Hormonal drug for animals "Sinestrol" for cows, horses

It happens that animals develop genital diseases. If left untreated, the risk of death and infertility increases. To prevent this, doctors use the hormonal drug Sinestrol. The beneficial effects of this medicine can bring the animal's health back to normal. But you need to know in detail for which cases it is applicable and for which it is not.

Composition and description of the medicine

The drug in international pharmacology is called hexestrol-2%. It first became available for purchase in 1923. For its creation, scientists received the Nobel Prize.

The substance consists of hexestrol-2 percent, vegetable and olive oil. This is a golden-colored oil solution that does not dissolve in water.

Sinestrol for animals was created artificially. Made on the basis of the female sex hormone estrone. The drug is distinguished by its fast and effective effect on the animal’s body.

On the pharmacological market it is sold in glass flasks. The volumes are written on the packages - 1, 5 and 10 ml. To maintain the tightness of the stoppers, the medicine is produced with rubber stoppers, which are secured with protective aluminum caps.

Composition and release form of the drug

Sinestrol for animals is available in the form of a clear liquid with a slight yellowish tint and an oily texture. The solution is intended for subcutaneous administration to farm animals.

The medicine is packaged in sterilized glass bottles of 1.5 and 10 ml. The bottles are sealed with tight stoppers and aluminum caps.

The main active ingredient in the drug is sinestrol. 1 ml contains 20 mg of active ingredient. Olive oil is used as a solvent.

How the drug works

After the medicine enters the animal’s body, its main substance, together with the natural hormone estrone, begins to return the processes of the menstrual cycle to normal. What causes the medicine in the body of a sick animal? Geksestrol improves blood flow to the genitals , increases the number of elements of the muscular layer of the uterus, and activates the endometrium. Doctors also note a positive effect on the mammary glands. The sensitivity of the genital organs increases. The substance reaches all organs and tissues in a short time.

"Sinestrol" is intended for pigs, goats, cows, dogs, cats, sheep.

Before starting to use the medicine, you need to make sure that the animal’s temperature is raised to 37-40 degrees Celsius. It is administered in two ways: intramuscularly and subcutaneously. There are no tablets for sale.

Instructions for use of Sinestrol in veterinary medicine

The instructions for Sinestrol for cattle, pigs and other animals recommend using the drug for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration.

The exact dosage is selected by the veterinarian and depends on the type, weight and general condition of the animal.:

  1. Removal of placenta, normalization of ovulation and stimulation of estrus in healthy mares and spring cows - 0.25-2.5 ml, depending on the weight of the animal and the severity of the disease.
  2. Stimulation of estrus and ovarian pathology - injection in a dosage of 0.25-2.5 ml, repeated after 20-22 hours.
  3. Endometritis - the drug is administered in a standard dosage, the course of treatment is 7-8 days.
  4. Hypofunction of the ovaries - the medicine is given to the cow and mare intramuscularly in a dose of 0.05-0.15 ml. A second injection is given after 6-9 days. Sinestrol normalizes the menstrual cycle and ovarian functionality, restoring the female’s ability to fertilize.
  5. Prevention of reverse delayed development of the uterus after delivery and inflammatory diseases of the endometrium - the pharmacological agent is administered twice in a dosage of 0.2-0.22 ml per 50 kg of animal body weight. The next intramuscular or subcutaneous injection is given after 24 hours.
  6. Inflammatory lesions of the endometrium - Sinestrol is used for treatment in a dosage of 0.25-0.3 ml per centner of body weight. The pharmacological agent is administered to cows once.
  7. Pyometra is a hormonal drug given to the animal twice in different dosages. For the first injection, 0.45-0.5 ml per 100 kg is used, for the second injection, 0.25-0.3 ml. The time interval between injections should be 24 hours.
  8. Expulsion of a mummified fetus - Sinestrol is administered to cows and mares at a dose of 0.5 ml per 100 kg of live body weight. If the desired effect is not achieved, the veterinarian may prescribe a second injection.
  9. Incomplete dilatation of the cervix - Sinestrol solution is used in a proportion of 0.5 ml per hundredweight of live weight of the animal. The drug is administered subcutaneously to cows and mares.
  10. Stimulation of the functions of the mammary glands - the recommended dosage is 0.25-0.5 ml per 50 kg of animal weight. A subcutaneous injection is administered to the female every 48 hours for 15 days.

In the treatment of acute postpartum purulent-catarrhal endometritis in pigs and cows, Sinestrol is administered in a dosage of 0.2-0.23 ml for every 50 kg of weight.

Sinestrol dosage

The exact dosage of Sinestrol depends on the type of animal, its weight and the severity of the identified disease. That is why only a veterinarian should select the required dose of the drug.

