The benefits and harms of taurine for humans, or How sports nutrition, energy drinks and eye drops are related

Taurine is one of the sulfur-containing amino acids found in the tissues and bile of mammals. The name comes from Lat. taurus (bull) - due to the fact that the substance was first obtained from bovine bile. It is also called L-taurine or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid.

Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid. It is produced by the body in small quantities - in the liver from sulfur-containing amino acids: methionine and cysteine. It has controversial properties, some of which are still being studied by scientists. Therefore, before taking it, learn more about the benefits and harms of taurine for the body, its use in sports and weight loss.

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  1. MDPV: description.
  2. How to understand that a person is using MDPV: the main symptoms of addiction: 2.1. Overdose symptoms.
  3. How to remove MDPV from the body.

MDPV or methylenedioxypyrovalerone belongs to the class of synthetic cathinones.
In terms of the intensity of its narcotic effect, it surpasses the well-known Ritalin, a drug used primarily in the United States for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and obesity. MDPV is not officially used in practical medicine; the compound is used in various types of clinical studies. However, in the early 2000s, the substance appeared on the illegal market and is widely in demand “thanks to” its pronounced narcotic effect. There is no specific antidote to the new psychostimulant, so in order to remove MDPV from the body, narcologists resort to standard detoxification methods. The drug is extremely toxic, sometimes even emergency resuscitation measures cannot save the patient’s life. Therefore, it is very important not to let the situation become critical and contact a narcologist at the first symptoms of addiction.

Application in bodybuilding

Let's consider the effects of using taurine in bodybuilding. This compound takes part in the process of osmoregulation, that is, a set of processes aimed at maintaining stable fluid pressure.

Taurine is considered an amino acid that retains water in cellular structures, maintaining its normal concentration. This property of the substance is known theoretically; there is little empirical evidence today.

Taurine increases the ability to concentrate and enhances endurance, so it is taken before training or before important competitions. To improve performance, increase the number of approaches and increase the effectiveness of loads, supplements with this amino acid are taken during the training process. Taking it after training helps prevent the development of overtraining syndrome, speeds up recovery and reduces fatigue after high loads.

MDPV: description

Over the past 10–15 years, there has been an increase in the consumption of new synthetic psychoactive substances around the world. They are widely distributed via the Internet (especially through shady, uncontrolled sites and instant messengers) and are relatively inexpensive. Often, in order to avoid criminal liability, “manufacturers” label the product with inscriptions and warnings that it is not intended for internal consumption. That is why MDPV and other substances similar in chemical structure and effect on the body began to be called “bath salts” or simply “salts”.

MDPV is an artificial analogue of cathinone, a natural compound found in the khat plant.

. Initially, the production and distribution of synthetic cathinones was not prosecuted, so they were offered as an alternative to illicit psychostimulants (particularly methamphetamine).

The mechanism of action of this new drug is associated with an increase in monoamine levels

(dopamine, norepinephrine and other neurotransmitters) and slowing their reuptake. With systematic use and, accordingly, constant artificial stimulation of the production of endorphins, their physiological depots in the body are depleted. And gradually the only source of pleasant sensations becomes the next dose of MDPV.

Experts believe that synthetic cathinones are much more dangerous than heroin, cocaine and other relatively well-known psychostimulants.

  1. They become addictive very quickly
    , and we are talking not only about the practically uncontrollable desire to take a dose, but also about physical dependence.
  2. Lack of specific antidotes.
    While the symptoms of opiate overdose can be treated with naltrexone, the problem of how to remove MDPV from the body is not so simple. In addition, doctors are not always able to explain and predict all the possible complications and consequences of an overdose.
  3. Unknown composition of the drug mixture.
    Naturally, no one will sell chemically pure drugs “on the streets.” It is mixed with various cheap drugs (usually local anesthetics), starch, etc. But in some cases these impurities are far from harmless. And the synthesis of the psychostimulant itself usually occurs in conditions that are unsuitable for this.
  4. Age of addicts.
    Among young people, “salts” are still considered an inexpensive and simple way to “spice up” any party. Therefore, these drugs are often used by adolescents and young people, and at an early age the risk of developing severe irreversible consequences is much higher.

