What is the connection between vitamin D and men's sexual health?


There are several contraindications to the use of pharmaceuticals:

  1. Kidney failure
  2. Hypercalcemia
  3. Hypervitaminosis D
  4. Sarcoidosis
  5. Urolithiasis disease
  6. Less than 1 month old
  7. Kidney diseases
  8. Urolithiasis disease
  9. Hypersensitivity to the constituent drugs
  10. Tuberculosis

The drug is prescribed with caution:

  • Bedridden patients
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • If a person uses cardiac glycosides
  • Children who were born with a small crown size

How to take vitamin D while breastfeeding

Vitamin D is sold as a fat and water solution. It can have different structures, which determine its solubility in lipids. Vitamin D2 is primarily fat-soluble, so it can be taken in the form of fish oil. But this form of the drug can be dangerous. In a solution of fats, the vitamin enters the liver, where it can be deposited and gradually released into the blood. Sometimes its concentration reaches extreme values; it is impossible to control this process. Therefore, overdose symptoms easily occur.

Breastfeeding women and young children are recommended to take vitamin D3 in the form of an aqueous solution or in the form of Aquadetrim tablets. For some women with calcium deficiency, the doctor may prescribe a special complex.

Take the vitamin in a daily dosage once a day. It can be taken by all women who live in the middle climate zone from September to April. During this period, there is not enough sunlight, and solar activity is low, so that the skin synthesizes its own calciferol.

It is also possible to take a vitamin complex in the summer if there are changes in blood tests or other signs of deficiency. But in this case, careful dosage control is necessary to avoid complications and side effects.

Side effects

With an excess of vitamin D, the following negative manifestations are observed:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Polyuria
  • Sleep problems
  • Weight loss
  • Renal or vascular calcification
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Weakness
  • Polyuria
  • Mental disorders

If any of the signs of hypervitaminosis D appear, you should stop taking the medication. Try to reduce the intake of calcium in the body and start taking vitamins A, C, and B.

In some people, taking vitamin D3 leads to allergic reactions.

What is the connection between vitamin D and men's sexual health?

Class Clinic

There is definitely a connection between men's health and vitamin D. This has been proven by modern research in the field of biochemical regulation of body processes and functions. It has been established that vitamin D can both directly and indirectly affect sexual function in men. Shukhrat Ibragimovich Arabov, a practicing urologist-andrologist at the Kaliningrad medical center Class Clinic, spoke about exactly how this manifests itself.

Why is vitamin D especially important for men's sexual health?

It is a proven fact that a lack of vitamin D can lead to infertility. Today, the process of the influence of this substance on spermatogenesis is being studied. And, judging by the studies already conducted, we can clearly say there is a direct connection between vitamin D and three indicators of the male body: sperm quality, testosterone levels and erectile function.

When problems with potency or fertility are identified, as a rule, a vitamin D deficiency is detected. Likewise, with testosterone deficiency, D-hypovitaminosis is often detected.

Another interesting fact is that vitamin D in the human body performs functions similar to hormones. It is increasingly called the D-hormone. And, most likely, its effect on male sexual functions is also similar to the effect of hormones.

How does vitamin D work in your practice?

From my own practice and the experience of my colleagues, I conclude that by prescribing vitamin D, we almost immediately get an improvement in sperm count, an increase in testosterone levels, and a significant improvement in sexual function.

I largely attribute the increase in sexual function to the fact that vitamin D significantly improves mood, performance, vitality and can work as an antidepressant. This is especially noticeable in the fall, when many men experience loss of energy, irritability and apathy, which are associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Who is at greater risk of such hypovitaminosis than others?

In my opinion, all people who live above the 36th parallel do not receive enough vitamin D. The fact is that cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight with ultraviolet wavelengths from 290 to 310 Nm, and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) enters our body only with food.

The Kaliningrad region has about forty sunny days a year. For comparison, somewhere in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan there are more than a hundred. The less sun exposure you have, the more vitamin D you lack.

Moreover, even residents of the United Arab Emirates have a deficiency of this substance, since they regularly stay indoors and cover large areas of their bodies with clothing.

In terms of vitamin D production, “morning” and “evening” sun are most beneficial. The influence of daylight, under which our compatriots love to get sunburned, is, on the contrary, harmful to the skin and even dangerous.

Interestingly, one of the ways to effectively treat sunburn is to take vitamin D.

How to prevent vitamin D deficiency in the body?

The main recommendation is to spend more time in the morning or evening sun. Ideally, if funds allow, relax in the equatorial and subequatorial zones, in countries with a mild, sunny climate.

When people don't have enough access to the sun, it is often recommended to get vitamin D by taking various supplements that contain it. This is a solution in the current situation when its quantity in food products is small.

Previously, people received the missing vitamin D from food (fish oil, lard). But today, pigs on farms also don't get enough sunlight. It is unlikely that vitamin D is present in sufficient quantities in animal feed, and the amount of this substance in lard has become small.

Make an appointment with Shukhrat Ibrahimovich Arabov

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Instructions for use of Aquadetrim

The instructions indicate that the dosage for each must be selected individually, taking into account the person’s diet.

Before use, the product must be dissolved in 1 spoon of water.

For preventive purposes, doctors prescribe 1 or 2 drops of the drug per day to children over 1 month old. Premature babies in difficult living conditions are recommended to take 3 drops per day.

In summer, it is advisable to reduce the dosage to 1 drop.

