Tablet abortion - a gentle method of terminating pregnancy

Vacuum aspiration abortion is a low-traumatic medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy. Unlike the surgical technique, the vacuum technique involves removing the contents of the uterus through aspiration using flexible plastic instruments. The embryo and endometrial fragments are removed from the uterine cavity without curettage or trauma. The manipulation takes a few minutes and does not require general anesthesia and subsequent hospitalization of the patient. The recovery period also takes a minimum of time.

The advantage of a mini-abortion is the low risk of complications of a traumatic and infectious-inflammatory nature, minimizing the adverse effect on a woman’s reproductive function.

About the features of vacuum aspiration

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Despite the large number of methods of safe and high-quality contraception, women still come to the doctor with a request to save them from an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is often performed for medical reasons.

A mini-abortion is performed at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy using a special vacuum suction-aspirator. Although this procedure is called a surgical operation, the conditions for its implementation are more gentle compared to late termination of pregnancy and the use of a curettage curette.

The main task of the gynecologist when performing this procedure is to minimize the consequences of the operation and prevent the development of complications. That is why experts advise women who are not planning a pregnancy to monitor their menstrual cycle and not miss the moment when they can undergo vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion.

If we are talking about a medical procedure, then it is called vacuum aspiration or vacuum cleaning. Here the timing does not matter, since the procedure is performed on a woman outside of pregnancy.

When is vacuum cleaning performed?

There are many indications for such a procedure, because it replaced uterine curettage - a mandatory measure for any pathological conditions associated with the inner layer of the organ:

  • Termination of pregnancy in the early stages
    . Unlike curettage, vacuum abortion does not damage the cervix, and the mucous membrane recovers faster. This is just one plus, you will learn about the rest further.
  • Bubble drift
    . With this pathology, instead of an embryo, in the uterine cavity there is a formation consisting of small bubbles. If the hydatidiform mole is not removed, the woman will experience inflammation, which can result in infertility.
  • A frozen or abnormal pregnancy
    , when the fetus has stopped developing or died. In this case, vacuum cleaning is the most optimal way to remove frozen fetus.
  • Uterine bleeding
    that occurs during menopause and with pathologies of the genital organs. Using a vacuum aspirator, the overgrown mucous membrane is removed and blood flow stops.
  • Incomplete miscarriage or incomplete abortion
    , after which parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus, causing bleeding and impaired contraction of the organ. If the procedure is not carried out, inflammation is inevitable.
  • Removal of blood, fluid, pus, and
    blood clots from the uterine cavity. This procedure improves the condition of a woman with disorders of uterine contraction after childbirth, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis;
  • Removal of tissue for biopsy
    if cancer is suspected.

Time limits allowed for mini-abortion by vacuum

In Russia, vacuum abortion is performed up to 5 weeks of pregnancy, which helps protect the woman from possible complications associated with incomplete release of the fertilized egg and membranes. In other countries things are different. For example, in the USA, vacuum aspiration as a method of abortion is allowed during the entire first trimester, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Until what time is a pill abortion performed?

The timing of an abortion is determined by the properties of the drugs used for its implementation. According to the instructions for the medications, this period is 42 days of amenorrhea, i.e. 6 weeks.

At a later stage, terminating a pregnancy using medications is risky, since the medications may not work and the woman will have an incomplete miscarriage. The fertilized egg will die, but will remain inside the uterus.

Therefore, in order to have time to make an interruption, you need to consult a doctor immediately after a delay occurs. Numerous scientific studies have found that the earlier an abortion is performed, the simpler and easier it is.

Therefore, to the question of how many weeks to perform a pill abortion, there is only one answer - the sooner it is performed, the better for the woman. With a slight delay, abortion resembles a normal delay in menstruation and does not cause significant discomfort.

What tests need to be taken before the procedure?

The vacuum termination procedure involves preparatory measures, which necessarily include a visit to the gynecologist and testing. Let's explain why.

When giving a referral for an abortion, the doctor must be sure that the pregnancy really exists and is not ectopic. Since during a vacuum abortion, the embryo is detached from the walls of the uterus and subsequently absorbed into the catheter tube, it is important to follow the recommended timing for such an operation.

