Amiksin is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug

Amiksin (tiloron) is an immunomodulatory and antiviral drug. Tiloron stimulates the formation of a number of protective factors, including interferons, which are the most important components of the body's natural antiviral defense. In therapeutic doses, Amiksin does not affect the functions of the central nervous system, does not have a teratogenic or mutagenic effect, and does not cause allergic reactions, therefore it can be used to treat children.

Amiksin 60 mg

Available in the form of green, oval, film-coated tablets with a rounded end. Amiksin (tilorone) is an analogue of a substance synthesized in Canada called the active ingredient - tilorone. Preparations based on this substance are widely used in the treatment of viral diseases. Amiksin was registered in Russia in the late 80s of the last century. Since then, it has been used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in children aged 7 years and older and adults, incl. for influenza and ARVI, other viral infections. In 2008, it was included in the list of vital and essential drugs.

Indications for use (what helps, in what cases to use)

The drug is used in the following cases:

  1. For the prevention/treatment of influenza and ARVI.
  2. For the treatment of herpes and other herpetic infections.
  3. For the treatment of viral hepatitis A, B, C.
  4. The drug is used in combination for the therapeutic treatment of viral and allergic encephalomyelitis.

Amiksin enhances the body's immune defense when it is suppressed. The drug is taken as prescribed by the attending physician, and is carefully prescribed to patients with bronchopulmonary chronic diseases and other viral infections.

This drug is an analogue of interferon, but differs in that its substances are not able to penetrate the blood, but act at the cellular level.

Chemical properties

This drug is an antiviral and at the same time antiparkinsonian drug. According to its chemical structure, the substance is tricyclic aminoadamantane .

Amantadine is available as a sulfate , glucuronide , or hydrochloride . The hydrochloride is a white or white with a yellow tint, a coarse crystalline powder. The compound is highly soluble in water and alcohols, and practically insoluble in ether .

Amantadine was first used as an antiviral drug in 67 of the 20th century. of Parkinson's disease was discovered . rabies was cured using this drug ( Milwaukee protocol ). The patient was put into an induced coma and 7 days later tests showed the absence of the virus.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The drug is a synthetic interferon inducer. The mechanism of action of Amiksin is based on the ability to most effectively stimulate the production of endogenous interferon, namely interferon alpha, gamma and beta.

Amiksin also has a pronounced antiviral as well as immunomodulatory effect. At different doses, the drug can reduce the degree of immunosuppression. Amiksin is determined in the body in the following sequence, this is how it is absorbed: intestines - liver - blood. It can be observed at regular intervals from 4 to 24 hours. The drug is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, its availability to the body is about 60%. It is excreted unchanged through the intestines and kidneys. Amiksin does not accumulate in the body after administration, which means it does not undergo transformation as a biological substance.

Amiksin: instructions for use

Amiksin is prescribed to children and adults during treatment and for prophylactic purposes, only to adults. The dosage, as well as the duration of treatment of a viral infection with this drug, is determined by the attending physician.

After oral administration, the drug is quickly absorbed from the intestine and penetrates all organs and tissues. It accumulates in leukocytes and helps increase their number. As a result, the body’s defenses are strengthened many times over, and it becomes resistant to the penetration of viruses into the body.

At what age should Amiksin be taken for children? The drug is prescribed to children aged 7 years and older. Take orally after meals with plenty of liquid.

Amiksin, 60 mg, film-coated tablets, antiviral, 10 pcs.

OTC Pharm, Russia

Price from 575₽

Amiksin, 125 mg, film-coated tablets, antiviral, 10 pcs.

OTC Pharm, Russia

Price from 1000₽

Amiksin, 125 mg, film-coated tablets, antiviral, 6 pcs.

OTC Pharm, Russia

Price from 594₽

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Dosage, for what diseases is Amiksin prescribed to children?

Amiksin is prescribed to children for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases: influenza, ARVI, herpes infection. The drug is also used to treat other bacterial infections - chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis.

Uncomplicated forms of influenza, as well as ARVI: 60 mg once a day on the first, second and fourth days from the start of treatment. Course 3 tablets or 180 mg.

Complications of influenza and ARVI: 60 mg once a day on days 1, 2, 4 and 6 from the start of treatment. Course 240 mg or 4 tablets. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of influenza and ARVI is 80-100%.

How often can children take Amiksin?

The drug is prescribed only as part of complex therapy; Amiksin is not prescribed to children for prophylaxis.


Reviews of the drug are mostly positive; adverse reactions develop infrequently. Some reviews about the drug:

  • “... I am 49 years old and suffer from parkinsonism. The doctor prescribed me to take the medicine twice a day, I have been taking it for 2 months. Now I feel better, the tremors have decreased, I have increased strength and confidence, I haven’t noticed any side effects yet”;
  • “... This drug helps me well against Parkinson’s disease. I take it in combination with madopar. My gait has become more stable, I stopped constantly falling, and now I can almost completely take care of myself.”

Adults, over 18 years of age

Treatment of influenza and ARVI: 125 mg during the first 2 days of treatment, then resume taking 125 mg after 48 hours. The course requires 6 tablets. or 750 mg.

How to take Amiksin to prevent influenza? For preventive purposes, Amiksin is taken once a week, 125 mg, course 6 tablets, 750 mg. The full preventive course is 6 weeks.

For the treatment and prevention of cytomegalovirus infection or herpes, it is necessary to take 125 mg in the first two days, then 125 mg after 48 hours. A course of 10-20 tablets, 1.25-2.5 g for the prevention of herpes.

Viral hepatitis A. Dosage should not be delayed, but should be started on the first day, 24 hours. You need to take 125 mg of Amiksin twice, then take 125 mg after 48 hours. A full course requires 10 tablets with a total weight of 1.25 g. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of viral hepatitis C is about 85%.

