialists.

More and more parents are deciding to try Japanese Gammalon in order to monitor the stable development of their children's speech and thinking skills. Gammalon helps with speech delays, concentration problems, the consequences of birth trauma and a number of other symptoms.

At what age can you take the drug? In fact, in fact, at any time, from 1 year

However, it is extremely important to strictly adhere to the dosage. Of course, the drug will be quite effective as brain nutrition and support, but you should not mistake it for something completely miraculous and miraculous.

Side effects

Gammalon has side effects in the first days of use or with a long course of therapy. In this case, for children and adults, it is necessary to reduce the daily dose; interruption of the course of treatment is not recommended (the tablets are discontinued only if severe symptoms occur). According to reviews, treatment adjustments are made by a specialist.

Possible body reactions:

  • allergic rashes on the skin accompanied by itching;
  • disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort);
  • taking tablets shortly before bedtime may impair night rest;
  • increased activity, irritability and restlessness;
  • a rush of blood to the face and a general feeling of heat;
  • pressure surges;
  • in rare cases, headaches, dizziness and breathing problems have been reported.

After reducing the dosage, the symptoms stop. After adjusting therapy, the child should be under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary, the drug is replaced with an analogue.

Side effects and overdose

The drug may cause anxiety, sleep disturbances, a feeling of heat, fever, shortness of breath, and changes in blood pressure. Digestive tract disorders are observed: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia. Children often experience overexcitement in the first days of taking it, which is why the recommended doses have to be reduced. In case of overdose, adverse reactions intensify. Treatment is symptomatic: gastric lavage, taking sorbents, reviewing the dosage of Gammalon.

Gammalon price

  • Gammalon price in Russia
  • Gammalon price in Ukraine
  • Gammalon price in Kazakhstan

Gammalon instructions

INSTRUCTIONS for using the drug Gammalon

ATXN03AG03 Gamma-aminobutyric acidPharmacological group NootropicsComposition and release form 1 tablet contains gamma-aminobutyric acid 250 mg; in a box there are 100 or 10 blisters of 10 pcs. Pharmacological action Pharmacological action - nootropic. Restores metabolic processes in the brain, promotes the utilization of glucose and the removal of toxic metabolic products, ensures the normalization of the dynamics of nervous processes. Pharmacodynamics Increases the productivity of thinking, improves memory, has a mild psychostimulating effect, accelerates the recovery of movements and speech after cerebrovascular accidents; helps reduce and stabilize high blood pressure, reduces dizziness, normalizes sleep. Indications of the drug Gammalon Conditions after cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injuries (including in children); atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries (with symptoms of softening of the brain); arterial hypertension (especially with headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance); alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuritis; pediatric practice - cerebral palsy, consequences of birth trauma, mental retardation. Contraindications Hypersensitivity. Side effects Increased body temperature, nausea, insomnia, possible fluctuations in blood pressure (in the first days of use). Method of administration and dose Orally, before meals. Adults - 3-3.75 g per day. Children from 1 to 3 years - 1-2 g per day, 4-6 years - 2-3 g per day, over 7 years - 3 g per day . Duration of treatment - from 2 weeks to 4 months. Storage conditions for the drug Gammalon Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life of the drug Gammalon is 3 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

Directions for use and dosage

The tablets are taken orally, before meals. Gammalon is swallowed whole, not chewed, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Dosage for adults – 3–3.75 g per day (12–15 tablets). The daily dose is divided into three doses. The course of treatment with the drug ranges from 2 weeks to 4 months. The break lasts 6–8 months, then, if necessary, therapy can be repeated. With a weak vestibular system (motion sickness syndrome), adults take 0.5 g of gamma-aminobutyric acid three times a day. The course lasts 3–4 days.

Gammalon is given to children in other dosages:

  • age 1–3 years – 1–2 g (4–8 tablets);
  • children 4–6 years old – 2–3 g (8–12 tablets);
  • children over 7 years old – 3 g (12 tablets).
  • dosage for motion sickness – 0.25 g three times a day.

While taking Gammalon, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. In the first days of therapy, the patient should not drive a car or engage in activities that require increased attention and memory, high speed of motor/mental reactions. You should not take pills just before bedtime, as they can lead to sleep disturbances.

