Normoenzyme - an enzyme preparation that improves digestion

Overeating, eating unusual or poorly combined foods leads to indigestion. This is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, increased gas formation, nausea, general weakness and other unpleasant symptoms. To quickly eliminate such phenomena, you can use products that improve digestion. One of the most effective and affordable medicines is Unienzyme. It does not have many contraindications and can be used, including during pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use

The article provides information regarding indications, method of use (required dosage, if required), release form, actions in case of overdose, composition, pharmacology and other data. All this data is essential for safe reception.

pharmachologic effect

Normoenzyme compensates for the insufficiency of the biliary function of the liver, as well as the function of the pancreas. Eliminates symptoms resulting from impaired digestion (a feeling of fullness in the stomach and a feeling of heaviness, diarrhea, flatulence), promotes complete and rapid digestion of food.

Promotes the release of its own enzymes of the small intestine, stomach, pancreas, as well as bile; stimulates food digestion in children.

The enzymes included in the drug (protease, lipase, amylase) facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, which facilitates their absorption in the small intestine. As for the components of bile, they act choleretic, accelerating the digestion of fats, promoting the emulsification of fats, improving the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and fats, and promoting the secretion of lipase by the pancreas.

The purpose of the hemicellulase enzyme is to break down cellulose (a component of plant membranes), which improves digestion processes, reduces the formation of gases in the intestines and fermentation.

Indications for use

Normoenzyme is prescribed in the presence of the following diseases/disorders:

  • A combined enzyme preparation that improves digestion, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. insufficiency of one of the functions of the (exocrine) pancreas (fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis);

  • conditions after irradiation of the digestive organs or after resection, which are accompanied by flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea (the drug is used as part of combination therapy);
  • preparation for examination of organs located in the abdominal cavity - ultrasound or x-ray;
  • inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the intestines (enterocolitis), stomach (chronic gastritis), gallbladder, liver, which are chronic;
  • diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin, flatulence.

The drug can be prescribed to patients with normal gastrointestinal function who need improved digestion of food. This can happen in case of poor nutrition, forced long-term immobilization, chewing dysfunction, or a sedentary lifestyle.

Mode of application

Normoenzyme is taken in strict accordance with the instructions for use: 1-3 tablets orally three times a day during or after meals.

The manufacturer emphasizes that the tablet is swallowed whole. It is strictly not recommended to chew it beforehand to avoid burns to the oral mucosa. The duration of the course is determined by the patient’s condition and the clinical picture of the disease.

The duration of therapy can vary from several days (for difficult digestion caused by poor nutrition) to several months and even years (if there is a need for constant replacement therapy).

To prepare for an ultrasound or x-ray examination, you should start taking the drug two to three days before the intended examination. The recommended dosage is 2 tablets twice or thrice a day.

Release form, composition

Normoenzyme is available in the form of tablets coated with an enteric protective coating. Each tablet contains pancreatin, hemicellulase and dry bile extract.

Tablets are sold in packs of 30 pieces in cardboard boxes. One pack contains three blister packs, 10 tablets in each.

  • If you have any symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can view a list of gastroenterology clinics on our website
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Interaction with other drugs

Treatment with Normoenzyme helps to reduce the bioavailability of iron preparations, increase the absorption of drugs that are derivatives of para-aminosalicylic acid, as well as antibiotics and sulfonamides. Cimetidine enhances the effect of the drug.

Antacids containing calcium Ca2+ and/or magnesium Mg2+ ions reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

The drug promotes rapid and complete digestion of food, eliminates symptoms resulting from indigestion.

"Unienzym": description, composition

"Unienzym" is a drug for improving digestive functions and stimulating the functioning of the pancreas. It is a tablet with a black coating, oval shape. The active ingredient is the enzyme fungal diastase. Also active substances are:

  • papain;
  • Activated carbon;
  • simethicone;
  • nicotinamide

The preparation also contains additional substances - magnesium stearate, calcium carbonate, wax, sugar and others.

