Levamisole: injectable anthelmintic for animals

Levamisole for animals is an effective anthelmintic drug for the treatment of nematodes in farm animals. The drug belongs to the group of imidazoles and has a broad spectrum of nematicidal action. Levamisole is actively used in the culinary field due to its high effectiveness without special diets and laxatives, ease of dosage and rapid action against all types of nematodes.

Release form and composition of the drug

Levamisole belongs to the anthelmintic drugs from the imidazoles group. The main active substance in Levamisole for animals is levamisole hydrochloride. This is a white or light pink powder, which is a biologically active derivative of tetramizole. The active ingredient is highly soluble in water and alkaline solutions.

The medicine is available in several pharmacological forms:

  • tablets of 0.05 and 0.15 g - used for the treatment of helminthiases in humans;
  • sterile solution 10% for injection - used in veterinary practice;
  • powder for making solution for injection.

Levamisole sterile solution is the most popular and convenient form of release. The medicine is packaged in 50 ml glass bottles with aluminum caps; 1 ml of solution contains 75 mg of the main active substance levamisole.

The auxiliary components of the drug include calcium hydrogen phosphate, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, starch, lactose and talc.


When taking a large dose of levamisole (over 600 mg), the following signs of intoxication have been described: nausea, vomiting, lethargy, cramps, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and confusion.

Treatment: in case of accidental overdose - if a little time has passed after taking - rinse the stomach. Monitoring of vital signs and symptomatic therapy are necessary.

If there are signs of anticholinesterase action, atropine can be administered as an antidote.

Levamisole for animals - principle of action

The pharmacological effectiveness of Levamisole is due to the action of its active substance levamisole hydrochloride. It actively affects roundworms, toxoplasma, hookworms and other round helminths.

The pharmacological drug is highly effective in relation to the larval and mature phases of development of nematodes that affect the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs.

Levamisole acts directly on the neuromuscular system in the nematode’s body, inhibiting enzyme activity. It blocks all nerve nodes in the parasite’s body, causing paralysis of the muscular corset.

The drug has a rapid effect. From the moment of injection, the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed after 30-40 minutes, and no more than 5-6 hours pass until the helminths are completely killed. Within 24 hours after the injection, parasites are eliminated from the animal’s body naturally. In case of diseases of the digestive system or impaired intestinal motility, this process may take longer.

Taking Levamisole for animals has not only an anthelmintic, but also an immunomodulatory effect. This drug stimulates cellular defenses and immune processes in the body, activating the production of various types of immune cells.

Indications for use

Levamisole is used in veterinary practice for the treatment of parasitic infestations of cattle, goats, sheep and poultry.

Main indications for use of the drug:

  • dictyocaulosis;
  • hemonchosis;
  • bunostomosis;
  • nematodirosis;
  • esophagostomosis;
  • habertiosis;
  • ostertagiasis;
  • cooperation;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • trichocephalosis.

Levamisole for cats and dogs is prescribed for toxocariasis, hookworm, uncinariasis, and toxascariasis.

Levamisole hydrochloride 7.5%

INDICATIONS FOR USE The drug is administered to animals with gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes once subcutaneously, intramuscularly or orally. It is effective against benzimidazole-resistant nematodes.

SIDE EFFECTS With increased individual sensitivity to levamisole, some animals experience increased salivation, coughing, increased excitability, and ataxia. These symptoms resolve spontaneously without the use of therapeutic agents.

CONTRAINDICATIONS The drug should not be used by emaciated animals, under stress, patients with infectious diseases, or with chronic liver and kidney damage. The drug is not used for breeding breeders, females in the last 3 months of pregnancy and within 2 weeks after birth, and laying birds. Do not use the drug simultaneously with the use of organophosphorus compounds.

WAITING PERIOD Levamisole hydrochloride 7.5% is prohibited for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for productive animals (sheep, goats), from which milk is used for human food. After using the drug, meat for food purposes can be used after 7 days, milk - after 2 days.

