Study of the degree of uroselectivity of the drug Omnic (tamsulosin) and its generic analogues

Name Rating Nomination
The best analogues of Omnic in composition
1Tamsulosin4.66The most popular generic
2Focusin4.22The most famous analogue
3Proflosin4.07Best price
4Sonizin4.05The best ratio of price and quality
5Omsulosin4.00Good reviews from patients
The best analogues of Omnic in action
1Urorek4.30Applicable for men and women
2Setegis4.25The best analogue of Omnic for patients with hypertension
3Cornam4.20Affordable price and efficiency
4Alfuprost4.05The softest action
5Duodart3.95Taking one medicine instead of two

Omnic is a popular drug used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. This diagnosis is more familiar to men under the name prostate adenoma. The drug has a symptomatic effect and is prescribed in combination with other drugs. The active ingredient tamsulosin relaxes smooth muscles, relieves irritation of the urinary organs, significantly making the patient feel better. A big plus of the drug is that it can be taken by hypertensive and hypotensive patients due to the lack of a vasodilating effect on the cardiovascular system. Omnic is available in capsules, in packs of 10, 30 or 100 pieces. The registration certificate of the drug belongs to the Dutch company Astellas Pharma Europe, it is produced in the Netherlands and Russia. The cost of the drug is not prohibitive, but cheaper analogues in capsules and tablets, as well as substitutes based on other active ingredients that give a similar effect, can be found on sale. Comparison of rating participants by main characteristics:

Name Average cost for 30 capsules Active substance Manufacturer country
Omnic 655 rub. Tamsulosin Netherlands
The best analogues of Omnic in composition
Focusin 465 rub. Tamsulosin Slovakia
Proflosin 362 rub. Tamsulosin Germany
Sonizin 399 rub. Tamsulosin Romania
Tamsulosin 502 rub. Tamsulosin Russia
Omsulolzin 400 rub. Tamsulosin India
The best analogues of Omnic in action
Alfuprost mr 715 rub. Alfuzosin India
Duodart 1856 rub. Dutasteride


Urorek 923 rub. Silodosin Italy
Setegis 925 rub. Terazosin Hungary
Cornam 420 rub. (20 tablets) Terazosin Slovenia

There are contraindications! Consult your doctor!

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Tamsulosin belongs to the group of drugs that are specific blockers of postsynaptic alpha1-adrenergic receptors present in the smooth muscle of the prostate (prostate gland), the prostatic urethra and the neck of the male bladder. When tamsulosin blocks alpha1-adrenergic receptors, a decrease in muscle tone of the prostate gland, prostatic urethra and bladder is observed, which leads to improved urination. In parallel with this, there is a weakening of the symptoms of emptying and filling the bladder with prostate adenoma , which are caused by detrusor hyperactivity and high muscle tone of these organs.

The effect of tamsulosin on alpha 1A subtype adrenergic receptors is 20 times greater than its effect on alpha 1B subtype adrenergic receptors located in vascular smooth muscle tissue. Due to such high selectivity, taking tamsulosin does not lead to a clinically significant decrease in systemic blood pressure, both in patients with normal blood pressure and in patients suffering from arterial hypertension , for which the drug Omnik can be prescribed to hypertensive patients.

In the intestine, tamsulosin is absorbed quite well and has almost 100% bioavailability. When combined with food, the absorption process slows down slightly. An equal degree of absorption of the drug can be achieved by continuously taking tamsulosin by the patient after daily breakfast.

Characteristic of tamsulosin is its linear kinetics. A single internal dose of 0.4 mg of the drug leads to its plasma Cmax after 6 hours. With constant daily oral administration of 0.4 mg of tamsulosin, its equilibrium concentration is observed already by the 5th day, at the same time exceeding by approximately 2/3 this value observed with a single dose of the drug. Plasma protein binding is 99%, Vd is approximately 0.2 l/kg.

Hepatic metabolic transformations of tamsulosin occur rather slowly, with the release of less active metabolic . The main part of tamsulosin is found in the blood plasma in its natural, unchanged form.

Studies of tamsulosin have proven its ability to slightly induce the activity of microsomal liver enzymes.

In case of liver pathologies, up to a moderate degree, adjustment of the Omnic dosage regimen is not required.