The fact is that at a period of 4-6 weeks, the connections between the fetus and the walls of the uterus are not yet very strong, and the egg is easily separated from the walls of the uterus and absorbed into the catheter. In the 7th week and later, this will be much more difficult, so the risk that part of the egg will remain in the uterus increases. It is no coincidence that when the time is prolonged, the doctor resorts to using a curette.

Vacuum abortion is not very good for a fetus up to 3 weeks - a small embryo is difficult to absorb, and during this period the medical method of terminating pregnancy works well. Therefore, when writing a referral for vacuum aspiration, the doctor will definitely prescribe a number of procedures.

Before vacuum aspiration, to clarify the diagnosis, gestational age and position of the uterus in the pelvis, a gynecologist is examined and a vaginal ultrasound is prescribed. The woman gives:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood for clotting, group, Rh factor;
  • hCG tests to more accurately determine the duration of pregnancy;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C.

Since a mini-abortion has a number of contraindications (any viral and infectious diseases, including those of the reproductive system), the woman will also have to undergo a smear test. This is done in the interests of the patient herself: any virus that enters the uterus during aspiration can provoke serious inflammatory processes and complications. If necessary, the gynecologist prescribes additional examinations or a consultation with another doctor (therapist, surgeon).

Preparing for a mini-abortion

When performing aspiration under general anesthesia, you should not eat food 8 hours before the intervention. Intimate relationships should be avoided 3 days before the procedure.

Otherwise, the preparation is the same as for an appointment with a gynecologist. Gynecologist appointment

Women often ask what can replace a vacuum abortion; an alternative to vacuum aspiration is medical abortion. Medical abortion - termination of pregnancy without serious consequences?

Late pregnancy termination

The period from the 12th week (3 months) from the moment of the last menstruation is considered late for termination of pregnancy. It is by this time that the placenta is formed from the chorion, the villi connecting the fertilized egg to the uterus. Now the word “fetus” is used instead of embryo.

Previously used methods such as medical abortion or vacuum aspiration are no longer effective at such periods, and therefore are not used. The only way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is surgical or instrumental abortion.

The legislation establishes that late abortion is possible only on the basis of the conclusion of a medical commission. A gynecologist cannot perform an abortion solely on the basis of a patient’s request. Surgical abortion is resorted to under certain circumstances:

  • Medical indications. These include serious problems with a woman’s health (heart disease, leukemia, oncology, absence of a kidney, liver damage). A commission of different medical specialists assesses the possible risk and gives the woman a referral for an abortion.
  • Medical and genetic. They relate to serious developmental pathologies identified in the baby (Down syndrome, abnormalities in organ development, genetic mutations).
  • Social indications. These include pregnancy resulting from rape, large families, divorce).

In essence, late abortion is already an artificial birth. It is performed under anesthesia, the patient remains in the hospital for several days. There are several methods of surgical abortion:

  • Caesarean section can be transabdominal (when the abdominal wall is cut) and vaginal. The method is used in extreme cases (fetal suppuration, gynecological pathologies in women), and often ends with the removal of the uterus or fallopian tubes. With a vaginal caesarean section there is a risk of bladder injury.
  • Introduction of hypertonic drugs into the amniotic fluid. A certain amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the woman using a thin needle, and then the same amount of solution is injected. The woman's labor is stimulated, and a miscarriage occurs within 24 hours.
  • Use of prostaglandins. They are injected intravenously or into the amniotic fluid and cause a natural miscarriage.

All these methods are very dangerous and morally traumatic, because you already have to get rid of an already formed child - he has arms, legs, and a head. It's painful, unpleasant and offensive. Therefore, you need to think about abortion in case of an unwanted pregnancy in advance, without delay. And it is best to do it with medication, without surgical intervention.

How is vacuum abortion or vacuum aspiration performed?

The gynecologist uses a special device - a vacuum aspirator. A suction aspirator consists of a flexible catheter that is inserted into a woman's uterus; a vacuum pump connected to the catheter, which helps create negative pressure in the uterus; collection, where the embryo and placenta detached from the walls of the uterus ultimately end up.

As a result, the removal of the fetus - of course, with the skillful work of the doctor and the time frame recommended in this case - occurs without curettage of the walls of the uterus and in a very short time - 5-10 minutes. The advantages of such an abortion include the fact that the doctor can often do without metal dilators, which negatively affect the mucous membrane of the cervix - a thin suction tube usually passes freely through the cervix, practically without injuring it.

