Staphysagria. Studying homeopathic remedies

Staphysagria is a delphinium flower from the ranunculaceae family.

Its name comes from the Greek city of Delphi, in the vicinity of which many of these flowers grew.

There is a beautiful legend associated with this plant.

In ancient times, Delphi was conquered by the Romans. The son of the ancient Roman king Sextus Tarquinius fell in love with someone else's wife, the beautiful Lucretia. The man attacked her and, threatening her with a knife, raped her. