Nozzle patch for children. Instructions for use, from what age can it be used?

Among the ways to combat the symptoms of childhood colds, aromatherapy has a special place. It is not as effective for a runny nose as nasal rinsing or drops that have an antiseptic effect, but it can still help ease breathing.

In addition, for the smallest children this is almost the only option for symptomatic treatment that does not have a detrimental effect on the sensitive organism. One of the varieties of such cold remedies is the Sopelka patch for children. How does it work, how effective is it?

Indications for use

The Sopelka inhalation patch is recommended by experts for the following pathologies:

  • runny nose accompanied by copious nasal discharge;
  • nasal congestion without severe rhinitis;
  • cough caused by colds;
  • in the presence of swelling and inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • non-reproductive (dry) cough. The product helps facilitate the process of mucus removal;
  • when the child is overexcited in the evening;
  • increased nervousness in children;
  • headache;
  • to improve the quality of sleep, especially for children with hyperactivity, whose sleep is often “shallow.”

Nozzle: a patch for children
Additionally, the nozzle can be used for preventive purposes if there is a relative in the family with a cold.

Using the Sopelka patch in children under 1 year of age: reviews

The effectiveness of essential oil therapy is almost like the effect of homeopathy: a controversial thing. Reviews from both doctors and young parents make the consumer who is looking closely at this technique hesitate. In particular, both positive and negative comments can be found on the Sopelka patch.

  • Galina: I didn’t read the instructions and stuck the plaster on my eight-month-old daughter’s crib - she suffered too much with a runny nose in a week. Fortunately, nothing bad happened, but there was no improvement in the condition either - we did not notice any effect at all, although the smell from the patch was strong.
  • Olga: I used the Sopelka with caution, despite the pediatrician’s assurances that the patch was safe, and there was no need to think about age (which the instructions warn about). I stuck it literally for a couple of hours, a meter from the crib - both my son (10 months) and my husband were actively sneezing and coughing for the entire 2 hours. My husband asked me not to use it anymore. We decided that this remedy was not suitable for us: maybe an allergy, maybe just out of habit. They didn't experiment anymore.

It is important to clarify once again that essential oils in the treatment of a runny nose (especially eucalyptus) work very well, even in small children, but extreme caution must be used with them, because These are very allergenic products. Since the use of the Sopelka patch for children under 2 years of age is officially not encouraged, try not to resort to it to treat infants unless unnecessary.


Nozzle - a patch for children, stands out among other medicines for runny nose and cough not only because of its unusual appearance, but also because of its natural composition.

The following table provides an overview of the components used:

Element namesCharacteristics of components
Eucalyptus oilThis component has the following properties:
  • helps destroy infection (both in the air and in the respiratory tract);
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes and swelling;
  • normalizes the process of enriching blood with oxygen;
  • has a relaxing effect on the nervous system;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • helps reduce headaches;
  • facilitates the removal of mucus from the lungs;
  • reduces spasm in blood vessels;
  • has a mild antipyretic effect;
  • has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

Helps activate the body's defenses.

CamphorThe substance has the following effects on the body:
  • facilitates the separation and removal of sputum;
  • helps reduce the amount of nasal discharge;
  • has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora (bacteria, fungus, viruses);
  • cerebral circulation improves;
  • facilitates the process of falling asleep;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has a slight vasoconstrictor effect.

It also activates the activity of cells of the nervous system responsible for respiratory processes, heart function and vascular activity (vasomotor centers).

The components used complement and enhance each other's effects.

Main characteristics of the Nozzle: what it is, composition

A nozzle is a patch whose surface is “saturated” with a composition of camphor and eucalyptus oils. When the protective film is removed, the product begins to actively evaporate esters, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the respiratory system.

Drug interactions

There is no information about drug interactions in the instructions. Presumably, essential oils do not interfere with the absorption of other drugs and do not reduce their effectiveness.

Watch the video about how the Sopelka patch works:

In what form is it produced?

The nozzle is sold in the form of an inhalation patch, which is presented in the form of a three-layer dense non-woven fabric that is yellowish in color and has the aroma of camphor and eucalyptus.