Unchanged tamsulosin, as well as the products of its metabolism, is mainly excreted by the kidneys. T1/2 of a single oral dose (0.4 mg) of the drug after meals is 10 hours. With multiple doses, this figure is 13 hours.

For moderate kidney pathologies, no dose adjustment of tamsulosin is required. In case of severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 10 ml/min), there is a need for careful administration of Omnic.

Top 3. Cornam

Rating (2021): 4.20

Affordable price and effectiveness At a low cost, Cornam relieves inflammation and pain well, and relieves difficulty urinating. An accessible analogue helps to quickly improve well-being with prostatitis.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 420 rub.

  • Manufacturer: Lek (Slovenia)
  • Active ingredient: terazosin
  • Release form: tablets

The cheapest Omnic substitute, despite its affordable price, acts quickly and effectively. Available in tablet form in dosages of 2 mg and 5 mg. It is often prescribed to patients with a persistent increase in blood pressure, since in addition to relieving spasms of smooth muscles, it has a pronounced hypotensive effect. Used for inflammatory processes and prostate hyperplasia. Quickly facilitates urination and relieves pain. The main advantage of the drug is its affordable price, the main disadvantage is the impossibility of prescribing for hypotension. Use with caution when treating patients with diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, renal and liver failure.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Fast action
  • Makes urination easier
  • Relieves pain and inflammation
  • Significantly lowers blood pressure

See also:

  • 10 best remedies for prostatitis with iHerb

Side effects

When conducting therapy using Omnic capsules, the following were occasionally observed:

  • retrograde ejaculation;
  • dizziness;
  • formation of orthostatic hypotension ;
  • nausea/vomiting;
  • asthenia;
  • constipation;
  • tachycardia /palpitations;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypersensitivity phenomena (including skin rash / itching , angioedema ).


There is no evidence of acute overdose with tamsulosin. Theoretically, when taking excessive dosages of this drug, a rapid decrease in blood pressure and the development of compensatory tachycardia , requiring symptomatic treatment. The patient's heart rate and blood pressure may return to normal when he assumes a horizontal position.

If this method is ineffective, it is possible to use drugs that increase the volume of blood circulating in the vascular bed. If necessary, vasoconstrictor medications are prescribed. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor renal function. The effectiveness of hemodialysis due to the significant binding of tamsulosin to plasma proteins has been questioned. It would also be advisable to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract (laxative, rinsing) and take sorbents.


The combined administration of tamsulosin with Atenolol , Nifedipine or Enalapril did not lead to any interaction of these drugs.

With the parallel use of Cimetidine, a slight increase in the plasma concentration of tamsulosin was observed, and with the use of Furosemide , a decrease in this indicator was observed. This combination of drugs does not require a change in the Omnic dosage regimen, since the content of its active ingredient in plasma remains within the therapeutic norm.

Warfarin , Propranolol , Diazepam , Trichlormethiazide , Amitriptyline , Chlormadinone , Diclofenac , Simvastatin and Glibenclamide in vitro do not affect the free fraction in plasma of tamsulosin , which, in turn, does not affect the free fractions of Chlormadinone , Propranolol , Diazepam and Trichlormethiazide .

Also, in vitro, at the level of metabolism in the liver, there was no interaction between the active ingredient Omnica and Amitriptyline , Glibenclamide , Salbutamol and Finasteride .

Concomitant use of Warfarin and Diclofenac may increase the excretion rate of tamsulosin.

When combined with other alpha 1-adrenergic receptor antagonists, a decrease in blood pressure is possible.

special instructions

During therapy with Omnic, a decrease in the blood pressure of the patient taking it was occasionally observed, which could cause fainting . If the first signs of orthostatic hypotension (feeling of weakness , dizziness ), the patient is recommended to take a sitting or horizontal position, until the negative signs completely disappear.

Carrying out surgical interventions on the organs of vision for cataracts while taking tamsulosin can lead to intraoperative instability syndrome of the ocular iris , which must be remembered by surgical personnel for proper preoperative preparation of the patient.

Before starting treatment using Omnic, the patient must undergo an examination to exclude pathologies with symptoms identical to those of prostate adenoma .

Before prescribing therapy, and regularly throughout its implementation, the patient should undergo a rectal digital examination and, if necessary, determine the presence of a specific prostate antigen.

