TOP 9 cheap analogues of Tanakan - Russian substitutes for the drug

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Not suitable for children

Has limitations for liver problems

Tanakan is a drug that improves microcirculation and cerebral circulation. Contains the active ingredient - ginkgo biloba leaf extract. Available in the form of drops and tablets for oral administration.

The drug has a relatively quick action (1-2 hours after administration) and a long-lasting effect (about 10 hours).

Packaging of the drug Tanakan

Its use is advisable for intermittent claudication, cognitive and neurosensory deficits of various etiologies, decreased visual acuity, and hearing impairment, including ringing and tinnitus. Tanakan is widely used to treat Raynaud's disease or syndrome.

The drug is not used to treat patients with individual intolerance to its components, pregnant women, nursing mothers (except for cases of cessation of lactation while taking the pills), patients with erosive gastritis. It is forbidden to use the medicine in cases of aggravated gastric or duodenal ulcers, acute myocardial infarction, or decreased blood clotting. The drug is also contraindicated for minor children.

The cost of the medicine is relatively low, but sometimes there is a need to look for analogues of Tanakan. The list of generics and drug substitutes is wide enough to choose the best option.

What is Tanakan - description of the medicine

Tanakan is a drug based on herbal ingredients. The basis of its action is aimed at blood rheology, vasomotility of blood vessels and metabolic processes in tissues. The drug is designed to fill the brain tissue with oxygen and provide it with a sufficient amount of glucose. In addition, Tanakan normalizes the tone of blood vessels, arteries and veins, which improves blood microcirculation.

A course of taking the drug reduces the tendency to form blood clots and also prevents red blood cells from sticking together and breaking down. Tanakan protects against tissue hypoxia and prevents the appearance of free radicals, affects neurotransmitters, normalizing their catabolism, reuptake, release and ability to bind to membrane receptors.

Other substitutes

In addition to the previously discussed medications, the drug Tanakan can be replaced with Memoplant, Vitrum Memory and Trental.


Synonymous with Tanakana. It also contains ginkgo leaf extract at a dosage of 40, 80 or 120 mg for 1 tablet. The medicine is used for therapeutic purposes for circulatory and microcirculation disorders in the brain, dizziness of central origin, memory impairment, and attention problems. Also, the prescription of medication is advisable when mental performance and activity decrease.

People with hypersensitivity to their components, pregnant patients, lactating mothers, patients with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and/or duodenum, an erosive type of gastritis, and the acute phase of myocardial infarction should not take the tablets. It is unacceptable to prescribe drugs to minor children and persons with acute disorders of the blood supply to the brain. Memoplant can be used to treat epileptics, but such patients require special monitoring during the entire course of taking the drug.

Drugs rarely provoke side effects, which manifest themselves mainly:

  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • hearing disorders.

If such deviations occur, it is recommended to stop taking the medication.

The tablets are intended for oral administration, which can be taken regardless of food. It is recommended to start with a dosage of 80 mg once a day. The dosage regimen can be changed by the doctor in case of adverse reactions. The course of treatment is about 8 weeks.

Memoplant differs from the main medicine in manufacturer and price.

Vitrum Memory

These are tablets containing ginkgo biloba leaf extract at a dose of 60 mg. In addition to improving cerebral circulation, the medicine also helps to enrich it with glucose. Against this background, there is an increase in activity, productivity, and improvement in cognitive functions.

Due to this, it is advisable to prescribe the drug:

  • with memory impairment;
  • to increase attention;
  • people with reduced intellectual abilities (meaning temporary deviations caused by overwork);
  • for hearing and vision disorders;
  • patients with speech disorders.

You should not take pills if:

  • hypocoagulation;
  • hypersensitivity to substances included in the medication;
  • acute disorders of the circulatory process in the brain;
  • acute phase of myocardial infarction;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis of erosive type;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • lactation;
  • gestational period;
  • suspected pregnancy.

This medication is also not indicated for young children.

Vitrum Memory is taken with meals with a small amount of liquid. Dosage – 1 tablet 2 times a day. Treatment should last an average of 3 months, but it can be prolonged or repeated after a short break.

The most common side effects caused by this drug include:

  • dyspepsia;
  • cephalgia;
  • vertigo;
  • skin manifestations of allergies;
  • dizziness.

The drug differs from the main drug in its manufacturer, price and quantity of the active ingredient.


Tablet angioprotector containing pentoxifylline in the amount of 100 or 400 mg for 1 tablet. Prescribed for:

  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • trophic ulcers of different localization;
  • ischemic or post-stroke conditions;
  • otosclerosis.

Medicines not prescribed:

  • persons with intolerance to the components of the tablets;
  • with massive bleeding;
  • patients with extensive hemorrhage in the retina;
  • minor patients;
  • people who have suffered a hemorrhagic stroke;
  • patients with severe arrhythmia;
  • pregnant women;
  • during lactation.

To begin with, prescribe 100 mg of drugs 3 times a day with a gradual increase in dosage. The maximum daily dose is 1200 mg, single dose is 400 mg.

Main side effects: cephalalgia, increased anxiety, convulsions, sleep problems, tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, visual impairment.

Trental differs in composition, cost, administration characteristics, and manufacturer.

See also:

TOP 16 cheap analogues of Viagra in a pharmacy for men and women - Russian substitutes

Which is better: Tanakan or Nootropil

Nootropil, unlike Tanakan, is a completely synthetic drug. The mechanism of action of the two drugs is similar in terms of their effect on platelet formation, erythrocyte aggregation and the elasticity of vascular walls.