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Gammalon - analogues

Drug analogs
Gammalon analogs

How to use

  • Add medications from Quick Search on the top panel using , and look at the results.
  • For drugs with active ingredients, a list of complete analogues
    (having the same components) is displayed.
  • Introduce tools that analogues should not interact with
  • Add diseases, taking into account the indications, contraindications and side effects of which analogues will be selected.
  • Watch the training video on selecting analogues in more detail

Why do you need to search for analogues?

  • The online medical service is designed to select the optimal replacement for medications.
  • Find cheap analogues for expensive drugs.
  • For drugs that do not have complete analogues, look at the list of drugs that are most similar in use.
  • If you are a professional, then the help of artificial intelligence will help you select treatment.

The drug "Gammalon"

complete analogues, the cheapest is Aminalon (139-243ք);
analogs in action, the most similar is Encephabol (724-1086ք)

The advantage of Kiberis is its versatility, thanks to which it is able to select analogues for any drugs.

Artificial intelligence analyzes indications, contraindications, components, pharmacological groups, as well as information on the practical use of drugs, and displays the best replacements with the degree of similarity as a percentage.

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Only an experienced doctor who understands the individual characteristics of the patient can select analogues or substitutes for the drug Gammalon.


Pharmstandard-Ufa VZ (RF)

Price: table 20 mg (30 pcs.) – 88 rub., 50 mg (30 pcs.) – 104 rub., solution 5% (10 amp.) – 145 rub., 10% (10 pcs.) – 130 rub.

Nootropic drug based on nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid, which has the properties of a cerebral circulation corrector. Improves the condition of the brain by restoring metabolism in brain tissue and stabilizing the rheological characteristics of the blood. Used for the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular accidents (after strokes, chronic cerebral blood flow insufficiency), VSD, depression, alcohol withdrawal, migraine, neuroinfection, open-angle glaucoma.

The drug is produced in tablets and solution for injections.


  • Helps with memory problems
  • Reduces the frequency and intensity of headaches
  • Affordable price
  • Several pharmaceutical forms.


Mild irritability.


Organics (RF)

Price: table (50 pcs.) – 132 rub., (100 pcs.) – 206 rub.

Tablets with gamma-aminobutyric acid to eliminate residual effects after injuries and disorders of the brain, stroke, CVD, as well as for disorders of memory, attention, speech, mental abilities, and alcohol intoxication. For children it is prescribed for mental retardation and kinetosis.


  • Helps
  • Improves memory
  • Promotes the production of growth hormone
  • Affordable price.


Long course.


Enhances the effect of benzodiazepines, many hypnotics and antiepileptic drugs.

Before using Gammalon, consult your doctor!

Vyacheslav: 10/04/2010 / 19:28Good afternoon, my name is Vyacheslav, I currently live and work in Hong Kong. Here this drug is not a medicine, therefore, it is almost impossible to buy. Please tell me if delivery to GK is possible and what is the payment method? my contact
Elena: 10/06/2010 / 14:10Hello! Please tell me whether a 6-year-old child diagnosed with mental retardation, neurodevelopmental disorder, or ADHD should take Gamibetal to solve speech problems? Thank you in advance!
Elena: 10/06/2010 / 14:11

