Medicines for the treatment of stye - eye drops and ointments

In this article we will tell you:
  • Barley classification
  • External stye
  • Symptoms of external styes
  • Internal stye
  • Symptoms of internal stye
  • Causes of stye on the eye
  • How to treat stye on the eye
  • How not to treat stye
  • Prevention of eye stye

When the immune system is weakened, the opportunistic flora, which has peacefully existed for years on the surface of the skin, mucous membranes or inside the human body, is activated and can lead to various diseases. Among them is barley - or, scientifically, hordeolum: a condition familiar to many, which in more than 90% of cases is caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

The bacterial pathogen is not the only culprit of the disease. The appearance of stye can be caused by a fungus or the microscopic parasitic mite demodex, which likes to settle in or near the hair follicles.

According to statistics, most often barley is diagnosed in the age range from 20 to 50 years, but its manifestations are also common in childhood. The pathology manifested itself at least once in 90 people out of 1000.

Barley - (lat. hordeolum) - an acute inflammatory process affecting - depending on the location - one or more ciliary follicles or glands of the cartilage of the eyelids.

Barley classification

Typically, barley in adults and children is divided into external and internal - according to the location of the inflammatory process.

External stye

External stye occurs much more often than its internal “brother”. The location is the outer, visible surface of the eyelid.

External stye occurs due to infection of the eyelash follicles or glands that are located at the edge of the eyelids. It usually affects the Zeiss gland and the Moll gland. Zeiss' sebaceous glands are located in pairs around each follicle, into which they secrete their secretion. Moll's sweat glands are located there; their function is still not fully understood.

With external styes, an abscess with a white abscess on the top forms on the outside of the upper or lower eyelid. Over time, the abscess matures and opens. After this, tissue regeneration begins: most often, within a few days, not a trace of inflammation remains.

Symptoms of external styes

Usually the disease has a mild onset: a person may not even notice that a health problem has arisen. The primary symptoms of stye on the eye include:

  • hyperemia of the eyelid;
  • swelling;
  • pain, tingling in the affected area;
  • lacrimation;

After 2-4 days, the infiltrate bursts and the purulent contents come out. After this, the pain subsides and the healing process begins.

The symptoms of stye on the upper eyelid are no different from stye on the lower eyelid.

Internal stye

As for the internal styes, the zone of its destruction is the lobules of the meibomian glands located in the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid. These glands are named after Professor Meibom, who discovered them, and they belong to the sebaceous group. Their secretion is involved in the formation of the lipid layer of the tear film that lines the surface of the eyeball and the inside of the eyelids.

Symptoms of internal stye

The initial symptoms of internal and external stye are similar: the patient is plagued by pain, swelling, increased lacrimation, and a sensation of a foreign body. On the inside of the eyelid you can notice a hyperemic area with a yellowish center. Internal stye is usually more painful than external stye, and it takes longer to ripen.

The ripened internal barley opens into the conjunctival sac. If the course of the disease is unfavorable, a chalazion may form at the site of the stye - a chronic inflammation of the cartilage and gland, in which the gland duct is clogged and the secretion cannot come out. A chalazion looks like a dense, hyperemic ball the size of a millet grain to a pea. This condition requires mandatory treatment under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

In rare cases, the formation of stye - both internal and external - may be accompanied by general malaise, fever, aching joints, muscle and headache, and enlarged lymph nodes located next to the affected eye. Typically, such a reaction of the body indicates a complicated course of the disease. Consult a doctor: you may need more serious treatment for stye or additional diagnostics.

What is a pussy

A pimp is an inflammation that occurs on the lower or upper eyelid of the eye.
It is also called barley or hordeolum. Usually the puss is located on the edge of the eyelid or on its inner part. The most common sites are glands and hair follicles. The work and functioning of the inflamed glands are disrupted, so self-medication and ignoring the symptoms leads to serious consequences - blood poisoning or loss of vision.

It is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist in time for appropriate treatment to avoid this.

