Panangin: instructions for use, how does the drug work?

I am glad to welcome you all again to my website! For this article, I chose professional reviews from cardiologists about our drug - Panangin. I searched long and painstakingly so that you could simply click on one link and immediately receive all the information you need from the most competent cardiologists in our country.

All reviews will be divided into headings, which, in turn, will be in the content for this article. For your convenience, I tried to put the most important information about the doctor in the title so that you can independently (if you wish) evaluate him and think about whether the review of a particular specialist would be useful to you.

If you don’t understand cardiology, don’t worry, the vast majority of such people are on my resource (after all, I created it for you). You can absolutely safely open any review and read it - because... All reviews have been carefully selected and filtered. I also added pictures to the reviews for clarity, to make it easier for you to perceive the information. Enjoy reading!

special instructions

Due to the fact that the components of the drug are vulnerable to the aggressive environment of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, it is recommended to take Panangin simultaneously with food. This will ensure that the acidity of the stomach is reduced, and most of the enzymes will be occupied with the breakdown of fats and proteins contained in food, which will ensure that potassium and magnesium enter the intestinal lumen, from where the substances are absorbed into the blood.

Taking Panangin should be accompanied by regular blood tests so that the doctor can monitor the content of potassium and magnesium in the cells. This will avoid hyperkalemia and other negative consequences of overdose.


The drug Panangin from the Hungarian pharmaceutical belongs to the group of drugs that correct deficiency conditions that develop as a result of a lack of potassium and magnesium ions in the body. Panangin is used mainly in cardiological practice (as a means of complex treatment of heart failure, myocardial infarction and some arrhythmias). The drug contains two components: potassium and magnesium aspartates. The role of these intracellular cations in the body is difficult to exaggerate: they participate in the functioning of a number of enzymes, are actively involved in the formation of connections between intracellular structures and macromolecules, and are one of the tools that ensure muscle contractility. Thus, the contractility of the heart muscle is largely determined by the ratio of potassium and magnesium ions, as well as calcium and sodium in the cells and in the intercellular space. Potassium and magnesium in panangin are contained in the form of aspartate. Endogenous aspartate functions as an ion carrier: it easily binds to cells, and due to the strength of the connection with ions, it penetrates into the cell without losing its valuable “burden”. Potassium and magnesium aspartate stimulate metabolic processes in the myocardium. The lack of these ions is fraught with the development of such cardiovascular pathologies as arterial hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, not to mention guaranteed metabolic changes in the myocardium. If we talk about potassium, its main function is to maintain the resting membrane potential of nerve and muscle cells at a constant level. An imbalance between intracellular and extracellular potassium levels impairs myocardial contractility, causes cardiac arrhythmias, causes tachycardia, and potentiates the side effects of cardiac glycosides. The presence of magnesium is strictly necessary to ensure the occurrence of more than 300 enzymatic reactions, including energy metabolism and protein biosynthesis.

In addition, magnesium is a “guarantor” of normal heart function: it improves contractility and regulates heart rate, thereby reducing the myocardium’s need for oxygen. Among other extremely useful “options” of magnesium is an increase in coronary blood flow (which is a consequence of the dilation of arterioles), and, consequently, an anti-ischemic (antianginal) effect on myocardial tissue. The combination of potassium and magnesium ions in one preparation is due to the fact that potassium deficiency very often goes side by side with magnesium deficiency, resulting in the need for simultaneous correction of these two deficiency conditions.

Panangin is one of the most famous and, in a good sense, “promoted” potassium and magnesium preparations. Clinical studies have shown that the use of this drug increases the effectiveness of therapy for heart failure and reperfusion arrhythmias (ventricular extrasystoles and tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation). The same reperfusion processes increase the area of ​​ischemic damage to the myocardium. As a result of multicenter trials of panangin, its effectiveness in preventing ischemia and reducing mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome was confirmed. The role of panangin is also great in maintaining normal electrolyte balance while taking diuretics,

Panangin can be found in pharmacies in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for intravenous administration. It is recommended to take the tablets after meals, because... an aggressively acidic stomach environment will negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug. The duration of the medication course (as well as the need to repeat it) is determined by the doctor in each specific case. In conclusion, we should recall the need to regularly monitor the level of potassium ions in the blood when taking Panangin in patients with an increased risk of developing hyperkalemia.