Hello! Please tell me whether a 6-year-old child diagnosed with mental retardation, neurodevelopmental disorder, or ADHD should take Gammvlon to solve speech problems? Thank you in advance!
Gregory: 10/15/2010 / 17:26Good afternoon! I suggest purchasing Gammalon Daiichi Sankyo (Japan) in Moscow. Packaging 250 mg-100 tablets. Expiration date until 2013. Direct deliveries from Japan. Delivery within Moscow is free. Contacts,.
Svetlana: 10/18/2010 / 18:57Elena, my child has the same developmental disorder and he is 6 years old, the neurologist recommended taking Gammalon. Also in the clinic where we underwent examinations, many people used it and the results were excellent.
Gregory: 10/19/2010 / 10:40Good afternoon!. I suggest purchasing Daiichi Sankyo gammalon in Moscow, 250 mg • 100 tablets. Expiration date until 2013. Direct deliveries from Japan. Delivery within Moscow is free. Contacts: +7(926)849-74-79,
Vera: 10.24.2010 / 18:58I gave my child gammalon after meals for two weeks. It’s bad.
Yaroslava (clinical pharmacist): 10.25.2010 / 11:58Vera, continue taking Gammalon in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations - take it before meals.
Gregory: 10/31/2010 / 11:17Good afternoon!. I suggest purchasing Daiichi Sankyo gammalon in Moscow, 250 mg • 100 tablets. Expiration date until 2013. Direct deliveries from Japan. Delivery within Moscow is free. Contacts: +7(926)849-74-79, email:
Lina: 10/31/2010 / 23:51I will sell gammalon from Japan. Price 1450 rubles. per package (100 tablets) (St. Petersburg, Moscow) +7911 0238383
Vika: 09.11.2010 / 20:23Bring me this drug from Japan. I will sell 4 packs * 1500 rubles for each. Expiration date until 2013.
Anna: 12/18/2010 / 03:41Hello! Can you tell me where I can buy Gammalon in Vladivostok? We called and searched everything...
Alla: 12/20/2010 / 09:37The doctors prescribed Gammalon for us. They said it can be ordered in Novosibirsk on delivery. payment. Who knows where to call?
Olesya: 12/20/2010 / 09:53Hello. I sell Gammalon in Novosibirsk, I send it by mail. payment. Direct deliveries from Japan. Costs 100 tablets of 250 mg 1500 rubles. tel. 8-913-456-35-57
Elya: 12/27/2010 / 20:26Hello! Is it possible to buy gammalon in Kazan?
Show all pages as oneForum pages

Astra wrote:

Olga, in Europe they believe that our diseases cannot be treated with nootropics and in general they have a completely different approach to this and a different mentality, there if a child falls on the floor in a store, no one will open their mouth, here you will hear everything from everyone. All the nootropics that we took are contraindicated until at least 14, or even 18 years of age, because clinical trials have not been conducted on children and in general many have no proven effectiveness. But that’s not even the question, I’ll now write my IMHO, it may not be correct, but according to my observations, at a young age, who were supposedly helped by nootropics, it seems to me more that there weren’t any of our problems, there’s just a tempo ZRR and it’s unknown the nootropics helped or the child simply spoke due to his age, since then these children did not have problems with speech, so that they had to correct it before school, and then at school. For those who have serious problems, organics, I don’t remember many of them helping, their effect is noted closer to 4-6 years, when our children actually begin to develop. And again the question arises, did nootropics give an impetus. We have a girl in our group, motor alalik with secondary mental retardation. Her parents categorically refused to treat her, they didn’t even see any problems, they would start talking, period. Since May of this year, she began to work with a paid speech therapist (it was ONR-1, but at a stretch ONR-2) in July she turned 7 years old. Now she is talking, severe dysarthria, but you can already understand her, she speaks worse than my treated daughter, despite the fact that our problem was much more serious than hers. Regarding nootropics, I can’t make up my mind now, there was a period when we drank them and I didn’t see any results, up to 5 years in large doses, then, after 5 years, progress began, we didn’t drink for a year, but development continued , at about 6 years old they started drinking again in very small doses. I don’t know how they affect speech, but the fact that the child becomes more intelligent and more information can be crammed into him is a fact. But in addition to nootropics, we carry out electrical stimulation and other rehabilitations, and from them there is a 100% result, and who knows, maybe nootropics have nothing to do with it. In general, I still can’t say how useful and whether nootropics are necessary. I know a mother who fed her son nootropics from the age of 4, from the age of 5 in large doses, at 6 he started talking, but where is the guarantee that from nootropics, she can’t answer this question for me. He was 6 years old, maybe he would have spoken without them. Now he is 10 years old, he eats tons of nootropics, including gammalon and cerebrocurin, and everything he can. In addition to nootropics, we worked with a paid speech therapist from the age of 5 and a year before school with a speech pathologist. I went to school at the age of 8. He talks like my daughter, only his speech is cleaner and he has more brains. Agrammatisms bloom and smell. Maybe everything would have been different, she lived by the principle, I paid the speech therapist, let him work, she didn’t study with him at home. Therefore, it seems to me that the basis is games and activities.