Stages of vacuum aspiration

Vacuum abortion is considered an outpatient operation, since a woman can go home within a few hours after the procedure. Aspiration is performed under intravenous or light mask anesthesia, so the woman does not feel pain. Sometimes local anesthesia of the cervix with lidocaine is used in combination with sedative (calming) drugs under local or general anesthesia. The woman can choose the option of pain relief, but local anesthesia is still preferable. Firstly, the pain during vacuum aspiration is not very strong, and secondly, the patient will have the opportunity to control her sensations and report them to the doctor.

Aspiration is performed on a gynecological chair. The specialist fixes the cervix with bullet forceps, treats the genitals with an antiseptic and inserts a flexible plastic catheter into the uterus - a semi-rigid plastic tube with a diameter of 8-12 mm with one or two holes. If the thickness of the catheter does not allow it to be inserted freely through the cervical canal, the doctor uses dilators, but this happens extremely rarely and mainly with nulliparous women. The tubes are connected to a device that creates a vacuum and sucks out tissue or fluid (aspirate).

Next, using vacuum suction, the doctor creates uniformly negative pressure in the uterus, as a result of which the placenta and the fetus itself are separated from the walls of the uterus and pulled through a catheter into a collection chamber. At the last stage of aspiration, the doctor checks the contents of the collection and, based on the characteristic features of the contents, determines the success of the operation. If necessary - part of the egg remains in the uterus - resorts to scraping with a special curette.

At the request of the woman, after removal of the cannula, an intrauterine device is inserted. Then the vaginal part of the uterus is treated with an antiseptic. Aspiration time is 10-15 minutes.

The entire operation is carried out using ultrasound: this allows you to correctly determine the location of the embryo, control its exfoliation, and make sure that there are no parts of the fetus left in the uterus after the abortion is completed.

After aspiration

After the operation, the woman is left alone for half an hour using local anesthesia and for one and a half to two hours after general anesthesia. If after this time the woman feels normal, she is allowed to go home. Although it is still better to remain under the supervision of a doctor for some more time.

For several days after the vacuum operation, contraction of the uterus is observed, causing the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and spotting to moderate spotting. Bloody discharge within 3-5 days after surgery is not dangerous and does not require treatment. This is a normal process. Analgesics prescribed by your doctor will help you get rid of pain.

With vacuum aspiration, menstrual function is quickly restored; the next period comes in 25-30 days, depending on the woman’s individual cycle.

In rare cases, after a vacuum abortion, symptoms may occur that should necessarily alert the woman: increased temperature; changes in blood pressure; continuous bleeding, including large blood clots; severe pain in the lower abdomen; redness and swelling of the genitals; increased fatigue, palpitations. In these cases, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Prevention of complications after mini abortion

Within 3-4 weeks after the intervention you cannot:

  • be sexually active;
  • lift weights and exercise vigorously;
  • swim in a river or lake;
  • visit the bathhouse and solarium;
  • take a bath, you can wash only under a warm shower.

We must not forget about genital hygiene and timely change of pads (the use of tampons, as well as douching, is prohibited during this period). In addition, it is recommended to adhere to a special diet for a month, excluding alcohol and spicy foods.

Violation of these rules leads to infection of regenerating tissues, inflammation of the genital organs, bleeding, and prolongation of the recovery period.

Menstruation after vacuum aspiration

On days 3-5 after the intervention, a woman may experience bleeding similar to menstrual discharge.

But this discharge is not menstruation - this discharge after surgery is associated with hormonal changes in the female body.


Real menstruation after a mini-abortion will appear in about a month. In this case, periods may be shorter and more abundant, which is associated with suppression of ovarian function. The menstrual cycle that follows will not differ from the regular monthly cycle.

Is sex possible after a mini-abortion?

For about 3 weeks after vacuum aspiration, and preferably until the end of the first menstruation, sexual intercourse should be avoided. The reason is trauma to the genital organs, although not as severe as with a classic abortion.

You should also know that the discharge observed in the first days after the operation is not menstrual, and already 2 weeks after the abortion, a woman can become pregnant. This means that the use of contraceptives becomes mandatory from the first sexual intercourse after an abortion. It is also recommended to use a condom in the first months - it will protect the woman’s vulnerable genital organs from infection.


more about all types of complications after artificial termination of pregnancy in a separate article.

