Phoenix powder for oral solution 500 mg in bags No. 10

Elixir "Phoenix" Fohow is a unique natural product created on the basis of a traditional Chinese recipe using modern technologies of cryoextraction and subnanometric crushing of the cell membrane.

Currently, Elixir “Phoenix”, produced by Fohow, is the most effective natural product for restoring health with a proven level of effectiveness for a variety of diseases.

The drug was developed in 1992 by a professor at the Chinese Institute of Traditional Medicine and represents a new generation of fast-acting regulators of the body's immune and energy systems.

Elixir Phoenix / Fohow Oral Liquid - action

The pride of modern technologies of traditional Chinese medicine. The drug has a strong effect on the human body as a bioimmunoregulator.

It is widely used as a powerful preventive agent, as well as for cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system and other chronic diseases.

The Phoenix Corporation's preparations include the highest mushrooms, most famous in the East for their healing qualities: Chinese Cordyceps (Cordyceps Sinensis); Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum); Fragrant mushroom (Lentinus edodes); Hericium (Hericium erinaceus); various plants, Himalayan honey and other ingredients.

When producing the Elixir of the Phoenix, (as well as the Elixir of the Three Jewels of the Phoenix

), advanced cell crushing and extraction methods are used: multifunctional low temperature extraction, supercritical extraction, efficient multicomponent separate purification, high performance column chromatography and vacuum concentration. In the manufacture of this product, the theory of molecular design was used, which made it possible to achieve optimal mutual solubility of various biologically active components, selection of chemical bond energies, and complementarity of molecular space structures to achieve even better digestibility of the product by the body.

Phoenix Corporation's health products containing cordyceps in small doses are true nutraceuticals and are capable of naturally regulating all types of metabolism - protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral.

Phoenix Corporation dietary supplements are regulators of immunity, restore tissues of the liver, kidneys and other organs, intestinal microflora, and as a result bring homeostasis back to normal. It should be noted that the restoration of the intestinal mucosa and the microflora located in it occurs due to the inhibition of opportunistic bacteria, without affecting bifidum and lactobacilli. It is very important that the restoration of normal intestinal microflora occurs in a non-violent way.

It is well known how important intestinal function is for the state of the immune system. Cordyceps and Lingzhi correct the immune system of the intestinal mucosa, actively protect the body from the effects of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

The value of new generation food additives lies in the balance of the natural complexes, vitamins, micro- and macroelements included in their composition, as a result of which these preparations are an easily digestible source of replenishment for the human body of vital substances, the deficiency of which is noted in the modern diet due to the widespread use of refined products. The drugs in the doses recommended for use do not have energy value and do not replace normal nutrition. However, their value lies precisely in the existing natural balance of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which is most harmonious for the internal environment of the body, and in the absence of toxic inclusions in these environmentally friendly products.

It should be noted that even in microdoses, liquid forms of Cordyceps have an effect on the human body to a certain extent. A. Girich (2004) describes this mechanism of action of microdoses as follows: “absorption of a small amount of drugs occurs only in the oral mucosa by endocytosis (capture and promotion of the drug by the cell). Next, targeted delivery of the drug to the damaged organ begins (energy-information mechanism), and the SOS signal is a perverted wave from the damaged organ. Therefore, in small doses, drugs work as regulators of pathological waves emanating from the cells of various poorly functioning organs. As a result of this action, there is an improvement in the elasticity of the cell membrane and metabolic processes between the cell and the intercellular space.”

In general, the effect of preparations from cordyceps and other higher fungi is noted both at the physiological and at the energy-informational levels.


In the production of the Phoenix Elixir, Chinese Cordyceps (Cordyceps Sinensis) -75%, collected in China on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is used The product also contains other edible higher mushrooms: Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) - 6%, Aromatic mushroom (Lentinus Edodes) - 6%, young bamboo shoots - 5%, honey - 2%, as well as other components.

Lingzhi (Ganoderma)

Lingzhi (Ganoderma) , also called “herb of immortal saints”. Since with the help of Lingzhi in ancient times they were cured of a hundred syndromes and a hundred diseases, that is why it was popularly called “herbs of immortal saints”: often with the help of Lingzhi they were resurrected from the dead in the literal sense of the word.

Lingzhi has the effect of increasing the body's immune forces and promoting health. It has a healing effect on many diseases that are difficult to cure by other means. Until now, Lingzhi is the only natural TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) preparation that can penetrate all five main meridians of the human body (Heart, Liver, Lungs, Spleen, Stomach).

