Divaza: a drug to restore brain activity

The medication belongs to the category of antioxidant, anxiolytic drugs, promotes the regeneration of brain structures after ischemic attacks.

Divaza contains specific, specially purified antibodies to the S-100 protein and the endothelial enzyme No-synthase. The medication is intended for the complex treatment of dysfunctions of the central nervous system and associated pathologies. The combined drug is available in the form of tablets for sublingual use - they must be dissolved in the mouth.


I needed complex treatment after I was seriously injured at work.
Believe it or not, I managed to hit my head very hard, slipping on a poorly wiped floor after washing. If you're unlucky, it's very accurate. Divaz tablets helped. I took a course of the drug and returned to duty. It’s a good medicine, which means we need to tell people about it. I ordered medicine for the brain on a special online pharmacy website. To be honest, it wasn’t a matter of saving. The doctor simply forbade me to move, and I was too lazy to wander around the city looking for the prescribed medication. The impressions from the online store are the most positive. There was no delay in delivery and no increase in cost. In general, everything is fine.

When is Diwaza shown?

The medicine is prescribed to adult patients: 18 years of age and older. The main areas of its application:

  • age-related cognitive and cerebrovascular disorders;
  • asthenoneurotic processes;
  • consequences of ischemic strokes;
  • severe stress, nervous exhaustion.

Divaza is used as independent therapy and as part of complex treatment. If necessary, you can combine the drug with other medications.

How did I find out about the drug

My name is Michael. I work as an office manager in a large wholesale company. It would seem, how can you get dangerously injured in such a profession? I managed to do it))) I was in a hurry with the reports and did not notice the puddle on the floor. Then, just like in the movies, I fell, woke up, got a cast. Only in my case there is a huge bump on the back of my head. The headache was great, but the rush jobs did not allow me to pay much attention to the discomfort.

Gradually everything went away, but I began to notice that my performance had dropped sharply. I couldn’t concentrate on calculations, and in general I felt constantly tired and overwhelmed.

It got to the point that the boss threatened to fire him due to loss of motivation. I had to take sick leave to ride out the storm. I thought, if I’m still undergoing treatment, then why not actually get examined. A good decision, it could have worsened the condition, but Divaza helped out.

“Apparently, you suffered a concussion.
Now you are raking up the negative consequences of the illness you suffered on your feet. It’s important not to stress at all for a few days. I'll prescribe pills to increase blood flow. Divaz’s course should even out the situation...” Andrey Anatolyevich, neurologist, traumatologist, Moscow

I thought a little and realized that the specialist was most likely right. There was nausea, slight disorientation in space and headaches - exactly symptoms of a concussion.

Drugs affecting the endocrine system

Currently, a number of drugs affecting the state of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system have been proposed abroad for the treatment of depression. The first group of drugs of this type includes medications that block the synthesis of cortisol at the level of enzyme systems (ketoconazole, metyrapone, aminoglutemide), which, however, have a large number of side effects that are essentially the result of long-term endocrine dysfunction (Wolkowitz O., et al. , 2001). The second group of drugs includes corticosteroid receptor antagonists (antalarmin), which have the potential effect of antidepressants and anxiolytics (Holsboer F., 1999). Currently, research is being conducted on the use of DHEA sulfate as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of depression, in particular, for the correction of cognitive impairment in this pathology (Sapolsky R., 2000).

Find out more: Specialized Clinic

Indications for taking Divaz

Before ordering the drug, I decided to read about the direction of treatment. I really didn’t want to injure my body with the wrong pills. The instructions indicated that Divaza helps restore brain activity in case of serious disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. That is, doctors prescribe a remedy for recovery from a traumatic brain injury (exactly my case) and the fight against infectious diseases that affect the “main computer” of the body.

I definitely can’t explain to you how Divaza works. I read a bunch of different complex words and formulas that I don’t understand. Here's what I managed to figure out - the medicine:

  • normalizes vegetative status;
  • protects the brain from toxins;
  • stimulates the activity of the central nervous system;
  • improves performance;
  • enhances concentration;
  • Helps with learning and memory recovery.

Such a serious pharmacological effect was a little exciting. I specifically called the doctor back and asked if I would get hooked on Divaz, like I was on some kind of drug.

The specialist reassured me, saying that the pills do not cause addiction or, God forbid, addiction.

How does Divaza work?

Antibodies in the composition of the drug penetrate the bloodstream into the brain, affect synaptic connections, inhibit lipid peroxidation, have neuroprotective, antihypoxic and antioxidant effects, increase tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency, and regulate metabolic processes. The effect of taking the medicine is expressed in improving the overall integrative activity of the brain:

  • mental performance increases;
  • the consequences of ischemic disorders are reduced;
  • the impact of psychotraumatic factors is reduced, mood improves;
  • memory and concentration become better, the ability to assimilate new information increases;
  • the brain becomes more resistant to the effects of toxins;
  • cerebral blood flow increases, somatovegetative connections are strengthened, thereby eliminating various adverse effects: convulsions, tremors, dizziness, numbness of the limbs and others.

It has been established that the use of Divaza has a beneficial effect on recovery processes after an ischemic stroke, improves cognitive functions, and reduces anxiety and restlessness. The medication does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, does not cause increased drowsiness, and does not have sedative properties. During the period of using Divaza, physical and mental activity is fully preserved. Therapy with the drug, even after long courses, does not provoke addiction or subsequent withdrawal symptoms.

