Inexpensive substitutes for Longidaza®: TOP 6 analogues

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Has restrictions for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

In recent decades, drugs based on enzymes with proteolytic activity are increasingly used. At the moment, medications that contain hyaluronidase and substances similar in action are prescribed for the treatment of gynecological, urological, dermatological problems, and are also used in pulmonology, surgery, orthopedics, and traumatology.

One of these drugs is Longidaza. International nonproprietary name – Azoximer bovhyaluronidase (compound of lidase with N-carboxyethyl and 1,4-ethylene piperosine). A special feature is the duration of the proteolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. Longidaza also has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties.

The main area of ​​application is diseases caused by excessive growth of connective tissues. These include: adhesive disease, pulmonary fibrosis, systemic scleroderma. Longidaza is used in cosmetology to eliminate scars and scars, and in professional sports to restore joint mobility after injuries.


After surgical interventions, it is prescribed to prevent the formation of adhesions. Longidaza has more than 10 analogues, which can be purchased in pharmacies much cheaper than the original drug. Considering that enzyme preparations are sold by prescription, if it is necessary to change the medication, you should consult a specialist.


The drug has a multicomponent effect. It makes it possible:

  • reduce the risk of developing adhesions;
  • change the structure of adhesions;
  • reduce the density of adhesions;
  • increase women's chance of getting pregnant;
  • facilitate the delivery of antibacterial components by increasing tissue permeability;
  • improve antibacterial treatment;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • reduce the frequency of exacerbations;
  • improve tissue microcirculation;
  • reduce swelling;
  • resolve hematomas.

Release forms:

  • lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection;
  • vaginal and rectal suppositories.

Scope of use

A medicine that is used to treat diseases in the following areas:

GynecologyAn effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of adhesions resulting from inflammation of the internal genital organs, induced abortions, allows you to get rid of tubo-peritoneal infertility, chronic endomyometritis.
UrologyThe medicine helps cope with chronic prostatitis, Peyronie's disease, interstitial cystitis, stricture of the urethra and ureters, and prevents scar formation. Prescribed after operations on the ureters and bladder.
DermatovenerologyPrescribed for limited scleroderma, in order to prevent fibrotic complications of infections that can be sexually transmitted.
Pulmonology and phthisiologyHelps quickly cope with pulmonary fibrosis, tuberculosis, siderosis, interstitial pneumonia, pleurisy, fibrosing alveolitis.
SurgeryThe drug helps to minimize the possibility of adhesions after operations on the abdominal organs and promotes wound healing.

It is worth noting that Longidaza, according to buyers, is the most effective long-acting remedy.

It has the following functionality:

  • neutralizes harmful components;
  • increases the protective function of the body;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • blocks the proliferation of connective tissues, which leads to the formation of scars.

Cases of prescribing the drug to women

Longidaza is often recommended for women who have identified adhesions in the genital organs, as well as for the prevention of fibrous infectious complications as a consequence of constant hypothermia. The product is able to eliminate problems in the reproductive system associated with adhesions in the pelvis.

Hyaluronidase is the active ingredient. It breaks down peptide bonds between proteins and amino acids and has anti-inflammatory immunomodulatory properties.

During pregnancy, women are not recommended to use suppositories with this component. This also applies to the period when a mother feeds her child with breast milk. Before using the product, you should carefully read the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer. Information is indicated on the product packaging.

It is worth keeping in mind that when using substitutes that do not contain the active substance hyaluronidase, they should also be used with extreme caution. Even if the product is sold without a prescription, you should first consult with your doctor. This will help avoid side effects. In exceptional cases, taking medication can lead to allergies. You should completely stop using the substance and report side effects to your doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to use Longidaza for children under 12 years of age, regardless of gender.

Candles for men

It is worth noting that the drug helps not only women, but also men. The list of diseases that Longidaza can treat is impressive:

  1. Non-bacterial cystitis.
  2. Prostatitis, including chronic.
  3. Curvature of the genital organ.
  4. Detection of low-quality prostate tumor.
  5. Narrowing of the genitourinary canal, which was a consequence of hypothermia or inflammation.

What should you pay attention to in order to avoid mistakes when choosing an analogue? Even if there is another active substance, you must first consult with your doctor. With complex therapy, the medication is administered every other day. The course of treatment averages 20 injections.

Composition and release form

What types of pharmacological agents are available? The best manufacturers produce popular models in the form of suppositories intended for vaginal and rectal administration. The set includes one or two cell packs with five or ten solid candles. Inside the box there must be instructions for use.