When treating rickets, up to 10 drops of vitamin are prescribed per day, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. In this case, the doctor must monitor blood counts and the patient’s condition. Treatment of rickets begins with 4 drops for 5 days; if a person tolerates them well, the dosage is increased to 6 drops. 10 drops of the medication are prescribed for very noticeable changes in bone tissue.

For rickets-like pathologies, 40-60 drops of the drug can be prescribed daily.

The role of vitamin D in infant development

The required concentration of this substance in the body is achieved several months after birth. Premature babies have even less of it, so recovery takes longer.

Sufficient vitamin D content ensures:

  • normal calcium-phosphorus metabolism;
  • growth and development of bone tissue;
  • muscle development;
  • strong immunity;
  • supporting the thyroid gland;
  • normal blood clotting;
  • regulation of heart contractions.

It also prevents the occurrence of autoimmune diseases. It is also important for mental development. Vitamin D is responsible for the development of cognitive functions and their further maintenance. If during the period of active growth the body does not receive enough of this substance, the child will suffer from rickets. This is a disorder of osteogenesis (bone development) associated with a lack of minerals - mainly calcium and phosphorus.

Symptoms appear at three to four months of age. Parents pay attention to:

  • general restless behavior;
  • sleep disorders;
  • heightened reactions to volume and brightness;
  • skin redness;
  • sweating;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • decreased appetite;
  • digestive disorders.

Advanced rickets slows down the development of the musculoskeletal system. The child begins to hold his head up, sit and walk later than his peers. Delayed teething. The disease also affects the appearance of the baby. The most well-known symptom is a fontanel that does not heal on time. The child may have a flat back of the head and a wide forehead, bowed legs, thickening of the arms and a deformed chest.

How to take Aquadetrim for adults

  • Aquadetrim can be taken with or after meals.
  • The dosage of the drug directly depends on what goal you are pursuing.
  • To prevent vitamin D deficiency, adults only need to take 1 drop of the vitamin daily.
  • If malabsorption syndrome occurs, you must take 6 to 10 drops.
  • It is important to understand that both adults and children should take vitamin D for preventive purposes.
  • During pregnancy, you can also take Aquadetrim; it is better to check the dosage with your doctor. But usually at the beginning of pregnancy they drink 1 drop of Aquadetrim, and starting from the 7th month, the dosage is increased to 2 drops.

An overdose will have a negative impact on the intrauterine fetus.

Vitamin D norm

The need for the vitamin varies depending on its initial level in the blood, type of diet and time spent in the open sun. It is recommended to take 400 mg per day for infants under 6 months, but the maximum allowable dose is 1000 mg. Children after 6 months. The recommended dose of the vitamin does not change, but the maximum amount is increased to 1500 mg. For lactating women, an intake of 800 mg is considered normal, the maximum dosage per day, bordering on toxic, is 4000 mg.

To determine the need for calciferol, you can take a special blood test. The normal level of vitamin D content for an adult is 60-100 ng/ml, when using other measurement methods - 150-250 nmol/l. If you do not adhere to the recommended standards, a nursing woman’s baby will be the first to suffer. He will have the consequences of his rickets for the rest of his life.

The musculoskeletal system of an adult will be fragile and weakened. This causes difficulty walking, pain in the limbs, and brittle bones. Rickets also affects body composition:

  • short stature;
  • incorrect posture;
  • pronounced parietal and frontal tubercles;
  • chest flattened on the sides;
  • narrowed pelvis.

Lumps in the wrist area may disappear as you heal. But mobility problems can only get worse with age. In especially severe cases, patients stop walking due to severe pain. Untreated rickets is fraught with seizures in adolescence and adulthood. Sometimes they cause respiratory arrest.


When consuming large doses of the vitamin, the following occurs:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Polyuria
  • Intestinal colic
  • Constant desire to drink and constipation
  • Vomit
  • Depression
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Increased potassium loss
  • Increased pressure

In special situations, overdose leads to:

  1. Stone formation
  2. Visual impairment
  3. Papilledema
  4. Calcification of tissues and organs

In case of overdose:

  • You should stop taking the drug immediately
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • If necessary, do not refuse hospitalization

How to store

Home conditions are quite suitable for storing drops. It is best to place them on one of the top shelves in the refrigerator door. It is advisable to leave it in a cardboard box to ensure that no light enters at all.

Under no circumstances should the bottle of vitamin be left at room temperature or exposed to direct sunlight. It is not even recommended to take it with you on trips - the temperature in the bag is much higher than in the refrigerator.

There are analogue drugs:

  • Akvavit-D3;
  • Vigantol;
  • Complivit Aqua D3;
  • D3-Droplet.

Application area

Aquadetrim is produced in the form of drops - in a glass bottle. The packaging is cardboard, predominantly white with colored (yellow-green) lines on the far right and top sides. Country of origin: Poland.

The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of acute deficiency of vitamin D or rickets in the body. It is also prescribed for the complex treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

In order for the drug to remain effective and efficient, you should be very careful to ensure that it always remains in the refrigerator. Just one day at room temperature will be enough for the vitamins to turn into ordinary water, the intake of which will not give any results.

Conditions for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

In clinical centers and pharmaceutical points, the drug is stored in special refrigeration equipment, which is intended exclusively for medicinal products. They maintain a temperature range of +5°C - +7°C.

If Akvadetrim expires, it must be disposed of immediately. For this purpose, employees of a specialized company are called in, having permission and suitable equipment to conduct such events.

When transporting vitamin drops, special vehicles with refrigerators should be used. At the same time, according to GOST 17768-90, each individual unit of the drug must have instructions for use and unopened cardboard packaging.

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