The drug Mikozhinaks - reviews, instructions for use

Manufacturer: Mekophar Chemical-Pharmaceutical JSC
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Mikozhinax
  • Composition of Mikozhinax
  • Indications for use of the drug Mikozhinax
  • Release form of the drug Mikozhinax
  • Using the drug Mikozhinax during pregnancy
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Mikozhinax
  • Side effects of the drug Mikozhinax
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Mikozhinaks
  • Overdose of Mikozhinax
  • Interactions of the drug Mikozhinax with other drugs
  • Special instructions when taking Mikozhinax
  • Shelf life of the drug Mikozhinax


AllergistAnesthesiologist-resuscitatorVenereologistGastroenterologistHematologistGeneticGynecologistHomeopathDermatologistPediatric gynecologistPediatric neurologistPediatric urologistPediatric surgeonPediatric endocrinologistNutrologistImmunologistInfectious disease specialistCardiologistCosmetologistSpeech therapistElorologistMammologistMedical lawyerNarcologistNeurologistNeurosurgeon NephrologistNutriciologistOncologistOncourologistOrthopedist-traumatologistOphthalmologistPediatricianPlastic surgeonProctologistPsychiatristPsychologistPulmonologistRheumatologistRadiologistSexologist-AndrologistDentistTherapistUrologistPharmacistPhytotherapistPhlebologistSurgeonEndocrinologist

More about the disease

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the perineal area. Uncharacteristic discharge may be observed on underwear. The disease is often accompanied by itching, sometimes swelling and redness of the outer skin of the genital organs. Sexual contact becomes painful.

The main causes of vaginitis:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • decreased immunity due to various infectious diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane due to improper douching or other manipulations;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • use of medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • increased dryness of the vaginal mucosa caused by the lack of estrogen;
  • radiation and chemotherapy.

How to treat vaginitis? In this situation, it is important to consult a doctor who, after studying the results of laboratory tests, will prescribe effective treatment. When patients ignore antibacterial therapy, vaginitis becomes chronic.

Indications for use

Mikozhinax is used in gynecological practice for infectious diseases caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the action of the active components of the drug:

  • Bacterial and candidal vaginitis;
  • Trichomonas vaginitis;
  • Vaginitis caused by mixed flora (anaerobic bacteria, Trichomonas and yeast-like fungi).

Mikozhinax tablets are also prescribed for preparation for gynecological operations for 5 days before and 5 days after surgery.

For trichomonas vaginitis, simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is recommended (with the administration of metronidazole orally).


Drugs with similar effects are considered:

  1. "Terzhinan" is a combination drug that has a trichomonacid effect. The antibiotic has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms and fungi of the genus Candida.
  2. "Neotrizol" is an antibacterial drug that is able to penetrate the structure of a pathogenic cell and block protein synthesis.
  3. "Cervugid" is an excellent analogue of "Mikozhinax" suppositories, which is used to treat vaginitis and cervicitis. The drug has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.
  4. Metrogyl suppositories, which have antiprotozoal and antimicrobial effects, are used to treat infectious gynecological diseases. The main active ingredient is metronidazole. Metrogyl suppositories are almost completely absorbed after administration.

To avoid the appearance of vaginitis, it is important to be faithful to your sexual partner, use reliable methods of contraception, and also regularly perform genital hygiene

Genital herpes

Antiviral suppositories and other forms of medications are used to treat genital herpes.

  • The treatment regimen includes local drugs that contain A-interferon - they need to be used in 1-2 pcs. for one week.
  • Genferon and Viferon are also prescribed in the form of suppositories. Viferon is used 2 times a day for 7 days. Viferon suppositories are also effective for colds: if a woman has a cold, the doctor sometimes prescribes them as part of complex therapy.
  • In addition to suppositories, ointments are used to treat the vulva and for tampons: Epigen, Acyclovir, Bonafton, Megosin, Alpizarin.

The main emphasis in the treatment of genital herpes is on antiviral drugs. Suppositories are used locally, the components of which are antiviral agents:

  • A-interferon 1 – 2 times a day for 1 week
  • Viferon twice a day for 5 – 7 days
  • Poludan three times a day for 7 – 10 days, treat the vulva and insert tampons with ointment into the vagina
  • In addition to suppositories, ointments are used for tampons and treatment of the vulva: acyclovir, bonafton, epigen, alpizarin, megosin

Use of the drug Mikozhinax

Intravaginally, 1 tablet 1 time per day (preferably in the evening before bedtime). Immediately before administration, the tablet must be immersed in water for 20–30 seconds. Inserted deep into the vagina. After administering the drug, the patient must lie down for 10–15 minutes. For trichomonas vaginitis, the course of treatment is 10–12 days. Simultaneously with the local use of Mikozhinax, metronidazole is prescribed orally. If the effectiveness is insufficient, local treatment is continued for another 10–12 days. For candidiasis, as well as bacterial and mixed vaginitis, the average duration of treatment with Mikozhinax is 10–12 days.