The layers of the patch are made of:

  1. First layer. Protective thin film. The film protects the middle adhesive layer from drying out and getting dirty. It can be easily removed before using the patch.
  2. Second layer. Self-adhesive material supplemented with silicone coating. The layer is needed to attach the patch. The adhesives from this layer do not leave stains at the attachment point (clothing, crib).
  3. Third layer. Soft, dense non-woven material impregnated with active ingredients.

The patch is packaged in durable transparent bags that protect essential oils from evaporation until use. Packages with plaster in quantities of 4,7 or 10, 15 pcs. Packed in cardboard packaging along with instructions.

The cost of the Nozzle, which is presented in the table below, varies and depends on the number of patches in the package; the price is also influenced by the region of sale.

Number of patches per packageMinimum price (in rub.)Maximum price (in rub.)
4 things.120250
7 pcs.180320
10 pieces.230400
15 pcs.290550

Important. Nozzle patch in quantities of 7 and 15 pcs. Rarely available in pharmacies. If desired, the product can be ordered from an online pharmacy.

Sopelka patch: general characteristics

Aromatherapy with a patch is not the most understandable method of treatment for most consumers, but in reality it is very convenient, although not as effective as more “heavy” measures to combat a runny nose. The Sopelka patch, produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company, is a classic adhesive material consisting of 2 layers:

  • outer fabric with a silicone coating, providing it with strength;
  • inner layer impregnated with essential oils.

The manufacturer of the patch used camphor and eucalyptus, which are actively used in other preparations aimed at eliminating cold symptoms, and also have an antispasmodic effect, therefore used in the fight against headaches and nausea. How do they affect the body during a runny nose?

  • Eucalyptus is valued by doctors for 2 unique substances in its chemical composition - phellandrene and aromadendrene. When they come into contact with oxygen (which happens when the essential oil is applied to the fabric), due to a chemical reaction they acquire an active bactericidal property. Eucalyptus is used even in advanced stages of rhinitis and is considered the most effective remedy for any runny nose.
  • Camphor also has a bactericidal effect, and is also a good antiseptic; it is used in inhalation for colds. However, it has a lot of nuances: firstly, it excites the nervous system; secondly, it has a negative effect on the heart. In addition, it must be used in doses, because it is highly toxic.

According to doctors, the Sopelka patch is the same as any cloth made of natural material, onto which a few drops of eucalyptus and camphor oils have fallen, i.e. You can make such a remedy yourself if you can’t find it in the pharmacy. The only difference is ease of use, the principle of which is worth considering below.


Nozzle - a patch for children, thanks to the evaporation of amphora and eucalyptus, has the following effects:

  • helps destroy infection in the surrounding air (preventing infection) and in the respiratory tract. As a result, the healing process occurs faster;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes and reduces swelling, resulting in reduced nasal congestion and easier breathing;
  • the process of enriching blood with oxygen improves. Sufficient oxygen saturation of the blood helps eliminate fatigue and weakness;
  • has a relaxing effect on the cells of the nervous system. As a result, nervousness decreases and the process of falling asleep becomes easier;
  • activates the blood circulation process, as a result the body better resists infection;
  • helps eliminate spasms in blood vessels, resulting in reduced headaches;
  • improves and facilitates the removal of phlegm from the lungs;
  • reduces the formation of mucus in the nasal passages;
  • helps normalize body temperature in the presence of fever;
  • normalizes cerebral circulation, restoring “clarity” of thinking.

Additionally, eucalyptus and camphor help strengthen the immune system, speeding up the healing process, as well as preventing infection.

Use for children under 18 years of age

The nozzle patch is approved for use in children over 2 years of age. For younger children, it is not recommended to use the product due to the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction, and the child may pull the “Nozzle” into the mouth, resulting in poisoning.

Before you start using the product, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of using the patch:

  • Check the expiration date of the patch, as well as the integrity of the packaging. Since if the packaging is damaged, the effect of the product will be zero;
  • The child's clothing must be made of natural material (synthetics are prohibited) and must be dry. The Nozzle can also be glued to a dry surface next to the bed;
  • it is strictly forbidden to attach the patch to the skin, since the glue, as well as essential oils, will cause severe irritation of the skin;
  • After 8 hours have passed, the patch should be removed and thrown away.

