Sildenafil, 10 pcs., 100 mg, film-coated tablets

Sildenafil for women

03.01.2021 13:47

Author: Neurologist Oleg Olegovich Torsky

Sildenafil for women is a vasodilator drug used to increase sexual desire for a partner. It helps to enhance orgasm and get vivid emotions. The product does not affect sexual desire, but only enhances pleasure in moments of intimacy.

The components included in Sildenafil have a stimulating effect on the amount of lubrication produced during sexual arousal. If there are no deviations from the norm with sexual desire, orgasm, then the remedy is not taken, otherwise negative consequences may occur.

Drug price

You can buy Sildenafil for women either at your nearest pharmacy or place an order online. In the latter case, the doctor's prescription will need to be shown to the courier at checkout. Below is the price of the drug in several pharmacies.

Pharmacy nameNumber of pills (pcs.)Dosage (mg)Cost, rub.)
7 and I15082

Composition, release form

Female Sildenafil is an aphrodisiac drug. It is available in the form of film-coated tablets intended for oral administration. Tablets have different dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg.

The main active ingredient is sildenafil citrate. As auxiliary components: lactose, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, polyvinylpyrrolidone.


As mentioned above, Sildenafil is used to eliminate poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs, to enhance sexual lust and receptivity of erogenous zones.

A familiar drug based on sildenafil is called Viagra. In fact, this is the “pioneer” of all medications to improve the quality of sex. Viagra is still actively sold in the pharmacy chain. At the same time, it is very expensive. Its price is two to four times higher than that of its synonyms.

To be more precise, subsequent drugs created on the basis of sildenafil are generics of Viagra. How do generics differ from a unique drug?

The technology for developing the original product is as follows:

  1. Isolation of a chemical substance and analysis of its properties;
  2. Conducting laboratory tests to identify the greatest number of beneficial and negative properties and determining the daily dosage;
  3. Development of a method and technology for removing the main active substance on a production scale;
  4. Purification of the active substance from unnecessary impurities, since their presence can provoke allergies and other third-party effects;
  5. Development of a unique name for the drug and its mass release on the pharmaceutical market.

Each genuine drug has a mandatory patent, the period of which is limited. Basically, the certificate is issued for a period of five to ten years. When the patent expires, another pharmaceutical company has the right to use the original composition, but produce it as its own product.


The drug has a vasodilating effect on the vessels of the pelvic organs. As a result of taking the pathogen, the blood supply to the genital organs increases. After taking Sildenafil tablets, the woman notes:

  1. Increased sensitivity during touch.
  2. Enhanced impression of intimacy.
  3. More vivid sensations.
  4. Stimulation of secretion production by the gonads during arousal.
  5. Reduced pain during penile insertion;
  6. Increased sexual desire.

Immediately after the start of sexual intercourse, the woman notices the approaching orgasm. The sexual act itself may last longer than usual. The use of Sildenafil helps women during menopause and after surgery to remove the uterus to feel their partner and increase sexual desire.

The elements included in the composition have an antidepressant effect on the body. They help relieve fatigue, irritation, and reduce stress. Under the influence of the pathogen, the woman is completely sexually attracted and feels a vivid orgasm.

Sildenafil is available for women and men. It is recommended to take the drug specifically for the female body in order to get the desired effect. To do this, take the tablet an hour before sexual intercourse with a sufficient amount of water. During this time, the product dissolves, enters the bloodstream, and is distributed throughout the body.

Natural pathogen

Sildenafil is an artificial substance created in a laboratory. To obtain it, a special technology was used that cannot be repeated at home.

Many people still prefer natural ones to any chemical substances and try to use in their diet products that are natural pathogens (aphrodisiacs). Aphrodisiacs are products that affect the body in such a way that, with their constant use, a person’s libido increases, sexual function and sensitivity improve.

Natural pathogens are chocolate, honey, olive oil, coffee, mushrooms, bananas, strawberries, seaweed, dates, coconuts, pine nuts, horseradish, onions, garlic, carrots, herbs (dill, parsley, celery), asparagus, eggs, caviar , seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters, snails), seasonings (saffron, vanilla, anise, ginger, cinnamon, ginseng), aloe, avocado, artichoke.


The drug Sildenafil for women was tested for a year. During studies, the ability to achieve and maintain sexual desire with increased sensitivity throughout sexual intercourse was noted. Women achieved sexual satisfaction faster, and the feeling itself was vivid.

After taking Sildenafil, the tablet quickly dissolves in the stomach and is absorbed into the blood. In less than an hour, it begins to have the necessary effect on the body, causing blood flow to the genitals.