Candidiasis colpitis

For the treatment of candidal colpitis, broad-spectrum antifungal gynecological suppositories are prescribed. These are drugs that include clotrimazole, natamycin, canestene, and nystatin. These suppositories are widely used to treat thrush

You should also pay attention to the list of other suppositories used for candidiasis - Fluomizin (Fizomizin is a misnomer), etc. Antifungal ointments are also prescribed: Miconazole, Pimafucort; tablets: Pimafucin, Flucostat, Oronazole

After the first stage of treatment has completed and the activity of the fungi has been suppressed, a second stage of therapy must be carried out to restore normal vaginal flora

It is important that normal conditions are created for active reproduction of lactobacilli to occur.

During this period, the woman is prescribed:

  • Bifidumbacterin suppositories containing bifidobacteria. The drug is intended to normalize microflora. Bifidumbacterin is used for up to 10 days, 1 supp. in a day.
  • Bifikol (with dried bifidobacteria) should be used every day, 1 supp. within up to 10 days.
  • Acylact is used for 10 days, 1 supp. Acylact for the night. Vagilac suppositories are also prescribed.
  • The drug Laktozhinal contains lactobacilli, 1 capsule is administered into the vagina. morning and evening, treatment lasts up to 10 days.
  • You can also use Colibacterin, Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin in ampoules during the treatment process. The contents of the ampoules must be diluted with water and tampons with this liquid should be inserted intravaginally.

In addition, the contents of ampoules with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are diluted with water and administered intravaginally on tampons (colibacterin, bificol, bifidumbacterin).

Effective antiviral drugs

For ARVI, adults are prescribed medications that can act directly on infectious agents. There are drugs that prevent pathogens from entering cells. Some of the drugs act as blockers and affect their enzyme systems. The most popular means are:

  • "Arbidol".
  • "Rebetol."
  • "Relenza."
  • "Orvirem."
  • "Virazol".
  • "Influcein".
  • "Midantan."
  • "Tamiflu."
  • "Virazol".

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical market is rich in a wide range of products, there is a reservation from experts that there are no medications that can completely defeat viruses. This is due to the fact that pathogenic agents have already developed sufficient resistance to rimantadine and amantadine. However, doctors recommend taking antiviral drugs because they significantly reduce the risk of serious complications.

Medicine Polygynax

These are vaginal suppositories. This drug contains two antibiotics: polymyxin and neomycin. In addition to these ingredients, they also contain nystatin, an antifungal substance.

Suppositories effectively help eliminate many pathogenic microorganisms (streptococci, E. coli, ureaplasma). In addition, they are used in the treatment of fungal diseases. They perfectly treat many pathologies, including inflammation of the ovaries. Suppositories in gynecology are used to combat vaginitis, colpitis, and vulvovaginitis. Often this drug is used as a prophylactic agent before upcoming operations, childbirth, and diagnostic procedures.

Suppositories are prescribed for medicinal purposes, usually for 12 days, 1 suppository at night. If the product is used for prophylaxis, the course is reduced to 6 days.

The drug "Polygynax" is well tolerated by the body. It has a minimal number of side effects, so it extremely rarely provokes their occurrence. These may mainly be allergic manifestations

Such suppositories should be used with great caution by women who cannot tolerate soybean oil and peanuts. With long-term therapy (this is often observed when using the drug independently), microflora disturbances may occur.

Indications for use of the drug Mikozhinax

bacterial vaginitis caused by banal pyogenic flora; vaginitis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis; fungal vaginitis caused by Candida albicans; vaginitis caused by a mixed infection - Trichomonas, anaerobes (including Gardnerella), yeast-like fungi. The drug is also used for prophylactic purposes before gynecological operations, childbirth, abortion, before and after the installation of intrauterine contraceptives, before and after diathermocoagulation of cervical erosions, before intrauterine examination (hysterography).

Pharmacological properties

Vaginal suppositories "Polygynax" are notable for the fact that they do not have a negative effect on beneficial bacteria. The substances included in the composition do not suppress the activity of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment; they kill only conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microbes.

The drug has antifungal and antibacterial properties, but is not effective against viruses. After inserting the suppository into the vagina, the shell of the drug softens, and its active ingredients come out. They are evenly distributed throughout the mucous membrane thanks to the oil base, which helps to completely eliminate the infection.

