Suprastin: instructions for use

Release form

The medicine has 2 forms: tablets 25 mg and solution d/i 20 mg/ml.

Suprastin tablets are disc-shaped, grayish-white or white. The name “SUPRASTIN” is engraved on one side and a line on the other. The smell is weak or completely absent. The tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, 2 blisters in a package.

The aqueous solution is transparent and colorless, with a slight specific odor. Available in ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml, package No. 5.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance of Suprastin is a chlorinated analogue of tripelenamine and belongs to the group of 1st generation antihistamines sedatives .

histamine receptors . Studies (both preclinical and clinical) prove its effectiveness in hay fever and other allergic diseases .

Like other H1 blockers, the action of the drug is aimed mainly at preventing immediate hypersensitivity reactions, and in cases where the reaction has already begun to develop, at preventing further histamine .

Experiments on guinea pigs showed that even in a very low dosage, the drug protected animals from the effects of histamine at a dose 120 times higher than the lethal dose.

Chlorpyramin also affects the central nervous system, capillary permeability and smooth muscle.

Absorption from the digestive canal after taking the required dose is rapid. The effect is observed 15-30 minutes after taking the tablet, reaches its maximum within 1 hour and lasts for up to 6 hours.

Chlorpyramin metabolized in the liver. Metabolic products are excreted mainly by the kidneys. Moreover, the drug is eliminated from the body of a child faster than from the body of an adult.

In patients with renal dysfunction, the elimination of chloropyramine may be reduced. With liver dysfunction , the metabolism of the substance slows down, which requires changing the dose of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Suprastin belongs to the first generation antiallergic drugs. It has a clear antihistamine and weak sedative effect. Helps relieve itching, burning, hyperemia and other local and systemic signs of allergies.

The mechanism of action of the main component helps to suppress histamine receptors, thereby preventing the allergic process.

After internal administration, rapid absorption of the drug is observed. The therapeutic effect occurs within 15-30 minutes. The maximum effect is observed after an hour and lasts up to 6 hours.

Indications for use: what are Suprastin tablets and solution used for?

Suprastin tablets - what are they for?

Suprastin tablets are used in allergology:

  • for the treatment of urticaria and allergies (nutritional or caused by insect bites), hay fever , serum sickness , allergic rhinopathy , dermographism , itching, conjunctivitis ;
  • as an adjuvant for angioedema and systemic hypersensitivity reactions of the anaphylactic type .

The drug can also be prescribed to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the middle ear and nose during infections of the ENT organs ( sinusitis , otitis media ).

The combination “Suprastin - No-shpa - Analgin ” is used to reduce persistent hyperthermia . Suprastin ( antihistamine ) relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, No-shpa ( antispasmodic ) relieves spasms and promotes vasodilation, Analgin ( analgesic-antipyretic ) helps reduce temperature.

What does Suprastin in solution form help with?

Indications for the use of Suprastin in the form of a d/i solution are the same as for the tablet form of the drug.

Why is Suprastin prescribed?

The drug is used to treat:

  1. Quincke's edema.
  2. Anaphylactic shock.
  3. Allergic conditions of various origins (to food, insect bites, medicines).
  4. Serum pathology.
  5. Conjunctivitis.
  6. Allergy symptoms to relieve local hyperemia, itching, swelling, inflammation.

Suprastin is also often prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.


Contraindications for Suprastin:

  • acute asthma ;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • treatment with MAO inhibitors;
  • arrhythmia;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • urinary retention;
  • hypersensitivity to ethylenediamine ;
  • allergy to the drug.

Side effects

Side effects of Suprastin from the central nervous system: increased fatigue, sedation , ataxia , dizziness , convulsions, tremor , headache, encephalopathy , decreased visual clarity, euphoria, drowsiness, impaired psychomotor functions.

From the cardiovascular system, arrhythmia , tachycardia , and arterial hypotension . From the digestive system: discomfort and pain in the epigastrium , dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, increased symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux , increased or complete lack of appetite.

