Cardioleptin - early help for cardiovascular diseases

Pain in the heart area

Heart pain is a nonspecific symptom. This may be a symptom of serious diseases and disorders of the central system, blood circulation, including myocardial infarction. But not in all cases, stabbing pain in the heart is strictly cardiac in nature.

A significant percentage of diseases of this type, although they resemble the symptoms of heart disease, are of a nervous-anxious nature. Thus, pain in the heart is caused not by a violation of its functioning, but by excessive activity of the emotional system.

Another situation is when chest pain is incorrectly equated with the heart, while the real pain is felt in the stomach, esophagus or the space between the ribs and even comes from the spine, in this context it is worth remembering that the heart is in the middle, not on the left, as is commonly believed.

Pain in the heart and left arm

Pain in the heart and left arm may or may not be a sign of a heart attack, so you should pay attention to its nature, as well as the full range of accompanying symptoms.

Typically, a heart attack manifests itself as follows:

  • pain in the center of the chest (not on the left), near the sternum, very strong;
  • pain radiates to the left shoulder and further to the arm, as well as towards the lower jaw;
  • feeling of shortness of breath, difficulty (objective or subjective) with holding your breath, shortness of breath, quiet, weak cough;
  • tachycardia, that is, excessively rhythmic heartbeat;
  • “animal” panic attack, a very strong anxiety reaction, a feeling of approaching death;
  • motor paralysis, which is a problem with walking several meters;
  • redness of the skin, feeling of heat

Severe pain in your heart and left arm, along with the other symptoms mentioned above, is a sign that you should not hesitate to call the emergency number and get an ambulance. A patient with a heart attack should be taken to the hospital within 60 minutes. The damage done to the body by a heart attack increases by the second.

Heart pain and neuroses

Heart pain radiating to the left arm also accompanies other cardiac diseases, such as angina pectoris, which, like a heart attack, is a type of coronary artery disease, but of a milder nature. However, these types of illnesses can have completely different backgrounds. Heart pain can manifest itself in a very similar way during neurosis, but in this case the heart, although it hurts, is in itself completely healthy.

Dysfunction, on the other hand, involves an emotional system that cannot cope with various types of fears, in particular the fear of death and the illnesses that lead to it. The so-called cardiac neurosis most often occurs in people with a hypochondriacal personality or in those who have been traumatized in some way in their lives. Why do these people have mental pain? One of the most popular theories explains that this is the result of the release of stress hormones, including adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are the body's protective response in situations of danger. In other words, feeling fear, the psyche and the entire body associated with it prepare for a symbolic fight or flight.

How to know if heart pain is a neurosis and not a heart attack. There are two main signs:

  • neurotic pain in the heart does not interfere with movement;
  • neurotic heart pain disappears after receiving reassuring information, in this case, you don’t have to worry, it’s not a heart attack

Heart pain during neurosis is not life-threatening, but can aggravate anxiety disorders, indirectly leading to depression, and in extreme cases, even suicide.

Heart pain when inhaling

Heart pain, when inhaling, is rarely real pain. If your chest hurts when you inhale forcefully, then most likely this is a completely different plane. These types of problems very often arise in people struggling with defects and disorders of the spine in the thoracic region, as a result of which numerous neuralgia develop, that is, neurotic pain transmitted along the costal line throughout the body.

Moreover, perceived heart pain when breathing is often the result of sheer physical strain caused by excessive exercise or carrying heavy objects. Chest exercises in particular can be deadly. In such situations, natural pain occurs.

Treatment methods

Just a quick review of the possible causes of this type of illness shows that there must be many therapeutic options. It all depends on the diagnosed disease and its severity.

  • Heart attack. Immediate cardiac surgery, coronary angiography and angioplasty are required, plus nitroglycerin, vitamin C, and antiplatelet drugs. After discharge from the hospital, the patient undergoes rehabilitation for several weeks.
  • Arrhythmia. Drugs are prescribed to control heart rate (verapamil, diltiazem, digoxin, beta-blockers, antiarrhythmic drugs such as flecainide, propafenone, sotalol.
  • Invasive treatment - electrical cardioversion. cardiac tamponade, this is an invasive treatment with pericardiocentesis, puncture, puncture of the pericardium with a needle;
  • coronary heart disease, including angina pectoris, use antiplatelet agents, for example, acetylsalicylic acid, fibrinolytics, beta-blockers, cardiac glycosides;
  • cardiac neurosis, drugs that reduce anxiety and antidepressants, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy are prescribed

The drug Cardio Support will provide effective support to the heart. Regularly taking this drug reduces the load on the heart during physical strain, stress, attacks of infectious diseases, and maintains and increases the tone of the entire blood supply system of the body. Thus, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced; if used correctly, you will receive excellent prevention.

In most cases, you should also follow a proper diet low in indigestible foods and animal fats. Smoking cigarettes is prohibited; consuming large amounts of alcohol, coffee and sweets is inadvisable.