Side effects from using Nootropil are identical to the body’s negative responses to taking Tanakan. Considering the similarity of the mechanism of interaction on the hematopoietic system and blood vessels, it makes sense to replace one drug with another if an adverse reaction occurs during therapy. Due to the fact that the active ingredients of the drugs are different: in Tanakan these are extracts of ginkgo biloba leaves, and in Nootropil - piracetam, intolerance to piracetam may be a reason to switch to Tanakan.

Cost of Tanakan and its analogues

The cost of different forms of the drug is shown in the table:

Release form Pieces per package Dose DV (mg/piece or ml) Cost in rubles Pharmacy name
Pills №30 40 528 ZdravCity
Pills №90 40 1457 Neopharmacy
Drops 1 40 518 Samson Pharma

For comparison: the table below shows the estimated prices for the most affordable and popular analogues of the medicine in question.

Drug name Lek. form Pieces per package Dose DV (mg/piece) Price in rubles Pharmacy
Ginkum Capsules №60 40 435 ZdravCity
Ginos Pills №30 40 191 E Pharmacy
Vazonite Long-acting tablets №20 600 423
Bilobil Capsules №60 40 528
Intellan Capsules №20 158 E Pharmacy
Bilobil Forte Capsules №20 80 149 ZdravCity
Memoplant Pills №30 120 1307 Samson Pharma
Vitrum Memory Pills №60 60 741
Trental 400 Long-acting tablets №20 400 545 Neopharmacy

Important! The above-described drugs can only be purchased with a prescription certified by the signature and seal of a doctor. Other methods of acquisition are illegal.

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TOP 7 analogues of Picamilon - Russian and foreign substitutes for the drug

When should you look for a replacement?

Tanakan is prescribed 40 mg three times a day. The first results are noticeable after a month of use. But you need to drink it for at least 3 months, usually the course of treatment is six months. A package of tablets for a month costs about one and a half thousand rubles. Not all patients, especially the elderly, can afford it. Therefore, they are looking for cheaper substitutes for the drug.

It is also recommended to choose an analogue if the drug causes side effects. They can be caused by individual intolerance to the components of the product or a violation of the dosage regimen. Sometimes the following reactions occur:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  • urticaria, itching, swelling;
  • increased risk of bleeding.

Tanakan should not be taken in case of acute cerebrovascular accidents, heart attack, or bleeding disorders. The drug is contraindicated for erosive gastritis and peptic ulcers. It is also not used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and under the age of 18 years. In these cases, it is recommended to look for safer analogues.

Indications for use of Tanakan

Tanakan is prescribed to patients when the following disorders and pathologies are detected:

  • cognitive and sensorineural deficits;
  • chronic obliterating arteriopathy of the legs;
  • impairment of visual and auditory function;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • Rhine's disease.

Helpful information! The product has a significant list of contraindications, which are recommended to be taken into account before starting the course. If necessary, you should consult a specialist. Self-medication should be completely excluded.

Effect of the drug Tanakan

Tanakan is a herbal preparation. Contains ginkgo biloba leaf extract and excipients. Available in tablets and oral solution. Because of such a simple composition, patients are often interested in whether Tanakan is a dietary supplement or a medicine. 1 tablet contains 40 mg of active ingredient; flavonoids from this extract are absorbed by 80-90%.

Unlike dietary supplements, this product contains plant extract in high concentration.

Therefore, the product is classified as a medicine and has an active effect on the body. Affects vascular tone, blood fluidity, normalizes cellular metabolism. It is an angioprotective drug and has an antihypoxic effect. It is often prescribed for the treatment of various pathologies of vascular origin. Efficiency is associated with the following properties:

  • improves blood supply to the brain;
  • provides tissues with glucose and oxygen;
  • increases vascular tone, thereby improving microcirculation;

  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • protects tissues from the negative effects of free radicals;
  • activates the production and absorption of neurotransmitters by tissues.

This drug is often used in neurological and psychiatric practice. Helps with decreased vision and hearing associated with impaired blood supply. Improves memory, cognitive functions, eliminates headaches, intermittent claudication, and impaired coordination of movements.

The use of Tanakan is especially common in old age. The drug improves not only the physical, but also the psychological condition of patients. Helps cope with apathy, depression, irritability and anxiety, eliminates insomnia and improves performance.

Reviews on the choice of Tanakan analogues

Nina Arefieva, 34 years old (Amur): “My grandmother is 80 years old. Recently I began to confuse words and have difficulty speaking. They were afraid that he was having a stroke or something like that, so they called a doctor. The neurologist prescribed Trental. Literally a month later, my grandmother’s health improved noticeably. But the medicine is expensive, so they have now replaced it with Bilobil. It’s also well tolerated, but it’s too early to judge the effectiveness.”

Konstantin Ivanovich Vorobyov, neurologist (St. Petersburg): “Tanakan is a drug widely used in neurological practice, like its main analogues: Ginkum, Ginos, Bilobil, etc. Usually there is no need to replace it, since it is well tolerated. Analogues should be sought only at the patient’s personal request if he is not satisfied with the cost of this medicine.”

According to other experts, both Tanakan and his replacements cope very well with the task. These drugs normalize blood flow in the brain, returning energy to it and restoring its functioning. And even though these remedies are intended for long-term use, they still work. But for the sake of their own safety, the patient needs to select the right medicine together with a doctor - a neurologist or therapist.

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