Cohosh capsules for restoring female hormonal balance 3 blisters of 10 pcs.

Rattlesnake, silver candle, racemosa, snakeroot, black cohosh, black cohosh - all these are names of one perennial (poisonous) medicinal plant, Cohosh (Actaea racemosa).

The most common name of the plant Cimicifuga (lat.) - black cohosh, comes from the phrase "cimex" - bug and "fago" - drive away. Despite its beauty, the plant received this name because of its unpleasant sweet smell that can repel pests. Therefore, it is still used to this day as a natural and harmless insecticide (chemical preparation for killing insects).

Black cohosh is an evergreen, perennial plant reaching a height of more than 1.5 m. It grows in Siberia and the Far East, its homeland is North America. Source: flickr (William Cullina).

The healing properties of black cohosh were known to the Indians and ancient Chinese healers. With its help, they cured gynecological diseases, relieved childbirth, cured diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation and used it to reduce body temperature. In modern homeopathic therapy, Cohosh extract is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic (diuretic), sedative (sedative), and as an antidote for snake bites.

Description of the plant and its use

Medical research has long confirmed the effectiveness of the properties of black cohosh. Flowers, stems, leaves, roots and rhizomes are used to make medicine. The raw materials of the plant have a bitter taste and unpleasant odor.

Cohosh has a very rich composition of minerals and nutrients. It contains:

  • flavonoids (substances that affect enzyme activity) prevent the development of tumors and viral diseases;
  • alkaloids (nitrogen-containing substances) have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • phytoestrogens (natural non-steroidal estrogen) have a beneficial effect on the female hormonal system.
  • gum (a carbohydrate, resin contained in the juice of a plant) cleanses the body of toxins and “helps” the functioning of the intestines.

In addition, the following important components were found in the composition of Cohosh: starch, sucrose, carotene, magnesium, necessary for the human body - calcium, iron, essential oils, organic acids.

The famous German homeopath Antoin Petrose began using Actaea racemosa in homeopathy in 1852. In his writings, he describes the medicinal plant as an effective remedy for the treatment of female diseases and menstrual disorders.

Homeopaths especially recommend it to improve conditions during pregnancy and menopause.

The drug affects:

  • on the central nervous system;
  • on the cardiovascular system;
  • on the muscular system;
  • on the musculoskeletal system;
  • on the genital area;
  • on human vision.

Black cohosh extract:

  • has a positive effect on the pituitary gland, regulating fat metabolism in the body;
  • relieves dysmenorrhea and headaches;
  • cures infertility.

If the drug is prescribed on time, it can prevent the development of psychosis and improve the neuropsychic state.


The genus of black cohosh has about 20 species. In addition, popular varieties have several hybrid varieties that actively grow as an ornamental crop. the difference between species is due to the diversity of appearance and the presence of growth characteristics.


A relatively low-growing variety of black cohosh. When in bloom, the bushes do not exceed a meter in length. It grows wild in northern America. The peculiarity of the culture is the presence of pubescent stems of a bluish or purple hue.

The plant has one compound leaf, represented by a smooth foliage plate, with three dissections. The leaves are round in shape and arranged alternately on the stem. The length of the leaves does not exceed 12 cm. On the stem, the foliage is located on long petioles. The leaves are dark green shades, with most of the foliage located at the base of the plant.

Black cohosh blooms in the summer. At the end of spring, long flower stalks are formed, which bloom into long racemes. From mid-July to the end of August, the shrubs bloom with pinkish inflorescences consisting of small fluffy flowers. After flowering, fruits appear at the site of flower formation, with the help of which the crop reproduces.


A small herbaceous perennial, up to 1.5 meters high including inflorescences. The culture is well suited to hybridization, due to which about 10 different varieties of black cohosh have been bred. The plant has standard characteristics that are inherent to black cohosh - a smooth, erect stem, up to half a meter long, wide leaves of a complex structure.

The culture blooms at the end of summer. At the same time, apical drooping inflorescences are formed on a long peduncle, forming racemose buds in shape. Flowers are white or cream. Unopened buds are shaped like lily of the valley inflorescences. The stems cannot withstand the weight of the fleshy buds, therefore, as the plant grows, it bends closer to the ground.

Black cohosh

It is a shrubby variety of black cohosh. This variety of black cohosh exceeds 2 meters in height. The shrubs are wide at the base, formed from several erect stems and dense foliage, growing mainly at the base of the bush. At the base of the bush, the diameter of the crop exceeds half a meter.

The culture has about 3-4 stems, rich green in color. The stems are dense, reaching 2 cm in diameter. The surface of the shoots is smooth. At the base, the shoots are covered with dense, complex-shaped foliage. Black cohosh leaves have a bright green color. The leaf blade is smooth, round in shape.

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Flowering continues all summer. Inflorescences, up to half a meter long, are formed on tall peduncles. The flowers are white with creamy stamens inside. The inflorescences are erect, the flowers inside the raceme are small, not exceeding 1 cm in diameter.