"Unienzym" belongs to the group of enzyme preparations that reduce gas formation in the abdomen (flatulence). It also works as an enzyme medicine that improves digestion and eliminates unpleasant symptoms (heaviness, bloating).

Fungal enzyme diastase and papain are natural enzymes that improve digestion, promote nutrient absorption, and relieve nausea and vomiting. Activated carbon removes excess gases and toxic substances that are formed due to digestive disorders.

Nicotinamide (also called vitamin PP) ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves motility. Thanks to the combined action of different components, the effect is noticeable within the first hours after administration.

Side effects

In rare cases, prolonged use of Normoenzyme has caused the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions associated with the patient’s hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (sneezing, increased lacrimation, skin hyperemia);
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen (including intestinal colic);
  • decreased synthesis of own bile acids;
  • nausea.

Long-term use of the drug in large doses can cause the development of conditions such as hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia.

If the drug is prescribed to treat a child, the choice of dosage should be approached especially carefully. Children taking drugs in large doses may experience symptoms such as irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and perianal irritation.

Actions in case of overdose

Overdose is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Seek immediate medical attention if any symptoms or strange symptoms occur. Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea;
  • Hives, itching, skin rash;
  • Intestinal colic, irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • Hyperuricuria;
  • Dizziness;
  • The appearance of black spots before the eyes, confusion, depression;
  • Impaired hearing and vision;
  • Fever, chills, sore throat, tremors, sudden mood changes.

If you suddenly take the medicine in a large dosage, then you need to immediately rinse your stomach and also carry out symptomatic therapy. If the measures taken do not help, the patient should go to the hospital for help.


The basis for refusing to prescribe Normoenzyme is the presence of the following in the patient:

  • acute pancreatitis, as well as exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • liver failure;
  • precomas or comas;
  • hepatitis A;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • empyema of the gallbladder;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Please note: the drug is strictly contraindicated for children under three years of age.

During pregnancy

The safety of treatment with Normoenzyme during pregnancy has not been sufficiently studied. However, doctors do not exclude the possibility of using drugs during pregnancy. The drug is prescribed only when the expected benefit to a pregnant woman completely outweighs the potential risk to the unborn baby or fetus.

Contraindications and side effects

In some cases, the use of Unienzyme is contraindicated:

  • individual intolerance to any component;
  • skin redness and other allergic reactions;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • other acute gastrointestinal disorders.

During pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, you can take pills, but with caution. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Side effects associated with allergic reactions are sometimes reported. They mainly manifest themselves as redness of the skin in the face and neck. In this case, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor to prescribe further therapy.

The tablets can be stored under standard conditions - room temperature up to 25°C, no sunlight and moderate humidity. Access by children should be excluded.

Important Tips

This block contains important information necessary for a certain category of citizens.

Taking medication and driving

It is not recommended to drive if you have suddenly taken medication.


The drug is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and people suffering from cystic fibrosis. During pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to take any medications, including the drug Normoenzyme. This measure is due to the fact that the active substance has a detrimental effect on the immature fetus. As a result of this action, the baby may begin to develop severe intrauterine pathologies, including mutations (especially in the first trimester).

If you are breastfeeding, you should avoid taking this medicine.

Reception by children

It is not recommended to take the medicine for children under 3 years of age.

Affected kidneys

If the kidneys are damaged, taking the drug is not allowed.

For liver damage

Doctors strongly advise against taking this medicine if a person has a liver disease such as:

  • Liver failure;
  • Hepatitis, hyperbilirubinemia;
  • Hepatic precoma or coma.

Elderly welcome

Patients over 60 years of age may require dosage adjustment.

Alcohol and medicine

During treatment you should not drink alcoholic beverages.

Sales of goods

There is no need to show a doctor's prescription.

These are products that improve metabolism and normalize digestion.

special instructions

The drug is safe for most patients, but may cause allergic reactions. In this case, do not use tablets - you must consult a doctor. It is also worth remembering that activated carbon turns stool black. A day after the end of the course, the coloring will become normal.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is indicated only in consultation with a doctor. A medicine is prescribed only if the expected benefits outweigh the potential risks.

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