All about Pencrofton - a drug for medical abortion

Pencrofton is one of the antigestagen drugs that allows you to terminate an unwanted pregnancy by causing a medical abortion. Taken as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

The cost of a medical abortion in our clinic is from 4,500 rubles. The price includes an initial ultrasound of the uterus, a doctor’s consultation and all necessary medications for abortion.

Make an appointment by phone: 8-800-707-15-60 (free call). *The clinic is licensed to perform abortions.

When is Pencrofton prescribed?

The content of the article

Pencrofton is prescribed both for medical abortion and as a means of inducing labor in late pregnancy. Mifeprex, mifepristone and mifegin are other variants of the names of this drug, which share the active substance mifepristone. This means that it has all the effects of these drugs.

The dosage form is pale yellow tablets, a green tint is allowed.

How it works

The purpose of the drug is to stop the production of progesterone, a hormone that supports normal fetal development. The medicine increases the sensitivity of the myometrium - one of the layers of the uterus containing receptors - to prostaglandins. The active substance also increases the contractility of the organ.

At the same time as Pencrofton, I take prostaglandins, which cause miscarriage. The result of the effect of Pencrofton on the female body is the rejection of the fetus from the walls of the uterus.

The main condition for medical abortion is the correct use of medications:

  • Dosages and dosages of Pencrofton must be observed. At one time, the doctor gives 600 mg of the drug. In this case, it starts working within an hour and a half.
  • A second prostaglandin class medication should be given along with it. If these pills are not available, the abortion will most likely not take place. The result will be poisoning of the fetus, so you will have to either have a surgical abortion or give birth to a baby who will most likely develop dangerous pathologies.

The patient should take three tablets of the drug in the presence of a gynecologist, and monitor her health for the next few hours. After a certain time, the woman takes misoprostol, the mechanism of action of which is the removal of the fertilized egg from the uterus with menstrual flow, the density of which should be higher than usual.

Recommended Doses

In case of medical termination of pregnancy, the doctor gives 3 tablets of Pencroftone, which is equivalent to 600 mg of mifepristone. After being absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug reaches its maximum concentration within 1.5 hours, causing uterine contraction, rejection of the fertilized egg and bleeding.

When undergoing a medical abortion, a woman must be warned that if the pregnancy suddenly continues, it will still need to be terminated, since mifepristone causes congenital anomalies and malformations in the fetus.

To stimulate and initiate labor, take 1 tablet (200 mg) of Pencrofton, and then 24 hours later another 1 tablet. After 1.5-2 days, the doctor examines the pregnant woman, paying attention to the degree of cervical dilatation and the tone of the uterus.

Contraindications for use

Pencrofton should not be taken in case of ectopic pregnancy, acute infectious diseases of the reproductive system or its severe pathologies, increased blood clotting or hypersensitivity to the active substance. Therefore, before a medical abortion, the doctor will suggest an ultrasound of the uterus and tests.

If you can refuse tests, then no gynecologist will undertake an abortion without an ultrasound. This examination shows the exact stage of pregnancy. Pharmaboration with Pencrofton can only be done for up to 6 weeks, which is 42 days of amenorrhea.

Abortion pills should not be taken after 6 weeks of pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • An abortion most likely will not take place , since the dosage of the drugs is designed specifically for the initial stages of pregnancy. And even if the deadlines are met, the absolute bioavailability of pencrofton is only 69%. An overdose of the drug causes adrenal insufficiency - a serious endocrine complication that will take a long time to treat.
  • Severe bleeding will occur , which will also have to be treated in a hospital bed.

The second task of ultrasound is to determine the quality of pregnancy - the fertilized egg must be in the uterus. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, take Pencrofton

and other medications cannot be used to terminate pregnancy. This will end badly - surgery to remove the embryo from the tube will have to be done anyway, but the condition will be complicated by hormonal imbalance.

You cannot perform a medical termination with Pencrofton and its analogues during pregnancy that occurs while using an IUD - intrauterine contraception (intrauterine device) or after stopping birth control pills - hormonal contraception. This will cause a hormonal imbalance, which will have to be treated for a very long time.

