Zhostera laxative fruits - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews



Zhostera laxative fruits FS.2.5.0014.15

Rhamni catharticae fructus Instead of GF XI, issue . 2, Art . 37

Collected in autumn, ripe and dried fruits of a wild shrub or small tree of the laxative buckthorn (syn.: laxative buckthorn) - Rhamnus cathartica L., family. buckthorn - Rhamnaceae.

Botanical description

Zhoster is a shrub with branches that have thorns at the end. This distinguishes it from alder buckthorn. Branches and foliage are located opposite each other.

Description of leaves:

  • with a long petiole;
  • rounded-ovoid shape;
  • finely serrated edge;
  • surface shiny, dark green;
  • short petioles and deep veins.

The flowers are small, fragrant, with a greenish tint, and have 4 sepals, stamens and petals. The fruit is a juicy drupe in the form of a black ball with 3-4 seeds. It has male and female flowers.

The flower formula looks like this: male flowers - *H(4)L4T4P0, female flowers - *H(4)L4T0P(4).

Description, reproduction and distribution area of ​​zhoster

Shrub or small tree of the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae), up to 8 (12) m in height.

The branches are opposite, covered with thorns, and the buds are covered with scales. The bark of trunks and old branches is rough, almost black.

Leaves with stipules, opposite, on long petioles, ovate, finely toothed along the edges. From the main vein there are 3, less often 4, pairs of arched lateral veins (unlike alder buckthorn).

Zoster flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in bunches (10-15 each) in the leaf axils, unisexual, dioecious.

The fruit is a spherical, juicy, almost black, shiny drupe, with 4, rarely 5 seeds. They form only on female specimens and do not fall off for a long time.

The seeds are ovoid, dark brown seeds up to 8 mm in length.

It blooms in May - June, the fruits ripen in August - September. Flowering is annual, abundant, lasts 10-12 days.

Zhostere laxative propagates by seeds.

Eurasian species. Zoster grows on dry slopes and high river banks, in thickets of bushes, and in illuminated places. Found scatteredly in mixed forests of alder, aspen, birch, linden, ash, and oak.

Avoids very wet places, but willingly settles along earthen ramparts and along ditches.

The homeland of Zhoster laxative is Western Europe, the Balkans, and Asia Minor. It has been known in folk medicine since the 16th century.

ATTENTION! Unripe fruits are poisonous!

Chemical composition

Flowering lasts in May-June, and over time black fruits form from white flowers. Zhoster laxative has the following chemical composition:

  • anthraglycoside substances;
  • flavonoid compounds;
  • gum components;
  • pectin elements;
  • sugar;
  • natural acids;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamin C.

The fruits of the laxative joster contain anthracene derivatives of at least 0.76%.
The green fruits of the laxative joster are poisonous and unsuitable for consumption or as medicine. The classification includes more than 100 different species of low-growing trees and shrubs of the buckthorn family.

Collection of medicinal raw materials

Calmness and control will give you strength. Strength and intelligence will give you freedom. Will and perseverance will allow you to get what you want!

Thin branches of bushes, fruits, bark and even roots are used for harvesting. Ripe fruits should be picked without tails, which is possible only after the berries are fully ripe - in the first two months of autumn, when they become almost black. The raw materials are laid out in a thin and uniform layer on parchment paper. Drying is carried out at an average temperature of 50 C.

Store in paper or canvas bags in dry, cool and ventilated rooms. The healing properties last for about 4 years. However, you should be careful: dried berries are quite easily damaged by small pests.

Pharmacological properties

Zhoster fruits can be used in various variations.

How to use zoster laxative:

  • in the form of an infusion;
  • decoction;
  • liquid extract;
  • laxative.

The action of the plant enhances intestinal peristalsis, cleansing it.

The product has a long-lasting effect, which is complemented by an antibacterial effect. The effect begins 8-10 hours after consumption. The active substances descend to the lower part of the intestine, improving its movement.