  • Incomplete abortion is a common complication of abortion using vacuum aspiration. It occurs when the fertilized egg is not completely removed from the uterus. This can lead to the development of serious inflammation and require surgical intervention. To prevent incomplete abortion, it is necessary to carry out the procedure under ultrasound control.
  • After an abortion, the risk of developing hormonal disorders increases - an endocrine factor in infertility in the future.
  • The addition of inflammation and infection often occurs after abortion, since the uterine cavity is injured and vulnerable.

Despite the fact that the vacuum abortion procedure is quite low-traumatic (especially mini-abortion for up to 5 weeks), we should not forget that this is a third-party intervention in a woman’s body, which cannot be called completely safe.

Possible consequences: is vacuum mini abortion safe?

As a rule, vacuum aspiration does not cause problems for either the doctor or the woman. However, sometimes negative consequences can still occur.

  • Incomplete abortion or continued pregnancy. It happens that parts of the fetus, and sometimes the entire fetus, remain in the uterus. The first condition is indicated by severe pain, discharge with blood clots and an unpleasant odor, the second – by signs of toxicosis.
  • Damage to the genital organs: cervix and uterine walls. This happens when using metal dilators and curettes and requires immediate surgical intervention.
  • Inflammatory processes. The reason is infection in the female genital organs. Untimely treatment is fraught with serious consequences, including the development of secondary infertility.
  • Disorders in the endocrine system and menstrual cycle. After an abortion, a woman’s body, which is primed for pregnancy, experiences a hormonal imbalance, which can affect the functioning of all organs.
  • Miscarriage. Dilation of the cervix can weaken it and cause miscarriages in the future.

Therefore, it is very important to undergo a control ultrasound - it is prescribed 1-2 weeks after vacuum aspiration. Moreover, not only if one of the listed symptoms appears, but also if after the operation everything goes well and the woman feels normal.

Contraindications to medical abortion

  • Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy - to exclude it, an ultrasound is performed, showing that the embryo is in the uterine cavity.
  • Exceeding the permissible interruption periods.
  • Severe hormonal imbalance caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands. Medical abortion is not performed during long-term therapy with drugs containing hormones.
  • Severe dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, heart.
  • High degree of hypertension
  • Blood clotting disorders - in this case, tablet abortion is not performed due to the risk of bleeding.
  • Porphyrias are diseases accompanied by impaired hemoglobin formation. With this disease, taking abortion drugs can significantly worsen the patient's condition.

How much does a vacuum abortion cost?

Each clinic sets prices for vacuum aspiration at its own discretion. When choosing a medical center, be careful. The price list often indicates the cost of the procedure itself without tests, ultrasound and anesthesia. In our clinic, the cost of the procedure at the all-inclusive rate is 15 thousand rubles. This includes absolutely all tests, examination and pain relief!

Benefits of Vacuum Aspiration

Despite the possible consequences, mini-abortion is considered gentle and therefore the more preferable method of surgical termination of pregnancy. And this is quite understandable.

  • Damage to the mucous membrane and cervix, except in rare cases, is minimal, so the woman recovers faster after surgery.
  • In the first weeks of pregnancy, the psychological connection with the life born inside is not yet so strong, and abortion becomes less stressful for the woman than in later stages.
  • The patient can go home a few hours after aspiration and return to her normal life the very next day.

But be that as it may, a woman should remember that even a tiny embryo is already a new person. Therefore, you should foresee possible methods of contraception in advance and thereby save yourself in the future from the awareness of guilt in front of your unborn child.


Frequently asked questions about vacuum abortion

  • Question No. 1
  • Question No. 2
  • Question #3

Which is better, drug interruption or vacuum?

The optimal method for eliminating an unwanted pregnancy is determined by the doctor. When choosing medical termination or vacuum aspiration, it is necessary to take into account the gestational age, age, reproductive status of the patient, and her state of health. Pharmacological abortion is considered more gentle for a woman’s reproductive and psycho-emotional health.

Does it hurt to do a vacuum?

Modern anesthetic drugs can completely or almost completely eliminate discomfort. At the request of the patient, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which eliminates any discomfort.

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