Vuka Vuka - a natural drug for restoring potency


Pills1 table
Plant complex "Zifo":400 mg
- Securinega virosa - roots (Securinega virosa)100 mg
- tree-like heteromorph (Heteromorpha arborescens)100 mg
— edible carissa (Carissa edulis)80 mg
— triumphetta welwitschii (Triumfetta welwitschii)80 mg
- Ozoroa reticulata (Ozoroa reticulata)40 mg
excipients: lactose - 145 mg; calcium stearate - 5 mg

Vuka Vuka: instructions for use

To get the desired results, you need to take Vuka Vuka tablets or capsules correctly. The instructions for use of the dietary supplement indicate that the drug is intended both for a course of use and for rapid stimulation in a situation of expected intimacy. In the latter case, you need to take 4-5 tablets 1-2 hours before contact.

To begin complex therapy, you must first consult with your doctor. This will make sure there are no contraindications and clarify the daily dosage. Usually prescribed 2 tablets per day.

Features of treatment:

  • Both pills or capsules should be taken with food;
  • The duration of the course of treatment is a month, extension is possible only with the approval of a medical specialist;
  • If capsules are selected, the course of treatment is reduced to 2 weeks.

Component Properties

The roots of Carissa edible are used to enhance sexual desire (aphrodisiac).

Securinega virosa (roots) has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, helps normalize potency impaired due to functional nervous disorders (used in folk medicine to enhance sexual desire).

Triumphetta Velvicha and Geeria reticularis help improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and blood flow to the genitals.

Heteromorpha tree helps to lengthen the duration of sexual intercourse and is used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Despite its completely natural composition, Vuka Vuka is not suitable for all men. This is due to the fact that even natural components can aggravate certain conditions of the body.

Medical experts recommend refusing treatment with herbal remedies if you have the following pathologies:

  • Having had a heart attack or stroke;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Tendency to seizures;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Angina;
  • Renal dysfunction of an inflammatory nature;
  • Polio;
  • Injuries and deformation of the genital organs;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Limited mobility of the facial muscles.

There are also age restrictions - the drug is prohibited for young men under 18 years of age and elderly people over 70. Individual intolerance, expressed in an allergic response of the body, is also possible.

It appears in the form:

  • Skin itching;
  • The appearance of red spots;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • Nausea and cramps;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Pain in the lumbar or groin area;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Feelings of weakness and malaise.

The food supplement can be combined with alcohol, but cannot be combined with dietary supplements. Sometimes an overdose of the drug is expressed in the form of severe migraines, vomiting, and fever. If such signs appear, you should immediately contact a medical facility.


Name and address of the location of the manufacturer: Vitamer LLC, 129110, Moscow, Orlovo-Davydovsky lane, 1, room III (production address: Vladimir region, Petushki, Sovkhoznaya str., 11 ), Russian Federation.

Name and address of the location of the organization authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers: JSC Nizhpharm, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, GSP-459, st. Salganskaya, 7, Russian Federation.

Tel.; fax, e-mail: HYPERLINK

"mailto: [email protected] "

Advantages compared to other impotence drugs

Vuka Vuka capsules and tablets, compared to other drugs, have a number of advantages:

  • The presence of only natural components in the composition;
  • Absence of substances not declared in the annotation for the drug;
  • Prolonged action that persists after the end of the course;
  • Compatible with antibiotics and alcoholic beverages;
  • Efficiency proven by several tests in Russian clinics;
  • Rapid onset of the primary effect;
  • The ability to eliminate congestion in the prostate gland;
  • Suppression of foci of inflammation of the reproductive system.

Experience of using Impaza in patients with erectile dysfunction and decreased libido

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Efremov Andrologist, Ph.D., Head. Department of Andrology and Human Reproduction, Federal State Institution Research Institute of Urology, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation [email protected]
Victoria Anatolyevna Shaderkina Urologist, scientific. editor of the urological information portal [email protected]

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a widespread medical, psychological and social problem.
According to some estimates, by 2025, the number of men with ED worldwide could exceed 300 million. ED is a common symptom of many chronic somatic and mental illnesses. Episodes of ED can accompany acute diseases and occur in practically healthy men. Risk factors associated with lifestyle contribute to the development of persistent ED: smoking, drug use, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity. Iatrogenic ED can develop due to the use of a number of medications. Most variants of ED are united by a common link - functional insufficiency of NO-dependent processes responsible for the implementation of erectile function (EF). These processes are not only key for peripheral links, but also take an active part in the central mechanisms of erection - primarily at the level of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. In addition, neuronal and endothelial NO synthases serve as mutually complementary sources of NO in both the central nervous system and cavernous tissue. That is why the restoration of adequate production of NO both in the cavernous tissue and in the central nervous system can ensure the restoration of normal EF in various forms of ED.