Growing zhoster

Buckthorn is an unpretentious plant and does not require the selection of a special site. To grow the plant, it is advisable to use drained, moist and windless places. Thanks to its developed root system, the geranium tree can grow even in poor soil; the most important thing for it is constant and abundant moisture.

Zhoster reproduces vegetatively or by seed. Before planting the bushes, no preparatory work is carried out; holes can be dug on the same day, measuring 60x60x60 centimeters.

If you want to plant a hedge, then dig a trench of the required length, 60 cm deep. The holes are filled with a substrate of soil, sand and humus, and in acidic soil, also with lime.

The seedlings should be placed in the center of the hole or trench, their roots should be straightened, the soil should be covered and compacted. A hole is made around the seedling for further watering. The soil is watered and mulched with peat or compost.

Buckthorn bushes require both sanitary and decorative pruning. The root area is cleared of weeds, last year's mulch is dug in, and new mulch is sprinkled on top. In the intervals between waterings, the soil is loosened.

For the winter, the bushes are covered in the usual way to protect them from frost.

Expert opinion

Yulia Yurievna

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of cultivating plants and mulching the soil, and I share my experience.

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Zhoster fruits are best collected from a healthy tree. Although this is a fairly unpretentious, stable crop, it is still susceptible to some problems. Thus, gesterina wood can be affected by rust. Initially, reddish oval spots or pads appear on the foliage of the infected plant. As the infection develops, the described foci merge, form large stripes, the crown turns yellow and falls off, and the plant begins to wither. Typically, fungal spores are located on the back of the leaves. On the upper part of the foliage, the spores are often yellow. In case of infection, it is necessary to treat the gester tree with preparations that contain colloidal sulfur. In addition, treatment with Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Pik, Titan, Baktofit, Strobi will help. The disease rarely provokes the death of zoster, but can worsen its immunity and reduce winter hardiness. For prevention, it is important to carry out sanitary pruning, remove debris and litter near the plants.

It is also necessary to carry out preventive spraying before and after flowering, and do not plant plants near front gardens with currants. The fact is that currants are very susceptible to this disease, which will quickly spread to other plants in the garden. We would like to note that when processing with any means, it is important to take into account the waiting period so that the fruits, instead of being beneficial, do not harm health. In addition, if the plant has been seriously ill and many treatments have been carried out, it is better, in principle, to abandon the procurement of medicinal raw materials this season. Of the pests, the zoster is most often affected by aphids or leaf rollers. If there are few pests, you can spray with a solution of soap and ash, or boric acid.

If the pest population is quite large, it is better to use the drug Aktara. It is necessary to treat not only the affected crop, but also the nearby plants.

Indications for use

The laxative fruits of joster are used in various recipes to activate the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for use for chronic constipation.

The use of zhoster is indicated for many abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach and intestines:

  • constipation;
  • herpes;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • hepatitis;
  • obesity;
  • gastritis (low acidity).




The product has separate recipes for each part of the plant (bark, berries, etc.), as well as contraindications for its use.


Do not forget that buckthorn is a medicinal plant. And any medicine, no matter how effective it is, has a number of contraindications and side effects.

Zhoster, in this case, is no exception. The negative consequences of using drugs based on this plant are associated with its specific characteristics. Restrictions on the use of both medical and folk remedies affect those who have the following diseases:

  1. Crohn's disease;
  2. Intestinal obstruction;
  3. Colic;
  4. Diarrhea.

In addition, it is extremely undesirable for pregnant women to use the above remedies, since the laxative effect of the drug can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Do not forget about individual intolerance, which can cause side effects. To ensure safe treatment, you must seek the support of a medical professional.

Dosage forms and doses

Several parts of the plant have medicinal properties.

The plant has the following useful “parts”:

  1. leaves;
  2. bark;
  3. berries.

Raw materials are made from them, which are subsequently used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, teas, syrups or compresses.

Zhoster is brewed in 20 g or 2 tablespoons, pouring 1 glass of boiling water. The container is closed, heated over hot water for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes. Before taking, the decoction is poured into a sieve, squeezed out, added to 200 ml and taken 0.5 cups before bed or in the morning. Other dosages are selected depending on the recipe.