The Nozzle cannot be reused, since after the oil vapors evaporate, the product will not have a therapeutic effect.

The following are the main rules for using the patch:

  1. The package with the patch must be removed from the packaging and ensure its integrity.
  2. Dress the child in pajamas or other clothing made from natural material.
  3. Open the package with the patch and remove the product from the package.
  4. Remove the protective film from the adhesive side of the patch. You need to remove it carefully so that the patch does not fold or stick together.
  5. Place the Nozzle on the clothing in the chest area and make sure that the patch is attached well. The patch can also be attached to the crib.
  6. Wash the hands. Because if the composition of the patch gets on your hand. Either from your hands, oils can get onto the mucous membranes of your eyes or into your mouth, and cause the development of a burn.

When using the patch, you must ensure that the child does not touch the Nozzle with his hands.

Features of using the patch depending on age and purpose of use:

Purpose of applicationChild's ageFeatures of useWhere to attach the patch
Runny nose and cough caused by a coldFrom 2 to 6 yearsUse in the evening. You can also attach the patch in the morning for about 4 hours. On pajamas or a blouse in the chest area. The patch is used in combination treatment.
Over 6 years oldIt is recommended to attach the Nozzle at 8-10 am and 8-10 pm
Nasal congestion without severe runny noseFrom 2 to 6 yearsThe patch should be applied before the child goes to bedAt the head of the crib or on the opposite side (where the legs are)
Over 6 years oldIt is advisable to use the product approximately 1-2 hours before bedtimeOn the shirt in the chest area
Inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tractFrom 2 to 6 yearsYou need to use the patch during the day and at nightOn the blouse in the chest area. Requires complex treatment using anti-inflammatory drugs
Over 6 years oldThe nozzle should be attached in the morning and during sleep
Headache (pain can be of both cold and non-cold etiology)From 2 to 6 yearsIt is recommended to use the patch in the eveningOn the back of the crib near the baby's feet
Over 6 years oldThe patch is attached at the time of pain. Duration of use 4-8 hours At the head of the crib or on a shirt in the chest area
Nervousness and hyperactivityFrom 2 to 6 yearsYou should use the nozzle approximately 2-3 hours before bedtimeOn furniture in 2-3 places in the room (the number of patches depends on the area of ​​the children's room). The patch can be used in complex treatment.
Over 6 years oldIt is recommended to use the product at night and during the day
Bad dreamFrom 2 to 6 yearsThe patch is used approximately 1-1.5 hours before going to bed. It is recommended to combine the use of the patch with quiet games before bed or reading a book. At the head of the bed or on the side of the crib. Can be supplemented by using a soothing tea or a soothing bath.
Over 6 years old
Prevention of coldsFrom 2 to 6 yearsWhen attached to clothing, the nozzle should be changed 2 times a day. When using the product on furniture or in a car, the patch should be changed 2-3 times during the day. The patch can be attached:
  • on the shirt in the chest area:
  • in car;
  • on the crib;
  • at the entrance to the nursery and near the window.
Over 6 years old

When using the patch 2 times a day, you should maintain an interval of about 4 hours between applications. Since the strong aroma of oils (when using Nozzle without interruption) can provoke a feeling of nausea, and the likelihood of developing side effects also increases.

If there is no effect after 7 days of using the patch, or if there is a deterioration in the child’s well-being, a visit to the nearest children’s clinic is required to adjust the treatment.

Instructions for use

“Nozzle” is a patch that is glued to clothing and contains essential oils that evaporate during use.


1 sticker contains:

  • Eucalyptus oil - 187.5 mg,
  • Camphor - 62.5 mg.

The “Nozzle” effect is due to the evaporation of eucalyptus and camphor oil vapors.

Eucalyptus has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and has some sedative effect. Used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, as well as for neuroses, neurasthenia, insomnia.

Camphor is obtained from camphor laurel. Under the influence of camphor, a runny nose decreases and sputum separation improves.


The nozzle is used for children over two years of age and adults

Mode of application:

  1. Tear the Packaging
  2. Take out the Nozzle
  3. Remove the protective layer
  4. Stick the “Nozzle”

Stick on a dry surface. The most preferred place for sticking on clothing is the upper chest. Do not stick on synthetic clothing.