Indications and features of use

Pencrofton is prescribed primarily to stimulate labor or to perform a medical abortion.

To ensure that the drug does not lead to negative consequences, it is necessary to remember that Pencrofton is contraindicated for:

  • long-term use of hormonal drugs (glucocorticoids),
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • adrenal insufficiency,
  • blood diseases,
  • anemia,
  • decreased blood clotting,
  • vaginitis,
  • presence of a scar on the uterus,
  • smoking over the age of 35 years,
  • hypersensitivity to mifepristone.

If the drug is used to stimulate natural childbirth, it should not be prescribed for preeclampsia, eclampsia, severe gestosis, post-term or premature pregnancy, placenta previa or abnormal fetal position.

Pencrofton is prescribed with caution in cases of bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, severe renal, cardiac or liver failure, hypertension. During breastfeeding, if it is necessary to take the drug, stop feeding the baby breast milk for 2 weeks. Also, this drug is not recommended to be combined with NSAIDs, as they can affect the effectiveness of Pencrofton (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can only be taken 8-12 days after the last dose of the drug).

If Pencrofton is prescribed to patients who have artificial heart valves or suffer from bacterial endocarditis, then prophylactic antibiotic therapy is simultaneously administered.

Articles about abortion:

  • Abortion pills
  • How does an appointment with a gynecologist go?
  • Surgical abortion
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections in women
  • Diagnosis of gynecological diseases
  • Treatment of female diseases
  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Vacuum abortion
  • Pre-abortion examination
  • Medical abortion
  • Early abortion
  • Late term abortion
  • Intrauterine device

Symptoms after taking pills

Taking the drug usually does not cause serious consequences for the body. Symptoms are limited to the immediate characteristic signs of a medical abortion - heavy menstrual flow, pain in the lower abdomen, and general weakening of the body.

The medicine is quickly eliminated from the body. The half-life of the drug is only 18 hours, and complete removal is observed after 72 hours. Therefore, all symptoms should go away by this time.

Sometimes side effects can include nausea, increased inflammation, accompanied by fever. This occurs with a general decrease in immunity, in the presence of serious pathologies, which are a fundamental contraindication for pharmaboration. And in cases of improper medication use.

How to find out if the pregnancy has been terminated?

A prerequisite after taking any abortifacient pills is an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound of the uterus should be done a week after taking the drugs. It is also necessary to get tested for hCG. Beta-chorionic hormone clearly indicates whether a miscarriage has occurred.

If the fetus or its membrane remains in the uterus (incomplete abortion, ongoing pregnancy), vacuum aspiration is prescribed with histological examination of the aspirate in the laboratory. And if the deadline for a vacuum abortion has passed, you will have to go for curettage of the uterine cavity. This procedure is similar to a surgical abortion.

Possible side effects

Pencrofton is usually well tolerated and does not cause serious side effects. When taking the drug in normal doses, headache, increased weakness, and dizziness may sometimes occur. If the dosage is exceeded, the risk of developing adrenal insufficiency increases.

During a medical abortion, heavy bleeding can sometimes occur, requiring hospitalization and possibly surgery (curettage).

Publication date: 2019-09-19

Useful information on the topic:

  • Calling a gynecologist to your home
  • Consultation with a gynecologist
  • HCG tests
  • Ultrasound during pregnancy
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Fetal ultrasound
  • Pelvic ultrasound
  • Ultrasound during pregnancy
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • Discharge in women

Taking Pencrofton while breastfeeding

It is no secret that breastfeeding mothers, relying on natural hormonal protection from pregnancy associated with lactation, are not protected. That's why they get pregnant very often. If this happens, they are advised to have an abortion, since the body is not yet strong after childbirth, and carrying a new pregnancy is quite dangerous. Naturally, the choice falls on medical termination of pregnancy, since it carries a minimum of consequences.

After taking Pencrofton while breastfeeding, the baby will have to be weaned for two weeks. You can continue feeding only 14 days after taking Pencrofton®.