Buckthorn - medicinal properties and contraindications

It’s not for nothing that the plant is called laxative joster; the leaves and bark contain a lot of frangularoside, a substance that enhances intestinal motility. Therefore, you cannot drink decoctions uncontrollably; buckthorn bark has medicinal properties and contraindications. Pregnant and nursing mothers should not take this medicine. If you overdo it with infusion or tea, uncontrolled diarrhea may begin.

Buckthorn exhibits properties in any forms that are prescribed, depending on the diagnosis:

  1. Pills.
    Take in doses, the daily norm is 1-2 pieces.
  2. Infusions or decoctions
    , the basis of which is the bark.
  3. Medicinal mixtures
    , which include bark, fruits, leaves, can be diluted with nettle or yarrow.

Buckthorn bark - medicinal properties

Zhoster copes well even with colitis and chronic constipation, its characteristic property is mild relief. It is important that buckthorn bark has other beneficial properties: it helps with liver diseases, diabetes, and hemorrhoids. The fruits are collected in the fall, but the bark is collected in the spring; it is better to choose young trees.

Other important properties of buckthorn bark:

  • is a prevention against premature aging;
  • reduces the degree of radiation sickness infection;
  • works as an antitumor agent.

Properties of buckthorn fruit:

  • improve the action of the endocrine glands;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • promote bone tissue regeneration;
  • participate in the production of insulin;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • protect cells from age-related damage;
  • heal wounds, scar ulcers;
  • remove toxins, stimulate hemolysis.

Buckthorn - contraindications

The laxative zhoster only brings benefits, but only with moderate use. Herbal treatment is not as harmless as it might seem. An overdose can cause severe diarrhea, vomiting, and headache, which requires gastric lavage. You cannot categorically use unripe fruits; such use can end tragically.

In addition to individual intolerance, buckthorn bark has contraindications and others. This list includes the following diseases:

  • volvulus;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colic;
  • diarrhea.


Zhoster grows just to the west of alder buckthorn. The plant is distributed in the following areas:

  1. European part;
  2. Caucasus;
  3. Western Siberia;
  4. Kazakhstan.

It grows near larches, as well as in forests with mixed vegetation.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia

Features of the effects of buckthorn on the body

Anthraglycosides of plant origin act more gently on the body and do not cause side effects that are caused by synthetic drugs. This substance is also found in the leaf of senna Alexandrina, but buckthorn has a different formula, which makes the effect much weaker. Buckthorn, with its laxative effect, ranks third in terms of its effect on human intestinal motility between the Alexandrine leaf and the roots of Tunguska rhubarb.

Many people become addicted to drugs made with plant materials containing anthraglycosides. After 5 years of constant use, such drugs will be effective for only 50% of patients.

Therefore, in medical practice, they start with the plants that have the weakest effect on intestinal peristalsis, for example, the roots of Tunguska rhubarb. Then they switch to the laxative zhoster. After the body gets used to the fruits, buckthorn bark is consumed.

To get the most powerful effect, all these components are mixed and their effect is enhanced by Alexandria leaf. Plants that have a laxative effect are often mixed in mixtures in different proportions and medicinal preparations are prepared based on them.


Plants of this type are used in production. Honey making is also popular. drugs containing them.

In medicine

Zhoster fruits are used as a laxative. Zhoster has a mild laxative effect and is indispensable for atonic and spastic constipation.

In production

Plants such as joster have been known for a long time, but their use was found not so long ago.

The plant is also used in production:

  1. As a dye for wool, cotton and wool fabrics.
  2. In woodworking production.

It is a good honey plant, but is not recommended for ornamental cultivation.

Zhoster laxative should not be grown in agriculture.

Joster bark

The bark of the zoster plant affects the large intestine, removing harmful impurities and stagnation of feces from the body.

Other areas where joster bark is used:

  1. The decoction relieves eczema.
  2. Helps with gout, depression, liver diseases.
  3. Used in the manufacture of sweatshops.

