Inulin-prebiotic - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: NOW International (USA)
Active ingredients
  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Inulin-prebiotic
  • Composition: Inulin-prebiotic
  • Indications for use of the drug Inulin-prebiotic
  • Release form of the drug Inulin-prebiotic
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Inulin-prebiotic
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Inulin-prebiotic
  • Precautions when taking Inulin-prebiotic
  • Storage conditions for the drug Inulin-prebiotic
  • Shelf life of the drug Inulin-prebiotic

Description of pharmacological action

Inulin is a fructooligosaccharide (FOS) obtained from chicory roots and other plants. In terms of its chemical structure, inulin is a polymer consisting of 30-36 D-fructose residues, its molecular weight is 5000-6000. It has a sweet taste, dissolves well in hot water, and can serve as a sugar substitute. In the stomach, inulin is easily hydrolyzed into fructose and fructooligosaccharides. Fructose is absorbed in the small intestine and serves as a source of energy for cells. It is important that the conversion of fructose into its metabolites does not require the participation of insulin, which is important for those suffering from diabetes. Inulin has an effect on the body: directly. Being a sorbent, inulin adsorbs various exo- and endotoxicants (heavy metals, carcinogenic substances, heavy metals, microorganism toxins, radionuclides) and removes them from the body, helping to cleanse not only the gastrointestinal tract (enteral detoxification), but also the entire body (systemic detoxification) ); indirectly, through the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. Inulin is absorbed and hydrolyzed entirely by intestinal microflora, mainly bifidobacteria. Biologically active substances (volatile fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, etc.) formed in the process of microbial metabolism are used to produce energy and metabolize the intestines and the body as a whole. By promoting the proliferation of beneficial microflora, inulin enhances colonization resistance (i.e., prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms) and the detoxification functions of microflora, as well as its ability to support all types of metabolism in the body, especially carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and all functions of the gastrointestinal tract (motor, secretory , absorption, excretory, endocrine, immune).

Is there a deficiency of inulin?

A lack of inulin does not cause direct harm, such as a deficiency of certain vitamins or specific beneficial bacteria. But it is important to understand that changes in the nutritional pattern of modern humans lead to a deficiency of prebiotics in general. Intensive agricultural production, soil depletion, and the emergence of genetically modified products have caused a decrease in the volume of dietary fiber and vitamins in crops. Therefore, the use of additional prebiotics, such as inulin, may be justified. They ensure the well-being of microflora, a normal amount of beneficial intestinal bacteria, and therefore uninterrupted intestinal function. The fight against prebiotic deficiency should include a balanced diet and consumption of foods that are rich in these components.

Indications for use

Dysbacteriosis and candidiasis, constipation and diarrhea. Diabetes. Atherosclerosis. Hypertonic disease. Osteoporosis. Obesity. Allergies. Autoimmune diseases. Frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In case of poisoning, including heavy metals and radionuclides. Increased levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid in the blood. During and after antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, prolonged stress. Irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, colitis, enteritis, polyposis and colon cancer, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Inulin content in foods

Inulin is found in large quantities in the tubers and roots of dahlias, artichokes and dandelions. Among food products, the leaders in the content of this polysaccharide are chicory root, garlic, leeks and onions. It is also found in large quantities in raisins, asparagus, and bananas.

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • For the genitourinary system Life formula (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • St. John's wort (Oral tablets)

The description of the Inulin-prebiotic vitamin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Reception features

  1. If you buy any drug containing insulin, you need to remember its high concentration. Initially, you should consume up to 3 g of inulin daily. The period with this dosage should be at least one and a half weeks. Then, if necessary and in agreement with the doctor, it is allowed to increase the amount of the product.
  2. It is believed that to maintain good health, the inulin norm is 10-30 g. But such indicators should be reached gradually to eliminate stress on the body. It is important to wash down the product with plenty of water, this will normalize metabolism.
  3. Inulin powders and tablets are taken in courses, the duration of which is determined by the manufacturer. The break between individual doses should be at least a month.

What is sucralose?

Sucralose is a chlorinated derivative of sucrose. This means it contains chlorine, and it comes from sugar.