Analogues of Omnik

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Sonirid Duo




Omnik Okas







  • Dalfaz
  • Alfuzosin
  • Dalfusin
  • Alfirum
  • Cornam
  • Alvater
  • Setegis
  • Avodart
  • Urorek
  • Vesomni

The price of Omnic analogues varies quite widely and depends on many factors (active ingredient and its mass content, number of tablets/capsules, manufacturer, etc.). For example, 30 Urorek can be purchased for an average of 750 rubles, while purchasing 30 Dalfaz will cost 2,200 rubles.

Avodart and Omnik

Although these two medicinal drugs are analogues in their pharmacological properties, they include various active ingredients that affect various pathological processes inherent in adenoma .

The drug Omnic is a rather symptomatic remedy intended to get rid of dysuric disorders (normalizes urination) by relaxing the muscles of the prostate. The drug Avodart , on the contrary, is designed to reduce the size of the tumor by reducing the concentration of dihydrotestosterone , which promotes its growth. Both of these therapeutic drugs are often used in combination therapy, where they complement each other's effects.

Top 2. Setegis

Rating (2021): 4.25

The best analogue of Omnic for patients with hypertension, Setegis, steadily reduces high blood pressure. Ideal for elderly patients with hypertension.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 925 rub.

  • Manufacturer: Egis (Hungary)
  • Active ingredient: terazosin
  • Release form: tablets

The drug belongs to alpha1-blockers. An effective substitute for Omnic with a similar effect and rapid therapeutic effect. For prostatitis, it relieves difficulty urinating, relieves inflammation and pain well. In addition to urology, it is prescribed for arterial hypertension due to its pronounced hypotonic effect. Available in tablets of 1 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg, which makes it possible to more accurately select the dosage for each patient. Most often used in complex therapy. The drug is not bad, but it must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, as it can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Because of this, administration is started with a minimum dose of 1 mg. The disadvantages include the high cost of the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Fast action
  • Relieves inflammation and pain well
  • Used for hypertension
  • Available in different dosages
  • High price
  • Greatly reduces blood pressure

See also:

  • 10 best suppositories for prostatitis


  • Adenorm
  • Omnik Okas
  • Proflosin
  • Omsulosin
  • Alphatam
  • Revokarin
  • Tamsulosin
  • Omniprost
  • Sonizin
  • Tamsulon-FS
  • Bazetam
  • Focusin
  • Taniz-K
  • Urofrin
  • Tamzelin

Omnic and Omnic Okas

These drugs are 100% synonymous, that is, they contain the same active ingredient (tamsulosin) in an identical mass part (400 mcg). Naturally, patients with prostate adenoma often wonder what is the difference between Omnik and Omnik Okas .

The difference between these drugs lies in their dosage form, capsules for the first and tablets for the second, and Omnic Okas tablets are characterized by controlled release, in other words, they have a more constant concentration of their active ingredient, observed in the body throughout the day. This quality of the tablets allows tamsulosin to act on the prostate muscles with equal force within 24 hours, and also, due to the absence of differences in the concentration of the active ingredient, it is less likely to lead to the development of negative side effects, which makes Omnic Okas tablets considered more effective and safe.

Which is better - Omnic or Focusin?

Fokusin , like the previous drug, is 100% synonymous with Omnic in terms of the active ingredient, its mass content and release form (capsules). Manufacturers of both drugs have approximately equal credibility among doctors and patients, which indicates the complete interchangeability of these drugs. When choosing between these drugs, you should proceed from their availability in pharmacies in your city and cost (the price of Fokusin in Russia is approximately a third lower).

Top 4. Alfuprost

Rating (2021): 4.05

The mildest effect Compared to other participants in the rating, Alfuprost gives fewer side effects and is suitable for treating young patients.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 715 rub.