Cheap analogues of Gammalon

#NamePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
1Konvulex Valproic acid
Analogue according to indications and method of use
108 rub.73 UAH
2Convulsofin-Retard Valproic acid
Analogue according to indications and method of administration
143 RUR
3Encorate chronovalproic acid
Analogue according to indications and method of use
168 RUR72 UAH
4Encorate Sodium valproate
Analogue according to indications and method of use
168 RUR
5Valparin HR Sodium valproate
Analogue according to indications and method of administration
199 RUR

When calculating the cost of cheap Gammalon analogues, the minimum price was taken into account, which was found in the price lists provided by pharmacies

Analogues of Gammalon

The drug has more than ten effective analogues:

  1. Aminalon is a drug identical to Gammalon. Produced in Belarus at the Borisov Medical Preparations Plant, in Russia at the Akrikhin KhFK, Belgorodvitamins, etc. plants.
  2. GABA is an American dietary supplement from NOW Foods. Release form: gelatin capsules, 100 pcs. Tablet composition: 500 mg GABA, 2 mg vitamin B6, rice flour, gelatin, magnesium stearate and silica.
  3. Gamibetal is a Bosnian analogue of Gammalon from the manufacturer Sbrolek. Available as a solution for intravenous administration 24 mg/ml, tablets 250 mg.
  4. Ganevrin (Apogamma, Encephalon, Gaballon, Gamarex, Gammaneuron, Gammar, Gammazol) - according to the instructions, absolute analogues of Aminalon are not sold in the Russian Federation.

Daiichi-Sankyo (Alfresa Pharma) Gammalon Gammalon 250mg

Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd is one of the largest Japanese pharmaceutical companies and a leader in its industry. For more than 100 years, using invaluable experience and innovative technical advances, it has been helping in the fight against cancer not only in Japan, but also around the world.

The company produces cardiology products and antibiotics. The Astellas Pharma brand produces over-the-counter drugs.

One of the most popular products is gammalon, a drug that restores metabolic processes in the brain.

The drug Gammalon

increases productivity of thinking, improves memory, has a mild psychostimulating effect, accelerates the recovery of movements and speech after cerebrovascular accidents; reduces dizziness, normalizes sleep, helps reduce and stabilize high blood pressure.

Gammalon is effective in pediatric practice - for cerebral palsy, the consequences of birth trauma, and mental retardation of a child. Gammalon is invaluable in the treatment of atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries (with symptoms of softening of the brain, arterial hypertension (especially headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuritis.

Composition: 1 tablet contains gamma-aminobutyric acid 0.25 mg

Mode of application

Adults - 3 g per day. Children from 1 to 3 years old - 1-2 g per day, 4-6 years old - 2-3 g per day, over 7 years old - 3 g per day. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses. Duration of treatment - from 2 weeks to 4 months.

For motion sickness syndrome (prevention and treatment) 3 times a day for 3-4 days for adults - 0.5 g, children - 0.25 g.

pharmachologic effect

Indications for use

  • Alcohol dependence syndrome
  • Mental retardation
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Polyneuropathies and other lesions of the peripheral nervous system
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Encephalopathy, unspecified
  • Diseases characterized by high blood pressure
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis
  • Consequences of cerebrovascular diseases
  • Intracranial trauma
  • Consequences of intracranial injury

Side effects of the drug Gammalon

Increased body temperature, nausea, insomnia, possible fluctuations in blood pressure (in the first days of use).

Place of production

You can pay for your order in one of the following ways:

  • Cash to courier upon receipt
  • In cash at the pick-up point, located at the address: Moscow, Kotlyakovskaya street, 6. Opening hours: Mon-Fri. from 10:00 to 20:00. Pickup after 20:00 Visit by appointment.

Delivery is carried out throughout Russia.

Attention: for some groups of goods (dietary supplements, dietary supplements) delivery is not provided, only pickup is possible!

Moscow, Kotlyakovskaya street, 6

Mon-Fri. from 10:00 to 20:00. Sunday is a day off.

