Top 14 domestic and foreign analogues of the drug De-nol

At least one big feast in a series of New Year's holidays is already over, which means clients with a burning sensation in the esophagus have already made their way to the nearest pharmacy. Overeating and heavy doses of alcohol almost inevitably lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, even for those who do not normally suffer from this. Pharmacy workers who celebrate the holiday are required to dispense “something for heartburn.” How to answer the strangest or trickiest questions from clients about antacids? We offer you the following answer options.

Recommend me something for heartburn that will last longer.

Modern antacid drugs that are not absorbed in the digestive tract, such as aluminum phosphoric acid or aluminum-magnesium drugs, are suitable for you. They bind hydrochloric acid quite quickly - usually within a few minutes after ingestion - and their effect lasts up to several hours. Maximum duration of action

characteristic of drugs containing aluminum hydroxide. They act for 2.5–3 hours [2].

Domestic substitutes

All De-Nol analogues are highly effective and have similar indications for use. In this case, the choice of drug must be agreed with the attending physician.


This is a complex medication with a multi-faceted effect:

  • antacid;
  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • laxative.

The drug is available in pink tablets. It contains a combination of active ingredients - extracts from calamus root and bismuth nitrate. It has the ability to influence the nerve endings of the gastrointestinal tract, while improving digestion and metabolism.

Prescribed orally, one tablet three times a day after meals. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 months. Vikair is indicated for diseases of the digestive system of various etiologies, such as;

  • stomach ulcer and duodenitis;
  • bloating;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • gastritis.

It should be used with caution with other drugs containing bismuth, since in this case its concentration in the blood increases and the risk of developing encephalopathy increases. A peculiarity of the use of Vikair is the appearance of black stool and increased frequency of stools after taking it. Pregnancy and lactation are a direct contraindication for use.


The medication belongs to the group of intestinal antiseptic and astringent agents. Release form: tablets. The main active component is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, which protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from destruction, maintaining its integrity. It has a pronounced bactericidal and anti-Helicobacter effect.

Features of the drug use

In the presence of erosions and ulcers, it forms films on their surface. In pediatric practice, it is indicated for children from 8 years of age. Prescribed 2 tablets twice a day. Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Compatible with most medications.


The most famous medication from the group of H2-histamine receptor blockers. The mechanism of its action is based on the regulation of the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as a result of which favorable conditions are created for the healing of ulcers and erosions. It is available not only in tablet form, but also in injection form. The main active ingredient is ranitidine hydrochloride. Taken in an average daily dose of 300 mg - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Properties of Ranitidine

Injections are prescribed in extremely severe conditions. Main indications: peptic ulcer and erosive gastritis. A contraindication to the use of Ranitidine is cancer.


The main constituent substance is bismuth dipotassium dicitrate. Release form: round white tablets, 120 mg of active ingredient. It has a complex antispasmodic and antacid effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The components of Ventrisol interact with surface proteins, forming insoluble complexes that are highly resistant to mechanical damage.

A group of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract is the main indication. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and in children under 4 years of age. Before prescribing, a thorough examination of the urinary system is necessary.


Belongs to the pharmacological group of antiulcer drugs. It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. The main effect of the medication is aimed at:

  • destruction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • providing conditions in which it is difficult for a microorganism to develop.

Active ingredient: Escape

A special feature of Escape is the presence in its composition of povidone, an enterosorbent that can absorb and remove toxins. The product is produced in the Russian Federation by the pharmaceutical concern Optisipharm. Widely used in therapeutic and gastroenterological practice.

Give me heartburn medicine. And it would be desirable to also help with bloating - are there any such remedies?

Yes, today there are combination drugs that simultaneously neutralize hydrochloric acid and stop the manifestations of flatulence due to the inclusion of simethicone in the antifoam composition. It reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles in the digestive tract, promoting their rupture. An example of such a drug is a combination of aluminum, magnesium hydroxide and simethicone in the form of a suspension. It simultaneously neutralizes hydrochloric acid, reduces gas formation in the intestines, and also envelops the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, protecting it from the damaging effects of aggressive substances [5].

Cheaper similar products

Due to the fairly high cost of the main product, patients sometimes have to look for cheaper analogues of De-Nol. However, these drugs cannot be called less effective. Some of them are quite capable of competing with expensive products.


Produced in Slovenia. The international nonproprietary name is Sucralfate, according to the active component of the drug. The drug does not have a systemic effect. The active substance accumulates in the stomach during treatment, interacting with the protein structures of the necrotic ulcer. In this way, a quick cure for gastric ulcers is achieved. 10-15% of sucralfate is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.


It is rarely used as an independent remedy in gastroenterology, mainly as part of complex therapy. The medication has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the active substance.


A combined drug that is used for ulcerative colitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The product contains bismuth nitrate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, calamus rhizome powder, kellin, rutin.