In recent years, the percentage of cancer cases has increased significantly, and cancer is treated mainly with methods and drugs aimed at inhibiting the division and growth of cancer cells, however, when using these drugs and methods there is a fairly large side effect. However, Lingzhi prevents this side effect while increasing the healing effect. Modern medical research has found that Lingzhi Lingzhi and organic germanium in large quantities which are capable of destroying cancer cells . Lingzhi is able to stop the metastasis of cancer cells, has the function of stopping pain and prolonging life. Today, Lingzhi is the most effective natural anti-cancer treatment.

One of the famous Japanese experts in the field of medicine from the Japanese Research Institute Dong Yang, Mr. He Jing Yang, gave the following reviews about Lingzhi : “Lingzhi is highly effective in relation to cancer, has preventive, therapeutic and restorative value .

A specialist from the Taiwan Cancer Treatment Center at Rongming General Hospital, Mr. Chen Guang Yao, gave the following characteristics in his “Research on the effectiveness of Lingzhi in the fight against cancer tumors” :

  1. Lingzhi mycelium extract (Ganoderma) against malignant fibrous tumors of small rats has a pronounced effect of destroying cancer cells, and also has a pronounced inhibitory effect against the site of metastasis of malignant tumor cells.
  2. During experiments on the anti-cancer effect of Lingzhi , it was discovered that Lingzhi significantly increases the survival period of experimental animals, increases the body's resistance, and reduces the mortality rate of animals.

The Cancer Memorial Center (New York, USA) and Weill Cornell Hospital (Medical Center) made the following statement during the International Conference on the Use of Lingzhi in 1996: “In recent years, we in America have often used Lingzhi in the treatment of cancer and AIDS, and this issue deserves close attention and study.”

The collection “Modern Research on Lingzhi” states the following: complex substances are obtained from Lingzhi , consisting of 4 types of monosaccharides and 18 types of amino acids, which are capable of suppressing the growth of S180 sarcoma cells with an efficiency of up to 87.6%, and a third of the tumor cells are completely destroyed.

Cordyceps chinensis

Chinese Cordyceps. Along with Ginseng and Antlers, Cordyceps is also one of the “Three Chinese Pearls” of TCM. Especially Cordyceps chinensis , which grows in the western part of China, in the high mountain zone of Tibet and the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Cordyceps is shrouded in mystery and myth; it truly is the pearl of Chinese traditional medicine and pharmacology. Because it is both an animal and a plant. Traditionally it is called the "grass insect". The life cycle of Cordyceps sinensis literally takes place underground and above ground, as well as in summer and winter - several seasons.

The pharmaceutical collection of medicinal herbs and plants of the People's Republic of China “Ben-cao-shi-i” says: “ Cordyceps penetrates two meridians - the lungs and the kidneys. Cures hundreds of deficiencies! Cordyceps long been widely used in the treatment of cough and asthma, kidney failure and general lethargy. A particularly striking effect was observed in cases of bronchitis, chronic prolonged cough, general weakness of the body, susceptibility to disease, male impotence, prospermia, etc.

Ancient Chinese classical medical sources contain quite a lot of information about Cordyceps .

“Chinese Consolidated Pharmacopoeia”: cordyceps is sweet and warm in quality; has a beneficial effect on the lungs and kidneys, restores sperm and bone marrow, stops bleeding, removes phlegm;

“New consolidated pharmacopoeia”: cordyceps is sweetish, stable, good for the kidneys, stops bleeding during bleeding, removes phlegm, and relieves cough symptoms.

The pharmaceutical collection of medicinal herbs and plants of the People's Republic of China "Beng-tsao-shi-i" says: "Cures lung failure, hemoptysis, cough, kidney failure, prospermia and spermatorrhea, hundreds of diseases and insufficiencies."

Treatise “Yao-hsing-kao” by Fr.

“Modern applied pharmacology”: “Cures tuberculosis, senile dementia, chronic cough, asthma, hemoptysis, night sweats, involuntary sweating. It is also used for anemia, many types of insufficiency, spermatorrhea, senile hypothermia, frequent lacrimation, etc.”


Astragalus. Astragalus removes “bad” blood from the five internal organs, restores insufficiency in men, weakness and exhaustion syndromes, stops thirst, is useful for vital pneuma, favors Yin-Qi energy, and helps with childhood diseases.