Harm of taurine and contraindications

In addition to positive properties, taurine also has negative ones. But they are usually minimal and even with an overdose, no significant changes are observed. Despite all the harmlessness, medications and dietary supplements with taurine have contraindications:

  1. Allergy to components included in the composition. There may be intolerance to the drug from a specific manufacturer.
  2. Renal failure, which is in the stage of decompensation.
  3. Diseases of the adrenal glands.
  4. An ulcer in the acute stage.

In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, medications with taurine are not prescribed.

How to understand that a person is using MDPV: the main symptoms of addiction

Often, relatives find out that their loved one is using drugs already at stages II–III of addiction. But the disease can be recognized in the early stages, when it is much easier to remove MDPV from the body and cope with psychological dependence.

Narcologists recommend paying attention to the following signs:

  • hyperhidrosis,
    and a rather unpleasant, specific “chemical” odor emanates from the body;
  • change in behavior:
    a person becomes irritable, aggressive, thoughts of suicide, delusional ideas (usually delusions of persecution), panic attacks may appear;
  • sleep disturbances
    , nightmares;
  • lack of appetite
    , weight loss;
  • rhinitis
    , conjunctivitis;
  • grinding of teeth
    (the drug provokes a spasm of the chewing muscles).

Overdose symptoms

You should immediately consult a doctor to remove MDPV from the body if you have the following symptoms:

  • critical tachycardia and hypertension;
  • cyanosis (first of all, pallor with a bluish tint appears in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle);
  • increased temperature (sometimes it is hyperthermia that causes death);
  • heavy sweating;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • psychomotor agitation, hallucinosis;
  • breathing disorders: shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air;
  • deep fainting and coma.

An overdose can provoke a heart attack, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, acute respiratory failure (respiratory distress syndrome), critical metabolic disorders, and kidney dysfunction.

Side effects

In general, taurine is safe for the human body. However, when using the component you must adhere to certain rules. Numerous studies have been conducted on taurine being given within normal limits to adults and children. It was possible to find out that this dosage does not provoke allergies or other side effects.

There is only one known case where brain function was disrupted when consuming taurine. It all happened to a bodybuilder. The athlete took taurine with insulin and steroids at the same time. However, it was never possible to find out exactly what exactly caused such a reaction.

How to remove MDPV from the body

“Salt” is swallowed, smoked, dissolved and injected intravenously or intramuscularly.

Drug intoxication develops within a few minutes, regardless of the method of use, and reaches its peak after approximately 1–1.5 hours. In general, the effect lasts up to 8 hours.

Soon a withdrawal syndrome develops, which the addict seeks to “relieve” with the next dose.

. It is almost impossible to cope with withdrawal symptoms at home. At first (approximately in the first day of giving up “salt”) the withdrawal symptoms are more or less tolerable, but then the addict’s well-being rapidly deteriorates. Complications (psychosis, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders) cannot be excluded.

Detox therapy must be carried out in a hospital setting

, where it is possible to organize round-the-clock medical supervision.
To remove MDPV from the body, the following drugs are used:

  • infusion solutions
    that allow you to quickly cope with hypovolemia, electrolyte and acid-base imbalances;
  • antioxidants to protect the vascular endothelium from compounds
    formed during lipid peroxidation;
  • B vitamins
    , nicotinic and ascorbic acid: necessary for the normalization of the nervous system, the synthesis of coenzymes, and activation of peripheral blood flow;
  • analgesics
    , antispasmodics, anticonvulsants;
  • sedatives:
    they are used with caution due to the risk of overdose, but sedatives are necessary to restore proper sleep and prevent psychosis;
  • nootropics
    to prevent acute cerebral hypoxia;
  • antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive drugs.

This is not a complete list of medications used for detoxification..

Doctors constantly monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, adjust prescriptions.

The minimum length of stay for an addict in a hospital is 5–7 days.

But what to do then? Despite intensive detoxification therapy, the desire to take the dose persists, and it is almost impossible to restrain it after discharge from the clinic. Therefore, narcologists usually recommend immediately starting psychotherapy, extending the period of hospitalization, and leaving the drug treatment medical center for rehabilitation.