The appearance of the candles resembles a torpedo. The color is light and has a cocoa aroma. The presence of a marble tint is considered normal and does not indicate that the medicine has become unsuitable for further use.

Uses two components:

  • Hyaluronidase conjugate;
  • cacao butter.

One candle weighs 1.3 grams.

Some popular models are available in the form of a lyophilisate intended for the preparation of a medicine. The area of ​​application of the resulting composition is injections. The dried substance appears porous and is hygroscopic. Color varies from white to brown. The active substance is bovhyaluronidase azoximer. Dosage – 1.3 or 3 thousand units. The package contains 5 ampoules or bottles. There is an official description inside.


Despite the fact that Longidaza is considered the best and most effective medicine for the diseases noted above, there is a list of contraindications that you need to be aware of. The list looks like this:

  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • cough with bloody sputum;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • hemophthalmos;
  • kidney problems;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components.

Experts do not recommend using it to treat children, as it has not been clinically tested. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also refrain from using the medicine. During treatment, drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindicated.

The drug is dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. It should be stored at a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees Celsius. The expiration date for the medicine is indicated on the packaging.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • A16.9 Respiratory tuberculosis of unspecified localization without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation
  • J63.4 Siderosis
  • J84.1 Other interstitial lung diseases with mention of fibrosis
  • J84.8 Other specified interstitial pulmonary diseases
  • L94.0 Localized scleroderma [morphea]
  • N13.5 Kink and stricture of the ureter without hydronephrosis
  • N30.1 Interstitial cystitis (chronic)
  • N35 Urethral stricture
  • N40 Prostatic hyperplasia
  • N41.1 Chronic prostatitis
  • N48.8 Other specified diseases of the penis
  • N71 Inflammatory diseases of the uterus, except the cervix
  • N85.6 Intrauterine synechiae
  • N97.1 Female infertility of tubal origin
  • N99.1 Postoperative urethral stricture
  • N99.4 Postoperative adhesions in the pelvis
  • T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body area
  • Z100* CLASS XXII Surgical practice

What are generics?

It is not always possible to purchase an expensive original medicine in pharmacies. Sometimes you have to settle for an inexpensive substitute. What is their main difference? Let's try to figure it out using a comparison table:

A substance obtained for the first time (synthesized or isolated).The substance used is the same as the patented one.
Passed all preclinical tests.No tests are carried out.
Protected by patent for a certain period.No patent.
High price.Budget options.
Efficiency at its best.The impact indicator is 15 - 20 percent lower than the original.

Which product is better to buy? It is advisable to give preference to proven global brands, whose products fully comply with all standards and have the necessary certificates. A review of reviews shows that Chinese and Indian products (even originals) are made from poorly purified raw materials, so their effectiveness is questionable.

This is not to say that all generics are inexpensive. If the price for a package is less than 30 rubles, then it is a counterfeit. A counterfeit is revealed by sloppy packaging, blurry letters, unusual shape of tablets and their color. Experts do not advise purchasing products at a “ridiculous” price.

The advantages of generics include:

  • the opportunity to make an independent choice;
  • effectiveness in selecting the correct dosage;
  • reasonable cost;
  • Possibility to purchase at any pharmacy.

There are also negative characteristics, and they are worth mentioning:

  • changing the formulation may negatively affect the treatment: the effect decreases or becomes excessively strong;
  • when producing a generic drug, the raw materials may be of insufficient quality or not completely purified;
  • the presence of additional components other than the original may lead to allergies or side effects.

Longidase analogs

Regardless of which generic or analogue is to be found, it must, first of all, have a similar list of components and matching active ingredients, as well as indications for use. The identity of the active substance indicates that the product is pharmaceutically equivalent or pharmaceutically alternative to the original. Do not overlook the inactive ingredients in analogues, which affect safety and effectiveness.

There is no need to self-medicate and self-prescribe. Therefore, before you start taking a medication, even if it is over-the-counter, you must consult your doctor.

There are a huge number of Longidase analogues. There are generics of Russian and foreign origin. Your doctor will tell you how to choose and which company is better to give preference to. Cost should not be the main selection criterion. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions and determine its identity with the original.

The question of where to buy medication is not difficult. Longidaz analogues are sold in any pharmacy. You can order goods online in the online store. However, this is not the best option. This applies not only to this medicine, but to all medicines whose main task is to improve human health.