Experience of using pencrofton in clinical practice

The demographic situation in Russia is affected by low birth rates and a large number of induced abortions [1]. Despite the widespread promotion of contraception, abortion continues to be the main method of family planning, and the number of terminated pregnancies is more than 2 times higher than the number of births [3].

Artificial (surgical) abortion is one of the common causes of gynecological diseases and reproductive dysfunction [2, 7, 4, 6].

After an abortion, gynecological diseases occur in 10-15% of women, and according to some data - in 21%.

In almost half of the patients who have undergone this operation, chronic inflammatory processes worsen. Frequent complications are menstrual irregularities (11.4%), retention of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity (5.7%) and other pathologies [5].

The structure of late complications of a surgical abortion includes subsequent miscarriage, tubal pregnancy, and pathology of the placenta [1, 4, 5, 7].

All this determines not only the medical, but also the social significance of abortion prevention, and also makes urgent the problem of wider introduction into practice of new technologies for safe abortion, which reduce the risk of possible complications.

The advent of drugs with antiprogestin action (the active ingredient is mifepristone) marked the beginning of the development of the method of medical termination of early pregnancy. Today, the method of medical abortion is a serious alternative to surgical abortion, as it avoids the development of the above complications [8].

We have summarized the experience of using the drug with antigestagenic activity pencrofton (developer company - PENTCROFT PHARMA CJSC, Russia, commissioned by Pharmsintez CJSC, Russia).

Under observation were 28 women who wished to terminate an unwanted early pregnancy using medication.

The conditions for termination of pregnancy were: presence of intrauterine pregnancy for up to 6 weeks (up to 42 days of amenorrhea from the first day of the last menstruation), absence of contraindications, informed consent of the patient.

The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 35 years (25.6±0.6 years). 36% of them had a first pregnancy, 25% had a second pregnancy terminated (the first pregnancy ended in an artificial abortion), the rest had a history of childbirth (11%) or childbirth and abortion (18%).

The average gestational age was 4.5±0.1 weeks, with an average diameter of the ovum of 14.2±0.8 mm (according to ultrasound).

In the anamnesis, 39.6% of patients had gynecological diseases: cervical erosion - 18%, chronic adnexitis - 7%, multifollicular ovaries - 11%, retention cyst - 3.6%, asymptomatic small uterine fibroids - 3.6%.

Before medical abortion, all women underwent an examination, which included: a medical history, a gynecological examination, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, a general clinical examination - a general blood test, a blood test for the coagulation system (coagulogram), RW and HIV, a smear for the degree of purity.

The termination of pregnancy was carried out according to the standard protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: taking the drug pencrofton in a single dosage of 600 mg (3 tablets of 200 mg each) in the presence of a doctor, followed (after 36–48 hours) by taking the synthetic analogue of prostaglandins misoprostol in a dose of 400 mcg (2 tablets of 200 mg each) mcg). Dynamic observation of the patient was carried out for 2–3 hours and 3–4 hours after taking pencroftone and misoprostol, respectively, after which the woman was sent home with the necessary recommendations.

The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of medical termination of pregnancy was the absence of the fertilized egg and its elements in the uterus according to ultrasound examination and clinical examination (condition of the cervix, size and consistency of the uterus, condition of the appendages, nature and amount of discharge, pain).

A control ultrasound examination (to assess the condition of the endometrium) was performed on days 14–16 after taking Pencrofton.

The characteristics of the clinical course and safety of the method were assessed using the following indicators: uterine bleeding, abdominal pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperthermia.

Expulsion of the ovum on the day of taking Pencrofton occurred in 7.1% (without additional misoprostol), on the first day after taking misoprostol - in 82.2%, on the second day - in 7.1% (on average after 12.5± 1.7 hours).

Clinically, this was manifested by the occurrence of bloody discharge from the genital tract, scanty or moderate in the first day after taking pencroftone, which in most cases intensified in the first hours after taking misoprostol.

