Vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride) (amp. 5% 1ml No. 10)

All B vitamins are the basis for the harmonious functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. In addition, without the participation of these organic compounds, more than one physiological and biochemical process that ensures the vital activity of the human body cannot proceed normally.

This group of vitamins takes an active part in the formation of bone and muscle tissue and regulates general metabolism. It is impossible to maintain health for many years and maintain good health without regular, sufficient intake of thiamine into the body. We also recommend ordering vitamin C to maintain your health at the proper level.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Thiamine is a synthetic analogue of vitamin B1 with good water solubility. Inside the body, during the process of phosphorylation, the substance is converted into cocarboxylase , a coenzyme of most enzymatic reactions.

According to the pharmacopoeia, Thiamine Chloride, Thiamine Bromide, Thiamine Vial, Thiamine Hydrochloride are all trade names and analogues of vitamin B1. These medications are available as white crystalline powder, capsules, tablets, or solution.

They usually have a weak specific odor, are highly soluble in water, are resistant to acidic solutions, but are easily destroyed when exposed to alkaline and neutral environments.

Parenteral administration of drugs allows it to quickly penetrate the blood and be distributed fairly evenly throughout the body.

Phosphorylation of the substance occurs in the liver area. Accumulation of the vitamin is noted in the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and spleen. The main substance is excreted by the liver and kidneys.

Vitamin B1 or Thiamine is necessary for complete carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous, digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Thiamine Mononitrate - what is it?

Thiamine Mononitrate has low hygroscopicity, but is highly resistant to external factors. Therefore, it is actively used in the process of fortification of various food products.

The effect of vitamin B1 on the body

The value of thiamine for the human body is difficult to overestimate, since this organic compound takes an active part in many physiological and biochemical processes. Vitamin B1 is an important part of carbohydrate metabolism and also reduces the effect of pyruvic and lactic acid on the body. An excess of these acids leads to apathy, decreased performance, nervous exhaustion, and the inability to adequately respond to moderate stressful situations. Also, this substance is regarded as a source of energy and vigor.

Thiamine is widely used in the complex treatment of nervous disorders, depression, stressful situations and overwork. In addition to the listed properties, thiamine is an effective means of preventing gallstones and liver diseases. Also, without a regular supply of the daily norm of this organic compound, the process of producing fatty acids necessary for the breakdown of fats is disrupted.

The beneficial properties of vitamin B1 have been noted in dermatology. This substance has a pronounced regenerating, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

Indications for use

Thiamine is prescribed for:

  • hypovitaminosis and vitamin B1 deficiency;
  • neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, peripheral paresis and paralysis, myocardial dystrophy, intestinal atony;
  • fasting;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • increased need for vitamins during pregnancy.

Thiamine, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Thiamine chloride indicate that this drug can be prescribed for both internal and parenteral administration. The dosage is determined by the doctor, but on average for adult patients it is 10 mg taken up to 5 times a day. For small patients under 3 years of age, the recommended dose is 5 mg taken every other day, for children 3-8 years old - 5 mg 3 times a day every other day, from 8 years old - 10 mg 1-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is about 30 days.

The instructions for Thiamine hydrochloride recommend its use for deep intramuscular injection. For adult patients and children over 7 years of age, a daily dosage of 25-50 mg is prescribed. Treatment begins with the introduction of a small amount of solution. If the drug is well tolerated by patients, the daily dosage is increased by 25 mg. In this case, the daily dose should not exceed 300 mg. The therapeutic course is 10-30 injections. Children under 3 months are prescribed 12.5 mg, from 4 months to 7 years – 25 mg taken once a day.

Natural Sources of Thiamine

Certain food ingredients contain increased amounts of this organic compound, which makes it possible to effectively combat the manifestations of hypovitaminosis B1 through dietary correction. In order to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin B1 in the body, it is recommended to include in the daily menu such foods as honeysuckle, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, brown rice, sesame seeds, bran, wheat sprouts, pistachio nuts, peas, hazelnuts, buckwheat, corn, Walnut. As for vitamin C, you can also purchase it at a low cost in our pharmacy.


Simultaneous use with solutions containing sulfites , as well as Cyanocobalamin , reduces their activity.

With simultaneous parenteral administration of Thiamine and Pyridoxine or Cyanocobalamin a significant increase in its effect is possible. In addition, vitamin B6 may complicate the conversion of Thiamine. It is prohibited to mix vitamin B1 with Penicillin or Streptomycin , which can cause the destruction of antibiotics , as well as with nicotinic acid , which can destroy vitamin B1.

Combination with suxamethonium iodide, Redergama, Phentolamine, Anaprilin, some sympatholytics , for example: Reserpine or Octadine , reduces their pharmacological effect. The combination of Thiamine and hypnotics can reduce their hypnotic and hypotensive activity.

Special instructions

What foods contain vitamin B1?

To prevent Vitamin B1 deficiency, you need to include foods that contain this substance in your diet. Most of this component is found in buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, nuts and fatty pork. Thiamine is also found in bread made from wholemeal flour, sprouted wheat, rice bran, green vegetables, some berries and fruits.

