Nicorette chewing gum Fresh fruit 2 mg 30 pcs

Reviews from smokers

Nicorette chewing gum attracted the attention of smokers around the world because it made it easy to quit smoking. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of this therapy depends not only on desire, but also on the individual characteristics of the person. Based on reviews, you can understand that the drug causes different effects:


Nicorette really helps to get rid of the bad habit of smoking. I smoked for 10 years, smoking a pack a day, it was a real problem for me and my family. Unpleasant odor from clothes and breath, constant spending of money, irritability and a constant desire to smoke greatly interfered with everyday life. Fortunately, my wife advised me to try Nicorette chewing gum; at first it was hard to get used to, so I combined smoking with chewing gum. Soon I liked this procedure, I completely gave up cigarettes and replaced them with chewing gum. After 1.5 years, I was completely able to quit smoking and Nicorette, now I switched to regular chewing gum.


I have always considered smoking a habit that is impossible to quit. Fortunately, this turned out not to be the case. On my difficult path, Nicorette chewing gum helped me, which noticeably reduces the desire to smoke cigarettes. I smoked for three years and began to notice that I was becoming addicted to it. Having decided to give up cigarettes, I found an advertisement for a new chewing gum with a magical effect. The result was not long in coming; from the first time I felt that the desire to smoke a cigarette was decreasing. After taking one piece of chewing gum, the desire disappeared for about a day, and now I was able to completely give up the bad habit.


Nicorette chewing gum did not help me and I did not like the taste. In your mouth you get the feeling that you are using low-quality chewing tobacco; I did not see anything in common with cigarettes or good tobacco. I tried replacing cigarettes with chewing gum for a month, but I didn’t notice any results; after chewing gum I wanted to smoke even more in order to feel the real taste of cigarettes and tobacco smoke.

Victor Bru:

I first tried nicotine gum two years ago. I did not believe that I could get rid of addiction, but I am very happy with the result. As an experiment, I took the maximum dosage in chewing gum and started using it every time I wanted to smoke. I really liked this approach, I noticed an improvement in my health, it became easier for me to breathe, and I did not experience nervous breakdowns due to the constant desire to smoke a cigarette. The price of gum is high, but it's worth it. Now I don't smoke and feel great.

Smirnov Oleg:

Unfortunately, I have to leave a negative review of this method because chewing gum did not help me quit smoking. It all started with the fact that I constantly increased the number of cigarettes I smoked per day. This began to bother me, so I seriously thought about quitting smoking. This was the third attempt, which was also unsuccessful. As for chewing gum, I did not feel any positive effect from it, after chewing gum I wanted to smoke again, apparently there is not enough nicotine in it to prevent the desire to smoke a cigarette. Perhaps only willpower will help you quit smoking; no amount of chewing gum or patches can solve the problem.

Nicorette chewing gum Fresh fruit 2 mg 30 pcs

Adults and adolescents over 18 years of age The dose is selected individually depending on the intensity of smoking.

As a rule: - Nicorette® 2 mg chewing gum (moderate nicotine content) should be used if you smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day; — Nicorette® 4 mg chewing gum (increased nicotine content) should be used if you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day or you have failed to quit smoking while using 2 mg chewing gum.

How to use Nicorette® chewing gum Nicorette® should be used in all cases when an irresistible urge to smoke arises, in accordance with the following scheme:

1. Chewing gum should be chewed for approximately 30 minutes intermittently. Chew the gum slowly until the flavor develops; 2. Stop chewing and leave the gum between the inside of your cheek and gum; 3. When the taste disappears, start chewing gum again.

If symptoms of overdose appear (see section “Overdose”), use of the drug must be stopped immediately.

Complete smoking cessation.

You should chew only one pad at a time when you stop smoking.

When completely quitting smoking, the number of chewing gums per day is determined by the degree of dependence on nicotine, but is usually 8-12 pieces per day and should not exceed 15 pieces per day. Chewing gum should be used at the indicated dose for up to 3 months, after which the daily number of chewing gums should be gradually reduced until complete “cancellation”. The drug is stopped when the daily dose is 1-2 pieces per day.

Regular use of chewing gum for more than 12 months is usually not recommended, but some people require longer therapy to avoid relapse into smoking.

Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked.

Chewing gum should be used as needed between smoking episodes to increase the time between smoking and to reduce smoking as much as possible. If within 6 weeks it is not possible to reduce your daily cigarette consumption, you should seek help from a specialist.

An attempt to quit smoking should be made as soon as you feel ready, but no later than 6 months after starting therapy. If you have not been able to make a serious attempt to quit smoking within 9 months of starting therapy, you should consult a specialist.

After quitting smoking, you should follow the recommendations of therapy, gradual dose reduction and drug withdrawal, indicated above for complete smoking cessation.

Regular use of chewing gum for more than 12 months is generally not recommended. However, some former smokers may require longer-term treatment with chewing gum to prevent a return to smoking or previous levels of tobacco use.