STORAGE CONDITIONS Store in a dry place, protected from light at a temperature from plus 5 ºС to plus 25 ºС. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture, subject to storage rules.

RELEASE FORM The drug is released in 50.0; 100.0 and 200.0 ml in glass bottles, vials.

DOSES AND METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION Indications, doses and methods of use of the drug

Type of animal and name of helminth infectionsDose based on live weightMethods of drug administration
Cattle: - dictyocaulosis, thelaziosis, hemonchosis, ostertagiasis, strongyloidiasis, cooperiosis, trichostrongylosis, nematodirosis, neoascariasis, esophagostomiasis, trichocephalosis, bunostomiasis1 ml/10 kg For animals weighing more than 300 kg no more than 30 mlSubcutaneously, intramuscularly. A dose of more than 15 ml is administered in two equal parts to different places
Small cattle: - dictyocaulosis, protostrongylosis, hemonchosis, strongyloidiasis, esophagostomiasis, cooperiosis, trichostrongylosis, nematodirosis, trichocephalosis, habertiosis1 ml/10 kg Animals weighing more than 50 kg no more than 6 mlSubcutaneously
Pigs: - ascariasis, esophagostomiasis, trichuriasis, metastrongylosis, ollulanosis, strongyloidiasis, stephanurosis, chiostrongylosis1 ml/10 kg For animals weighing more than 150 kg, for every 50 kg exceeding this weight, the dose of the drug is increased by 3 mlSubcutaneously, intramuscularly. A dose of more than 15 ml is administered in two equal parts to different places
Dogs: - toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease, strongyloidiasis1 ml/10 kgIntramuscularly, orally with water
Chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks: - ascaridiosis, heterokidosis, capillariasis, ganguleterakidosis, tetramerosis, amidostomiasis, syngamosis1ml/2.5 kgInside with water


Use in veterinary medicine

Levamisole exhibits high anthelmintic effectiveness without preliminary preparation of the animal - without fasting, as well as the use of laxatives. The drug is administered subcutaneously. To obtain the required therapeutic effect, a single administration of the drug is sufficient. In some cases, at the discretion of the veterinarian, Levamisole is administered intramuscularly to small and large livestock.

The dosage of the anthelmintic drug is selected individually, depending on the animal:

  1. Cows and bulls - 1.5 ml per 20 kg of weight, but not more than 22.5 ml for livestock with a live weight over 300 kg. The medicine is administered to the animal intramuscularly in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, once.
  2. Goats and sheep - 0.75 ml for every 10 kg, most often Levamisole is injected under the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blade.
  3. Pigs - the medicine is given intramuscularly in a proportion of 0.75 ml per 10 kg. For pigs whose body weight is more than 150 kg, a dosage of 7 ml per 100 kg is used.
  4. Rabbits and dogs - the dosage of Levamisole for rabbits and dogs is 0.75 ml per 10 kg of weight. The medicine is given once, intramuscularly or orally with food or drink. A similar dosage is used in the treatment of helminthic diseases in cats.
  5. Chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys - 1.5-2 ml per 5 kg of body weight. The drug is given to birds once or the required dosage is divided into several doses. Levamisole is given to birds for 3-5 days.

Levamisole for pigeons is used in a dosage of 1 ml per 200 ml of water. This solution is used for drinking pigeons for 4-5 days. During treatment they should not be given any other drink.

The average dosage of Levamisole is 0.5 ml of solution for every 5 kg of animal body weight. At the same time, the maximum permissible norm is 30 ml for cows and bulls, 20 ml for pigs, 4-4.5 ml for sheep.


Description of the drug Levamisole-Health table. 150 mg No. 1 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Features and rules of use

Levamisole is a moderately toxic drug. If the instructions for use of Levamisole and the dosage for pigs and other farm animals and birds are strictly followed, the medicine is well tolerated by the body and does not have a locally irritating, teratogenic, embryotoxic or sensitizing effect.