You can also stick the Nozzle on objects in your room, car or workplace. The used sticker can be easily removed without leaving any marks.

Applications can be repeated 1-2 times a day, as needed.

One sticker is valid for up to 8 hours!

Enjoy the healing aroma of eucalyptus and camphor!

Be healthy!


  • Age under 2 years
  • Allergy to eucalyptus oil, camphor and essential oils
  • Asthma


  • For external use only.
  • Do not stick the “Nozzle” to the skin.
  • Use one sticker once, do not reuse.
  • Avoid contact of the Nozzle with eyes, mucous membranes, damaged areas of the skin.

If the sticker is swallowed, seek immediate medical attention.

Stop using the Nozzle and consult your doctor if the cough does not stop within 7 days or appears again, fever, rash, or persistent headaches occur.

Keep the “Nozzle” out of the reach of children!

Release form: cardboard packaging with 4, 7, 10 or 15 stickers in individual packaging.

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions: store at room temperature, not higher than 30° C.

Manufacturer : Bouty SpA, 4 Via Vanaitelli, 20129, Milan, Italy Packer: Pharmaceutical S.A. st. Pelplinska 19, 83–200 Starogard Gdanski, Poland Exporter and organization accepting consumer claims: JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN 142450, Moscow region, Noginsk district, Staraya Kupavna, st. Kirova, 29 Tel.; fax (495) 702-95-03


The Sopelka patch is a natural medicine and has a therapeutic effect through the evaporation of the oils used.

Despite the natural composition and virtually contactless treatment, the drug has contraindications:

  • If a runny nose is caused by an infection and the disease is severe, then the use of Nozzle is not recommended. Since due to the activation of the blood circulation process, the infection will spread faster throughout the body;
  • If there is pus in the nasal discharge or the discharge is very thick, then the use of the Nozzle is also not recommended. The drug can provoke an exacerbation of the pathology;
  • Before 2 years of age, the patch is not used (it cannot even be attached to the crib). Up to 2 years of age, the respiratory system of children is vulnerable and the use of the product can not only cause the development of allergies, but also provoke asthma and cause the development of burns in the respiratory tract;
  • the child has asthma (in any form). The patch can trigger the development of an attack;
  • the child has a predisposition to bronchospasms;
  • with whooping cough, Nozzle can provoke the development of suffocation;
  • It is strictly forbidden to attach the patch to the skin;
  • epilepsy. Eucalyptus oil and camphor can trigger the development of an epileptic attack;
  • diseases accompanied by convulsive seizures.

If you are intolerant to eucalyptus oil or camphor, as well as if you are allergic to these substances, the use of the patch is strictly prohibited. If a child has diseases affecting the activity of the nervous system or heart, then the patch can be used only with the permission of the pediatrician and with extreme caution.

Important. When using the patch, you need to make sure that the child does not touch it with his hands or put it in his mouth. Therefore, from 2 to 6 years old, as well as for inquisitive children, the product is not recommended to be attached to clothing (it can be placed on a crib or furniture in a child’s room).

Instructions for the Nozzle patch for children

As for the use of this remedy against cold symptoms, firstly, it should be noted that the official instructions allow its use only in children over 2 years old, and also prohibits it in patients with asthma and whooping cough. A classic contraindication is intolerance to camphor and eucalyptus oils. Secondly, there are many precautions for Sopelka that you need to know about:

  • Do not apply the patch to the child’s skin to avoid causing a burn.
  • Each patch is designed for one-time use.
  • It is prohibited to place the “Nozzle” on synthetic fabrics.
  • Do not allow the oil-impregnated surface to come into contact with the mucous membrane and cornea.

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases.
The classic scheme of use is to attach the “Nozzle” to the baby’s chest (to clothes!), or to the crib. Please note that the surface should not be wet. The duration of therapy is 8 hours, after which the patch can be changed. It is advisable not to use more than 2 pieces per day.