Rating of high-quality analogues of Longidaza up to 3500 rubles


This popular medicine has a therapeutic effect similar to the original. Despite this, the drug belongs to the category of original generics. Their compositions differ, and they are supplied in different concentrations. Prescribed by doctors during the rehabilitation period. An excellent solution for those people who have undergone surgery. Prescribed when identifying:

  • acute or chronic hemorrhoids;
  • extensive inflammation;
  • purulent cysts;
  • the presence of purulent compartments;
  • inflammation of the appendages or uterus;
  • abscesses;
  • fistulas.

Unlike the original, Distreptase has virtually no contraindications. Not used during lactation, pregnancy and should not be used by children. If a hemorrhagic type of diathesis is detected, the drug is also not prescribed. It is not recommended to use it during rehabilitation after rectal surgery. Also, we should not forget about intolerance to individual ingredients. The dosage, as well as the method of administration, is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Form factor - candles. The course lasts 10-12 days, after which a break is taken, regardless of the diagnosis. Side effects include a slight increase in temperature and an allergic reaction. Candles should not come into contact with open wounds.

It is prohibited to take the medicine simultaneously with blood thinning drugs.

The average price of a new product is 3100 rubles.



  • minimal number of side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • form factor;
  • prescription drug.


  • high price.


To avoid mistakes when choosing, it should be noted that the components vary. Available in the form of suppositories, like the original medicine. It is based on the use of streptokinase, mineral oils, vitepsol and streptodornase. Like the original product, Biostrepta belongs to the category of preolitics. Effectively fights blood clots and blood clots through splitting. Applicable for:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • fistulas;
  • infertility;
  • adhesions in the pelvic area;
  • identifying a purulent abscess.

Suppositories are administered exclusively rectally. The following contraindications are indicated: pathologies that lead to blood clotting disorders, and pregnancy. Also, the drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and to those who are already taking calcium-containing medications. Side effects are rare, unlike the original medicine. The course lasts no more than 12 days, after which there is a break.

You can purchase the package for RUB 2,800.



  • there is no risk of overdose;
  • copes well with the designated functions;
  • form factor;
  • performance;
  • numerous positive reviews.


  • high price.


A characteristic feature of this medicine is its action in preventing the formation of scars. To avoid mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that the drug does not fight existing scar formations. This medicine is of the enzyme type. The substance has an anti-inflammatory and proteolytic effect. Copes well with fibrinous formations and necrotic tissues. It cannot be used as a full-fledged alternative to Longidase, since it cannot fight existing scars. Prescribed in the presence of significant inflammatory processes and purulent wounds. Eliminates the risk of adhesions. Release form: lyophilisate. Dispensed by prescription.

How much does the packaging cost? The purchase will cost 991 rubles.



  • copes well with the designated functions;
  • sold in every pharmacy;
  • an effective remedy against purulent wounds;
  • complex impact;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • enzyme substance.


  • does not heal existing scars.


Longidase® has hyaluronidase (enzymatic proteolytic) activity of prolonged action, chelating, antioxidant, immunomodulatory and moderate anti-inflammatory properties.

Prolongation of the action of the enzyme is achieved by covalent binding of it to a physiologically active high-molecular carrier (activated derivative of poly-1,4-ethylenepiperazine N-oxide, an analogue of the drug Polyoxidonium®), which has its own pharmacological activity. Longidase® exhibits antifibrotic properties, weakens the course of the acute phase of inflammation, regulates (increases or decreases depending on the initial level) the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha), increases the humoral immune response and the body's resistance to infection.

The pronounced antifibrotic properties of Longidase® are ensured by the conjugation of hyaluronidase with a carrier, which significantly increases the resistance of the enzyme to denaturing influences and the action of inhibitors: the enzymatic activity of Longidase® is maintained when heated to 37 °C for 20 days, while native hyaluronidase loses under the same conditions your activity during the day. The Longidaza® preparation ensures the simultaneous local presence of the proteolytic enzyme hyaluronidase and a carrier capable of binding matrix components released during hydrolysis, enzyme inhibitors and stimulators of collagen synthesis (including iron, copper ions, heparin). Thanks to these properties, Longidaza® has not only the ability to depolymerize the connective tissue matrix in fibrogranulomatous formations, but also suppress the reverse regulatory reaction aimed at the synthesis of connective tissue components.