Is it possible to combine Panangin and Riboxin?

It is necessary to combine medications with caution, having first consulted with your doctor. Riboxin, in addition to increasing cell metabolism and improving the absorption of drugs and other elements into the heart tissue, also enhances myocardial contraction. Taking them together can have a beneficial effect - potassium and magnesium best penetrate the fibers of the heart muscle. On the other hand, this may require adjustment of the dosage of Panangin to ensure that the required amounts of potassium and magnesium are not exceeded, in order to eliminate hyperkalemia.

Review from a cardiologist with 10 years of experience

Good day everyone. I am a cardiologist with 10 years of experience, Yulia Mikhailovna Istrakova. I want to share with the multimillion-dollar Internet audience about the high-quality drug “Panangin”, whose healing effect really deserves attention.

For many years now, my patients have been taking this modern medicine against heart pain, palpitations, ventricular tachycardia and other things, and strangely enough, this remedy helps them cope with illnesses and many heart diseases that have repeatedly tormented them for many years or even the whole life.

As a proven cardiologist, I try to recommend that many of my patients take the drug "Panangin" one or two tablets 3 times a day. In case of an advanced form of the disease, it is advisable to take one course of tablets, and then take a short break (3-4 months) and repeat again.

Review of the medicinal properties of the drug

Our busy life can make us worry, nervous, depressed, and feel anxious and in danger.

When the heart cannot withstand such stress, it begins to send signals in the form of pain , sharp shocks and try to force us to influence the current circumstances, find ways to solve the problem by taking a remedy that helps reduce the pain defect and, ultimately, gain the long-awaited victory over it. victory.

Sometimes this can be done quickly, and sometimes there are times when no pills help cure yourself of an illness. Pain in the heart, like an “uninvited” guest, begins to arise again and again.

Panangin is a medicine that contains potassium and magnesium. These chemicals improve the cardiovascular system, thereby reducing the risk of arrhythmia and are active fighters in the treatment of this disease, and also prevent the formation of blood clots, improve myocardial function, regulate metabolic processes in the heart muscle, support the walls of blood vessels, and reduce the risk of premature aging, hypertension, atherosclerosis and much more.

Thanks to this drug, many of my patients have been successfully treating heart pain and cardiovascular diseases for many years. And all because they use this fairly affordable medicine, replenishing the deficiency of potassium and magnesium in their body. And the result is really pleasing!

Useful facts about the drug from a specialist

Today Panangin is a very popular drug, since its cost is acceptable even for the average person of retirement age. Of course, like any other medicine, this drug has its contraindications for use and side effects prescribed in the instructions.

The storage conditions and periods of the medicine are always indicated on the packaging. Self-treatment is contraindicated: to avoid harming your body, consult your doctor!

Review by Stanislav Nikolaevich, cardiologist

Many patients believe that Panangin is ordinary vitamins that can be taken without fear for their health. Actually this is not true. Improper use of the medication can lead to severe metabolic disorders and disruption of the heart.

I recommend using the product only with a doctor's prescription in accordance with the instructions.

Cardiovascular drugs Gedeon Richter Panangin - reviews


My mother takes Panangin tablets and is very pleased. This medicine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. After starting to take Panangin, my mother stopped having extrasystoles during electrocardiography. And before that, even subjectively, my mother felt them, like interruptions in the functioning of the heart.


In principle, I normally tolerate many blows of fate, but one day I experienced terrible stress and noticed that I began to feel every beat of my heart, I thought that it would jump out of me. I couldn’t relax, I had a constant feeling of anxiety, I started to get even more nervous and went to see a doctor. After examining me and hearing why this all started for me, the doctor prescribed me to take Panangin. When I bought the tablets, the pharmacist told me that this was the most popular drug. I started taking 1 tablet 3 times a day and now everything is fine.