Cardioleptin - early help for cardiovascular diseases

Dushkin Mikhail Ivanovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head. Laboratory of Immunology of Atherosclerosis IKI SB RAMS

It is well known that cardiovascular diseases rank first in mortality in Russia and highly developed countries. First of all, these are myocardial infarctions - the consequences of coronary heart disease. The widespread prevalence of coronary heart disease among the population began in the second half of the twentieth century; in the nineteenth century it was still considered a rarity. Compared to the nineteenth century, by the end of the twentieth the incidence rate had increased 60 times. Despite preventive measures, new operational and therapeutic approaches, by 2010 the incidence rate is predicted to increase by another 20%. We can say that cardiovascular diseases are becoming epidemic. What is the cause of this terrible disease?

In 95% of heart disease, the cause of cardiovascular disease is the formation of plaque in the arteries, called atherosclerosis . Atherosclerosis begins with the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and the development of inflammation in the vessel. As a result of plaque formation, it begins to protrude into the lumen of the vessel. If this is a vessel that supplies the heart muscle, then its narrowing causes an insufficient flow of oxygen, “starvation” of the heart area. A person does not feel the development of an atherosclerotic plaque in a vessel. Atherosclerosis acts like a time bomb. Chest pain occurs as a consequence of atherosclerotic vasoconstriction during “starvation” of heart cells.

Often the disease creeps up without symptoms or with sensations that are not paid attention to. The outcome of the disease is dramatic. A plaque protruding into a vessel can suddenly rupture, and a blood clot immediately forms at the site of the rupture, completely plugging the vessel. Myocardial infarction develops, which often ends in death. Russian statistics on the development of heart attacks are ominous - heart attacks have become “younger”, and cases of their development at 35-45 years of age have become more frequent. It was found that in men aged 35 years, 40% of the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis. Every year, the consequences of atherosclerosis claim about a million lives of Russians, of whom a good half are men of working age, as they say, “in full force.”

Is it possible to get rid of atherosclerosis and protect yourself from a heart attack?

It is possible if, from a certain age (from 30-35 years or more) and in the early stages of the disease, the causes that cause it are eliminated. Everyone knows that high blood cholesterol is bad. According to the World Health Organization, reducing its level by 10% reduces the risk of heart attack by 20%. But not everyone is interested in their cholesterol level, much less thinks about how to reduce it. Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself.

In fact, every day we are faced with stressful situations, which often leads to increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. But stress and hypertension significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular complications. The so-called “oxidative stress” also plays a leading role in the development of the disease, i.e. the formation of oxidized lipids and cholesterol when attacked by aggressive oxygen radicals.

High levels of antioxidants were found in propolis extracts and rose hips. Hawthorn fruits have the ability to lower blood pressure, and the substances contained in mint and calendula reduce blood cholesterol levels, normalize cardiac activity, and have an anti-stress effect. Based on propolis and these medicinal plants, the dietary supplement “Cardioleptin” was created, which has a versatile effect and eliminates several causes of cardiovascular diseases at once. In fact, “Cardioleptin” can be classified as parapharmaceuticals – medicinal substances of plant origin that, unlike medications, do not have side effects.

Who needs to take Cardioleptin and how to take it?

Before answering this question, let's look at what therapists and cardiologists recommend for patients with coronary heart disease. Basically, these are drugs that reduce cholesterol synthesis, which are called statins . Whatever statin you choose, it should be taken for life. Stopping statins can lead to a sharp increase in cholesterol levels. This is just one of the side effects of chemically synthesized statins.

Cardioleptin does not have such side effects, but is milder. Therefore, for prevention, young people can take Cardioleptin 2 tablets 3 times a day for 2-3 months a year . It's another matter if you are over 40 years old and feel that your heart is starting to play tricks. In this case, the duration of taking Cardioleptin increases to at least six months. Well, if a heart attack does occur, for the rehabilitation of post-infarction conditions it is best to combine drug therapy and constant use of Cardioleptin.

Of course, you should not expect a sharp drop in blood cholesterol levels by 30-40% from Cardioleptin, as happens when taking high doses of statins. But as clinical studies have shown, the use of Cardioleptin in combination with medications for 3-4 weeks leads to a rapid restoration of heart rate, blood pressure, and normalization of lipid metabolism. In addition, regardless of medication use, Cardioleptin has a calming effect and, most importantly, effectively protects blood vessels from aggression by oxygen radicals. It is not without reason that cardiologists in Novosibirsk have included Cardioleptin in the arsenal of recommended drugs and are receiving good practical results. Therefore, I appeal to you, dear consumers, do not wait for thunder to strike and you or your loved ones to have a heart attack or stroke. Recommend Cardioleptin, especially to men over 35 years of age, because they often have no time to take care of their health, and they suffer from atherosclerosis much more often than women. Of course, this also applies to women, especially with hormonal changes that occur with menopause and diabetes.

“Cardioleptin” will save you from cardiovascular diseases, which means it will make your life much longer and more active!

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