Branched black cohosh

A tall herbaceous plant forming a dense branched shrub. The length of the stems together with the inflorescences can exceed 2 meters. The peculiarity of the shrub is the presence of openwork foliage of various shapes. The variety is a hybrid, therefore it has a large number of different forms.

Depending on the species, the crop may have pinkish, bronze, brown or cherry-colored leaves. The leaves are irregular in shape and have many cuts on the surface. The leaf plate is even and smooth. There are varieties with glossy foliage. The leaves on the stems are arranged alternately, adhering quite tightly to the surface of the shoot. The abundance of foliage at the base of the bush is due to the large number of adventitious shoots extending from the main stem.

Black cohosh blooms in late summer or early autumn. Unlike other varieties, cohosh of this variety is not considered to retain inflorescences on the shoots for a long time. In addition, during early frosts, the crop often does not have time to ripen its seeds, so in the northern regions, black cohosh is grown as an annual.

Black cohosh inflorescences often exceed 1 meter in length. Racemose inflorescences are located at the tops of the main stems. Depending on the variety, black cohosh can bloom in shades of white, cream, or pink. The flowers in the raceme are small and quickly fall off, giving rise to fruit growth.


The peculiarity of the culture lies in the shape of the leaves located throughout the stem. The leaf blade of the crop is shaped like a heart, so the plant has an unusual appearance. The culture itself reaches a height of one and a half meters and has smooth, erect stems. Unlike other varieties, the racemose inflorescences of black cohosh do not exceed 30 cm in length.

The species blooms in summer. Inflorescences retain their decorative effect for a long time. Depending on the climate during flowering, the inflorescences may remain fluffy until frost. Inflorescences are snow-white. The brushes are located on long erect peduncles. The flowers that make up the inflorescence are fluffy and small.


Deciduous forests of Japan are considered the habitat of wild crops. They are tall shrubs, up to 2 meters long, with dark green foliage. Black cohosh does not have distinctive features that distinguish the culture from a simple species.

Black cohosh leaves have a round shape, with three cuts in the middle of the leaf. Most of the foliage is located at the base of the bush. The leaves are dark and arranged alternately on the stem. The average foliage size is about 15 cm.

The variety blooms in mid-summer. At the same time, white or silvery inflorescences up to half a meter long appear on the bush. Brushes are located not only on the central peduncles. The culture has several adventitious shoots, on which pedicels with small inflorescences are also formed. The decorative nature of the crop is due to the presence of several stems, which cover the perennials with their buds.


Small herbaceous shrubs, the height of which in the natural environment does not exceed a meter in length. There are low-growing varieties that do not exceed 80 cm in height including inflorescences. Wild shrubs live in North America, in the east of the continent. The plant has dense, pubescent stems, brown or dark green.

Dark green foliage is located over the entire surface of the stems. Black cohosh leaves are dissected and consist of three parts of different shapes. Most of the foliage is located at the base of the crop. closer to the top, the leaves change their shape and acquire a solid appearance. The leaf plate at the top of the bushes is smooth, with visible veins. The inside of the leaves of some varieties is colored purple or brown.

The species blooms in mid-July. At the same time, racemose inflorescences with white or purple flowers are formed on the crop. Flowering lasts more than a month. Some varieties remain decorative until frost. The peculiarity of the plant lies in the shape of the fruit, which is formed in place of the buds after flowering. The fruits are round, dense, and resemble a nut.

Mental characteristics of the patient

Patients taking Cimicifuga are mostly nervous women of all ages. They have a pale, blue-tinged face, white lips, deeply sunken eyes with blue circles around them.

Their mood changes dramatically - from hysterical joy easily moves to apathy mixed with despair. They are very impressionable and extremely emotional. They know about their mental problems, this frightens them greatly. They often have a fear of going crazy.

A detailed study reveals that among the causes of health problems in Cimicifuga patients are mainly unrequited love, business failures, overexertion, fear of becoming a mother, and postpartum depression. Source: flickr (meha jayaram).

Homeopaths identify the main psychosomatic symptoms characteristic of patients of Cohosh:

  1. Confused thoughts, slow mental processes.
  2. Feeling like you are going crazy, disappointing thoughts accompanied by headaches.
  3. Feeling depressed, feeling like no one needs you.
  4. Melancholy, pessimism, suicidal thoughts.
  5. Insanity, hallucinations, incoherent speech.
  6. Postpartum depression.
  7. Epilepsy attacks.


Cohosh is a fairly frost-resistant crop that can withstand even cold winters. At the same time, after the onset of the first frost, watering of black cohosh is stopped. After the onset of cold weather, the plant is almost completely cut off, leaving 10 cm from the surface of the earth.

If the plant is grown in harsh winter conditions, in the fall, to prevent the bushes of the plant from freezing, the soil is covered with a layer of mulch or spruce branches. Dry foliage is also suitable as a covering material. In the spring, after the end of frost, the layer is removed, allowing the plant to prepare for the growing season.