Delivery in Moscow

Usually produced on the day of order/next day:

  • The cost of delivery by courier in Moscow is 300 rubles.
  • Delivery cost within the Moscow Ring Road for orders over 10,000 rubles. - for free
  • Delivery cost outside the Moscow Ring Road is 300 rubles + 30 rubles/km

Delivery to regions*

*When ordering goods to the regions, we are forced to charge a partial advance payment of 400 rubles. Our company took this measure to reduce the number of unclaimed orders, the delivery costs of which we have to compensate.

This in no way increases your costs: you only pay the cost of the goods and services of the transport company. Thus, regardless of the total order volume, you need to make 400 rubles as an advance payment.

The remaining amount - the total cost of the goods and its delivery minus 400 rubles - is paid upon receipt.

Delivery to the regions is carried out by Russian Post. The cost of delivery to the regions is not included in the cost of the order and is calculated separately according to standard tariffs for the provision of services for sending domestic parcels.

Rehabilitation tactics for children with neuropsychic development delays


for young children with symptoms of damage to the nervous system, the next step after clarifying the diagnosis is
the creation of an individual rehabilitation prognosis for development
. Its main goal can be formulated as follows: anticipating the further development of pathological symptoms, to provide for the timely implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures in order to prevent an unfavorable outcome. The rehabilitation prognosis should include an analysis of the development of the disease or syndrome, its long-term consequences, and the patient’s social and living status. All these positions should be based on the pathokinesis of pathological manifestations of damage to the nervous system, taking into account age.

A study of the child’s nervous system in an evolutionary-diagnostic aspect shows that age-related parameters of the development of vital functions (regulation of homeostasis, respiration, blood circulation, digestion) have minimal variability. A wider range is characteristic of the development of fine motor skills, the formation of mental and speech functions. If the damage does not lead to the death of the organism, then a complex reorganization of brain systems occurs, ensuring adaptation to a new mode of activity.

Pathological processes, damaging the neuron, as the main integral value of the brain, lead to a certain pathokinesis of symptoms from various levels of the central nervous system (see Table 1).

The goal of restorative rehabilitation treatment

is the return of a sick child to the conditions of life, upbringing, study, sports, communication with peers characteristic of his age, and in the absence of such an opportunity, ensuring stable compensation for impaired functions and adaptation to new conditions of existence.

Based on the analysis of diagnostically significant syndromes and their combinations, we consider it necessary to determine the leading “socializing” feature around which the entire compensation and recovery program will be built. The rehabilitation program should be step-by-step, adapted to different periods of the disease; individual - calculated depending on the severity of the lesion with various functional and organic defects and various patient reactions to the disease; comprehensive, to carry out multifactorial treatment, combining psychological methods with physical and medicinal ones; sequential (i.e., each subsequent stage of treatment must take into account the results of the previous one). It is necessary to achieve both positive dynamics of clinical indicators and psychological status, which will help achieve social adaptation with the development of self-care skills.

An integrated medical and social approach to the restoration of psycho-neurological deficits of varying severity in young children should be determined not so much by the timing of the disease, but by the clinical manifestations and response of the patient to the disease, the dynamics of restoration of impaired functions and social rehabilitation.

Depending on the severity of the leading syndromes (impaired motor skills, speech, psyche, cognitive processes, often in combination with seizures), a treatment program for developmental delays in children of different ages should be built.

For the treatment of young children, the rehabilitation structure should include: physical therapy; physiotherapy; massage; postural exercises to recreate and develop motor skills; orthopedic correction; hyperbaric oxygen therapy; drug blockades; acupuncture; electrical stimulation methods, movement correctors.

Physical factors play a major role in recovery

: electrophoresis with symptomatically targeted medications, sinusoidally modulated currents, mud therapy, baths, ozokerite, thermal wraps, hardening procedures.

Large head sizes do not always correlate with the concept of “hydrocephalic syndrome”.

It is necessary to use sanatorium-resort treatment
, according to indications -
manual therapy sessions
, as well as reconstructive cosmetic surgery.
possible diagnosis of speech disorders and their correction
is extremely important , which in the future helps to solve the problems of training in special programs. We should not forget about the need to examine the child by specialists (psychiatrist, geneticist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, dentist, gastroenterologist, etc.) in order to correct somatic disorders. All these activities should be carried out against the backdrop of psychosocial and psychological assistance to the patient’s family. And, of course, in children with delayed neuropsychic development, drug therapy is used to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Drug therapy

For nonspecific (tempo) delays in neuropsychic development in young children, the volume of medications used is significantly less than for specific ones (with symptoms of organic damage to the nervous system).