Dereza chinensis (Lycium)

Dereza chinensis (Lycium) . Chinese wolfberry mainly regulates pathogenic pneuma in the Five Organs, relieves thirst during fever, is used in the treatment of rheumatic pain, rheumatism, with long-term use it strengthens joints and ligaments, has a rejuvenating effect, slows down aging, helps withstand heat and cold, and also relieves pain in sternum and ribs, treats headaches from heat and cold, restores internal wounds, fatigue, softens Yin, is beneficial for the colon. Restores the vital substance Jing and pneuma Qi in case of various deficiencies, gives the skin gloss and softness, restores vitality and physical strength, slows down the aging process, and promotes longevity.


Xianggu. Also called shiitake , winter mushroom, Lentinus edodes, Lentinula edodes, Agaricus edodes. It has a characteristic smell, excellent qualities, high nutritional and pharmaceutical value. In the USA it was called “the food of the emperor”, in China it was called the “mountain pearl”. The nutritional elements in Xianggu are of high importance for human health.

Contains a large amount of plant proteins; 100 g of mushroom contains 20 g of protein. It has a high content of amino acids - 8 amino acids, and 7 amino acids are essential amino acids for the human body.

Xianggu is a treasure trove of many vitamins. Xianggu contains many B vitamins, including high levels of B1, B2, B12. Prevents anemia, improves nervous function, and prevents catarrh and dermatitis. Also contains vitamin D, promoting calcium absorption. Vitamin C in Xiangu preserves normal sugar metabolism, the functionality of the nervous system, and stimulates appetite.

The most important is the anticarcinogenic function of Xianggu . Xianggu polysaccharide - lentinan - is the strongest regulator and immune factor. Xiang has an obvious antitumor effect; it helps restore the body’s immune function after weakening due to a tumor disease. Polysaccharides stimulate the formation of antibodies, also increase and regulate the active defense function of the internal organs of the body. For this reason, it is recommended to take more Xiangu in food for patients with tumor diseases. Xianggu is also able to reduce blood fat levels. Lentinin in Xiangu dissolves cholesterol and reduces fat in the blood, which is especially important for heart disease and hyperlipemia.

Ophiopogon japonica

Ophiopogon japonica. Regulates lung yin, stimulates the production of humoral fluid, stops coughing, eliminates worries and difficult emotions. In addition, it restores the function of insular cells, increases liver glycogen, reduces blood sugar, etc. Since Ophiopogon also has the function of restoring cardiac function, it also has a beneficial effect in diabetes mellitus associated with heart disease.

Elixir Phoenix / Fohow Oral Liquid - application

Indications and duration of health courses:

  • # diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, coronary artery sclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, heart attack, post-infarction condition, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension, etc.): 1-2 months;
  • # diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcers, chronic pancreatitis, enterocolitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.): 1-2 months;
  • # liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis): 1-2 months;
  • # diseases of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.): 1-2 months;
  • # precancerous diseases (at the first stage of use): 1 package (4 bottles);
  • # oncological diseases (at the first stage of use): 1 package (4 bottles);
  • # hematological diseases (at the first stage of use, 1 package (4 bottles);
  • # acute viral diseases (adenoviruses, influenza): 1-3 bottles in high doses;
  • # viral diseases (herpes, hepatitis, etc.): 15-30 days;
  • # ENT diseases (purulent tonsillitis): gargling and taking the drug orally: 1-3 weeks;
  • # eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma): eye drops;
  • # exhaustion of the nervous system (insomnia, increased excitability, neuroses, apathy, chronic fatigue): 15-30 days;
  • # general exhaustion of the body: 1-2 months;
  • # diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.): long-term use of various drugs containing cordyceps; at one stage, this drug can be used for 15-30 days;
  • # allergic diseases: until symptoms disappear;
  • # autoimmune diseases: 1-2 months;
  • # blood diseases (at the first stage of use): 1 package (4 bottles);
  • # other diseases - the duration of the course is selected individually.

For cataracts and glaucoma, Phoenix elixir can be instilled into the eyes (1-2 times a day).

If a burning sensation appears in the eyes, you can dilute the drug with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio and continue instillation. The honey present in the Phoenix elixir can rarely cause allergic reactions; in this case, stop instilling the drug. The course is from one to two months.

For purulent sore throat, gargling with Phoenix elixir (3-5 ml) for 3-5 minutes 2 times a day is recommended.