  • Indications for the use of Sopelka in children are almost all ENT diseases: in addition to rhinitis, these are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.
  • Since the Sopelka patch is not officially approved for children under 1 year of age, they do not have instructions for its use. But some doctors who prescribe this method of treating a runny nose advise sticking to the manufacturer’s prescribed regimen, but just be more careful so that the baby doesn’t get to the patch and accidentally put it in his mouth.

Official medicine slightly disagrees with this instruction: essential oils are very concentrated products, and even for adults, prolonged inhalation of them can be dangerous. The child's body needs special care. Much more reasonable, according to doctors, is to use the same eucalyptus and camphor oils in evening inhalations for 3-4 minutes.

Translated into a ready-made patch, this means similar use for about 10 minutes, after which it must be removed from the baby’s reach so that an “overdose” does not occur. You can attach it in different parts of the room, but, again, in no case directly to the crib, and especially not to the child himself.


Nozzle is a patch for children; when used correctly (attached to clothing), it cannot cause an overdose (in rare cases, nausea is observed).

But if a child accidentally swallows a piece of the patch, he may experience the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • abdominal pain due to burns of the mucous membranes;
  • severe cramps. Seizures can cause cardiac arrest;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • severe dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • a sharp increase in the number of heartbeats;
  • increased activity and hyperexcitability;
  • development of bronchospasms.

If a piece of the patch is swallowed, you must immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you need to give the child sorbents to drink (activated carbon is considered the most effective), you can also give laxatives and antihistamines (to reduce the likelihood of developing allergies).

You should not induce vomiting, since repeated passage of the drug through the digestive tract can cause increased burns to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs.

Important. If symptoms of poisoning do not appear within 3 hours after swallowing the patch, then the likelihood of them developing later is minimal. Symptoms of poisoning appear on average within 5-30 minutes after ingestion of the product.

Side effects

When using the Sopelka patch, side effects occur extremely rarely and can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • nausea;
  • deterioration of breathing (unless contraindications have been excluded;
  • headache (very rare);
  • increased heart rate;
  • bronchospasm, if the child has asthma;
  • deterioration in health if the child’s cold was severe.

If an allergy has not been ruled out, the child may experience increased lacrimation, increased nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, and other signs of an allergic reaction.

If side effects are detected, the patch should be immediately removed, the room ventilated and symptomatic treatment performed. If necessary, call a doctor.

Special Recommendations

Nozzle - a patch for children, should be used taking into account the following subtleties:

  • before starting use, you must ensure that there are no contraindications (especially allergic reactions and asthma);
  • the patch should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, as there is a high probability of developing a burn or allergy;
  • If the child shows interest and touches the patch with his hands, then you need to remove the patch from the clothes and wash the child’s hands. In the future, the product should be attached to the crib or furniture;
  • If a child touches the patch with his hands and then rubs his eyes, the eyes should be immediately rinsed with running cold water. And if the child puts his fingers in his mouth, then he needs to drink about 100-150 ml of milk;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the Nozzle, during the treatment period it is necessary to provide the child with a drinking regime, and also rinse the nasal passages with sea water 2-3 times a day;
  • maintain air humidity in the room in the range of 50-70% to make breathing easier;
  • during the period of use of the product, it is necessary to regularly wet clean the room and ventilate the room 2-3 times a day for about 10-15 minutes (regardless of the season of the year);
  • The patch cannot be reused, even if it is applied once for only 2 or 4 hours.

When using the patch for children aged 2 to 4 years, before attaching it to the crib (or clothing), you need to let the product air slightly (5-10 seconds), since after removing the patch from the package, it has a concentrated odor and can cause a burn to the respiratory tract.

Analog Nozzles for children

Analogues of Sopelka for children are:


300-400 rubles for 10 pieces

172 rubles for 4 pieces

for 5 pieces 258 rubles

The surface of the patches is also impregnated with essential oils; the products have identical indications and contraindications to Sopelka.

Analogue drugs

Replacing the Sopelka patch is required if a child has an allergic reaction to the composition, or if the product is not commercially available.