The simultaneous provision of medical counseling and psychological support usually increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Temporary cessation of smoking.

Chewing gum can be used during times when you need to avoid smoking, such as when you are in a smoke-free area or in other situations where you need to avoid smoking.

In combination with a transdermal patch.

Nicorette® chewing gum at a dosage of 2 mg can also be used in conjunction with the patch in situations where, while using the patch, a person continues to periodically experience an irresistible urge to smoke, or if it was not possible to quit smoking using only chewing gum or only the patch. In combination with the patch, Nicorette® chewing gum with a dosage of 2 mg allows you to quickly relieve strong urges to smoke when necessary. Patients should completely stop smoking during therapy.

Initial therapy:

Treatment should begin with a 25 mg/16 hour patch (stage 1) in combination with 2 mg chewing gum. In this case, use at least 4 chewing gums of 2 mg per day; Usually 5-6 chewing gums are enough. The number of chewing gums should not exceed 15 pieces per day. Usually the general course of treatment lasts for 8 weeks. After this, the dose of nicotine should be reduced gradually.

The patch is applied immediately after waking up in the morning and removed before going to bed. The patch should be applied to dry, clean, intact, hair-free skin, such as the thighs, upper limbs or chest. It is necessary to change the application site every day: do not use the same area for two consecutive days.

After applying the patch, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid eye irritation from possible nicotine contact.

Cancellation of combination therapy:

Combination therapy can be discontinued in two ways.

Method 1: Over the next 2 weeks, switch from the 25 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 1) to the 15 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 2), and then over the next 2 weeks to the 10 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 3). ), while maintaining the amount of Nicorette® chewing gum used at a dosage of 2 mg, as in Initial therapy. Next, the amount of chewing gum is gradually reduced until completely discontinued over the period of time that a person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 12 months after the start of combination therapy.

Method 2: involves completely removing the patch immediately after completing the Initial Therapy phase. Next, the amount of Nicorette® chewing gum with a dosage of 2 mg is gradually reduced until complete discontinuation for the time that the person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 12 months after the start of combination therapy.

Adolescents under 18 years of age Under the age of 18 years, chewing gum can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Do not exceed the indicated dose! Carry chewing gum with you so you can use it if you suddenly feel like smoking.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors also became interested in a new product that makes it easy to quit addiction by smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Chewing gum, in their opinion, really has an effect and helps reduce the craving for smoking, but to achieve results it is necessary to undergo an individual examination.

Alexander, psychotherapist:

I believe that the new development really helps to quit smoking. Many of my patients came with complaints of severe addiction to nicotine, but after the prescribed course of treatment, the desire disappeared. Of course, to achieve your goal you must not only use Nicorette, but also have willpower.

Sergey, therapist:

Nicorette chewing gum cannot have a positive effect on the patient's body. Modern drugs have many side effects and do not lead to treatment. The use of chewing gum leads to the patient acquiring a new addiction, only this time he needs chewing gum to satisfy his nicotine addiction.


Nicorette chewing gum has many analogues, Russian and foreign. Among the chewing gums are Nicotrol, Nicotinell, Habitrol, Nicotine Gum and Nikvitin - they are not represented in the Russian Federation, but they can be bought online. They cost from $10 to $100.

Bulgarian Tabex contains a substance that imitates the effect of nicotine - cytisine. The drug is potent, smoking is not recommended while taking it.

If we consider not only chewing gum, but also other forms (plasters, tablets and sprays), you should pay attention to the following medications:

  • Nikomel;
  • Bullfight;
  • Champix;
  • Fritab;
  • Allen Carr tablets;
  • Clean breath;
  • Brisantine;
  • Lobisil;
  • Monastery tea.

In an intensified fight against an addiction, all means are good (the least harmful, of course). It won't suit Nicorette - there are plenty to choose from.


  1. Whether to buy Nicorette chewing gum or not is entirely up to the person quitting smoking to decide.
  2. Smoking addiction is divided into physical and psychological components. A gradual reduction in nicotine consumption helps smooth out the consequences of a sudden cessation of cigarettes, relieve irritability, insomnia and the inability to concentrate due to the craving to smoke.
  3. Judging by the reviews, NRT is suitable for those who are determined to give up cigarettes; only bodily sensations interfere, which need to be influenced. It happens that a person is simply bored and suddenly stops smoking and wants to try additional means to make sure it helps.
  4. Psychological addiction is more difficult. Chewing gum is not a personal psychiatrist, and is unlikely to solve the problems that led to the bad habit, be it moral trauma, old teenage stereotypes, or an aesthetic love for smoking and contemplating smoke. In this case, many people hope to spend more money on a magic pill that will “convince” them. This is the wrong way. When the desire to take up a cigarette is in your head, you need to start with it. Who knows, then no NRT will be needed.
  5. If there are no contraindications and there is only a physical craving, chewable lozenges and other NRT products make sense. Good luck to everyone in breaking this habit!
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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