Basic rules for using Levamisole:

  1. In the case of mass anthelmintic treatment of farm animals, it is necessary to first test the drug on a group consisting of 7-10 animals. For 3 days it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior and well-being of the experimental group. In the absence of any side effects or negative manifestations, injections are administered to the rest of the livestock.
  2. The slaughter of farm animals for meat is permitted no earlier than 7 days after the last injection of Levamisole.
  3. Cow's milk and chicken eggs are recommended to be consumed only 4 days after the last administration of the anthelmintic drug.
  4. Levamisole should not be used to treat females during pregnancy.
  5. The drug should not be used to treat emaciated and weakened animals, as well as during the recovery period after operations or serious illnesses. The injection can be given only after the animal has fully recovered.

Levamisole is an effective and fast-acting anthelmintic drug used in veterinary medicine. Due to its wide spectrum of nematicidal action, the product is used to treat large and small cattle, sheep, pigs, birds, dogs and cats against various parasitic infestations. If the correct dosage is observed, Levamisole does not have a toxic effect on the animal’s body and does not cause side effects.

Levamisole 75, 50 ml


Injection solution, 1 ml of which contains 75 mg of levamisole hydrochloride and auxiliary components. It is a transparent, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Available in 50 ml bottles.


Zinedine Zidane, Quincy, Quincy, Ostertagia spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Nematodirus spp., Bunostomum spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Cooperia spp., Dictyocaulus spp., Strongyloides papillosus; Ascaris suum, Strongyloides ransomi, Metastrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Zurab Tsereteli, Toksokara spp., Toxascaris leonina, Ancylostoma spp., Uncinaria spp., . The mechanism of action of the drug is to act on the neuromuscular system and inhibit the activity of parasite enzymes, which leads to paralysis and removal from the animal’s body. After parenteral administration, levamisole is quickly resorbed, the maximum concentration of the drug is reached in organs and tissues after 30 minutes and remains at a therapeutic level for 6–9 hours. Levamisole is excreted from the body mainly through urine within 3 to 4 days. The drug is a moderately toxic compound for warm-blooded animals; in a therapeutic dose it does not have a local irritant, embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic or sensitizing effect.


Prescribed for large and small cattle with dictyocaulosis, hemonchosis, bunostomiasis, esophagostomiasis, nematodirosis, ostertagiasis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, strongyloidiasis. For pigs - for ascariasis, esophagostomiasis, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, metastrongylosis. For dogs - for toxocariasis and toxascariasis, uncinariasis and hookworm.


The drug is administered without prior starvation diet and laxatives once, subcutaneously (in cattle it can be intramuscularly) at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg of animal weight (based on the active substance), which corresponds to 1 ml of solution per 10 kg of animal body weight.

For cattle, no more than 30 ml is administered per head; pigs - no more than 20 ml; sheep, goats and dogs - no more than 4.5 ml per animal.

If the volume of the injected solution is more than 15 ml, it should be administered to the animal in 2–3 places. Before mass deworming, each batch of the drug is first tested on a small group (5–10 heads) of animals. If there are no complications within 2–3 days, the entire livestock is treated.


With increased individual sensitivity to levamisole, some animals experience agitation, increased salivation (vomiting in dogs), increased bowel movements and urination, and ataxia. These symptoms usually resolve spontaneously without the use of therapeutic agents.


Weakened, emaciated and sick animals with infectious diseases, as well as females in the last third of pregnancy, are not subject to deworming. Levamisole 75 should not be used simultaneously, or within 10 days before and after the use of organophosphorus drugs, pyrantel, morantel and chloramphenicol.


Slaughter of animals for meat is permitted 7 days after deworming. In case of forced slaughter of animals before the established deadline, the meat can be used as feed for carnivorous animals or for the production of meat and bone meal. Milk from animals treated with levamisole should not be used for food purposes within 48 hours after deworming. It can be used to feed animals.

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