Nicorette translucent patch Plaster, sachet, 7 pcs, 10/16 mg/h

Nicorette translucent patch Plaster, sachet, 7 pcs, 10/16 mg/h

Directions for use and doses

Adults and elderly people: The patch is applied to an intact area of ​​skin immediately after waking up in the morning and removed before going to bed. Treatment with this drug simulates the fluctuations in nicotine concentrations throughout the day in a smoker; Moreover, during sleep, nicotine does not enter the body. The use of a transdermal patch during the day does not cause the disturbances observed when nicotine enters the body during sleep. Heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day) are recommended to start with stage 1 of therapy, using 1 patch of 25 mg/16 hours daily for 8 weeks. Then begin a gradual reduction in the dose of the drug: 1 patch of 15 mg/16 hours, daily, for 2 weeks, and then - 1 patch of 10 mg/16 hours, daily, for 2 weeks. Light smokers (10-20 cigarettes per day) are recommended to start therapy with stage 2 (15 mg) for 8 weeks, then reduce the dose to stage 3 (10 mg) for the final 4 weeks. In most cases, the use of a transdermal patch for more than 6 months is not recommended. However, some people may need longer therapy to avoid relapse into smoking. How to Apply the Transdermal Patch (Patient Information): The Nicorette patch should be applied to dry, clean, intact, hair-free skin such as the thighs, upper limbs, or chest. It is necessary to change the application site every day: do not use the same area for two consecutive days. 1. Before applying the patch, wash your hands thoroughly.2. Cut the plaster package with scissors along the edge as indicated on it. Select a clean, dry, hair-free area of ​​skin (such as the thigh, upper limb, or chest).3. Remove one half of the silver aluminized protective film without touching the adhesive surface of the patch.4. Strengthen the part of the patch freed from the protective film on the skin and remove the remaining half of the silver aluminized protective film.5. Press the patch firmly against the skin with your palm or fingertips.6. Run your finger along the edge of the patch, making sure it is firmly attached. In combination with chewing gum: The Nicorette patch can also be used in conjunction with Nicorette chewing gum at a dosage of 2 mg in situations where, while using the patch, a person continues to periodically experience an irresistible urge to smoke, or if it was not possible to quit smoking using only chewing gum or just a patch. In combination with the Nicorette patch, Nicorette chewing gum with a dosage of 2 mg allows you to quickly relieve strong urges to smoke when necessary. Initial therapy: Treatment should begin with a 25 mg/16 hour patch (stage 1) in combination with 2 mg chewing gum. In this case, use at least 4 chewing gums (2 mg dosage) per day; usually 5-6 chewing gums are enough. The number of chewing gums should not exceed 15 pieces/day. Usually the general course of treatment lasts for 8 weeks. After this, the dose of nicotine should be reduced gradually. The patch is applied immediately after waking up in the morning and removed before going to bed. The Nicorette patch should be applied to dry, clean, intact, hair-free skin, such as the thighs, upper limbs, or chest. It is necessary to change the application site every day: do not use the same area for two consecutive days. After applying the patch, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid eye irritation from possible nicotine contact. Withdrawal of combination therapy: There are two ways to discontinue combination therapy. Method 1: Over the next 2 weeks, switch from the 25 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 1) to the 15 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 2), and then over the next 2 weeks to the 10 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 3). ), while maintaining the amount of chewing gum used at a dosage of 2 mg, as in initial therapy. Next, the amount of chewing gum is gradually reduced until complete abolition for the time that a person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 12 months after the start of combination therapy. Method 2: consists of completely canceling the patch immediately after the end of the initial therapy phase. Next, the amount of chewing gum is gradually reduced at a dosage of 2 mg until complete discontinuation for the time that a person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 12 months after the start of combination therapy.

Nicorette, 30 pcs., 2 mg, chewing gum [frost mint]

The dose is selected individually, depending on the intensity of smoking. As a general rule, Nicorette® 2 mg (moderate nicotine content) should be used if a person smokes less than 20 cigarettes per day or smokes the first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up; Nicorette® 4 mg chewing gum (high nicotine content) should be used if a person smokes more than 20 cigarettes per day or failed to quit smoking while using 2 mg chewing gum.

How to use Nicorette® Chewing Gum

Nicorette® should be used in all cases where an irresistible urge to smoke occurs, in accordance with the following scheme:

1. Chew the gum slowly until a strong taste appears.

2. Stop chewing and leave the gum between the inside of your cheek and gum.

3. When the taste disappears, start chewing gum again.

Complete smoking cessation

You should chew only one pad at a time when you stop smoking.

When completely quitting smoking, the number of chewing gums per day is determined by the degree of dependence on nicotine, but is usually 8–12 pieces. per day and should not exceed 15 pcs. in a day. Chewing gum should be used at the indicated dose for up to 3 months, after which the daily number of chewing gums should be gradually reduced until completely discontinued. The drug is stopped when the daily dose is 1–2 pcs. in a day.

Regular use of chewing gum for more than 12 months is usually not recommended, but some people require longer therapy to avoid relapse into smoking.

Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked

Chewing gum should be used between smoking episodes to extend the intervals between smoking cigarettes in order to reduce cigarette consumption as much as possible. If within 6 weeks it is not possible to reduce your daily cigarette consumption, you should seek help from a specialist.

An attempt to quit smoking should be made as soon as a person feels that he is ready for this, but no later than 6 months after the start of therapy. If the patient has not been able to make a serious attempt to quit smoking within 9 months after starting therapy, a specialist should be consulted. Regular use of chewing gum for more than 12 months is generally not recommended. However, some former smokers may require longer-term treatment with chewing gum to prevent a return to smoking or previous levels of tobacco use. The simultaneous provision of medical counseling and psychological support usually increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Temporary cessation of smoking

Chewing gum can be used during times when you need to avoid smoking, such as when you are in a smoke-free area or in other situations when you need to avoid smoking.

Use in combination with Nicorette® transdermal nicotine therapeutic system (patch)

Smokers who have been unable to quit smoking using chewing gum alone, or who want to reduce their daily chewing gum intake due to local side effects, can use the Nicorette® patch along with 2 mg chewing gum.

Treatment should begin with one 15 mg/16 hour patch, which is placed on an intact area of ​​skin every day upon waking in the morning and removed before bed, in combination with 2 mg chewing gum. Use at least 4 chewing gums of 2 mg per day; Usually 5-6 chewing gums are enough. Do not use more than 15 chewing gums per day. The full dose should be used for 6–12 weeks, after which the drug should be gradually weaned off.

Withdrawal from a combination of drugs

This can be done in two ways.

Method 1:

using a patch of lower dosage, i.e. application of the 10 mg/16 hour patch for 3–6 weeks followed by 3–6 weeks of application of the 5 mg/16 hour patch with the same number of 2 mg chewing gums as in initial therapy, and then gradually reducing the number of chewing gums 2 mg for 12 months.

Method 2

consists of stopping the use of the patch and gradually reducing the number of chewing gums of 2 mg for 12 months.

The recommended dosage is presented in the table.


Initial therapy
Period of timePatchInhaler 10 mg
First 6–12 weeks1 patch 15 mg/16 hOf necessity
(stage 1) daily5–6 chewing gums per day are recommended
Withdrawal - method 1
Next 3–6 weeks1 patch, 10 mg/16 h (stage 2) dailyContinue to use cartridges as needed
Next 3–6 weeks1 patch 5 mg/16 hContinue to use cartridges as needed
Up to 12 monthsGradual weaning from chewing gum
Withdrawal - method 2
Up to 12 monthsGradual weaning from chewing gum

Under the age of 18, chewing gum can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. Do not exceed the indicated dose. Carry chewing gum with you so you can use it if you suddenly want to smoke.


Adults and elderly people

The patch is applied to an intact area of ​​skin immediately after waking up in the morning and removed before going to bed. Treatment with this drug simulates the fluctuations in nicotine concentrations throughout the day in a smoker; Moreover, during sleep, nicotine does not enter the body. The use of a transdermal patch during the day does not cause the disturbances observed when nicotine enters the body during sleep.

Heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day)

It is recommended to start with stage 1 of therapy, using 1 patch of 25 mg/16 hours, daily, for 8 weeks. Then begin a gradual reduction in the dose of the drug: 1 patch of 15 mg/16 hours, daily, for 2 weeks, and then - 1 patch of 10 mg/16 hours, daily, for 2 weeks.

Non-heavy smokers (10-20 cigarettes per day)

It is recommended to start therapy with stage 2 (15 mg) for 8 weeks, then reduce the dose to stage 3 (10 mg) for the final 4 weeks.

Heavy smokersLight smokers
Dosage regimenDurationDosage regimenDuration
Stage 1Nicorette® patch 25 mgFirst 8 weeks
Stage 2Nicorette® patch 15 mgNext 2 weeksStage 2Nicorette® patch 15 mgFirst 8 weeks
Stage 3Nicorette® patch 10 mgLast 2 weeksStage 3Nicorette® patch 10 mgLast 4 weeks

In most cases, use of the transdermal patch for more than 6 months is not recommended. However, some people may need longer therapy to avoid relapse into smoking.

How to apply a transdermal patch (patient information)

The Nicorette® patch should be applied to dry, clean, intact, hair-free skin, such as the thighs, upper limbs or chest. It is necessary to change the application site every day: do not use the same area for two consecutive days.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before applying the patch.

2. Use scissors to cut the patch package along the edge as indicated on the package. Select a clean, dry, hair-free area of ​​skin (such as the thigh, upper limb, or chest).

3. Remove one half of the silver aluminized protective film without touching the adhesive surface of the patch.

4. Fasten the part of the patch freed from the protective film to the skin and remove the remaining half of the silver aluminized protective film.

5. Press the patch firmly against the skin with your palm or fingertips.

6. Run your finger along the edge of the patch, making sure it is firmly attached.

Please note that only a new patch should be applied the next day.

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