Pharmacological action of Mikozhinaks

Metronidazole, which is part of Mikozhinax, is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal substance from the group of imidazoles. Metronidazole is active against many types of anaerobic bacteria. Its action is based on the ability of its nitro group to be reduced under the influence of intracellular microbial enzymes to form a cytotoxic substance. The metabolite obtained after the reduction of the nitro group helps to disrupt bacterial DNA replication, leading to the death of the microorganism.

Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic active against strains of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Chloramphenicol disrupts protein synthesis in microbial cells and has a bacteriostatic effect.

Dexamethasone acetate is a synthetic corticosteroid that has immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects. Dexamethasone also affects energy metabolism. Its use reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process and eliminates itching.

Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic. Penetrating into the cell of a microorganism, nystatin binds to ergosterols, which leads to the death of the microorganism. Nystatin exhibits the greatest activity against yeast-like fungi Candida.

The excipients of Mikozhinax prevent damage to the vaginal mucosa and maintain the physiological pH level.

Special instructions for the use of candles

The reason for discontinuing treatment based on Mikozhinax is not menstruation. When using candles, it is recommended to use intimate hygiene products with a neutral or alkaline pH. During this period, women and girls should give preference to wearing cotton underwear.

When treating with a gynecological drug, it is prohibited to use hygienic tampons and have sexual intercourse. In the process of getting rid of vaginitis, treatment should be developed simultaneously for both sexual partners. While taking Mikozhinax, you should refrain from driving and limit work with potentially dangerous and precision devices.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Mikozhinax

Treatment with Mikozhinaks is not carried out during menstruation. During the course of treatment with the drug, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse, as well as from drinking alcohol. When using Mikozhinax in combination with oral metronidazole, especially during a repeated course of treatment, monitoring of the composition of peripheral blood is necessary (taking into account the possibility of developing leukopenia). When treating vaginitis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, it is advisable to simultaneously carry out a course of treatment of the sexual partner (prescribing metronidazole orally). If treatment with the drug is necessary during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Vaginal suppositories for the treatment of gynecological inflammations

All vaginal suppositories aimed at combating inflammatory processes are divided into two groups:

  1. Steroids - containing hormones of natural or synthetic origin;
  2. Non-steroidal - in which the hormonal component is absent.

For thrush (fungal infection):

  • Klion D
  • Irunin
  • Trichocide
  • Econazole
  • Polygynax
  • Betadine.

For inflammation of the appendages (inflammation of the ovaries and/or fallopian tubes):

  • Terzhinan
  • Movalis
  • Mikozhinaks
  • Fluomizin
  • Polyjinx
  • Flamax

For cystitis - how to recognize it, it is written in the article: “Causes and symptoms of cystitis in women, prevention and treatment at home with folk remedies, antibiotics and other drugs”:

  • Candles with palin
  • Syntomycin suppositories
  • Betadine

For vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa):

  • Meratin-combi
  • Polygynax
  • Terzhinan
  • Betadine

For genital herpes (blistering inflammations on the genitals):

  • A-interferon
  • Vitaprost
  • Poludan
  • Viferon

To restore vaginal microflora:

  • Bificol.
  • Longidaz.
  • Bifidumbacterin.
  • Vagilak.
  • Lactonorm.
  • Acylact.

Indomethacin suppositories are rectal, non-steroidal. The active ingredient, indomethacin, is 50–100 mg per suppository. The drug is prescribed for the following gynecological diseases:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • disruptions in menstrual cycles;
  • myoma;
  • cyst;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity.

Today, pharmacies sell indomethacin suppositories from three manufacturers:

  1. Russia, "Altpharm" - contain 100 mg of active substance.
  2. Germany, “Berlin-Chemie” – containing 50 mg of indomethacin.
  3. Bulgaria, Sopharma - suppositories containing both 100 mg and 50 mg of active ingredient are sold.

Side effects

As indicated in the instructions, Mikozhinax suppositories in case of overdose can cause negative reactions such as burning, itching and irritation of the vaginal mucosa. The drug may also contribute to the development of the following conditions:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting, stool disturbances, pain in the stomach, inflammation of the oral mucosa, loss of appetite. The symptoms of pancreatitis and hepatitis may worsen.
  • From the central nervous system: convulsions, headache, dizziness. Hallucinations, mental disorders, and even depression may occur. Gait is often disturbed and disorientation in space and tremors of the limbs appear.
  • Circulatory system. In some cases, the development of leukopenia is observed, which is a good reason for developing a new drug treatment regimen.