On the part of the blood system, in rare cases, pathological changes in the blood may be observed (for example, agranulocytosis , hemolytic anemia , leukopenia , thrombocytopenia etc.).

From the organs of vision: ocular hypertension , glaucoma .

From the urinary system and kidneys: urinary retention, dysuria .

From the subcutaneous tissue and skin: hypersensitivity reactions, as well as a painful reaction to sunlight.

From the musculoskeletal system: myopathy .

Reactions of the immune system to the use of the drug can be expressed in the form of skin itching, rash, skin hyperemia, urticaria , angioedema .

Other side effects: changes at the injection site of the d/i ​​solution.

Side effects

As a result of non-compliance with the course duration and therapeutic dose of Suprastin, side effects may develop:

  1. Dizziness, headache of varying intensity.
  2. Insomnia, drowsiness.
  3. Heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, poor appetite and abdominal pain.
  5. Possible urinary retention.
  6. Allergic manifestations - skin rashes, itching, burning, and sometimes hyperemia.

Instructions for use of Suprastin

Suprastin tablets: instructions for use. How to take Suprastin for adults?

The tablets should be taken with food, without crushing or chewing, and with liquid.

For adults, Suprastin tablets are prescribed to be taken at a dose of 75-100 mg/day. Exceed the dose of 100 mg/day. contraindicated.

Treatment is considered complete when all clinical symptoms are eliminated. If the above adverse reactions develop, the medication should be stopped.

How to take Suprastin if you have allergies if the disease is severe?

In acute severe conditions or anaphylactic shock, treatment begins with intravenous administration of the drug (intravenous injection should be performed very slowly). Subsequently, they switch to injecting the solution into the muscle or taking tablets.

The duration of use for severe allergies

Instructions for use of Suprastin in ampoules

Suprastin injections can only be given by a nurse or doctor.

The dosage of Suprastin for an adult is usually 1-2 ml/day. The drug is injected into the muscle. In especially severe cases, treatment begins with intravenous injections.

In case of liver dysfunction due to a decrease in the metabolism of the active substance, the patient may require a dose adjustment towards its reduction. A dose reduction is also necessary for patients with renal dysfunction , which is associated with the participation of this organ in removing chloropyramine from the body.

How many days should adults take Suprastin?

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of allergy and the body's sensitivity to chloropyramine . As a rule, the medicine is taken in short courses (5-7 days) when the process worsens. In case of severe disease, the doctor may make other prescriptions.

It should be remembered that with prolonged use of the drug, the patient may develop addiction to it.

Instructions for use of Suprastin for children

For children, the drug is prescribed for allergic reactions to medications, insect bites, food, eczema , taxidermy , urticaria , dermatitis , neurodermatitis and a number of other allergic diseases.

The use of Suprastin is also advisable for chickenpox : the drug can reduce the intensity of itching and somewhat calm the child’s nervous system.

Before giving Suprastin to children, you should read the list of contraindications. The use of tablets is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age; the solution is not prescribed to newborn infants (including premature infants).

In addition, you should not give the medicine in any form during an acute attack of asthma , intolerance to chloropyramine or any of the auxiliary components.

The manufacturer does not produce special children's Suprastin with a lower dosage of the active substance. There are no other dosage forms (ointment, drops, syrup) except tablets and solution.

How should children take Suprastin tablets?

Dosage of Suprastin for children under 6 years of age: 1 tablet/day, divided into 2 doses. According to the instructions, for children 6-14 years old the dose is 1-1.5 tablets/day. (0.5 tablets at each dose).

Depending on the body's response to treatment, the dose can be increased if necessary. The highest dose for a child is 2 mg/kg/day.

For infants, Suprastin tablets are prescribed, if necessary, 1/4-1/5 tablet. 2 rubles/day..

The solution, like the tablets, is dosed depending on the patient’s age: children under one year of age are administered 0.25 ml at the initial stages of treatment, children aged 12 months to 6 years - 0.5 ml, children aged 6- 14 years - from 0.5 to 1 ml.

Suprastin is contraindicated for newborns (including newborns born prematurely).

Injections are given with an insulin syringe with a needle for intramuscular injection. The maximum permissible dose of the drug is 2 mg/kg/day.

Can Suprastin be used for children?

The medicine can be given to children from 3 years of age. The absolute indications for use are:

  1. Allergic reactions to insect bites, certain foods and medications.
  2. Eczema.
  3. Toxidermy.
  4. Chicken pox.
  5. Hives.

The use of Suprastin allows you to relieve itching, hyperemia, swelling of tissues, skin rashes, helping to improve the overall well-being of the child.

It is forbidden to give the product to children with bronchial asthma or allergies to chloropyramine. There are also other contraindications, so the medicine should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.


Accidental or intentional overdose, especially in children, can cause death.

atropine poisoning . They are expressed in the form:

  • anxiety;
  • hallucinations;
  • athetosis;
  • ataxia;
  • seizures;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

In young children, excitement predominates.

In some cases sinus tachycardia , dry mouth, facial flushing, fixed dilated pupils, fever, and urinary retention occur.

In adults, facial flushing and fever are observed intermittently, with periods of agitation followed by convulsive seizures and postconvulsive depression. The patient develops coma , cardiac and respiratory failure . Death occurs within 2-18 hours.

Cardiorespiratory monitoring as well as symptomatic therapy are recommended. Suprastin does not have a specific antidote.


Simultaneous use with MAO inhibitors helps to prolong and enhance the anticholinergic effects of Suprastin.

With caution, the medicine is prescribed with: tranquilizers , sedatives (including sedative analgesics ), muscarinergic parasympatholytics , atropine , tricyclic antidepressants . This is due to the fact that in combination with Suprastin these drugs exhibit synergistic action.

Alcohol potentiates the inhibitory effect of chloropyramine on the central nervous system, and therefore, during treatment with Suprastin, drinking alcohol should be avoided.

special instructions

The annotation states that the drug should be used with caution in elderly people, as well as in patients with heart pathologies and liver failure .

If taken in the evening, the drug may increase the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux .

It should be remembered that chloropyramine can cause depression and drowsiness, interfering with certain types of activity. They are especially pronounced at the initial stages of treatment.

The doctor determines the degree of restriction on working with machinery and driving vehicles individually for each patient.

Application in veterinary medicine

Chlorpyramin can be used for drug therapy of allergic conditions in animals.

It is given orally 2-3 times a day. at a dose of 0.3-0.5 mg/kg. When administered intramuscularly, the dose for a horse is 5-6 ml, for a pig weighing 70-100 kg - 1-2 ml, for dogs the dosage depending on weight is from 0.1 to 0.5 ml. Injections are given 2 times a day.

Methods of application.

The tablets are taken orally during meals, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of water.

Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 3-4 times a day (75-100 mg per day).

Children aged 3 to 6 years: 1/2 tablet (12.5 mg) 2 times a day; daily dose – 25 mg.

At the age of 6 to 14 years: 1/2 tablet (12.5 mg) 2-3 times a day; daily dose – 25-37.5 mg.

At the age of 14 to 18 years: 1 tablet (25 mg) 3-4 times a day; daily dose – 75-100 mg.

The dose in children can be gradually increased unless the patient experiences side effects, but the maximum dose should never exceed 2 mg/kg body weight.

The duration of treatment depends on the nature, symptoms of the disease, the degree of their manifestation, the duration and course of the disease.

Suprastin's analogs

Level 4 ATC code matches:

Pharmaceutical equivalents of the drug are Chlorpyramin , Chlorpyramin-Ferein , Chlorpyramin-Eskom .

The price of analogues in tablets is 85-90 rubles. 10 ampoules of the solution will cost approximately the same amount.