Action of Vikalin

It has classic astringent, enveloping and antacid effects. When applied, the tongue may turn black. The main feature of the medication is the incompatibility of the main substance with fermented milk products, which should be excluded during treatment.


The drug based on the substance of the same name, omeprazole, is an H2 receptor antagonist. Country of origin: India. Available in the form of capsules consisting of two halves, white and pink. The capsule is coated with an enteric-soluble coating.

The product blocks the operation of the ion pump and minimizes the release of HCl in the stomach. Thanks to this, the factor that irritates the damaged epigastric mucosa is eliminated. Take 1 capsule 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. It has virtually no contraindications. The manufacturer has no information about the occurrence of overdoses.


Production facilities are located in Ukraine. Lansoprazole capsules are white and gelatin-coated. Lancerol affects the release of hydrochloric acid. Main indications for use:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • erosive gastritis;
  • stress ulcers.

Erosive gastritis

The drug has a small clinical base for use in different categories of patients, so its use in children and pregnant women is highly not recommended.

What is the difference between tablets and suspension from heartburn? Do they act differently?

The mechanism of action of a drug does not depend on the form (tablets, gel, suspension), but on its components. But the pharmacokinetic properties - the speed of onset of the effect, the duration of action - may differ between tablets and suspensions. It is believed that tablet forms maintain the acidity of gastric juice longer at a level of more than 4 ( acidity of gastric juice is considered normal in the range of 1.3–7.5 pH - editor's note.

) than suspensions. When chewable tablets for heartburn are taken correctly, acid-neutralizing components enter the digestive tract evenly, which has a positive effect on the result. At the same time, for heartburn, suspensions can begin to work faster than tablets [3]. In addition, they are optimally distributed over the surface of the mucous membrane, and in the lumen of the esophagus and stomach they form small drops with a large surface area, which enhances their medicinal properties [6].

And yet it cannot be said unequivocally that any form has an advantage. To draw such conclusions, you need to consider the properties of a particular drug.

Prices for the drug and its main analogues, average in Russia

The pharmacy chain offers a sufficient number of De-Nol analogues.
These are both domestic and foreign drugs. They all belong to the same group of drugs, but have minor differences in the mechanism of action and price. The cost of the most common analogues in Russian pharmacies:

NamePrice in rubles
De-Nol, tablets No. 32350
Omez, capsules No. 40270
Ulcavis, tablets No. 56360
Vikair, tablets No. 1092
Vikalin, tablets No. 100460
Vis-Nol, capsules No. 100560
Phosphalugel, gel No. 20480
Gastronorm, tablets No. 40
tablets No. 100
Novobismol, tablets No. 100600
Ranitidine, tablets No. 10180
Escape, tablets No. 40320
Venter, tablets No. 50490
Lancerol, capsules No. 10420

Foreign analogues of De-Nol

Drugs produced in our country compete freely on the market with foreign drugs. However, it is worth considering that their mechanism of action is the same. Foreign medicines are usually more expensive.


This is a widely used Indian drug in the pharmacy chain. Available in the form of capsules with 20 mg of the active substance omeprazole. Refers to H2 receptor blockers. Prescribed as a capsule twice a day for:

  • functional gastrointestinal disorders;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • Solinger-Elison syndrome;
  • reflux disease.

Description of Omez

The main substance inhibits the pump in the stomach, thereby reducing acidity. The effect lasts for a long time, about 24 hours.


The only gastroprotective drug available in the form of a gel for internal use. Thanks to this, Phosphalugel is considered unique of its kind. Country of origin: the Netherlands.

The gel is dosed in sachets. One package contains:

  • purified water;
  • sorbifer;
  • aluminium oxide;
  • pectin;
  • calcium sulfate;
  • orange flavoring.

This composition provides an effective antacid effect, reducing the manifestation of gastroenterological pathology. Unlike other drugs, Phosphalugel is allowed to be taken throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children over 5 years of age.


A special feature of the drug is the ability to accumulate epidermal growth factor, thanks to which ulcers and erosions heal much faster. Ulcavis is not absorbed in the intestines. Only a small part of it that enters the bloodstream is excreted by the kidneys. Contraindicated in severe somatic conditions, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 4 years of age.


Unlike the standard antiulcer effect, it has the ability to increase the production of specific prostaglandins and mucin. As a result, pathological symptoms in the primary lesion area are reduced. Most of the active substance does not undergo transformation in the body and is excreted in feces. Indications are standard in gastroenterological practice:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • reflux esophagitis.

Reflux esophagitis

Treatment with Vis-Nol takes up to 2 months. It is also used in a comprehensive Helicobacter pylori eradication scheme. The medicine is produced in Ukraine.


Produced in tablet form. Prescribed 1 tablet three times a day, both in monotherapy and in combination with other anti-Helicobacter and gastroprotective drugs. Prohibited for children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

It is not recommended to take the medication for a long time, as the risk of developing encephalopathy increases.

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