Hemobin to restore hemoglobin levels

Hemobin is a safe natural source of iron for sick and healthy people of any age.

Dietary supplement Hemobin is a natural source of heme iron and hemoglobin .
It is based on hemoglobin of animal origin, which undergoes pre-treatment and purification. It is believed that animal hemoglobin is very similar in structure to human hemoglobin, while heme - the iron-containing part of the hemoglobin molecule - is completely identical to human hemoglobin. That is why Hemobin has high bioactivity, it is absorbed by more than 90% and has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Results can be seen within two weeks of regular use of Hemobin. This pure product qualitatively improves blood composition and increases hemoglobin. In essence, using the drug is equivalent to a blood transfusion, but there is one difference - the tablet form of hemoglobin begins to act later than a direct blood transfusion.

Hemobin is suitable as a maintenance drug during the treatment of serious diseases; it is also used for prevention and for restoring health after infections and surgical interventions.

Hemobin is an effective remedy for restoring hemoglobin levels

Iron deficiency remains one of the most pressing health problems in the modern world.
With all the variety of medications for anemia, the vast majority of them have unpleasant side effects or are poorly absorbed by the body. The drug for increasing hemoglobin, Hemobin, stands out against the general background. The natural product was developed by domestic specialists to combat iron deficiency. It is quickly absorbed and restores normal hemoglobin levels in the blood. The uniqueness of the product is that it is a source of natural hemoglobin, and therefore is safe and can be used by all categories of people.

First of all, Hemobin is indicated for patients with anemia. You can suspect this insidious disease if you have symptoms such as chronic fatigue, frequent illness, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, and pallor.

The Russian Ministry of Health also recommends the drug for those in whom iron deficiency can have the most serious consequences:

  1. Pregnant and lactating. To prevent premature birth, developmental delay or intrauterine death of the fetus, pathological course of childbirth.
  2. Children of all ages. The drug improves appetite, physical endurance, memory and attention. Helps improve the learning process and reduces the risk of infections.
  3. To old people. Low hemoglobin causes shortness of breath, tachycardia, and dizziness in old age. Hemobin allows you to improve the quality of life and prevent the development of dysfunctions in the body.
  4. Blood donors and surgical patients. To compensate for iron losses.
  5. Athletes. The drug satisfies the increased needs for iron in people involved in professional sports, fitness, and running.
  6. Suffering from cancer. It goes well with various types of antitumor therapy and increases its effectiveness.
  7. Victims of radiation or chemical exposure.

Hemobin can be used both for the treatment of iron deficiency conditions and for prevention. It does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.

Indications for use

Hemobin is recommended to be taken for:

  • anemia, other types of iron deficiency conditions;
  • reduced immunity in adolescents and children;
  • poor appetite;
  • overwork;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • poor nutrition;
  • depressive states;
  • menstruation to compensate for blood loss;
  • before and after blood donation by donors;
  • oncology (during radiation, chemotherapy);
  • somatic, infectious diseases;
  • intense physical and psychological stress, in particular by athletes, military personnel, drivers;
  • after exposure to radioactive radiation;
  • in old age to support immunity;
  • during pregnancy, pregnancy planning.

Beneficial features

Hemobin has the following effects on humans:

  • immunomodulatory . Since hemoglobin contains a large amount of histidine, an amino acid that binds iron, it is absorbed much better when taken with regular food. Hemobin is a natural preparation, so it naturally improves the natural mechanisms of absorption and absorption of iron. As a result, iron deficiency is quickly eliminated, signs of anemia disappear, and human immunity is strengthened;
  • tonic . After a full course of Hemobin, a person will feel a surge of strength, constant headaches, dizziness, and other unpleasant conditions will go away. With the advent of strength, the quality of life improves;
  • antitoxic . Iron is an integral part of many proteins and enzymes involved in metabolic processes. Hemobin promotes the destruction and disposal of toxins;
  • antibacterial . Iron is involved in the formation of immune cells that protect the human body from bacteria.


The basis of Hemobin is the blood of cattle, which has undergone preliminary thorough purification. One tablet contains:

  • hemoglobin 170 g. Increases the body's defenses, strengthens the immune system, helps get rid of chronic fatigue, weakness, nausea, dizziness, activates vitality;
  • ascorbic acid 5 mg. Natural antibacterial agent. Improves the immune response, vitamin C helps to cope with seasonal diseases faster and easier. Ascorbic acid also increases iron absorption;
  • fillers (calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose).