Joster bark
The bark is also used to make tinctures that help cleanse the skin of blisters, acne and other problems.

Joster fruits

For problems with the dermis, the laxative fruits of joster are excellently used for treatment. In addition, they combat dropsy and low iron levels. The berries are used to restore normal intestinal peristalsis and to eliminate worms. The seeds are also used; their use is used to combat leukemia.

In what form should you use the laxative fruits of joster:

  • Fresh (no more than 15 pieces per day).
  • In the form of decoctions.
  • In the form of lotions.

Zhoster is taken in doses to avoid side effects.

Joster fruits

Application in cosmetology

Preparations based on the laxative joster have gained popularity as effective medicines in the field of cosmetology. The reputation of zhoster, in this case, is dictated by the fact that it is able to have a beneficial effect on most internal human organs. A healthy body is the key to healthy skin and overall appearance.

Preventive treatment measures in this case involve the use of a decoction of blackberry bark for both internal and external use.

In order to achieve the desired result and delight everyone with your stunning appearance, you should systematically take a decoction of joster, for the preparation of which you will need: 25 - 30 grams. shrub bark and 150 - 200 ml. boiling water

Healing raw materials should be poured with boiling water and mixed. The container with the elixir of eternal youth should be infused for about 2 hours in a tightly sealed container. To normalize the functioning of internal organs, it is advisable to take 150–200 ml of this blackberry decoction. before bedtime. As an external remedy, the same infusion is applied to the skin of the face twice a day: morning and evening.

According to numerous beauty advocates, this anti-aging product is good to use in the form of so-called cosmetic ice. To prepare it, you just need an ice tray and a freezer. The decoction is poured into sections of the mold, which are subsequently placed in the freezer and remain there until complete crystallization.

Preparation and storage of zhoster laxative

The laxative plant Zhoster requires special attention during assembly, preparation and storage. The preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Harvesting is carried out when full maturity is achieved.
  2. When collecting, hooks and ladders should be used.
  3. You can collect it by hand, putting it in a separate container.

The bush must first be inspected so as not to confuse it with buckthorn. The fruits must be pulled off carefully so as not to damage or break the branches.

Before storing for storage, the assembled parts should be dried. To do this, the raw materials are placed in an oven or dryer. The temperature should be between 50 and 60 °C. The material is laid out on a mesh or baking sheet in a layer 3-4 cm thick.

The leaves should be stirred frequently to ensure they dry evenly. When the raw material dries well, it should crumble without smearing on the palm.

The zoster must be stored in a room with good air circulation. A storage room converted for similar purposes would be suitable for storing seeds. They should be folded into 50 kg burlap. In this form they can remain fresh for up to 3-5 years.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The collection and storage of raw materials must be approached in the most careful manner. It is recommended to collect the plant bark during the period of sap flow. As a rule, it occurs in mid-spring, when the buds begin to swell. This time was not chosen by chance. It is believed that it is at this moment that less damage is caused to the bush, and it will subsequently be able to recover faster and easier.

First you need to cut off the branches to collect the bark. Their thickness should not exceed 2 mm. After this, remove the bark with a sharp knife. The next stage is drying. Raw materials should be laid out on a canopy, in the open air. At night, the bark should be covered with film to protect it from moisture. As soon as it acquires a brown tint and a smooth surface on the inside, we can assume that the raw material is ready for further storage. Subject to compliance with ventilation requirements and maintaining moderate storage temperatures, the shelf life of raw materials can reach 5 years.

The use of zhoster laxative in folk medicine

Plants are often used for medicinal purposes. And the joker is no exception. Both adults and children can use it.

Special rules for admission and release form:

  • Long-term use leads to addiction and weakening of the laxative effect.
  • Decoctions are stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.
  • Produced as dry fruits in packages of 50-100 g.
  • No additional prescription is required to purchase.

Buckthorn decoction for constipation

Plants with medicinal properties are often used against popular diseases. Sometimes a medical laxative is not enough, so decoctions, tinctures and other types of mixtures are used.

Plants used for medicinal purposes should not contain alder buckthorn fruits and foliage in the mixture, because they will cause symptoms of poisoning.