Acute form of hepatitis B. The first two days you need to drink 125 mg, after which 48 hours later 125 mg are taken. For 1 course you need 16 tablets. weighing 2 g. If the course of hepatitis B is prolonged, then it is recommended to take the drug twice a day, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, take another 125 mg. A total of 20 tablets are required for the course. total weight 2.5 g. Before starting treatment, you need to consult your doctor and determine the dosage.

Chronic hepatitis B. It is important not to miss the initial stage. A total of 20 tablets are required for the course. weighing 2.5 g. For the first 2 days, take 125 mg 2 times a day, after 48 hours, repeat 125 mg. Then the drug is taken once a week, 125 mg. The duration of therapy is up to 6 months. The amount of the drug is regulated after immunological, as well as biochemical studies required for viral infections, consultation with the attending physician is required. Doctors recommend taking Amiksin before or after meals, observing the water regime.

Acute hepatitis C. During the first two days, the patient needs to drink 125 mg of Amiksin per day, after 48 hours another 125 mg. The course will take approximately 20 tablets. total weight 2.5 g.

Amiksin 125 mg

In the chronic form of hepatitis C, 20 tablets are required at the initial stage of treatment. In the first two days, the drug is taken 2 times a day, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, another 125 mg. The duration of administration is distributed over a week in advance and is 20 tablets. This is the dosage for a course that lasts up to 6 months.

When treating a neuroviral infection, for the first 2 days the patient takes 125 g (250 mg) per day, after 48 hours the intake is resumed at 125 mg of the drug. The course of treatment for neuroviral infection is 34 weeks and is selected individually.

Amiksin is prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis. In the first 2-3 days of the course you need to drink 250 mg, after 48 hours another 125 mg. A full course of treatment requires 20 tablets. 2.5 g each

Amiksin for coronavirus

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, the drug was considered as an antiviral agent and was widely used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children and adults. Now the drug continues to be used to prevent all viral infections. Amiksin is used to treat patients with influenza, but has not been used to treat COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Special monitoring is necessary for patients with impaired renal and liver function, and for elderly people, dose adjustment is not necessary if there are no chronic diseases or contraindications.


The table below shows the average cost of the drug Amantadine, as well as its foreign and domestic analogues.

Amantadinefrom 78 to 140 rub. for 1 dropper bottle
PC-Merzfrom 233 to 276 rub. for 30 tab.
Midantanfrom 64 to 70 rub. per pack of 50 tablets.
Amantinfrom 630 to 880 rub. for 60 tab.

Domestic analogues of Amantadine infusion solution are more affordable. Imported substitutes for this medication have identical pharmacological properties, but are slightly more expensive.

Amantadine is an effective drug that is indicated for use by patients with Parkinson's disease suffering from dysfunction of the central and peripheral nervous system.

This drug, as well as its analogues, are used for the prevention and complex treatment of influenza virus strain A. Amantadine is available in the form of an infusion solution without a distinct color or odor. The active ingredient of this medication, amantadine sulfate, has a direct effect on the functioning of NMDA glutamate receptors, blocking their sensitivity. The antiparkinsonian drug Amantadine is indicated for intravenous administration in the form of drip infusions.

Side effects

After administration, side effects are possible in the form of dyspepsia and allergic reactions on the skin, sometimes temporary chills are possible.

During pregnancy, to avoid complications, the use of tablets is contraindicated. If medications of this group are prescribed during lactation, then breastfeeding should be stopped.

Amiksin can be combined with other antiviral agents and can be taken with antibiotics used to treat various infections. Unlike other drugs, it does not have a negative effect on motorists and can be taken before driving; it does not affect the speed of any reactions, including. psychomotor and concentration.

Contraindications: all periods of pregnancy, as well as lactation, children under 7 years of age and sensitivity to the main components. No overdose was detected during the entire period of use of the drug.

Is it possible to take arbidol and amiksin at the same time? These are drugs from different pharmacological groups and can be used simultaneously as prescribed by the attending physician. Arbidol enhances the effect of Amiksin, but it is important to strictly adhere to the dosage.


  • hypersensitivity to amantadine or to any component of the drug;
  • epilepsy and other seizures;
  • severe renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • decompensated heart failure (stage IV according to the classification developed by the New York Heart Association - NYHA);
  • cardiomyopathy and myocarditis;
  • blockade of II and III degrees;
  • bradycardia (less than 55 beats/minute);
  • prolonged QT interval (Bazett QTc > 420 ms) with either prominent U waves or a family history of congenital QT syndrome;
  • severe ventricular arrhythmia, including chaotic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia;
  • simultaneous treatment with budipine or other drugs that prolong the QT interval;
  • low levels of potassium or magnesium in the blood.


Among the drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect:

  1. Groprinosin for children
  2. Cycloferon
  3. Tami flu

The use of Amiksin in combination with other antiviral drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment of viral infections. You can read more about the treatment of ARVI here

Groprinosin, 50 mg/ml, syrup, 150 ml, 1 pc.

Gedeon Richter, Poland

Price from 203₽

Cycloferon, 150 mg, enteric-coated tablets, 50 pcs.

Polisan, Russia

Price from 823₽

Antigrippin, 500 mg+10 mg+200 mg, effervescent tablets, 30 pcs.

Bausch Health, Poland

Price from 630₽

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.


When combined with the drug, side effects may increase when using other drugs for parkinsonism .

The simultaneous use of the drug and thiazide diuretics can lead to a decrease in the renal clearance of Amantadine and the development of toxic effects, hallucinations , ataxia , and severe psychomotor agitation.

Quinidine and quinine can slow down the process of excretion of the drug in the urine.

Isolated cases of confusion in elderly patients have been described when combining the drug with co-trimoxazole .

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