Mode of application

Hemobin for treatment is taken depending on the age and condition of the patient according to the following scheme:

  • children 3 - 7 years old drink 2 tablets 2 times a day. in a day;
  • children 7 - 14 years old take 2 tablets 3 times a day. in a day;
  • adults take 2 - 4 tablets 3 r. in a day.

Before using Hemobin, you must first consult a pediatrician or therapist.

Iron deficiency is especially dangerous in young children and adolescents . With a deficiency of Fe in the first year of life, mental retardation is observed. In older children, the lack of this element leads to a decline in immunity, a tendency to frequent illnesses and learning problems. In schoolchildren and children of senior preschool age, memory and attentiveness deteriorate, they become weak, lethargic, and apathetic. That is why it is recommended to periodically prevent iron deficiency as follows:

  • up to 1 year 1 table. Hemobin is recommended to be dissolved in a small amount of juice, water, milk;
  • 4 - 6 years - 1 tablet 3 rubles. in a day;
  • 7 - 14 years - 1 - 2 tables. 3 r. in a day.

To prevent anemia in pregnant women, you need to drink 3 tablets 3 times a day. per day after meals. During breastfeeding, women need to take 2 - 3 tablets 3 times a day. per day after meals.

Elderly people and patients with chronic pathologies take 4-6 tablets per day for preventive purposes.

Donors during blood donation - 2 - 3 tablets per day continuously.

The course of treatment for therapeutic purposes is 20 - 30 days. If, a month after starting treatment, significant improvements in hemoglobin levels are not observed, you should continue taking Hemobin until the tests are normal.

Iron supplement Hemobin - reviews


We took Hemobin to raise our levels, and it helped us very well. In small children, microelements are poorly absorbed by the body, and it is very difficult to compensate for these deficiencies with food. Moreover, they grow in leaps and bounds, so it is not surprising that there may be low hemoglobin. After only 1.5-2 weeks of use, I noticed that the child became more active, lethargy and weakness disappeared. At the same time, there were no problems with the chair, I was worried that it would be attached. We had already taken iron before and started getting constipated. And Hemobin does not have a negative effect on the digestive processes, because it contains iron in its natural form. First, we took a therapeutic dose for 2 months, and then the doctor prescribed another month of preventive drinking. Now the appetite is good, we eat a variety of foods, the tests are in order.


I play sports professionally, so on the advice of my coach, I periodically take iron supplements (it is especially important to do this before the competitive season, when the consumption of red meat and liver is reduced to zero), and the number of workouts increases significantly. In my extensive experience of taking such drugs, the best of them are ferrous iron preparations. I used to order them on iherb, but after Russian entrepreneurs banned some of them for sale in Russia, I began looking for our analogues and found Hemobin, which, by the way, costs less and works just as well. Now I regret that I didn’t find out about it earlier - I would have saved a lot. Thanks to him, I feel good during training: there are no palpitations, I don’t feel short of breath, my eyes don’t get dark, which means there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in the blood. You should take it in courses of up to 3 cans, then take a break. The drug is good, keep it in mind.

Tatiana Olisova

My mother (92 years old) due to intestinal bleeding, his hemoglobin decreased to 59. Since January 2022, she started taking Hemobin (3 tablets × 2 rubles per day, which is less than the recommended dose). In a short time, hemoglobin increased to 105 and remains at this level against the background of constant intestinal bleeding. She continues to take hemobin with short breaks. It is well tolerated, without side effects.


Sometimes iron reserves in the body are simply depleted without illness (increased physical stress, mental stress, poor nutrition). My son started school and encountered this problem. With the doctor, we selected food, iron-rich foods. And they began to drink Hemobin (it contains natural heme iron, from the purified blood of farm animals). The tablets are safe, they even have several certificates (one from the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology). The food is also a good thing. So after two months everything returned to normal, now we monitor him and take tests once a year.


I took Hemobin for 4 weeks, from 105 hemoglobin rose to 120. In principle, I won’t take it anymore because I feel good. I did not take the drug thoughtlessly, expecting a miracle, but separately from products containing magnesium, calcium and zinc. Coffee and tea in large quantities also affect the absorption of iron, it is worth taking this into account. In general, I'm happy with the result.