One of the most promising areas of modern pharmacology is the development of antibody-based drugs. For more than 5 years, a number of leading research and clinical institutions in Russia have been conducting interdisciplinary studies of the activity of antibodies to endogenous regulators administered in small and ultra-low doses (USD). Based on SMD antibodies to a number of endogenous regulators, drugs with high pharmacological activity were created. Among them is the drug Impaza, approved by the Ministry of Health and the Socialist Republic of the Russian Federation for medical use as a treatment for ED (R No. 000374/01-2001).

Impaza restores EF and improves erection quality. By increasing the activity of endothelial NO synthase in the vessels of the penis, the drug restores adequate production of nitric oxide (NO) by the endothelium during sexual stimulation, which increases the level of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in smooth muscles, promotes their relaxation and increases blood flow to the penis. These effects provide sufficient strength and duration of erection.

Due to its positive effect on the central mechanisms of sexual function in men, the drug increases libido (sexual desire) and satisfaction with sexual intercourse. The effectiveness and safety of Impaza has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of Impaza for ED was conducted in 2001-2003. 5 clinical centers in Russia took part in the study: Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Volgograd State Medical University; Research Institute of Pharmacology at Volgograd State Medical University; Clinic of Urology and Operative Nephrology of the Russian State Medical University (Moscow); Clinic of Urology named after. R.M. Fronshtein Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov (Moscow); St. Petersburg Scientific Society of Urologists named after. S.P. Fedorov. The study included 169 patients aged 18 to 70 years. They were randomized into 2 groups: a group taking Impaza and a placebo group.

The greatest effectiveness of Impaza was noted in patients with a predominance of psychogenic factors of ED. The effect of the drug in them developed faster than in other groups and changed slightly when the treatment period was extended from 4 to 12 weeks. The effect of Impaza in psychogenic ED may be due to its influence on both the central and peripheral parts of EF.

In patients with organic factors of ED, the effect of the drug developed gradually, with the proportion of patients responding to treatment increasing by 10-15% as the treatment period increased to 12 weeks. The greatest effectiveness of Impaza was observed in patients with a predominance of arterial factors of ED, minimal in patients with vascular venous ED. This is in good agreement with existing data on the peripheral mechanism of action of the drug and restoration of endothelial function.

The drug Impaza had a positive effect not only on EF itself, but also on other aspects of the sexual function of patients with ED: it increased libido, satisfaction with sexual intercourse, and increased orgasm. Researchers noted the maximum effect when taking the drug with long-term course administration.

The effectiveness of Impaza in patients with cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis deserves special attention. According to preliminary data from a clinical study of the effectiveness of Impaza for ED in patients suffering from chronic coronary heart disease (Research Institute of Cardiology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Saratov), ​​course use of the drug not only increases EF, but also helps reduce the frequency of exertional angina attacks.

A large study on the effectiveness of Impaza in order to restore libido in patients with urethral strictures was conducted at the Department of Urology and Human Reproductive Health of Rostov State Medical University (head of the department, Professor M.I. Kogan) in 2008. As part of the study, 82 patients aged 17 and over were examined up to 50 years with urethral strictures and impaired libido.

Algorithm for managing a patient with erectile dysfunction (ED)

During treatment with Impaza, there was a progressive increase in sexual desire. 2 months after the start of therapy, an increase in libido was noted in 15 (53.5%) patients; after 4 months, an increase in sexual desire was observed in 21 (75%) patients; after 6 months, an improvement in libido was recorded in 24 (85.7%) subjects. In addition, the majority of the examined patients showed an improvement in mood in 89.2% of cases and performance in 75.0% of cases.