The benefits of taurine for athletes

Experienced athletes and specialists claim that the amino acid relieves muscle pain, increases endurance, and performance. However, there are also skeptics who categorically disagree with this. But beyond practical experience, there is research. They recorded that exercise tolerance increased after only a week of taking taurine.

Sports doctors and rehabilitation specialists insist that regular intake of the substance helps to recover faster, athletes’ resistance to stress increases, and their health improves. Among other things, dietary supplements with taurine are prescribed for cramps, which can occur in the presence of certain fat-burning drugs.


  1. Asadullin A.R., Yuldashev V.L., Akhmetova E.A. Clinical case of methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) consumption polymorphism with a brief overview of the problem. - Medical Bulletin of the South of Russia, 2016. - No. 3.
  2. Antsybarov A.V. New psychoactive substances: the end of drug evolution or the first step? - Medical Bulletin of Bashkortostan, 2017. - Volume 12, No. 4.
  3. Mrykhin V.V. Psychiatric aspects of the use of designer drugs and new psychoactive substances. - Interactive Science, 2017. - No. 12.
  4. Mrykhin V.V. Synthetic cathinones “bath salts”: mechanism of action, toxicological aspects, clinic, formation of addiction. - Interactive Science, 2022. - No. 17.

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Are energy drinks harmful, is Red Bull harmful?

Energy drinks are increasingly being sold in stores. Many people love stimulants of this kind, but not everyone knows how the body reacts to them. An energy drink is a product that contains many stimulants and auxiliary components. It also contains vitamins, but even this fact does not make them useful.

Just one can of alcohol relieves insomnia, fatigue, increases brain activity, and a person becomes cheerful and energetic. As for the more detailed composition, in general it is the same:

  1. Caffeine is a substance that stimulates brain function. The contraction of the heart muscle increases.
  2. Taurine is a powerful antioxidant that helps speed up metabolism in the body.
  3. Guarana, ginseng - cleanse the liver, promote the removal of lactic acid from cells.
  4. Sucrose, fructose, glucose are carbohydrates that have a stimulating effect.

These are not all the components included in the composition. Taken together, they cause negative harm to the body and provoke irreversible changes.

Contraindications for use

It is strictly forbidden to drink energy drinks for pregnant women, children, as well as people suffering from high blood pressure, insomnia and diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are harmful for diabetics, as they contain a lot of sucrose.

Effect of drinks

Contrary to what many people believe, energy drinks do not contain any energy. Vigor is achieved due to the fact that after taking the liquid, all the reserve energy that is inside the body begins to be “released”.

Drink manufacturers never cease to assure that they are completely harmless. But, unfortunately, the statement is not at all true.

As soon as you drink an energy drink, your body needs time so that it can restore the energy that has already been spent. Therefore, if you drink them once or twice a month, you will feel a surge of strength. If you drink drinks too often, the body will not be able to recover, the harm here is obvious.

How to drink drinks

Consuming more than one can a day is not recommended, no matter what it is, Red Bull or something else. The body must have enough time to recover. It is strictly forbidden to combine alcohol and energy drinks. Their action is the opposite. In the second case, the nervous system accelerates, in the first it slows down. Those substances that are present in energy drinks will increase the toxic effect of alcohol.

You should also not drink drinks after physical activity. They affect the functioning of the heart, which will already work at a high frequency.

Taurine Supplements

To compensate for the lack of taurine in the body, you can take appropriate biological supplements. Thanks to modern production technologies, it has been possible to produce supplements from which the amino acid is absorbed as quickly and completely as possible. In addition, it is easier to control the dosage. Below are the most popular supplements containing taurine.

Now Foods

Dietary supplements are effective and affordable. Available in several versions. 500 milligrams is a sufficient amount of taurine in one capsule, which allows you to support the functioning of the whole body.

One thousand milligrams of taurine - the supplement helps combat amino acid deficiency, improves heart function, vision, and improves immunity. It is also known that the nervous system begins to work much better.


The company that produced the dietary supplement was founded in 1993. The main direction is the production of supplements for athletes. There is also an amino acid supplement. Produced using advanced technologies, only high-quality raw materials are used.

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