Causes of stye on the eye

The reasons leading to the occurrence of the disease include:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • using someone else’s or expired cosmetics, dirty brushes and applicators;
  • untreated demodex;
  • long stay in a dusty, dirty room;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • colds, hypothermia, decreased immunity;
  • constant stress;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Stages of development of stye on the eye

Preventive measures

Prevention includes following the recommendations:

  • Strengthening immune forces
    . This should always be done, not only when there is a threat of hordeolum or in the off-season. It is recommended to take vitamins, give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, move more, be in the fresh air, and follow a daily routine.
  • Timely elimination of ophthalmological disorders
    . If you are prone to eye diseases, you should regularly visit an ophthalmologist. Self-diagnosis and self-medication usually contribute to the transition of pathology to a chronic form.
  • Compliance with hygiene standards
    . You need to have your own towel, wash your hands with soap, change bed linen every 1–2 weeks, and not use other people’s cosmetics.
  • Developing the habit of not touching your eyes
    . This should not be done even in a normal state, when a person is not bothered by any problems. This rule also applies to the face - you should not touch it during the day with unwashed hands.

Simple preventive measures will help avoid inflammation and keep your eyes healthy.

How to treat stye on the eye

Typically, barley ripens and opens on its own within a week. A disease without complications does not require medical intervention. To quickly get rid of the disease, you can resort to warming compresses: apply a towel soaked in warm water or a heated towel to the inflamed area 3-4 times a day. Compresses with aloe juice, a decoction of St. John's wort, and chamomile can also help. In addition, careful hygiene of the eyelids is important: if the discharge increases, you should clean the eyes of crusts and pus using sterile wipes and boiled water.

If there is severe pain, general malaise, or suspicion that the disease has become complicated, it is better to consult a specialist. The doctor may prescribe:

  • a course of antibiotics (for the treatment of chalazion, phlegmon, or in case of frequent occurrence and severe course of the disease;
  • local anesthetics, antiseptics, glucocorticoids;
  • ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • removal of the eyelash around which barley has formed;
  • surgical removal of barley under local anesthesia. If the inflammation is too severe and treatment is ineffective, the surgeon will open the abscess and clean it of accumulated pus.


  1. Samuylo E.K., Kozlov R.S., Krechikova O.I., Sukhorukova M.V. Bacterial infections in ophthalmology: standardization of pharmacotherapy based on objective data // Problems of standardization in healthcare. - 2013. - No. 3-4. — pp. 21-28
  2. Trubilin V.N., Polunina E.G., Angelova D.V., Evstigneeva Yu.V., Chinenova K.V., Kumar V., Pozharitsky M.D. Algorithm for the treatment of meibomyitis, barley and chalazion // Ophthalmology. — 2022 — No. 16(4). — pp. 515–521.
  3. Deibel, J.P.; Cowling, K. Ocular inflammation and infection // Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. — 2013. — May (vol. 31, no. 2). - pp. 387-397.
  4. Lindsley K, Nichols JJ, Dickersin K. Non-surgical interventions for acute internal hordeolum. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2022 Jan 09; 1:CD007742.
  5. McAlinden C, González-Andrades M, Skiadaresi E. Hordeolum: Acute abscess within an eyelid sebaceous gland. Cleve Clin J Med. May 2016; 83(5): 332-4.

Prevention of eye stye

Prevention of the disease consists of simple rules, the main one of which is hygiene. Not worth it:

  • leave makeup on eyelashes and eyelids overnight;
  • rub your eyes, comb them;
  • use someone else's brushes to apply makeup;
  • overwork, hypothermia;
  • neglect the rules of wearing and caring for contact lenses.

By following these recommendations, you will not protect yourself from the appearance of barley 100%, but you will significantly reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.


Of course, medicinal herbs are useful. But still, their use is far from a panacea. Folk remedies only relieve external symptoms and do not remove the cause of the disease. So, without consulting an ophthalmologist and special drug treatment for stye, it is simply impossible to completely get rid of the infection!

Tags: skin diseases

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