Treatment efficacy in the impaza and placebo groups according to the main study criteria

Index 4 weeks 12 weeks
Impaza (n = 138)Placebo (n = 30) Impaza (n=138)Placebo (n = 7)
Proportion of patients with an increase in EF by 3 points 68,3 %30 % 76,9 %3,3 %
Proportion of patients achieving normal EF (> 25 points) 19,4 %6,6 % 33,8 %0
Proportion of patients who rated effectiveness as “excellent” or “good” 62,6 %23,3 % 69,6 %3,3 %

6 months after oral administration of Impaza, serum testosterone levels increased in 50.0% of patients and in almost all of them was > 12 nmol/L. The researchers concluded that in the majority of patients with androgen deficiency against the background of stricture disease, a course of pathogenetic therapy for SMD antibodies to endothelial

NO synthase (Impazoy) leads to increased libido and normalization of serum testosterone levels.

When prescribing Impaza, the urologist must take into account several features of the action of this drug, which are confirmed by the principles of evidence-based medicine.

  1. It is more appropriate to prescribe Impaza to patients with psychogenic and compensated and subcompensated arteriogenic ED.
  2. The most effective is a long-term course of taking the drug, at least 3-4 months, since it is characterized by a slow progressive increase in the effect and its gradual accumulation, which indicates the physiological effect of the drug.
  3. Impaza does not affect the course of underlying (background) diseases and does not require correction of their therapy.
  4. A combination of Impaza with PDE5 inhibitors (sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil) is possible, which allows, on the one hand, to reduce the dose of the latter and reduce the side effects of monotherapy with PDE5 inhibitors, and, on the other hand, to increase the overall effectiveness of ED treatment.
  5. Impaza can be combined with drugs for the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD), including nitrates, and hypertension, which allows it to be recommended as a first-line treatment for ED in these groups of patients.

Thus, clinical studies have clearly defined the place of Impaza in the treatment of patients with ED and decreased libido.


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Where to buy and how much does Vuka Vuka cost?

Various sources provide conflicting information about where you can buy the supplement. There is an opinion that it is sold only in pharmacies; other resources recommend using the manufacturer’s website. One way or another, the drug is presented on pharmacy counters and in catalogs of pharmaceutical online stores.

An important condition when purchasing is to check the expiration date; it should not exceed 3 years. Information from the manufacturer, composition and labeling must be clearly printed and easy to read.

Considering that the naturopathic remedy contains plants listed in the Red Book, it is difficult to count on the low cost of the drug Vuka Vuka. The price depends on the release form and quantity. Buying a pack of 20 tablets will cost about 600 rubles, with 100 – 2000 rubles. You will have to pay about 1,100 rubles for the capsules; the box contains 60 pieces.

Comparative analysis

When comparing which is better - Vuka Vuka or Lovelace, one should take into account the same stated indications for the use of these drugs: both improve erection, stimulate blood circulation, support ejaculation and normalize sexual sensitivity. The difference between medications lies in the set of extracts that represent their basis, so the main role in the comparison is played by the individual susceptibility of a particular patient to each of them. Otherwise, both nutritional supplements are equivalent and are taken in a similar way.

Regarding the question of which is better - Impaza or Vuka Vuka, experts give preference to the second drug, since homeopathic Impaza is based on extremely small doses of antibodies dissolved in a water-alcohol mixture. As a result, these tablets can help a patient to a limited extent with erectile dysfunction, but their effect on the reproductive system cannot be called complex, unlike a herbal remedy.


If you need to replace the additive, you should first consider the produced variations of Vuka Vuka. Analogs of this kind contain additional components.

It is recommended to pay attention to:

  • Vuka Vuka Energy. It is distinguished by its targeted effect on restoring and maintaining strength, performance, and giving additional energy;
  • Vuka Vuka Active. The product contains a vitamin complex, folic acid, as well as selenium and zinc necessary for male potency.

Also, to improve erectile function, urologists and andrologists advise considering drugs with a different composition, but with a similar effect. This:

  • Peruvian Maca;
  • Tongkat Ali Platinum;
  • Libido Drive;
  • Volcano;
  • Alpha Man;
  • Lovelace;
  • Erective.

This is not a complete list; there are dozens of supplements on the market that have a positive effect on potency and sexual function. It is important to remember that each of the drugs has its own list of contraindications, so before choosing one of these drugs, you must consult with your doctor. Ideally, he will be the one who will recommend the remedy that is optimally suitable for the patient. The full list of dietary supplements for potency is here!

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