According to the instructions, Mikozhinax suppositories, the price of which is relatively low, in case of overdose provoke the development of an allergic reaction in the form of all kinds of skin rashes, hyperemia, skin itching and, in severe situations, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

In addition, patients may experience the following conditions during treatment:

  • dark brown coloration of urine;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • disorder of movement coordination, balance.


A person’s rapid recovery largely depends on the normal functioning of their own immunity. To support the patient’s body during illness, the doctor usually prescribes comprehensive treatment. Regular consumption of ascorbic acid or fruits containing vitamin C helps to shorten the duration of the disease and reduce its severity. This valuable organic compound is present in immunostimulating complexes. The chances of a quick recovery of the body are increased by quitting smoking and alcohol, increased drinking regimen and complete rest.

Therapy includes drugs that have an antiviral effect, which can have a negative effect on foreign agents at different stages of their development. Antipyretic anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are prescribed. The long-proven drug “Paracetamol” has not yet lost its popularity. However, it is gradually being replaced by a fairly effective modern medicine - Ibuprofen. Basically, symptomatic therapy is carried out with the help of such drugs. Medicines for the common cold, antipyretics and expectorants are also prescribed.

To eliminate unwanted symptoms of a cold, some people use over-the-counter treatment with medications containing antihistamines, decongestants, and analgesics. As for eliminating acute signs of the disease and restoring the condition as a whole, experts find this method to be somewhat useful. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved through a combination of decongestants and antihistamines. However, such combinations may have side effects.

Typically, after taking these medications, patients experience dry mouth, excessive drowsiness or, conversely, asomnia and slight dizziness. For the prevention and treatment of viral infections, experts recommend taking Amizon, which has a number of therapeutic effects: antipyretic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic.

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Incas gold. Men's Formula (Oral Tablets)
  • Golden mustache. V. Ogarkov's drops No. 5 (Drops for oral administration)
  • Immune Action (Capsule)

The description of vitamin Mikozhinax is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Suppositories for adnesitis, endometriosis - for inflammation of the internal organs of the reproductive system

Inflammatory diseases of the internal organs of the female reproductive system are caused by both specific (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and others) and nonspecific microorganisms. Inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) is said to occur when pain appears in one or both groin areas, dull, aching and cutting in nature.

Endometritis - inflammation of the uterus is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, above the pubis and often occurs after intrauterine interventions (abortion (consequences), curettage, surgical birth). Both adnexitis and endometritis occur with a pronounced intoxication syndrome, manifested by a significant increase in temperature, weakness, fatigue, and lack of appetite.

The treatment of inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs includes, first of all, antibacterial drugs. Along with intravenous infusions and antibiotics, suppositories are prescribed for both adnexitis and endometritis.

Treatment with suppositories for adnexitis and endometritis has several goals. Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories are suppositories whose main components are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs have a number of effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • antipyretic.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are realized due to the ability of drugs from the NSAID group to suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are formed in large quantities during inflammation and cause pain. Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with the start of antibiotic therapy for a total cycle of 7–10 days:

  • suppositories with Indomethacin 1 time in the evening
  • Movalis suppositories 1 time before bedtime (active ingredient myeloxicam) for 5 - 7 days
  • Voltaren suppositories morning and evening
  • belladonna suppositories 1 to 3 times a day (strong analgesic)
  • Diclofenac suppositories daily, 1 suppository
  • Flamax suppositories (active ingredient ketoprofen) once for 7 days

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for adnexitis and endometritis are also prescribed intravaginally. First of all, pursuing the goal of sanitizing the vagina and suppressing anaerobic microflora, in particular Trichomonas.

Vaginal suppositories include fluomizin and terzhinan, the main substance of suppositories is metronidazole. The treatment cycle lasts 7–10 days, 1–2 suppositories are prescribed daily.

Longidaza suppositories are a drug that has proteolytic properties and prevents the formation of adhesions or resolves them. In addition to enzymatic activity, longidase normalizes immunity and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The course of treatment is long, from 14 to 21 days, suppositories are administered rectally, 1 at a time before bedtime.

Description and instructions for the drug Microgynax

Mikozhinax is a combination drug used for local treatment of gynecological diseases of various types. It is called combined because the drug contains an antiparasitic component - metronidazole, an antibiotic - chloramphenicol, an antifungal component - nystatin and a corticosteroid component - dexamethasone.

Thus, Mikozhinax is able to act on different types of pathogens that can cause urinary tract infections - bacteria, fungi, protozoa. The use of this drug allows you to preserve the vaginal mucosa and maintain a normal level of acidity. This medicine is distributed in Ukraine.