The production process of sucralose occurs in several stages, during which the three hydrogen-oxygen groups of sugar are replaced with chlorine atoms. This substitution enhances the sweetness of sucralose.

Sucralose was originally discovered during the development of a new insecticidal compound and was not intended for human consumption.

However, it was later introduced to the masses as a “natural sugar substitute” without the public even realizing its toxicity.

In 1998, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved sucralose for use in 15 food and beverage categories, including baked goods, frozen dairy desserts, chewing gum, beverages, and sugar substitutes. Later, in 1999, the FDA expanded this list to allow sucralose to be used as a sweetener in all categories of foods and beverages.

Medicinal properties of chicory in folk medicine

- With an enlarged spleen . In some internal diseases, there is an enlargement (swelling) of the spleen, the main blood filter of our body. A medicinal infusion of chicory roots (wild!) will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is necessary to pour 250 ml of boiling water over 20 g of crushed raw materials and leave in a thermos (or wrapped in a blanket) for half an hour (up to 45 minutes). Take 3 - 4 times a day, 1 - 2 tbsp.

For gallstones . Herbal mixture (all components in equal proportions): chicory and dandelion root, trefoil herb and agrimony, peppermint leaves. For half a liter of boiling water - 2 tbsp. herbal mixture. Leave for 2 - 4 hours. The decoction must be consumed within 2 days.

- For neurasthenia . Preparations (decoctions or infusions) prepared from the flowers of “Petrov batog” are popularly used to treat neurasthenia and hysteria. Prepare infusions or decoctions at the rate of 1 tbsp. dried chicory flowers per 250 ml (glass) of water. Take 50-70 ml half an hour before meals.

- For anemia . Chicory juice contains a large amount of organic iron, so traditional healers recommend it in case of iron deficiency anemia, or after heavy blood loss. It is most advisable to obtain juice from young shoots (10 - 15 cm). Pour boiling water over the stems cut at the budding stage for 2 - 3 minutes, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Boil the resulting liquid for 1 - 2 minutes. Take 1 tsp. with milk. To adjust the taste, you can add an equal amount of honey. The frequency of administration depends on the patient's condition. The course of treatment is up to one and a half months.

- For liver diseases . Traditional healer M. Nosal advises taking a decoction of a mixture of herbs. The composition includes: 40 g of St. John's wort herb, calendula and sandy cumin flowers, 30 g of chicory herb and buckthorn bark, 20 g of knotweed herb and 10 g of chamomile. Pour 20 g of the mixture with 3 glasses of cold water, leave for 8 hours, then boil for 5 - 7 minutes. Take within 24 hours.

Medicinal properties of chicory

The medicinal properties of chicory were known to our distant ancestors, as evidenced by records from the era of Pharaoh Ramses IV, found in Egypt. The Egyptians used the milky juice of chicory for the bites of poisonous snakes and insects. Recommendations for the use of chicory are found in the works of Avicenna (Ibn Sina), who prescribed it as a stomach remedy (for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), prescribed it for gout and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Chicory decoctions have been used since ancient times for edema of cardiac origin. It is appropriate to note that chicory herb is rich in potassium compounds, which are essential for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Due to the presence of bitterness, the infusion of the herb helps to enhance the activity of the digestive glands and has a slight choleretic effect (the increase in secretory activity continues for 3 hours, while the increase in bile secretion reaches 40%).

An infusion of the above-ground part of the plant, as well as fresh juice, have pronounced hypoglycemic properties (lower blood sugar levels). And due to the presence of organic iodine compounds, a thyreostatic effect is also noted.

Chicory infusion also has a detrimental effect on bacterial microflora and promotes tissue regeneration, so it is often used in the form of lotions for furunculosis, purulent wounds and eczema.

In some countries, for example in Germany, common chicory is included in the register of medicinal raw materials, and it is used by scientific medicine as a tonic and appetizing agent. In addition, the German National Health Service recommends the use of chicory in tea mixtures used in the treatment of various ailments associated with disorders of the digestive processes and metabolism (flatulence, headaches and muscle pain, etc.).

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