Drugs similar in mechanism of action: Alepriv , Histafen , Diazolin , Kestin , Ketotifen , Clarotadine , Lomilan , Loratadine , Peritol , Rapido , Suprastinex , Telfast , Erius .

Which is better - Suprastin or Tavegil?

Tavegil , the active ingredient of which is clemastine , is a highly effective drug, similar in its action to diphenhydramine ( Diphenhydramine , Allergin , Benadryl ). Characterized by high anticholinergic activity.

Both products are 1st generation drugs. The duration of the effect produced and the intensity of action are comparable.

Which is better - Cetrin or Suprastin?

Cetrin ( cetirizine hydrochloride ) is a 2nd generation drug that is a highly selective H1-type histamine receptor antagonist.

The drug has 2 release forms - tablets, which are used in patients over 6 years of age, and syrup, which is prescribed from 2 years of age.

Cetirizine hydrochloride is practically not biotransformed in the body; the rate of its elimination is related to the functional state of the kidneys. A special feature of the drug is its ability to penetrate the skin well, which makes Cetrin especially effective for skin manifestations of allergies .

The medicine does not have a proarrhythmic effect , which has been proven in preclinical and clinical studies.

This means that the use of Cetrin is much less likely to be accompanied by the development of adverse reactions than the use of 1st generation products. Moreover, the degree of expression of the latter is also less than that of Suprastin.

If we talk about antiallergic activity , then Suprastin is considered a somewhat stronger remedy.

Which is better: Zyrtec or Suprastin?

Zyrtec is a generic version of Cetrin , since both of these drugs contain the same substance - cetirizine . Thus, Zirtec has the same advantages over Suprastin as Cetrin .

Which is better - Suprastin or Diazolin?

The active substance of Diazolin is a blocker of histamine receptors of subtype 1, mebhydrolin , like chloropyramine , belongs to the 1st generation drugs. In comparison with its analogue, the product is characterized by less antiallergic activity. The sedative effect is slightly pronounced.

Suprastin or Zodak - which is better?

Zodak is a 2nd generation antiallergic drug with prolonged action. Its basis is cetirizine dihydrochloride , a substance characterized by the ability to selectively block peripheral histamine .

Does not have a pronounced anticholinergic and antiserotonin effect . sedation (including drowsiness) when used in therapeutic doses.

Which is better: Loratadine or Suprastin?

Loratadine is a 2nd generation antihistamine, which is characterized by high binding strength to peripheral histamine . It has no sedative effect , does not have cardiotoxic effects and does not enhance the effects of alcohol.

Loratadine practically does not interact with other medications.

Which is better: Suprastin or Claritin?

Since the active ingredient of the drug Claritin is loratadine , the choice between it and Suprastin should be made taking into account the features described above.

Alcohol and Suprastin

The drug is incompatible with alcohol.

What is Suprastin? This is antiallergic drug . Like other drugs from this group, it has a pronounced anticholinergic , hypnotic and sedative effect , which is enhanced in combination with alcohol.

Suprastin and alcohol: consequences of simultaneous use

Drinking alcohol during treatment with Suprastin can provoke symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • blurred vision;
  • a state close to panic;
  • nervous excitability;
  • dry mouth;
  • euphoria;
  • unstable stool;
  • nausea;
  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • tremor;
  • tachycardia;
  • ocular hypertension;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • urinary retention;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness.

Is it possible to combine Suprastin and alcohol?

Taking medicine together with alcohol is strictly prohibited. Since Suprastin is a 1st generation drug with pronounced hypnotic, sedative, and anticholinergic properties, which are enhanced by the influence of alcoholic beverages.

When combining alcohol with pills or an injection, the following may occur:

  1. Dyspeptic symptoms.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Impaired vision clarity.
  4. Feeling of euphoria.
  5. Panic, anxious feelings.
  6. Abnormal stool.
  7. Cardiovascular system disorder.
  8. Lethargy.
  9. Tremor.