Before using medications, consult a specialist!


No side effects


didn't find it

The doctor prescribed this drug to me. At first I was wary, because I had never heard anything about him before. I took a lot of different medications (anemia since childhood), almost all of them had terrible side effects. Nausea, lethargy, constipation, etc. I read reviews on the Internet and asked my friends. You understand, you don’t want to take something unclear and poison your body. As it turned out, my friend’s son took Hemobin for prevention, and he is 6 years old. I ordered it at the office. website. After a week of taking the pills, I began to doubt that maybe it wasn’t working? There are no side effects at all! But the condition improved, which I was very happy about. Two weeks later I went for tests. Hemoglobin rose from 95 to 115!! Now I drink it for prevention. I recommend it to everyone! He helped me a lot!





  • natural composition
  • domestic development
  • suitable for everyone

For about a year I constantly felt some kind of inexplicable weakness and dizziness, which made it very difficult to work normally, a friend advised me to donate blood - it turned out that my hemoglobin was low. Well, I tried to raise it with food, then I came across an article that they provide very little hemoglobin and you need to take iron supplements, then I found Hemobin - a wonderful remedy!

I took the course for 2 weeks, this is just one jar with 120 tablets. Hemobin is completely natural, there is nothing synthetic in it, because it is made from dried and purified animal hemoglobin. It is approved by the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology, so it can be safely given to children. The most important thing is that there are no side effects in the form of nausea or problems with stool... and hemoglobin rose quickly, I began to really feel it. I took a course of hemoglobin and it was normal, but I think for prevention I should drink it every six months.



I drank it when there was a decrease in hemoglobin. I didn’t feel anything special, I took a blood test for another reason. The therapist said that hemoglobin was low and that I needed to change my diet, eat more meat, apples and something else. In general, the list there was decent)) But our therapist is one of those who prescribe tea with lemon for a cold) So I came home and started looking on the Internet for how to increase hemoglobin

I thought that I needed to buy a good vitamin complex. But it turns out that this option is only suitable for prevention. If hemoglobin is already low, then vitamins alone will not increase it significantly.

Then I told my friend about my problem and she says that she had this and was cured with hemobin. Well, I bought it too.

I took 3 tablets 3 times a day (my friend drank the same amount) and a month later the tests were already good. Of course, I didn’t tell the doctor about hemobin) Let him think that her methods are the most advanced))

The only thing I didn’t like was that the packaging was, of course, too small. It runs out quickly, you need to order again to finish the course. From the beginning, I somehow didn’t think to calculate how many tablets I would need in total. But the main thing is that it works. As for packaging - a wish for manufacturers.



Do you know what a hemoglobin level of 80 is? in my case, this is a state of not standing, fainting and a complete lack of strength not only for life, but even for existence. Hemobin helped me return to life. Like the good Masha (I have nothing against Masha, the name is fictitious and all coincidences are accidental) at first I tried to raise this same level of my hemoglobin with all sorts of food products, but as my attending physician explained to me, in my case the effect would be close to zero. He prescribed Hemobin for me. Of course, I have nothing to compare with; this drug helped me right away. But I read reviews about other iron-containing products, and it was even scary what side effects there might be. Thank God I didn’t have that! In general, I am pleased with the result; we can say that hemobin brought me back to life.



After a complex operation, my hemoglobin dropped incredibly. In the hospital and then the therapist prescribed various drugs for anemia for several months, because basically all of them gave me problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and intoxication, as a side effect, did not suit me.

Finally, my attending physician at the clinic suggested taking Hemobin. She told me about it in some detail, and I wanted to try it too - I need to continue the treatment, one way or another.

Indeed, I liked the drug: hemoglobin increased by 30 units during the course of treatment and remained at this level for a long time (with minor changes). Thank God, my general condition has improved, the dizziness has stopped, the weakness has passed, and my hair has stopped coming out. And my friends note that I have turned pink, although before taking Gemobin they always emphasized my pallor.

While taking the drug, there was absolutely no discomfort in the abdomen - as the doctor explained, Hemobin contains ferrous iron, which is perfectly and quickly absorbed, and does not harm the liver at all. Plus a combination with calcium and vitamin C.