What analogues of the drug exist?

Generics of Sildenafil, that is, drugs created on its basis with the same chemical composition and therapeutic properties, can also be called its analogues. In the pharmacy chain you can find:

  • Tornetis;
  • Dynamic;
  • Vizarsin;
  • Taxier;
  • Allmax strong;
  • Caverject;
  • Levitra;
  • Cialis;
  • Tentex forte;
  • Rileys.



Tentex Forte


All of them have the same effect on the body, have a stimulating effect and improve the perception of sex.

Indications for use

Sildenafil is recommended for women suffering from insufficient lubrication and vaginal dryness. It is also used in cases where:

  • during intimacy, a woman practically does not feel her partner;
  • sexual coldness is noted;
  • there is no orgasm or its approach is long.

The pathogen is used when there is no desire for intimacy due to psycho-emotional problems.

How to use

Sildenafil is taken fifty mg per day. This dosage is enough to improve sexual desire and increase arousal. About an hour before the upcoming sexual intercourse, take a pill and wash it down with water. It is recommended to take Sildenafil before meals to avoid increasing the exposure time.

In cases where a woman has chronic liver pathologies, the dosage of the drug is reduced.

For kidney diseases, the dose is selected depending on glomerular filtration. At 50 ml per minute, the dosage can be normal and be 50 mg per day. At 30 ml or less, the daily dose of Sildenafil is reduced to 25 milligrams.

special instructions

The drug has a positive effect on the female body only during sexual intercourse. In some cases, taking pills may be accompanied by disturbances in the organs of vision and hearing. In such situations, Sildenafil should be abandoned and replaced with another pathogen.

The drug should not be taken in combination with other drugs of the same spectrum of action. Prescribed with caution to women suffering from hypotension. There are no other special instructions for use.

Together with other drugs

Taking Sildenafil together with certain types of antibiotics, NSAIDs, complicates the process of removing active substances from the body in natural ways, and also leads to a decrease in the amount of the substance contained in the blood. The simultaneous use of sodium nitroprussidom and other nitrate-containing medications sharply reduces blood pressure. This combination is an absolute contraindication for hypotension.

How does the medication interact with other drugs?

The simultaneous use of Sildenafil with ketoconazole, erythromycin and cimetidine complicates the process of removing the drug from the body, its amount in the blood increases sharply. When taken together with sodium nitroprusside and other organic nitrates, a sharp decrease in blood pressure occurs, which is contraindicated in people with hypotension.

Sildenafil should not be used together with medications for patients with diabetes.


Sildenafil has a number of contraindications. It should not be taken while intoxicated, although 0.3 ppm of alcohol in the blood does not produce negative consequences.

Before you start drinking the product, you should consult your doctor. Self-administration of Sildenafil is not recommended. Otherwise, taking the pathogen can lead to serious negative consequences.

Sildenafil should not be taken by women with the following pathologies:

  1. Hypotension.
  2. Impaired blood supply to the heart muscle.
  3. Myocardial lesions that cause an increase in the size of the organ.
  4. Heart failure, arrhythmias.
  5. Retinal development disorders.
  6. Allergic reaction to the components included in the composition.
  7. History of stroke or heart attack in the last six months.
  8. Presence of anemia.

Side effects

Sildenafil can cause different types of side effects:

  1. On the part of the skin, skin rashes are noted, in some cases, urticaria is diagnosed, and other allergic dermatitis may appear.
  2. On the part of the nervous system, depression and insomnia are observed. Headaches may appear, sexual sensitivity may decrease, and a feeling of lethargy may appear. Fatigue increases. Metabolic processes are disrupted and blood sugar levels rise. Gout.
  3. From the gastrointestinal tract, the oral mucosa and inflammation of the esophagus may be affected. In rare cases, liver function is impaired.
  4. From the respiratory system, bronchospasm and difficulty breathing through the nose are observed. The most dangerous side effects are bronchial asthma and shortness of breath.

Numerous studies have shown that Sildenafil causes different types of side effects in women, and with the same frequency. As the daily dosage increases, side effects increase.

special instructions

One-time use is allowed without consulting a doctor, except in cases associated with severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys or liver. For long-term use, preliminary consultation with a specialist is recommended.

In extremely rare cases, cardiac instability may occur. In case of overdose, myocardial infarction, including death, cannot be ruled out. Complications can develop during, after, or even without sexual intercourse.

Sildenafil leads to dilation of blood vessels, which leads to a slight, reversible decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, on the eve of the appointment, the doctor should assess the possible risks associated with a decrease in blood pressure.

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