With a uniform delay in the formation of motor skills - in the 1st year of life, speech development - in the 2nd year of life, in children with mild disorders of neuropsychic development, by the 3rd year of life there is a significant compensation for previously identified disorders, however, continued correction of motor skills is required disinhibition, improvement of cognitive functions (especially attention) and development of fine motor skills.

To correct muscle tone disorders

use tolperisone (if it increases) or prozerin with bendazole (for symptoms of muscle hypotension, with intact or increased tendon reflexes), the course is 20–30 days.

To this day, overdiagnosis of “hypertensive-hydrocephalic” syndrome

with unjustified dehydration treatment.
I would like to draw attention to the advisability of diagnosing hydrocephalic-hypertensive syndrome, mainly in active hydrocephalus, followed by a decision on conservative or surgical treatment of hydrocephalus. Large head sizes do not always correlate with the morphological concept of “hydrocephalic syndrome,” which is more correctly formulated as ventriculomegaly. Indirect clinical symptoms, regarded as a consequence of increased intracranial pressure, are mostly compensatory, necessary for hemolytic circulation and do not require dehydration. In these cases, it is necessary to resolve the issue of improving venous outflow and cerebral hemodynamics using vascular drugs (vinca preparations, instenon, pentoxifylline, etc.) for 2–4 weeks. In terms of diagnostics, it is necessary to exclude rickets
, as well as manifestations in children of a hereditary physiological condition -
familial constitutional large-headedness
, which also does not require treatment.

Speech disorders

in children with mild nonspecific delay in neuropsychic development, damage to the nervous system is confirmed, and in prognostic terms they are threatened with intellectual-mnestic deficit. All of the above requires active involvement in the examination and rehabilitation of a speech therapist and speech pathologist. We consider g-aminobutyric acid preparations (0.25 g tablets) to be the most effective drug for stimulating speech development for a 1-3 month course of treatment from 100 to 300 tablets according to the nootropic regimen, see below, for a child of the first year of life, up to 600 tablets per course for older children, with a maximum dose of 2–3 g per day.

The most socially significant symptom is delayed intellectual development

, which requires dynamic monitoring of the child and treatment with nootropic drugs.

Specific delay in neuropsychic development

The algorithm for restorative treatment of children with a specific delay in neuropsychic development (even mild) differs significantly both in volume and in the list of medications from that in children with a benign developmental delay. Most children with organic damage to the nervous system (at an early age they are diagnosed with developmental delay) subsequently lag behind in the formation of many areas - motor, speech, cognitive, intellectual, with partial or total damage to higher mental functions. The main “socializing” direction of rehabilitation is the correction of intellectual disability.

With increased muscle tone

tollerisone, baclofen, tizanidine, botulinum toxin are used;
for diffuse muscular hypotension
- prozerin, oxazil, sanguiritrin, bendazole,
for extrapyramidal disorders
- levodopa + carbidopa or levodopa + benzerazide, trihexyfinidyl.

With pronounced organic developmental delays, children have fairly persistent residual symptoms. In most cases, residual ventriculomegaly without signs of active cerebral hypertension is a consequence of an earlier process in the form of normotensive (passive) hydrocephalus. This condition rarely requires dehydration: only with decompensation or with severe intercurrent illnesses. Children in this group may have various paroxysmal disorders of epileptic or non-epileptic origin. In most cases (with changes in EEG and MRI of the brain), anticonvulsants of various classes are recommended for a period of 6 to 12 months (or more).

The most difficult prognostic factor in children is general underdevelopment of speech against the background of intellectual disability.

, which largely determines the unfavorable prognosis for further development. Due to the defeat of precisely these areas - speech and intellectual - nootropics become the drugs of choice in this case.

Nootropic drugs

The name of a group of drugs that improve cognitive processes, speech, and mental activity - nootropics - comes from the Greek words “noos” - thinking, mind and “tropos” - desire, kinship. Nootropics indirectly improve metabolic-energy and integrative processes in the brain, improve cognitive functions (memory, attention, perception, analytical-synthetic processes, psychomotor activity). Some other groups of drugs (vasoactive, amino acids, etc.) act similarly, which allows the entire group of drugs to be considered nootrophs, i.e. forming new trophic possibilities for the functioning of the brain.