In case of a sudden increase in temperature due to various infections of viral or bacterial origin, a single use of the drug in large quantities is recommended (adults: on average from 1/4 to 1/2 of the bottle, and if the effect is insufficient - even more). Most often, the symptoms of the disease become more subdued or disappear, and the temperature noticeably decreases or normalizes in a fairly short time - from 20-30 minutes to 2-3 hours.


  • 1. After two to three months, health courses can be repeated;
  • 2. Elixir Phoenix is ​​quite effective for other diseases. However, the Phoenix company produces a number of other drugs from cordyceps, which in such cases can have a more pronounced effect. However, the Phoenix elixir is used as the main preventive drug;
  • 3. In cases of allergic manifestations (which is extremely rare), the components of this drug should stop taking the dietary supplement;
  • 4. In the absence of specific indications, there is no need to simultaneously prescribe several cordyceps-containing drugs;
  • 5. The duration of the course of rapid-acting bioimmunoregulators is determined individually depending on the general condition of the patient, the reduction in the number of complaints, symptoms of the disease, the results of laboratory and special studies before and after the use of drugs, the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, its stage, the presence of complications of the disease, etc. .

Children's doses of Elixir Phoenix

Children under 1 year of age are prescribed a few (1-2) drops per day. Such a small amount of the drug can be diluted with water before use. Newborns can use one drop of the drug per day. With each month of life, children up to one year old can add 0.1 ml. A one-year-old child can be prescribed 1 ml per day.

For older children, the drug can be administered orally in the following average amounts:

  • from 1 year to 2 years - 1 - 1.5 ml per day;
  • from 2 to 3 years - 1.5 - 2.0 ml per day;
  • from 3 to 5 years - 2.0 - 2.5 ml per day;
  • from 5 to 7 years - 2.5 - 3.0 ml per day;
  • from 7 to 10 years - 3.0 - 3.5 ml per day;
  • from 10 to 12 years - 3.5 - 4.0 ml per day;
  • from 12 to 14 years - 4.0 - 4.5 ml per day;
  • from 14 to 16 years - 4.5 - 5.0 ml per day.

Adult doses of Elixir Phoenix

For health purposes, we suggest taking the drug orally in the following doses:

  • The first bottle is 2-3 ml per day;
  • Second bottle - 3-4 ml per day;
  • Third bottle - fourth bottle - 4-5 ml per day.


  • 1. The duration of courses and doses of drugs are selected individually depending on the patient’s condition, existing disease and the observed effect from the use of these fast-acting bioimmunoregulators. Therefore, sometimes the doses can be more significant.
  • 2. In most cases, it is advisable to use the Phoenix elixir for at least 1-2 months. If there are indications in the future, after a certain break (several months), the courses can be repeated. If necessary, it is possible to take this or another dietary supplement containing Cordyceps for a very long time or continuously, or alternate between them. For oncological and hematological diseases, we recommend that patients constantly use liquid forms of Cordyceps (Elixir Phoenix and Elixir Three Jewels Phoenix) in the optimal dosage, constantly alternating them, or prescribing simultaneously - one drug in the morning, the other in the evening.
  • 3. All drugs containing cordyceps, especially their concentrated liquid forms, in the presence of chronic diseases are prescribed only against the background of the use of traditional medications. Only later, when a certain level of bioregulation is achieved, doctors can try to gradually reduce the amount or dose of medications, and when stable bioregulation is achieved, discontinue some medications.
  • 4. Cordyceps-containing preparations can be safely used with all other dietary supplements and medications.
  • 5. In order to prevent the possible development of single short-term exacerbations of various chronic diseases, especially hypertension, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, due to the use of dietary supplements, we recommend at the initial stage the use of low doses of drugs containing cordyceps, gradually increasing them to optimal levels within 5-10 days. Typically, you need to start taking dietary supplements containing cordyceps, primarily liquid concentrated forms - Elixir Phoenix and Elixir Three Jewels Phoenix with 0.25 - 0.5 ml, increasing the dose daily by the same amount of the drug.

Preventive use of Elixir Phoenix

It is recommended that concentrated liquid forms of cordyceps Elixir Phoenix and Elixir Three Jewels Phoenix be widely used as a serious preventive remedy, especially for persons with a weakened immune system.

Adults up to 5.0 ml per day for 1-2 months.

It is advisable to use the drug seasonally (spring and autumn) and during outbreaks of various viral infections (influenza, etc.).

Children use smaller doses, depending on age.

What to do if you have an allergy?

Despite the fact that Phoenix is ​​declared as a hypoallergenic washing powder, it contains phosphates, surfactants and other chemicals, so the possibility of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out.