Panic attacks caused by pain syndrome of intercostal neuralgia - diagnosed by a neurologist, an unpleasant thing that ends (for me) with tachycardia (120-130 beats per minute). They don’t die from this, of course, but it’s not very good for the heart. The pulse was consistently 82-84 beats at rest, shortness of breath at the slightest exertion (I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol). Ultrasound and ECG showed no significant changes. The doctor prescribed Panangin 1t twice a day. After a week, results were already noticeable. After physical activity, the pulse returned to normal within 15-20 minutes. The norm for me was 72-75 beats per minute.


I learned about this drug from the internet. I was looking for information on sports pharmacology, about means of recovery after physical activity. I do sports systematically, I go to the gym, where I often train with heavy weights.

Previously, when I was younger, I endured stress easily and did not go into much detail about sports pharmaceuticals. However, the years took their toll and by the age of forty I came to the realization that I could not do without drugs for restoring and maintaining organs and muscles in the appropriate tone. One of these means of recovery and became Panangin.

The content of potassium and magnesium in it helps my heart overcome and recover from stress. I take the drug in courses. One package (50 pcs) once every 3-4 months. I don’t know any problems with the heart and I avoid vascular diseases.

Preventive use of Panangin will also be useful for people who do not engage in sports. However, everything is individual. Decide for yourself whether you need it or not. I can’t do without this drug!



Effective, inexpensive, convenient packaging



Greetings, my friends and site guests! In today’s review, I want to talk about a very effective drug that a cardiologist prescribed to me for heart rhythm disturbances, namely an increase in heart rate above 90 beats per minute. Price 149 rubles. The drug is sold in a plastic bottle, this is what it looks like: I took the drug one tablet three times a day. I felt the effect of the drug after about two weeks, my heart rate was restored, and unpleasant sensations such as shortness of breath and dizziness disappeared. In conclusion, I would like to say that the drug is very effective, but unfortunately, I now need to take it regularly; two months after stopping the drug, all the unpleasant symptoms return.



A good quality product.



I have known this drug for many years, even when I worked in a hospital, it was prescribed to everyone who drinks diuretics, since they not only relieve swelling, but also wash away potassium, calcium, and magnesium. This drug has several names: Asparkam and Panangin. In fact, this is the same drug, only it is produced in different countries, and accordingly their prices are different. Panangin has a smooth intestinal lining, the tablets are smooth and white. Asparkam without shell, white. I like Panangin better, so I only buy it. I like the size and quality of the tablet, it is slightly smaller than Asparkam, which means it is more purified. I started drinking Panangin first on my own, because from another drug that I am now taking, I began to have rapid heartbeats, my pulse was 125-145 beats. Then, a little later, my doctor prescribed it to me. I take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Panangin helped me literally within a few days, now my pulse has returned to normal. Price 200 rubles. The drug has been tested over the years and has proven itself to be excellent. It is a must for all people who take diuretics. I recommend it as excellent.



Strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes the pulse. Calmness sets in. Potassium and magnesium are very necessary to nourish the heart.


Disadvantages: there are contraindications.

Neighbor Nina sometimes worries about her heart. The doctor advised her to take Panangin tablets to strengthen her heart muscle. But at the age of 67, my heart began to worry me too. I went to the doctor and she recommended these pills for me. I bought it. The price turned out to be not that high. And there are many benefits. Contains magnesium and potassium. I started drinking them now in spring and autumn. I feel like the pills are helping me. The pulse returns to normal. Somehow, imperceptibly, calm came. Take the medicine only on the recommendation of a doctor.






Gedeon Richter Panangin tablets were prescribed to me by my endocrinologist to support my heart, since I had arrhythmia. Panangin tablets - they contain potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for normal heart function. The drug is very effective, there are fifty tablets in the box, you need to take one three times a day. In terms of price, the tablets are not cheap - more than a hundred hryvnia per pack, so I drank one pack of Panangin and switched to our drug Asparkam (which is much cheaper and no worse). I recommend Panangin, but you can also take cheaper analogues.



Few side effects


A little expensive

I had cardiac arrhythmia and took Panangin as prescribed by a doctor for one year. Now there is no cardiac arrhythmia - it helped. In addition, it is recommended as a preventive measure, because it nourishes the cardiovascular system with magnesium.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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