Suprastin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can pregnant women take Suprastin?

There are no data from preclinical studies on the use of the drug during pregnancy.

Adequate studies with proper control of the use of the drug in pregnant women have also not been conducted. However, there is evidence that in newborn infants whose mothers took antihistamines , connective tissue developed behind the lens of the eye.

In the description of the drug, the manufacturer warns that the use of Suprastin - especially in the 1st trimester and in the last weeks of the 3rd trimester - is possible only after a careful assessment of the beneficial effects and possible risks.

As for use in the 2nd trimester, the drug is also prescribed during this period after the risks to the fetus and the benefits to the mother’s body have been analyzed.

Thus, the question of whether Suprastin can be taken during pregnancy can only be answered by a doctor monitoring a pregnant woman.

Suprastin during lactation: can nursing mothers take antihistamines?

In the absence of well-controlled, adequate data on the use of the drug in breastfeeding, it is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women.

Composition of the drug.

Chloropyramine hydrochloride.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, potato starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, gelatin and stearic acid.

How it works.

Chloropyramine - prevents the development and facilitates the course of allergic reactions, blocks certain histamine receptors - this is a local effect.

As a result, manifestations of allergic reactions - lacrimation, profuse rhinitis, swelling, cough, various rashes simply do not make themselves felt. But the same receptors are also in the brain, and they are responsible for the hypnotic effect. Therefore, taking suprastin is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, fatigue and absent-mindedness.

When taken orally, the effect appears within 15-30 minutes, the maximum effect develops within 1 hour and lasts approximately 3-6 hours.

Reviews about Suprastin

Reviews of Suprastin for children and adults prove the high antihistamine activity of this drug. The product is effective for the treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (both year-round and seasonal), urticaria , Quincke's edema , eczema , atopic dermatitis , itching of various etiologies.

In parenteral form, the drug has proven itself well in conditions that require emergency care.

The advantages of the drug are proven effectiveness, a wide range of therapeutic doses used, speed of action, short duration of side effects, controllability of the clinical effect, low cost. The active substance of the drug does not accumulate in the serum, which eliminates the possibility of overdose with long-term use.

Wikipedia indicates that Suprastin is included in the Russian list of vital and essential drugs.

How much do Suprastin tablets and injections cost?

The price of Suprastin tablets in Russia is from 110 rubles. The price of Suprastin in ampoules is from 150 rubles.

The average price in Ukraine for tablets 25 mg No. 20 is 65 UAH, the price of Suprastin 25 mg No. 10 is from 29 UAH. The d/i ​​solution can be purchased in pharmacies in Kharkov and Kyiv for 67-85 UAH. At the same time, the cost of 1 ampoule is 14-16 UAH.

For patients who are more comfortable using drops, Egis has developed the drug Suprastinex based on levocetirizine. Its cost is from 1060 rubles. in Russian, and from 350 UAH in Ukrainian pharmacies.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Suprastin tab.
    25 mg 20 pcs Egis 129 rub. order
  • Suprastin tab. 25 mg No. 40 ZAO Pharmaceutical Plant EGIS

    RUB 236 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Suprastin (25 mg tablet No. 20) Egis

    135 rub. order

  • Suprastin (25 mg tablet No. 40) Egis

    250 rub. order

  • Suprastin tablets 25 mg No. 20Egis

    120 rub. order

  • Suprastin (amp. 2% 1ml No. 5) Egis

    RUB 144 order

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  • Suprastin 20 mg/1 ml No. 5 solution ZAT FZ Egis, Ugorshchina
    78 UAH. order
  • Suprastin 25 mg No. 20 tablets ZAT FZ Yegis, Ugorshchina

    58 UAH order


  • Suprastin ampoule Suprastin solution for injection 20 mg ampoule 1 ml No. 5 Hungary, Egis

    93 UAH order

  • Suprastin tablets Suprastin tablets. 25 mg No. 20 Hungary, Egis

    67 UAH order

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