The specific substrate of testicular hyaluronidase is glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, chondroitin-4-sulfate, chondroitin-6-sulfate), which form the basis of the connective tissue matrix. As a result of depolymerization (breaking the bond between C1 acetylglucosamine and C4 glucuronic or induronic acids), glycosaminoglycans change their basic properties: viscosity decreases, the ability to bind water and metal ions decreases, the permeability of tissue barriers temporarily increases, fluid movement in the intercellular space is facilitated, and the elasticity of connective tissue increases. , which manifests itself in a decrease in tissue swelling, flattening of scars, an increase in the range of motion of joints, a decrease in contractures and prevention of their formation, and a decrease in adhesions.

Biochemical, immunological, histological and electron microscopic studies have proven that Longidaza® does not damage normal connective tissue, but causes destruction of connective tissue altered in composition and structure in the area of ​​fibrosis.

Longidaza® does not have mutagenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic or carcinogenic effects.

The drug was well tolerated by patients; no local or general allergic reactions were noted.

The use of Longidase® in therapeutic doses during or after surgical treatment does not cause worsening of the postoperative period or progression of the infectious process; does not slow down bone tissue recovery.

TOP-best analogues of Longidase up to 900 rubles


This medicine is often prescribed for inflammation associated with the prostate. It has a soft and effective effect of a complex type. This aspect is confirmed by numerous reviews on the network. It can be considered an effective analogue only when it comes to the treatment of prostatitis. It should be noted the presence of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The key component is a squeeze of silkworm larvae. The first result of the course will be visible after the introduction of the first candle. Gradually normalizes the process of urination and eliminates swelling in soft tissues. Can be used as the main medicine when preparing a course. The cost of packaging is not cheap, however, in terms of effectiveness, the drug is superior to expensive analogues.

Average price – 899 rubles.



  • performance;
  • complex effect;
  • pronounced treatment effect;
  • absence of synthetic additives and preservatives;
  • value for money.


  • used only for prostatitis.


The release form of this medicine is rectal suppositories. Also available in the form of a solution for injection. It is based on the use of prostate extract. This product is considered the closest analogue in composition and is used to detect prostatitis. Effectively fights inflammation and improves fluid outflow, which helps normalize urination and reduce swelling. Effectively fights the inflammatory process and improves tissue trophism. Can be used in complex therapy in people whose age is +18 years.

Cost – 872 rubles.



  • several forms of release;
  • efficiency;
  • complex action;
  • performance;
  • absence of impurities;
  • minimum number of contraindications.


  • not identified.

Prostamol Uno

This product from a time-tested German manufacturer is in high demand among European consumers. It is based on the use of creeping palm extract. The plant-based drug can be used for the complex treatment of prostatitis. The medicine copes well with swelling and inflammation in the prostate gland. After the first use, there is an improvement in the outflow of urine and a slowdown in tissue growth in the prostate area, and blood flow gradually improves. It can also be used to increase the effectiveness of therapy when detecting benign prostate adenoma. When subsequently changing medications, you should consult with a specialist regarding the safety and effectiveness of the chosen therapy. Taken once a day immediately after meals. Prescribed to patients over 18 years of age.

How much does the packaging cost? The purchase will cost 802 rubles.

Prostamol Uno


  • performance;
  • can be used during therapy;
  • release form;
  • numerous positive reviews;
  • no impurities.


  • not identified.


An experimental study of the pharmacokinetics of suppositories with an enzyme carrier labeled with tritium made it possible to establish that when administered rectally, the drug is characterized by a high rate of distribution in the body, is well absorbed into the systemic circulation and reaches Cmax in the blood after 1 hour. The half-life of distribution is about 0.5 hours, period elimination half-life is from 42 to 84 hours. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.

The drug penetrates into all organs and tissues, incl. passes through the BBB and the blood-ophthalmic barrier. The absence of tissue cumulation was established.

The bioavailability of Longidase® rectal suppositories is at least 70%.

Rating of the best analogues of Longidaza up to 800 rubles


It should be noted that this drug has the largest number of positive reviews on the network among its structural analogues. It can be classified as a substitute for Longidase very conditionally. Manufactured by the same company as the original. The composition contains a number of proteolytic components of average quality. Release form: suppositories, lyophilisates and tablets. Positions itself as an immunomodulatory agent with a wide range of indications. The substance has antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is practically not used independently, and is intended for complex therapy.

Average price – 797 rub.



  • numerous positive reviews;
  • complex impact;
  • several forms of release;
  • safe composition;
  • performance.