I really liked the fact that Gemobin does not contain chemicals - all components are natural. For me, for example, this is very important, because... I have enough chemicals in my body due to constant taking of pills.

Well, I was also pleased with the fact that children can take Hemobin - it is approved by the Hematology Research Institute, so I give it to my children without a doubt.

Anna Isaeva


Hemobin helped me increase my hemoglobin levels after the Flu. Dropped to 87 units, feelings of weakness, dizziness, nausea. I took the course and feel great.



When my son started getting anemia, I grabbed my head, through an acquaintance I found a Hematologist, he prescribed hemobin for us. So I was worried that there would be side effects, and I didn’t really want to stuff my child with chemicals. As it turned out, I worried in vain! The drug is a godsend, there are no side effects, the composition is natural, and most importantly, it is effective. In two weeks from 90 units. up to 115 units hemoglobin increased. My son has become active again, his cheeks are rosy! In general, I recommend it to everyone, it’s a really great product.

Marina Skoblikova


It’s good that there is such a drug as Hemobin, firstly, it increases hemoglobin well, and secondly, not like others, they treat one thing and cripple another. Its composition is natural, so it does not affect the stomach. Can be given to children from three months of age.

I took the drug myself, after surgery, when I had severe blood loss and because of this, my hemoglobin dropped. It’s great that these pills have no side effects and are well absorbed. I used to always suffer from side effects from medications, so I carefully start taking them, taking a closer look at myself and my reactions. After the drug raised my hemoglobin to 115, the doctors took me off the register (I was registered because they diagnosed me with anemia), I stopped feeling dizzy and now have no weakness. This is what it means when hemoglobin is normal.

Yulia K


At 26 weeks of pregnancy, my hemoglobin dropped very significantly, right down to 92. The doctors diagnosed iron deficiency, naturally, sounded the alarm, prescribed a bunch of pills, walks and more meat. I did everything honestly, but the situation changed little. A week later, the heme level was 94. Through friends I found a hematologist who prescribed me Hemobin. At first I was wary of the drug; I had never heard of it before. I read reviews on the Internet and its composition. It turned out that the composition is all natural, it is even prescribed to small children. Not chemical hemoglobin, but organic matter. I decided to try it. After a few days, I was surprised to discover that my condition began to improve, I get out of bed easier in the morning, I don’t fall off my feet during the day, I didn’t notice any side effects. Although I suffered from the previous drug all week. Two weeks later I went for tests, they showed that heme had risen to 115!! I was very happy because I was very worried about the baby. As it turned out later, many of my friends took it for prevention. So, until you encounter the situation, you won’t know. In general, I recommend it to everyone, it helped me a lot.



I treated my daughter, she is 6 years old, with the drug “Hemobin”. We took everything as expected, according to the instructions. At her age, the dosage is 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug works quite quickly. In about 1.5 weeks we managed to restore hemoglobin to normal. But they didn’t stop drinking the drug after that. I thought it would be better to take the course to the end; it certainly wouldn’t hurt as a preventive measure. There were 20 days in total.

The drug is not addictive. The child tolerated it well. There were no side effects.

I think it’s a big plus that the drug consists of natural ingredients. It contains only animal hematogen, and not synthetic, as usual. Only used half the package. After some time, I will definitely give my daughter the rest of it as a preventive measure. The shelf life of the drug is 18 months, so there is no need to rush.

The tablets themselves are small in size, the child swallows them easily. Be sure to drink water. They do not taste bitter, so they are accepted without whims or roaring.

Where can you buy Hemobin

A source of natural iron - Hemobin can be ordered in the Russian Roots online store. Delivery of goods from this store is carried out by courier in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region. Products are sent to other regions by mail and available delivery services.

This product is also available in Moscow herbal pharmacies “Russian Roots”, where it can always be purchased at an affordable price.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Best before date

18 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • NewPlas apple-cinnamon (Powder for oral solution)
  • NewPlas berry (Powder for oral solution)
  • Dr. Theiss Elderberry + Vitamin C (Lozenges)
  • Golden root tonic syrup (Syrup)
  • Marine calcium for children with zinc (Oral tablets)
  • NewPlas pineapple-banana (Powder for oral use)
  • Progaine, chocolate (Powder for oral suspension)
  • Retinol acetate (Oral tablets)
  • Elfasept Phyto-Lor (Pastilles)

The description of vitamin Hemobin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

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