It manifests itself with symptoms such as:

  • large red spots on the skin;
  • peeling and itching of the dermis;
  • weeping eczema or watery blisters;
  • sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose.

If such signs appear, you should stop using washing powder and consult a specialist. The doctor will perform allergy tests and determine the exact cause of the body’s pathological reaction.

As a rule, treatment comes down to taking antihistamines and completely avoiding contact with the identified allergen.

Elixir Phoenix / Fohow Oral Liquid - method of use

Method of using liquid forms of Elixir Phoenix:

Liquid preparations are best used in the morning (from 6 to 9 o'clock) immediately after waking up. Before using them, it is recommended to rinse your mouth, clean your tongue from plaque and drink half a glass of warm water. Afterwards, the required amount of the drug is taken orally. To do this, you can use the supplied straw, or to more accurately determine the amount of the drug, it is advisable to use graduated syringes. The opened bottle should be kept in a dark and cool place. You can have breakfast in about half an hour. In case of simultaneous use of several drugs containing cordyceps, it is possible to take other drugs before lunch and dinner.

Line of laundry detergents

The Phoenix line of laundry detergents is represented by high-concentration washing powder and gel. The manufacturer suggests using a liquid composition for washing children's clothes.

The gel belongs to the “0+” category. This means that it can be used to care for newborns' belongings. The composition contains no fragrances or fragrances.

Range used

Phoenix is ​​used for cotton, hemp, synthetics, rayon and other blended fabrics.

Despite the manufacturer's recommendations for using the powder in an automatic machine, it can also be used for hand washing. The only negative is the lack of foam. Suitable for hard and soft water, as well as at high and low temperatures.

Special recommendations:

  • wash light clothes with light clothes and dark clothes with dark clothes;
  • to maintain the activity of the biological enzyme, the water temperature must be below 60 ° C;
  • store Phoenix in a cool, dry place and keep it out of reach of children;
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and consult a doctor immediately;
  • If you have sensitive or damaged skin on your hands, wear gloves when handling the powder.

Phoenix belongs to the type of concentrated powders with an “intelligent formula”, but the manufacturer does not explain what this formula is. However, a lot is known about concentrated types - they began to gain popularity back in the 60s of the 20th century, having spread from the USA. There are several types of concentrated powder - 2X and 3X.

Top 3 alternatives

Consumers who prefer to use German washing powders can pay attention to the following brands:

Persil Sensitive

This is a hypoallergenic composition that can be used to care for children's clothes and clothes of people with hypersensitive skin. The trademark belongs to the German company Henkel, which has established itself as a reliable and trusted manufacturer.

The average price for a 3 kg package is 550 rubles. Read reviews here and here.

Frosh Citrus

This is a highly concentrated washing powder. It contains no fragrances or phosphates, and the formula is supplemented with enzymes and bleach . The line of detergents is quite extensive, and the quality of washing is rated as high. One package weighing 1.35 kg is enough for 20 washes.

The price starts from 550 rubles per pack. Reviews can be found here and here.

Meine Liebe Kids

Washing powder from a German manufacturer, intended for children's laundry. There are no fragrances in the composition, it is consumed very economically , easily dissolves and rinses. The formula does not contain phosphates and chlorine. Concentrated powder, one kilogram is enough for 33 washes.

The cost of packaging is about 250 rubles. You will find reviews on this and this review site.

basic information

Here is the information provided by the manufacturer. According to this information, if you regularly use this product, the fabrics will be effectively cleaned of a wide variety of dirt. The big advantage of Phoenix is ​​that it contains no aromatic substances

This is an important advantage, since such odors are harmful to health

The powder is designed for gentle washing without extensive chemical treatment. Phoenix powders are designed for hand washing, machine washing, fabrics of different colors and materials.

Instructions for use are written on the packaging. Its essence lies in the fact that in order to wash linen and clothes, one cap per seventy milliliters is enough, and the temperature range is very high and ranges from forty to ninety-five degrees. If clothes are too dirty, use a larger dosage when washing.

To remove a stain efficiently, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of powder into a glass.
  2. Add 100 ml of water, which is still boiling.
  3. Foam should appear. This foam must be rubbed into the stain using any brush.
  4. You need to rub as many times as necessary for the stain to disappear.
  5. If the stain still remains, you should use a brush to apply the foam and powder that remains on the stain, and then begin washing this laundry in accordance with the recommended program for a particular case.
  6. If the clothes are too dirty, then you need to use a larger mass of powder and soak such clothes longer. While the clothes are soaking, you need to make sure that the clothes are completely in the solution. In cold water the result will be worse than in warm water.