  • not identified.


This drug is available in the form of lozenges. It is a combined type homeopathic remedy. It is characterized by the presence of a pronounced therapeutic effect. Intended for the treatment of diseases associated with the prostate gland in men. It is based on the use of active antibodies that have a beneficial effect on the condition of soft tissues. They allow you to quickly and effectively reduce inflammation, swelling and normalize the natural outflow of urine. It should be noted that completing the course makes it possible to improve blood flow not only in the affected tissues, but also in the genitals of men. The course of treatment varies depending on each specific case. Admission is permitted to persons over 18 years of age.

Cost – 743 rubles.



  • multifunctionality;
  • safe composition;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • complex impact;
  • performance.


  • not identified.


This drug belongs to the complex category and has a wide range of applications. It has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, due to which it can be used in complex therapy. Used in gynecology and urology. It can also be prescribed during the postoperative period and detection of other diseases. Available in the form of injection solutions, tablets and suppositories. Some doctors speak out about the lack of effectiveness of the medicine. Despite this, positive results come quickly, which has been repeatedly noted in reviews. You should also pay attention to the minimum number of side effects. Can be used to treat prostatitis in men and many other diseases.

How much does the packaging cost? The purchase will cost 645 rubles.



  • multidisciplinary application;
  • wide scope of application;
  • performance;
  • safe composition;
  • several forms of release.


  • not identified.


Despite the more than affordable cost, this medicine is considered the closest analogue of Longidase in composition. To avoid mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to the dosage, which is significantly lower compared to the analogue. We are talking about an indicator of 3000 CU (original), compared to 64 CU (analogue). The drug is available only in the form of a lyophilisate, which is used to prepare a solution for injection. The safe composition is responsible for the performance indicator, which has been repeatedly noted in reviews. Effectively softens existing scar tissue and adhesions, provided that treatment was prescribed in a timely manner.

Average price – 626 rubles.



  • performance;
  • affordable price;
  • analogue that is as identical in composition as possible;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • multifunctionality.


  • small dosage of active ingredient.

Instructions for use

Depending on the indications, suppositories can be prescribed rectally or vaginally. Typically the dosage is 1 suppository/day.

The drug is administered into the vagina before bed in a lying position for a course of 10-20 days. Medicine is placed in the rectum after bowel movements at any time of the day, the course is similar. In some cases, suppositories are administered every other day, once every few days - on the recommendation of a doctor. There are the following alternative treatment regimens in urology and gynecology:

  • for pathologies of the urinary system in men and women - 1 suppository every other day, 10 injections, then once every 2-3 days another 10 injections;
  • for diseases of the uterus, cervix, and other gynecological problems - 1 suppository every 2 days, 10 pieces, then maintenance therapy.

In surgery (after operations), suppositories are prescribed 1 piece every 3 days, the course is 10 suppositories. In dermatovenerology they recommend 15 suppositories every 2 days. Therapy can be repeated 3 months after the first course. For infertility, treatment is possible for 4 months with a suppository once a week.


Sodium thiosulfate is used to detoxify the body for various poisonings. Read more >>

How to insert Longidaza rectally?

One of the methods of using Longidase is rectal administration - this is the only option for men and is preferable during menstruation in women. According to the instructions, you need to use 1 suppository every other day or every 2-3 days. The procedure is best performed at night, after a natural bowel movement or cleansing enema. In order for the treatment to be effective, this simple manipulation must be carried out correctly. The scheme for introducing suppositories is as follows:

  1. With thoroughly washed hands, remove the candle from the packaging. In order for this dosage form to be suitable for use, it is necessary to take care of its cooling in advance by storing it in the refrigerator.
  2. For those who have little experience in such manipulations, it is better to lubricate the finger and the area around the anus with Vaseline or a special cream - this will ensure easier insertion.

  3. Lie on your side with one leg bent and pulled as high as possible towards your chest. This should be done quickly enough so that the candle does not melt from the heat of your hands.
  4. Slightly lifting the upper buttock, insert the suppository into the anus with the pointed end. In this case, it is necessary to push the suppository with your finger as deep as possible so that it passes the sphincter, which protects the medicine from further slipping out. It is important to relax as much as possible and not squeeze your muscles - then the candle will go in easily and painlessly.
  5. Squeeze your buttocks tightly and remain in a lying position for at least 5 minutes - during this time the suppository will have time to dissolve.
  6. Wash your hands again and lie down again.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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