A sufficient amount of the vitamin is present in wild and garden greens, algae, brewer's yeast, poultry, beef, liver, eggs and fish.

Use of Thiamine chloride and its analogues for hair

Thiamine Vial in ampoules is intended for strengthening hair, which is not recommended for use in its pure form, due to the possibility of developing allergic reactions .

Thiamine Vial - what is it?

It should be noted that this drug is an analogue of vitamin B1. You can significantly improve the condition of your hair if you use this product with shampoo. Before each wash of your hair, you need to add just a few drops of vitamin to your shampoo. The result of this will be beautiful and manageable hair.

In addition, you can add thiamine to hair masks or balms, which significantly enhances their positive effect on quality and structure. An excellent way to strengthen hair is wrapping, which makes it healthier, more beautiful and shiny.

To do this, make a mixture of two teaspoons of castor or burdock oil, an ampoule of thiamine, an ampoule of vitamin A , Dimexide and lemon juice.

All this needs to be mixed well and rubbed into the hair roots. The rest of the product is distributed along the length of the hair. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for at least two hours. Then wash your hair well with shampoo. It is recommended to perform the procedure every other day for three weeks.

Manifestations of hypovitaminosis

Insufficient intake of thiamine into the body through food leads to the development of negative symptoms that affect the general condition of a person. The following clinical manifestations indicate a chronic lack of vitamin B1:

  1. Depressive states, sleep disturbances, deterioration of attention and perception.
  2. Digestive disorders, chronic constipation, increased appetite, nausea, weight loss.
  3. Loss of coordination of movement, muscle weakness.
  4. Shortness of breath with minimal physical activity, unmotivated fatigue.
  5. Disturbances in the thermoregulation process.
  6. Reduced pain threshold.


Level 4 ATC code matches:



The main analogues of this drug: Vitamin B, Vitamin B1, Aneuril, Aneurin, Benerva, Berin, Betabion, Benevrin, Betamin, Betanevrin, Betaxin, Betiamin, Bevital, Bevitin, Christovibex, Orizanin, Vitaplex Bi.

Also have a similar effect: Neurovitan, Folic acid, Nicotinic acid, Bepanten.

Reviews of Thiamine

There are many discussions online related to the use and effectiveness of vitamin B1. At the same time, reviews of Thiamine only confirm its great importance for the human body.

It should be noted that this substance is used everywhere. For example, injections with this drug are given as part of complex therapy for the threat of miscarriage in pregnant women. In most cases, this treatment is very successful.

However, this drug is especially popular as a highly effective hair strengthening product. On various forums, women actively share their ways to improve the condition and restore the health of their hair. Users who are not yet familiar with these methods constantly clarify: Thiamine is what kind of vitamin and what can you replace it with? Women are also interested in: Thiamine chloride - what is it and what is its difference from, for example, Vial or hydrochloride?

As you know, vitamin B1 is an essential participant in the processes of full growth and development of the body, providing support for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine digestive systems.

Therefore, you need to take care of a sufficient intake of this vitamin in the body through a nutritious diet. If this is not enough, then you should organize an additional intake of a vitamin preparation or vitamin complex.

Characteristics of Thiamine

From the point of view of biochemical properties, thiamine is an odorless and colorless crystalline substance. This chemical compound is unstable when exposed to alkalis and high temperatures. In addition to the well-known name thiamine, vitamin B1 is conventionally divided into the following subtypes:

  1. aneurin.
  2. Thiamine pyrophosphate.
  3. thio-vitamin.

Thiamine is most relevant for the human body, since it is in this biochemical structure that this substance takes an active part in many biochemical reactions, acting as a catalyst. When it enters the human body, thiamine is converted in a short period of time into a substance called thiamine pyrophosphate. This form is the most accessible from the point of view of assimilation.

Thiamine is a water-soluble organic compound, so it has no potential for accumulation in body tissues. Excess of this substance is quickly eliminated naturally through the kidneys. If a person's diet does not contain enough vitamin B1, then the person faces negative symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

A small amount of this organic compound is synthesized in the lumen of the large intestine, but this amount is not enough to meet the daily requirement for thiamine. You can find out the price of vitamin C in our pharmacy, as well as the cost of vitamin B1.

Thiamine price, where to buy

The price of Thiamine in its pure form varies between 28-40 rubles. You can buy ampoules at a price of 28 rubles, tablets from 32 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Benerva (thiamine chloride tablets!) 300 mg tab.
    No. 20 1970 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride) (amp. 5% 1ml No. 10) BZMP

    38 rub. order

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride) (amp. 5% 1ml No. 10) Yerevan Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant

    34 RUR order

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  • Thiamine chloride-Darnitsa 5% 1 ml No. 10 solution PrAT" Pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa", Ukraine
    29 UAH. order


  • Thiamine chloride solution d/in. 5% amp. 1ml No. 10 Ukraine, Darnitsa ChAO

    29 UAH order

  • Thiamine chloride solution d/in. 5% amp. 1ml No. 10 Ukraine, Lekhim-Kharkov CJSC

    25 UAH order

  • Thiamine chloride solution d/in. 5% amp. 1ml No. 10 Ukraine, Health LLC

    23 UAH order

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