The duration of bleeding was in most cases from 7 to 11 days (7.8±1.2 days). In 3 (10.7%) patients, scanty bleeding was observed until days 14–16. Conservative hemostatic therapy for 1-2 days (dicinone, pamba, oxytocin) was required in 2 patients (7.1%). Surgical intervention for the purpose of hemostasis was not performed in any case.

At the time of expulsion of the fertilized egg, 4 patients (14.2%) experienced cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which was relieved by taking antispasmodics and analgesics (no-spa, analgin).

All women noted the moment of expulsion of the fertilized egg, which was reported to the doctor during the next visit.

The method did not give a positive result in only one case (3.6%). According to an ultrasound examination, on the 12th day after taking misoprostol, the presence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity was detected, for which the woman underwent a diagnostic curettage. Analysis of the cause of unsuccessful termination of pregnancy in this patient showed that she had a history of artificial abortion, complicated by postoperative endometritis, which apparently led to an initial disruption of the uterine receptor apparatus and myometrial contractility.

As for side effects, they were noted when taking misoprostol (nausea - 10.7%, vomiting - 7.1%, hyperthermia - 3.6%). All patients tolerated Pencrofton well.

On control ultrasonograms performed on days 14-16 after expulsion of the ovum, the condition of the endometrium did not differ from normal in 53.6%. Expansion of the M-echo and the presence of hypoechoic contents or heterogeneity and echo-negative inclusions were detected in 42.8%. These patients were additionally prescribed the drug duphaston at a dose of 10 mg 2 times a day for 10 days and an additional ultrasound examination was performed after the next menstruation, which revealed a normal M-echo state.

Thus, the clinical study showed the high effectiveness (96.4%) of the drug pencrofton in combination with misoprostol for medical termination of pregnancy and its safety. The method can be an alternative to surgical abortion, as it avoids the risks associated with surgery and anesthesia, mechanical damage to the endo- and myometrium, the danger of ascending infection, as well as psychogenic trauma to the patient.

Considering the relevance of introducing safe methods for terminating an unplanned pregnancy, the high effectiveness and advantages of Pencrofton, this drug should be used more widely in practical healthcare.

  1. Dicke G. B. Siberian Medical Journal. - 2003. - No. 3. — P. 60–63.
  2. Karaeva E. N., Solovyova E. V., Kirpichnikov N. V., Tumanov A. V. Experimental pharmacology. - 1999. - No. 4 (62). -WITH. 72–76.
  3. Kulakov V.I. Problems of family planning in Russia: conference materials. - M., 1993. - P. 20–23.
  4. Ledina A.V., Kuzemin A.A. Russian medical journal. - T. 6. - No. 15. -WITH. 968–970.
  5. Prilepskaya V.N. Family planning. - 1993. - No. 3. — pp. 13–15.
  6. The use of mifeprostone in the practice of gynecological departments of military medical institutions // Methodological recommendations. - M., 2000. - 30 p.
  7. Cherednichenko T.S. Pregnancy and childbirth in women after artificial termination of the first pregnancy and the health of their infants // Author's abstract. diss. ...cand. honey. Sci. - M., 2001. - 21 p.
  8. Lipman A. D., Levina I. S., Kochev D. M. The use of mifepristone for medical termination of pregnancy and other purposes // Siberian Medical Journal. - T. 17. - No. 4. - 2004. - pp. 46–63.

I. A. Bashlykova, G. B. Dicke, D. M. Kochev*, A. I. Khudik* At the Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the TSC SB RAMS, MLPMU Maternity Hospital No. 4, Tomsk * CJSC "PENTCROFT PHARMA" , Moscow

Where to buy pencrofton in St. Petersburg

Pencrofton is not currently sold in pharmacies, nor are other medications aimed at terminating pregnancy, so terminating a pregnancy with pills can only be done in a medical center. At the same time, the clinic must have a license allowing such manipulations.

If you buy Pencrofton and have an abortion in a medical institution that does not have a permit, no one will be held accountable for the consequences.

It is important to remember that Pencrofton is a prescription drug that can only be taken after consultation with a gynecologist.

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