Reviews of the drug for the brain

I listened to the doctor, but I had to do a little searching for the opinions of ordinary people. Reviews of Divaz were found on the forum of a fairly well-known Moscow clinic. I didn’t even have to register - it was an open chat room.

“I took pills to treat my nervous system after an emotional breakdown. Divorce from my husband drove me into a very severe depression. She refused to eat and hardly slept. Thank you to my family for fighting for me until the end. Divaz and constant attention were brought back to life..."

This is not my case, but this review definitely shows that the pills really affect brain function. As I understand it, the medicine is a weak tranquilizer.

“I received a concussion during a car accident. I thought I got off easy, but it turned out that the complications were delayed. I developed chronic headaches, slept 2-3 hours a day, and constantly felt irritated. The doctor recommended trying Divaz. He said that most likely the reason was poor blood circulation. The pills helped..."

And this is a similar case to mine. I was glad that the medicine worked for the person – it was reassuring.


Antipsychotics are also used to treat depression, which, in addition to their action aimed at relieving psychosis, exhibit a moderate antidepressant effect - chlorprothixene (Truxal), sulpiride (Eglonil, Dogmatil), flupentixol (Fluanxol), levomepromazine (Tizercin), rispolept (risperidone), olanzapine ( Zyprexa) as well as lithium carbonate, effective for mild to moderate depression. When depression is combined with delusions and hallucinations, atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine) are usually combined with antidepressants (fluoxetine, mirtazepine), the effectiveness of such treatment reaches 60-70%.

Patients with signs of bipolar affective disorder are recommended to be prescribed olanzepine, since in addition to the antipsychotic effect, it also has a mood stabilizer effect.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in most cases, antidepressants reduce the effectiveness of antipsychotics, especially in patients in acute psychosis.

How to take Divaza

I was treated strictly according to the instructions. The description of the drug stated that to get the desired result you should take one tablet 3 times a day. It is better to take the medicine on an empty stomach and without drinking (just let it dissolve in your mouth). The course of therapy can reach six months. I stopped at 4 months.

I also read in the description that if Divaz is taken incorrectly, side effects are possible. I didn't have any problems, but people online complained about diarrhea, nausea and even vomiting. In general, you need to be as careful as possible with the dosage!

Contraindications and side effects

Divaza is prohibited for use in children and adolescents due to insufficient information about the effect of the drug. Other contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to lactose and other components;
  • malabsorption syndrome.

Pregnancy is not included in the list of contraindications. Divaza is also allowed to be used for diabetes and other chronic diseases.

The drug is well tolerated and practically does not cause any pathological reactions in the body. With repeated overdose, in rare cases, nausea, loss of appetite or dry mouth may occur.

Possible contraindications and special instructions for therapy

I understand that my review can be read by different people, so I will separately highlight a number of features of Divaz. For motorists, I would like to note that the tablets do not reduce the reaction speed and do not cause drowsiness - you can drive safely. But it is not recommended for pregnant women (or nursing mothers) to take the medicine. It's better not to take risks!

Another indication in the instructions concerns allergic reactions. The drug contains lactose. Therefore, people suffering from intolerance to such a component need to be very careful and look for analogues.

Also, treatment should not be started in children under 18 years of age, due to insufficient safety data for this age.

Composition and dosage form

The tablets are white, uncoated, flat-cylindrical in shape and have a transverse score on one side. On one side of the pills there is a MATERIA MEDICA logo, on the other side there is an engraving DIVAZA. Each tablet contains active ingredients:

  • affinity purified antibodies to protein: 0.006 g;
  • antibodies to No synthase: 0.006 g.

The combination of active compounds is delivered to the body using lactose. The base of the tablets consists of it. In addition, for uniform absorption and distribution of substances in the blood, the drug contains magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

The tablets are packaged in cell blisters of 20 pieces. The secondary cardboard packaging of the drug contains 100 tablets - 5 blisters.

How to place an order

I bought Divaz online. I found a website with reasonable prices and left a request. It was a little annoying that I had to make an advance payment, but the amount is not huge, so it’s okay. I paid via bank card. Convenient and fast. The medicine was delivered by courier.

Now, after a course of pills, I feel very good. I can concentrate and perform my duties. Moreover, the results of my work have even improved. I think the boss changed his mind about firing me))) Here’s a review. I hope it will be useful to someone.

Votes: 8 4.1 points


Mexidol belongs to the group of antihyxants with nootropic and anxiolytic properties and an antioxidant effect. In its antihypoxic activity, Mexidol is significantly superior to piracetam and nootropil. The drug has a wide range of pharmacological activity, being an antihypoxic, stress-protective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic drug that inhibits free radical processes of lipid oxidation. The pharmacological effects of Mexidol are realized at three levels: neuronal, vascular and metabolic.

The therapeutic effect of Mexidol is detected from 10 to 300 mg/kg. The drug is especially indicated in the treatment of prolonged astheno-depressive syndromes; it relieves tension and anxiety, eliminates feelings of anxiety. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of somatovegetative disorders accompanying manifestations of depression, its ability to restore impaired circadian rhythm, and a positive effect on cognitive functions have been proven.

Mexidol can be prescribed intravenously (drip or stream), intramuscularly and orally.

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