  • Manufacturer: Ranbaxy (India)
  • Active ingredient: alfuzosin
  • Release form: tablets

A drug with a similar effect to other participants in the rating. It also belongs to alpha 1-adrenergic blockers, relaxes smooth muscles, facilitating urination in case of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Acts quickly, intended for long-term use. The effectiveness of the drug is not lower than Omnic, but compared to it and other similar drugs it has a significant advantage - it does not cause retrograde ejaculation. This is especially important for young patients facing prostate disease. Side effects include decreased blood pressure, dizziness, and headache. Symptoms are observed at the beginning of treatment and disappear after 5-7 days without stopping the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • High efficiency
  • Does not cause retrograde ejaculation
  • Fast action, symptom relief
  • Affordable price
  • There are side effects

Reviews about Omnic

In 70% of cases, reviews from doctors, as well as reviews from patients about the effectiveness of Omnic, when used strictly according to indications, are positive. Many urologists prescribe this medicine for prostatitis , prostate adenoma and other painful conditions associated with urinary problems, where the relaxing effect of tamsulosin on the prostate muscles really helps to get rid of the negative symptoms of the disease.

To be fair, it is worth noting some negative reviews about Omnic on forums discussing its side effects, the most significant of which are the development of hypotension and retrograde ejaculation . It is also necessary to remember that in the treatment of prostate adenoma, the prescription of Omnica is symptomatic, aimed at getting rid of dysuric disorders, and the full treatment of this disease requires an integrated approach, using drugs of various groups indicated for such pathologies.

Top 4. Sonizin

Rating (2021): 4.05

Best value for money An inexpensive generic is affordable, highly effective and available in pharmacies. In terms of price-quality ratio, this is an excellent option.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 399 rub.

  • Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter (Romania)
  • Active ingredient: tamsulosin

A good analogue of Omnic, with predictable effectiveness and good tolerability. The generic is not the most common, but is available in most pharmacies. Some doctors consider it underrated, one of the best analogues of the original drug. Sonisin is used in the treatment of prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, and in complex therapy of urolithiasis to facilitate the passage of stones. The medicine is produced by a well-known pharmaceutical company and is of good quality. Side effects are similar to other tamsulosin-based drugs. Sometimes patients complain of a decrease in blood pressure, mainly when taking antihypertensive drugs at the same time. Retrograde ejaculation is common and goes away on its own 1-2 days after discontinuation of the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • High efficiency
  • Availability in pharmacies
  • Good reviews from doctors
  • Side effects
  • Not the most common generic

Omnic price, where to buy

The average price of Omnik No. 10 is 300 rubles, No. 30 – 700 rubles. You can buy 100 capsules of this drug for 2000-2500 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Omnic capsules with mod.
    release 0.4 mg 100 pcs. ZiO-Zdorovye ZAO RUB 2,086 order
  • Omnic capsules with mod. release 0.4 mg 30 pcs. ZiO-Zdorovye CJSC

    680 rub. order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Omnik (caps. 0.4 mg No. 100) ZiO-Zdorovye CJSC

    RUB 2,153 order

  • Omnik (caps. 0.4 mg No. 30)Astellas Pharma/ZiO-Zdorovye

    RUR 703 order

  • Omnik capsules 0.4 mg No. 30ZiO-Zdorovye ZAO

    RUB 684 order

  • Omnik (caps. 0.4 mg No. 10) ZiO-Zdorovye CJSC

    RUB 329 order

show more


  • Omnic 0.4 mg N30 capsules Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., Netherlands
    136 UAH order


  • Omnic capsule Omnic capsule solid modified release 0.4 mg No. 30 Netherlands, Astellas Pharma Europe

    144 UAH order

show more

Top 3. Proflosin

Rating (2021): 4.07

38 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Protabletky, Otabletkah

Best price The cheapest analogue of Omnik in our rating. Despite the low price, it works no worse than the original.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 362 rub.

  • Manufacturer: Rottendorf Pharma GmbH (Germany)
  • Active ingredient: tamsulosin

One of the most popular, best and cheapest generics of Omnic. Completely identical to it in terms of active substance and dosage. According to doctors' observations, it is not much inferior to the original in effectiveness. Suitable for use as a primary and auxiliary drug in the treatment of prostatitis. Available in 30 and 100 extended release capsules. A large package costs less than 1,000 rubles and is especially beneficial for long-term use. The medicine is available in most pharmacies, like the original, and is available with a doctor's prescription. The drug is actively used by doctors in clinical practice and has proven itself to be an effective analogue. The disadvantages are that the side effects are slightly more pronounced compared to Omnic. Due to retrograde ejaculation, it is sometimes necessary to cancel the dose.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Popular analogue of Omnic
  • Efficiency comparable to the original
  • Cheap packaging for three months of use
  • Available in most pharmacies
  • There are side effects
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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