To the first group of nootropics themselves

(neurometabolics, cerebral nootrophs, “socializing” drugs) that have a multimodal effect on the brain include:

1. Piracetam and its analogues: apagan, braintop, diapiram (piracetam + diazepam), lucetam, nootropil, normabrain, oikamide, orocetam (piracetam + orotic acid), pyrabene, pyramem, stamine, fezam (piracetam + cinnarizine), cerebropan, cerebril , euviphor, eumental. Prescribed at a dose of 30–50 mg/kg per day, from 1 to 3–6 months.

2. Pantogam (calcium homopantothenate, hopatene, hopanthenate). Prescribed at a dose of 0.75–4 g per day (course from 1 to 6 months).

3. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (aminalon, apogamma, gammalon, GABA, ganevrin, gaballon, ganneuron, myelogen, encephalon). Prescribed at a dose of 0.5–3 g per day for a course of 2–3 weeks to 2–6 months.

4. Pyritinol (pyriditol, cerebol, enerbol, encephabol, biocephalin, tonobrain). Prescribed at a dose of 20–300 mg per day for 1–2 months.

5. Glycine (aminoacetic acid, glycocol). Prescribed at a dose of 0.1–2 g per day for 7–30 days.

The group of nootropics also includes extracts of ginkgo biloba, cerebrolysin, glutamic acid, picamilon, gliatilin. In the future, due to the complex effect of the drugs, they can be repeated in the classification depending on the composition of the drug and the effect of its action.

The second group includes amino acids: piracetam, glutamic acid, methionine, glycine, carnitine chloride, L-tryptophan, cogitum.

The third group is neuropeptides and hormonal drugs: Semax, Cerebrolysin, Prefisone, L-thyroxine.

Vascular agents that improve cerebral hemolytic fluid dynamics, microcirculation, and have an antihypoxic effect (4th group) - actovegin, instenon, nicergoline (sermion), pentoxifylline, picamilon, vinca preparations, cinnarizine (stugeron, vertizin), ginkgo biloba extracts.

Group 5 - drugs containing Ca, K, Mg, P - are necessary in the complex of rehabilitation of children with damage to the nervous system of varying severity: cerebro-lecithin, glycerophosphate, phosphobion, lipocerebrin, phytin, calcium pangamate, calcium pantothenate, asparkam, MagneB6, potassium orotate.

And the 6th group includes vitamins, multivitamins, complexes of vitamins with minerals, as well as biostimulants (aloe, calcium pangamate, potassium orotate, cogitum, ATP).

We offer a number of principles for nootropic treatment


1. Do not prescribe more than 1-2 nootropic drugs at the same time per course of treatment.

2. Knowledge of synonyms, analogues and trade names of drugs is required, in order to avoid simultaneous prescription of the same drug.

3. Between repeated courses of nootropics, a pause of 1–3 months is advisable for the aftereffect to manifest and to consolidate the effect.

4. The drug is prescribed with a gradual increase in dose over 1–2 weeks, taking the age maximum for 3–12 weeks and gradually reducing the dose over 1–2 weeks.

5. For hyperactive behavior, it is possible to use behavior correctors, anxiolytics, and sedatives.

6. For unresolved attacks, it is possible to use Pantogam and glycine as neurometabolics and nootropics.

7. Nootropics are taken in the morning and afternoon.

8. The dose and duration of taking the nootropic are directly proportional to the level and severity of the neurological deficit, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

9. It is advisable to use monotherapy with an adequate dose of the drug (without underestimating it).

10. Individualize the choice of route of administration of the drug (preferring non-injection) - orally, sublingually, intranasally.

During complex rehabilitation of children with delayed (benign or specific) neuropsychic development, the most limiting symptom for restorative treatment (whether massage, nootropics, physiotherapy, etc.) is convulsions. In this regard, such children need to achieve compensation for convulsions and paroxysmal reactions, and then use the full range of medical and social rehabilitation measures.