Do not forget that colored clothes are washed separately from white ones. If Phoenix powder gets into your eye, rinse it immediately with plenty of water. If the drug gets inside, you should immediately drink several liters of water; the child can only be given about one liter, and then you should immediately seek the help of a doctor. Phoenix should be located in a place where there is no humidity and which is ventilated, and most importantly, inaccessible to children and pets.

German washing powder is sold complete with samples and a measuring cap. The package contains four samples. One bag is suitable for washing five kilograms of laundry. The samples are also intended to be given to your friends and acquaintances to try.

According to an advertisement from a washing powder manufacturer, another surprise awaits the buyer - a measuring cap, which is pressed from the powder. To be environmentally conscious, the company refrains from using plastic because it is poorly recyclable.

Phoenix washing powder was created in accordance with new technologies. It contains a composition of substances that are less harmful and more effective.

Here are some of the benefits of using Phoenix in your laundry:

  1. Phoenix laundry detergent contains many factors that contribute to the activity of the substance related to its biological properties.
  2. Blue Phoenix granules are a great advantage as they help the fabric regain its whiteness or brightness after washing.
  3. After washing, the laundry is easy to rinse, which makes it very easy to save water and time, as well as your own energy.
  4. Stains are removed harmlessly to the fabric and skin.

Phoenix washing powder is positioned by the manufacturer as the optimal product for everyday laundry. Moreover, this new product does not rely on expensive advertising, making it significantly less expensive than well-advertised brands.


On the Russian market, environmentally friendly powders are quite expensive, and the final price between a standard product with a gentle amount of aggressive substances and Phoenix Professional varies significantly in favor of the latter. Using simple calculations, you can get the average cost for which you can buy 1 kg of Phoenix - this is 100 rubles (assuming that a bucket will be bought for 1500 - the average price on the market). Whether it is expensive or cheap is up to you to decide. But if you have kids at home, searching for a neutral powder can sometimes be a pain, so let this review be another option for those looking for the right detergent for the whole family.

Warnings to all caring mothers

Phoenix automat professional powder has good reviews. Many people use the products in question. The powder perfectly removes any dirt from children's clothing, maintaining the softness of the fabric and the texture of the material. But do not forget about the safety of children.

Washing powder should be kept away from small children and stored in a dark, hard-to-reach place. If for any reason the product gets into the child’s eyes, it is necessary to immediately rinse them and hands with running water.

If you have increased skin sensitivity and a tendency to develop allergies and irritations when in contact with detergents, then you should avoid direct prolonged contact with household chemicals. It is advisable to use gloves when soaking laundry.

Where and for how much to buy?

You can buy Phoenix washing powder in large household chemical stores. However, ordinary consumers point out that it is rarely available at retail, so it has to be ordered online.

In addition, purchasing online allows you to save a lot, since you can compare prices in different markets in a few minutes and make the best choice.

Average cost of Phoenix Professional laundry detergents:

  1. Powder weighing 15 kg – 1800 rubles.
  2. Gel in a 2 kg package – 270 rubles.

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Release form

Phoenix Professional is produced only in large quantities and comes with free home delivery. Phoenix washing powder is 15 kg of powder in a bucket. The package also includes:

  • four test wash bags, designed for 5 kg of laundry, which can be given to friends and acquaintances;
  • measuring cup consisting of pressed powder that can be added to the washing machine as a final dose of Phoenix.

The bucket in which the detergent is placed is rectangular in shape with rounded corners and made of white translucent plastic. Its label contains all the necessary information that may be useful to the consumer when using the powder.

general characteristics

Compared to other powder products, the German development of Phoenix professional automat, which has only positive reviews, combines the optimal amount of enzymes and double concentration of surfactants.

The washing powder contains the following components:

  • Anionic surfactants (>5%, but not <15%).
  • Phosphates (>5% but <15%).
  • Nonionic surfactants (<5%).
  • Oxygen based bleach (<5%).
  • Sulfates.
  • Anti-corrosion protection substances.
  • Polymers.
  • Defoamers.

The temperature at which it is recommended to use this product ranges from 40 to 90°C. Systematic use of the powder guarantees effective cleaning of fabrics from dirt of any complexity and gentle washing with minimal chemical treatment of the fibers.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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