The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. You need joster fruits (2 tbsp).
  2. They are poured with boiling water (800 g).
  3. Leave for 100-130 minutes.
  4. Reception is carried out in a dosage of 1 tbsp. l three times a day before meals.

Brewing for the intestines

Plants are used as teas.

It is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. They take 25 g of fruits, the root part of the bush, and 15 g of senna foliage.
  2. Add licorice root and 10 g of anise.
  3. To use, pour 150 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture and leave for 15 minutes without stirring.
  4. Take before going to bed, 130 ml.

Decoction for children

Plants after heat treatment can be given to children in case of constipation.

Brew buckthorn as follows:

  1. Raw materials (10 g), pour boiling water (1 glass).
  2. The mixture is placed on the stove and boiled for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After boiling, leave the solution for 20 minutes.
  4. Before use, the solution is poured onto a sieve and cooled.

Buckthorn decoction


The sweet liquid will be both healthy and tasty for children.


  1. Berries (30 g) are covered with sugar (70 g).
  2. Place on the stove and boil.
  3. The syrup is ready after the sugar has dissolved.

Additional Information. Children are given 1-4 tsp, poured into small containers for storage.


For this tincture, you will need an alcohol solution (from 65%) or vodka.

How to cook:

  1. The fruits are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5.
  2. Leave for 10 days in the dark and cool.
  3. Drink the mixture with a dose of 35-38 drops before bedtime.

Zhoster against herpes

Plants have an anti-inflammatory effect, so joster ointment is used against herpes. This is due to the presence of water extracts.


  1. Dry fruits - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Pour boiling water - 200 ml.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Take 50-70 ml before meals.

Zhoster, when used correctly, helps to cure many diseases. With the optimal combination of medications and traditional recipes, you can get rid of many unpleasant symptoms and improve your general condition or appearance.

Recipes for using zhoster in preparations

Chronic enterocolitis with constipation (atonic form)

  • The fruits of joster, cumin, leaves of wild strawberry, wacht, oregano herb, knotweed, nettle, immortelle flowers - equally - in 0.3 liters of boiling water, add gram 10 of the collection, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for an hour, drink all in 2 times in the morning and evening before meals, course up to 1.5 months.
  • Hemorrhoids (when there is no heavy bleeding)

  • Bark of joster, white willow, kidneyweed herb, peppermint, milk thistle, agrimony, celandine, rhizomes of urban gravilat, burnet, licorice, horse chestnut flowers, linden, raspberry leaves, plantain, caraway fruits - equally - in 0.4 liters of cold water pour 6 grams of the mixture, bring to a boil, leave for a couple of hours, drink everything three times before meals, up to 3 months.
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis

  • The fruits of joster, rose hips, flax seeds, woodruff grass, oregano, knotweed, astragalus, watch leaves, lingonberries, elecampane rhizomes - equally - in 0.3 liters grams of 10 collections, heat for 10 minutes in a water bath, leave for a couple of hours, drink all times 4 before meals.
  • Toxicoses of pregnant women (2nd half of pregnancy)

  • Zhostera bark, river gravilate rhizomes, peppermint herb, agrimony, flax seeds, burdock roots, plantain leaves - equally - in 0.3 liters of boiling water 8 grams of collection, heat for 15 minutes in a bathhouse, leave for a couple of hours, drink all times 3 times before food.
  • Contraindications and possible side effects of zhoster

    When used, nausea and vomiting are possible, which are associated with the fact that emodin irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

    When unripe fruits are eaten (mainly by children), severe poisoning can occur (cases of death have been described). Main symptoms: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache.

    Skin rashes are observed.

    Dehydration of the body can be complicated by the toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid released from amygdalin in fruit seeds. In this case, the mucous membrane of the lips is characterized by a scarlet color and the smell of bitter almonds from the mouth. First aid consists of gastric lavage with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate or a 0.5% solution of sodium thiosulfate, followed by the administration of an aqueous suspension of activated carbon; In case of poisoning, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

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