Dose of Sinestrol for different animals:

  • cows and horses - from 0.01 to 2.5 ml;
  • goats and sheep – 0.02-0.004 ml;
  • pigs - from 0.014 to 0.028 ml.

The dosage of Sinestrol for dogs is 0.05 ml. The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day for 3-5 days.

Special instructions for use

If the instructions for use of Sinestrol in veterinary medicine are strictly followed, the drug is well tolerated by the animal’s body and does not cause any side effects or negative reactions.

Rules for administering the drug:

  1. Before injecting Sinestrol, the solution must be heated to approximately +37°C. It is best to do this in a water bath so that all the crystals in the drug dissolve.
  2. During therapy with Sinestrol, the use of other medications is permitted.
  3. Treatment with Sinestrol does not limit the consumption of milk and animal meat, since the drug does not have any effect on them.

Sinestrol is a synthetic hormonal drug widely used in veterinary practice. It is prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of the genital organs, helps restore the ability to fertilize and improve the condition of the mammary glands. If the dosages specified in the instructions are followed, Sinestrol does not have a negative effect on the animal’s body.

Instructions for use

Most often the drug is used to treat cattle. It is necessary to follow certain rules for using the drug for cows. The instructions say the following:

  • Warmed hexestrol is administered to cows (0.25−2.5 mg);
  • If ovarian hypofunction is indicated, the medicine should be administered 2 times, 1-3 ml each, for 5-10 days. After this period, the animal’s menstrual cycles should improve;
  • In case of slow development of the uterus after childbirth, Sinestrol is administered 2 times, 2-5 ml per 24 hours;
  • They are treated with Sinestrol for 45 days to normalize the functioning of the mammary glands in cows;

Sexual diseases in horses are treated like in cows. It should be remembered that you always need to calculate the weight of the animal and the injection dose for it.

Experts do not recommend using the drug in conjunction with medications that treat the thyroid gland, and also not mixing it with hormones and similar analogues.

Doctors prohibit the use of the medicine for those animals that suffer from chronic liver and kidney diseases, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. In other cases, veterinarians advise using the medicine in dosages that correspond to the instructions for use of Sinestrol for animals.

With prolonged use, it can cause the formation of cysts and ovarian hypoplasia. Doctors have not established any negative effects after the first and last injection.

Indications and contraindications for use

Sinestrol for pigs, cows and other farm animals is used only as prescribed by a veterinarian. The hormonal drug is intended for the complex treatment of various disorders and diseases of the genital area.

Main indications for use of Sinestrol:

  • acute and chronic endometritis;
  • normalization of breast function;
  • pyometra;
  • removal of placenta and mummified fruits;
  • stimulation of hunting in healthy females.

Sinestrol is prescribed to animals with ovarian hypofunction, uterine subinvolution, and also with incomplete dilatation of the uterine cervix.

Sinestrol has several contraindications for use, which must be taken into account in order not to harm the animal. The hormonal drug is prohibited for kidney and liver diseases, individual intolerance. Also, Sinestrol is not prescribed to sick, weakened animals and females during pregnancy.

Safety and storage rules

When using the medicine, do not forget about the rules of hygiene:

  • After administering the drug, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • The drug should not come into contact with the cavity and mucous membrane of the eye; if this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes with plenty of water;
  • The bottles that contained the medicine must be disposed of. They are not intended for further use;
  • There is no antidote for the medicine. In special cases, general therapy and monitoring of vital human organs are carried out.

The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place. It should not be accessible to children. Cannot be placed with food. If all conditions are met, Sinestrol can be stored in them for up to 5 years. At the end of this period, it is necessary to dispose of the medicine , observing the rules and laws.

This medicine can cure an animal. But before you start, it would be better to contact specialists. They know exactly how to correctly follow the instructions for using Sinestrol in veterinary medicine. If the animal’s disease progresses, you should contact your local doctor.

The principle of action of Sinestrol

According to the instructions for use of Sinestrol in veterinary medicine, the principle of action of the drug is similar to the influence of follicular hormones. After a subcutaneous injection of the drug, changes occur in the female’s genital tract that are characteristic of a state of estrus.

The mechanism of action of the drug is that follicular hormones, together with the hormones of the corpus luteum, take part in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the ovulation process. Estrogens interact with specific receptors, increasing blood circulation in the genital area. Sinestrol increases the sensitivity of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes to pharmacological drugs that stimulate their motility.

Under the influence of Sinestrol, blood circulation in the female genitals is accelerated, the process of endometrial proliferation is stimulated, and internal changes in the mammary glands intensively occur. Sinestrol differs from folliculin in a slower but stronger effect.

The drug is administered subcutaneously to farm animals. Sinestrol is quickly absorbed by the cells of the body and spreads through the bloodstream to all internal organs, providing a rapid therapeutic effect.

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