Indications for use of the drug

The most characteristic symptoms for patients for whom Cohosh is indicated are found in the mental sphere, which are accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, pain that worsens during menstruation. Painful sensations predominate on the left side. The pain is wandering, as with rheumatism. There are a number of symptoms characteristic of the indication for the use of Cohosh solution:

  1. Pain in the left breast area, in the left ovary.
  2. A feeling of a “weak” stomach that occurs suddenly or due to anxiety.
  3. Fainting as a result of excitement.
  4. Nausea accompanied by dizziness.
  5. Pain in the spine.
  6. Wandering pain in the uterus.
  7. Increased sweating.
  8. Shooting pain under the breasts (associated with diseases of the ovaries and uterus).
  9. Disruptions in the menstrual cycle, scanty, painful.
  10. Menstruation accompanied by attacks of neuralgia.
  11. Muscle pain, lumbago.
  12. Improvement after eating and in fresh cool air.


The northern parts of America are considered the natural habitat of black cohosh. Wild crops have been found in Michigan, Massachusetts, and Georgia. Hybrid varieties of black cohosh are predisposed to grow in any region with a temperate climate. The plant is actively grown in South America, in some regions of Russia and Ukraine. You can also meet the culture in Finland, France and England. Some varieties grow wild in Japan and other Asian countries.

The natural habitats of black cohosh are considered to be moist forests, forest edges and river banks. You can find wild grass along the banks of streams and in large thickets of bushes and turf. An important condition for the growth of black cohosh is the presence of permanently moist soil containing an abundance of humus. The plant is shade-loving, so it can usually be found in shaded areas of forests and coastal areas.

Administration, dosage and compatibility of the drug

The rule of homeopathy says: “The stronger the poison that was used to prepare the drug, the more effective the medicine prepared from it.”

Note! Considering that black cohosh is a poisonous plant, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and take the drug strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It should be remembered that while taking the medicine, you should not use any allopathic drugs and especially substances containing iodine.

The drug is colorless, odorless and tasteless. It is taken in drops, two or three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 6 months.

Treatment results appear within 1.5 months. In more than 20% of women, mental and allergic symptoms disappear; in the rest, the symptoms significantly weaken.

The drug is contraindicated in women with diagnoses such as diabetes and thyroid diseases.

Best black cohosh extract on iHerb

In the iHerb online store you will find black cohosh plant extract from trusted global manufacturers. Our selection contains only the best black cohosh preparations, according to experts and positive customer reviews.

Black cohosh Nature's Way

Nature's Way contains only black cohosh root in its pure form. One capsule contains 540 mg of active substance. Manufacturers advise taking one supplement three times a day.

Many women appreciated the supplement that at the time of menopause there is nothing better than this product: hot flashes go away, sleep normalizes, mood swings decrease.

Black cohosh Nature's Way on iHerb

Solgar black cohosh root extract capsules

Solgar is manufactured using a unique process that combines the principles of traditional herbal processing with modern, standardized herbal processing technologies. The result is a high-quality and effective herbal extract of black cohosh, which has the beneficial properties of natural components.

As a dietary supplement, adults should take one capsule daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. One package contains 60 vegetable capsules.

Solgar cohosh extract in capsules


There are several ways to propagate black cohosh. Depending on the number of crops required, propagation methods such as seed, cuttings and root shoots are used. Each method has its own characteristics.


Wild cohosh shrubs reproduce mainly by seed. The ripe seeds of the plant are scattered by the wind throughout the surrounding area, where they germinate. In garden conditions, seed propagation is used, only it is necessary to obtain a large number of plants.

Growing hybrid black cohosh from seeds is quite difficult, since the seeds have a short shelf life. This is due to the fact that sowing in open ground is carried out in the spring, and by this time the seeds have already lost most of their germination capacity. Therefore, to grow black cohosh from seeds you can only use seedlings. Sowing of seeds is carried out in the fall, immediately after collecting ripened fruits.

Sowing is carried out in containers filled with garden soil. After sowing, the seeds do not need to be covered with film, since, unlike adult bushes, the seeds quickly rot. After sowing, the containers are placed in a warm place, at temperatures up to 22 degrees. The first shoots can be seen approximately 6 months after sowing.

In the spring, the strong cohosh seedlings are plucked. It is recommended to transplant grown bushes into open ground only a year after planting.


In the spring, black cohosh can be propagated using cuttings. This method is the safest and most gentle for the mother, since it does not require digging up or damaging the bush.

To obtain a new shrub, several cuttings with shoots are cut from the mother plant. The resulting branches are placed in a solution for quick rooting for a day. After which the plants are planted in a sand-peat mixture and covered with a plastic bottle to create greenhouse conditions. under normal conditions and conditions, the first roots appear within a few weeks. Grown bushes can be planted in open ground.

Dividing the bush

Another, rarest method of propagating black cohosh is the division of the mother bush. For this purpose, adult individuals with a well-developed root system are used. The optimal age for dividing a bush is considered to be at least 5 years. In spring or early autumn, the bushes are dug up, carefully, without damaging the roots. After freeing the roots from the soil, several parts of the root with living root buds are cut off with pruning shears. The mother bush is immediately buried back.

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The resulting cuttings are not planted in open ground immediately, since in this case they will not give high fertility. It is recommended to treat the roots with a means for rapid growth of the root system and plant them until the petioles appear in the container. Sprouts need to be given special attention.

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