Below is a short list of the most popular analogues:

Product namePricea brief description of
Breathe10 pieces. – 280 rub. The patch contains oils: mint, eucalyptus, fir, as well as turpentine and levomenthol. The product, unlike the original, additionally has an analgesic effect. The patch can be used by children from 2 years of age. The effect of the patch (after opening) also lasts up to 8 hours.
Extraplast2 pcs. – 150 rub. The active ingredients of the patch are: lavender oil, eucalyptus oil, menthol oil, and castor oil. The product can be used for children from 2 years of age. The effect of the patch lasts for 6 hours.
Magicoplast1 PC. – 110 rub. The patch has a healing effect due to the inclusion of eucalyptus, cedar, patchouli, and menthol oils. The drug is also attached to clothing and is approved for use from 2 years of age. The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts for 8 hours.

The patch must be replaced strictly by a pediatrician. Since the specialist takes into account not only the reason for replacing the product, but also the general condition of the child.

Nozzle stands out from other drugs (for normalizing breathing) due to its natural composition and proven effectiveness. Also, the effect of the patch lasts up to 8 hours. This time is enough so that the child does not have a runny nose while sleeping at night.

The main advantage of the product is that it does not need to be swallowed or instilled, so it is easy to use to treat small children.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Nozzle patch: instructions

The instructions for using the Sopelka patch are simple, because it can, in principle, be glued to any place:

  • for clothes made from natural materials (cotton, linen, silk);
  • on the workplace (near the computer, on the surface of the desk, and so on);
  • in the vehicle (on the panel, door);
  • In bathroom.

It must be remembered that the patch is never glued to open areas of the skin; it should not come into contact with mucous membranes. If the Sopelka patch is accidentally swallowed (this can happen to children), you should urgently seek qualified medical help.

The patch “works” for 8 hours from the moment the protective film is removed from it. You can use the Nozzle a maximum of 2 times a day, the break between uses should not be less than 6 hours.

We recommend reading the article about the Breathe patch. From it you will learn about the properties of the Breathe patch, how to use it for children, whether the Breathe inhaler patch can be used for adults, how much the inhaler patch costs and how to replace it. And here is more information about how to do inhalations for a sore throat.

How does it work

The patch begins to work from the moment essential oils begin to evaporate from its surface. The composition contains camphor and eucalyptus oil: the first successfully fights nasal congestion and the amount of mucus (runny nose), the second has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The patch can quickly ease the breathing of a sick adult or child, reduce the amount of mucus discharged from the nasal passages and prevent the formation of phlegm in the lungs if a cough is present.


The Sopelka patch is recommended for use if you are concerned about the standard symptoms of a cold accompanied by a dry cough.

It will be useful for:

  • runny nose;
  • difficult nasal breathing.

It is advisable to use the patch at the initial stage of disease development or as preventive measures during seasonal epidemics.


There are only two contraindications to using the Sopelka patch:

  • allergy, individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to one of the components of the product;
  • presence of a history of bronchial asthma, even if it is in the stage of long-term drug remission.

Is it possible for children under one year old

For children under one year old, doctors do not allow the use of the patch. Active ethereal fumes can cause the formation of crusts in the nose, worsening cold symptoms, and lead to allergies to eucalyptus or camphor.

The components of the product can also negatively affect the baby’s imperfect cardiovascular system - the heart rate will increase, blood pressure will rise, which can lead to headaches.

Application from year

From the age of one year, it is allowed to use Nozzle for the treatment of colds, although some doctors argue that it is better to wait until the child reaches 2 years of age.

Use during pregnancy

If a woman does not have a history of allergies to camphor or eucalyptus oil, then she can use the Sopelka patch during pregnancy.

It is recommended to consult a gynecologist about the advisability of such medical manipulation in order to avoid undesirable health consequences.

Is it possible at a temperature

At elevated body temperatures, using the product is not prohibited. Essential oils enter the respiratory system in a “cold” form, no steam procedure is performed, and therefore there is no danger of the appearance of convulsive syndromes or deterioration of the general condition.

Possible complications

The use of the Nozzle may be accompanied by:

  • the appearance of a rash on the surface of the body - small, with redness, itching and slight swelling;
  • increase in body temperature - directly during inhalation of essential vapors;
  • headache – unobtrusive, but constant and “girdling.”

Allergic rash
The appearance of such symptoms is a signal to stop using the patch. Complications are usually short-term and do not require therapeutic intervention.

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