Gammalon for children (reviews also contain information about analogues of the drug) is not recommended to be replaced independently if there are side effects. When selecting a replacement, it is necessary to take into account the pathology for which the drug is prescribed, age restrictions and intolerance to the components.

Recommended analogues:

Names of medications Release form Age restrictions Contraindications and side effects Average price in rubles Aminalon Tablets and capsules From 1 year Cannot be used if intolerant. Therapy can cause allergic itching, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and poor sleep 150 Gabagamma Capsules No restrictions Capsules cannot be taken if you are lactose intolerant or have dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapy may be accompanied by deterioration in the functioning of the organs of vision and hearing, as well as changes in blood composition and temporary memory loss 750 Diphenin Tablets No restrictions Cannot be taken if the functioning of the heart, liver or kidneys is impaired. Therapy may be accompanied by mood swings, allergic itching and disruption of the functioning of the digestive tract. 50 Meditan Capsules From 6 years of age Taking the medication can cause temporary deterioration of vision and hearing, as well as memory loss and increased blood pressure 140 Neuralgin Capsules From 6 years of age Deterioration of vision, hearing, as well as allergic itching and cough 160 Nevrin Phytoconcentrate Does not, but due to containing alcohol, the drug is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Intolerance to components and allergic reaction. 40 Picamilon Tablets and solution for injection From 3 years of age Therapy is rarely accompanied by irritability, allergic reaction and nausea 120 Encorat Chrono Tablets From 3 years of age Cannot be taken if the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys are impaired or if there is anemia

Treatment may be accompanied by changes in blood composition, allergies and frequent mood swings 190 Encephabol Tablets and suspension No restrictions Take with caution if kidney function is impaired; Use may cause loss of appetite 1000

Before taking analogues, you must first familiarize yourself with contraindications and possible side effects.

Medicine "Gammalon": pharmacological properties

The above physical disabilities can now be effectively treated. The new Japanese medicine "Gammalon" was specially developed to improve the rehabilitation period in patients after strokes. As it turned out, the drug Gammalon has a completely different effect on the brain. The instructions describe in detail its beneficial effects on the human body. Next, we will consider the main beneficial properties of this substance.

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What is the medicine "Gammalon"? Instructions for use describe the following pharmacokinetic properties, which are as follows:

  • restoration of the metabolic process in the brain;
  • the efficiency of the brain's utilization of glucose and the removal of toxic metabolic products from it;
  • increasing productivity of thinking;
  • memory improvement;
  • restoration of speech and physical movements after disruption of circulatory processes in the brain;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • elimination of headaches, treatment of insomnia;
  • suppression of seizures;
  • decrease in blood sugar;
  • activation of the nervous system;
  • improvement of physical well-being after suffering stress and overwork;
  • treatment of motion sickness syndrome;
  • treatment of traumatic brain injuries.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


γ-aminobutyric acid preparation

, which is the main inhibitory transmitter of the central nervous system and takes part in metabolic processes in the brain. The drug restores metabolism, improves blood supply and microcirculation of the brain, and promotes the disposal of toxic metabolic products.

It has psychostimulating, antioxidant, moderate anticonvulsant and hypotensive, antidepressant and neurotrophic effects. Relieves vestibular disorders

. For diabetes


The effect of the drug is manifested in increasing the productivity of thinking, improving memory, restoring speech and motor function after strokes

, reducing dizziness, normalizing sleep and stabilizing high blood pressure.


After administration, the maximum concentration in the blood is determined after 1 hour. After 24 hours, it is not detected in the blood plasma. Poorly penetrates the BBB.

Mechanism of action and characteristics

Gammalon is a nootropic drug, its mechanism of action is due to the properties of GABA. The medicine improves metabolic processes in nervous tissue and protects it from pathogenic factors. The use of the drug helps improve:

  • attention;
  • memory;
  • psycho-emotional state;
  • sleep functions.

The medicine reduces anxiety, normalizes blood pressure, accelerates the recovery of speech and motor function after disruption of cerebral blood supply, relieves attacks of epilepsy and symptoms of metabolic disorders in the central nervous system, in particular in the brain. The drug promotes the breakdown of glucose, eliminates toxins, normalizes nervous processes and cognitive function.

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