Mikozhinax is used for:

  • Vaginitis of bacterial, fungal, trichomonas nature;
  • Mixed genital infections;
  • The need to prevent such infections before surgery, childbirth.

The standard course of using Mikozhinax lasts about ten days. If therapy for Trichomonas infection is carried out, then, in addition to local treatment, Metranidazole preparations are also prescribed orally. Whether the patient’s health has been restored should be confirmed by the results of microbiological studies.

Mikozhinaks is contraindicated for:

  • Intolerance to any of its components;
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects of Mikozhinax

Local reactions to the use of this medicine are possible - patients feel itching, burning. With long-term use of Mikozhinax, systemic reactions are also possible. This can result in nausea, headaches, and abdominal pain. If metronidazole is used both orally and topically, the patient’s blood count should be checked, as there have been cases of leukopenia.

Terzhinan is a vaginal tablet that contains:

  • ternidazole,
  • neomycin,
  • nystatin,
  • sodium metasulfobenzoate,
  • prednisolone.

Each component has a certain powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-exudative effect. Such vaginal tablets are prescribed for vaginitis of various natures, for vaginal trichomoniasis, and as a prophylaxis for urogenital infections. Use before bedtime.

Antifungal suppositories Polygynax are primarily used in the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Combined action drug. Includes:

  • antibiotic polymyxin B;
  • antibiotic neomycin.

Has a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic effect. Copes with viruses, fungal infections and other types of pathogens of pathological infections. After vaginal insertion of the suppository, the active substance is released; when it breaks down, iodine is released, which destroys all pathogens, viruses, and fungi. Iodine cells penetrate shallowly into tissues, but due to its slow release, the therapeutic effect lasts for quite a long time.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of tablets with disulfiram is prohibited due to the likelihood of developing psychotic reactions.

Mikozhinax is prescribed with caution in combination with oral anticoagulants. If it is necessary to use these drugs simultaneously, the prothrombin time should be monitored and the dose of anticoagulants adjusted.

Drugs/substances in combination with Mikozhinax:

  • Fluorouracil – increased toxicity;
  • Lithium preparations – possible increase in toxicity;
  • Cyclosporine – increased plasma concentration;
  • Phenytoin and phenobarbital - decreased plasma concentrations of metronidazole;
  • Busulfan – increase in concentration.

Mikozhinax reduces the strength of barrier contraceptives (including diaphragms and condoms).

Sources and causes of infections

During the epidemic peak, the disease affects about 30% of the population. The nature or method of transmission and infection of ARVI is airborne. Due to its high prevalence, the disease is rampant everywhere. You can become infected with the virus not only from sick people. Common household items are often breeding grounds for bacteria. Touching door handles, railings and other objects in crowded places, educational institutions and transport increases the likelihood of transmission of infection. It was noted that infants and older children who are in relative isolation suffer less from colds than those who attend kindergartens and schools. Most older people get sick less often due to the acquisition of special immunity after suffering from a cold. The prevalence of the disease is also related to the epidemic situation in a particular area.

With minimal symptoms of the disease, many people continue to lead an active, social lifestyle, which means they are a source of infection. The good news is that today the bacterial nature of almost all types of pathogenic agents that provoke ARVI disease has been established. It should be remembered that their sources can be not only people, but also pets and birds. They pose a danger both after the incubation period and during the febrile state.

Candles for women with colpitis

When the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed, we talk about colpitis (vaginitis). Depending on the infectious agent that caused the inflammatory process, vaginitis can be specific (for example, trichomonas, fungal, gonorrheal, etc.) and nonspecific (staphylococcal, streptococcal, polymicrobial). Distinctive signs of colpitis are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the external genitalia (itching, burning are unbearable), an increase in vaginal leucorrhoea, as a rule, they have an unpleasant odor, a possible increase in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and urination disorders.

The main importance in the treatment of colpitis is the prescription of local therapy aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms and suppressing their activity. In the first 3–4 days, douching is prescribed (no more than 2 times a day, see how to do douching correctly) with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, rivanol, sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate) and/or decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile, lemon balm , sage). Anti-inflammatory suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with douching.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions, Mikozhinax is used intravaginally.

The drug is prescribed to women 1 tablet once a day (before bedtime).

In order to achieve the maximum effect from treatment with the drug, Mikozhinax suppositories must be inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina. Before administration, the tablet should be kept in water for 20-30 seconds. After administering the tablet, it is recommended to lie down for 15-30 minutes.

The duration of treatment is 10-12 days. If the treatment does not have an effect, it is continued for another 10-12 days.

Depending on the severity of the disease, concomitant administration of oral forms of metronidazole may be considered.

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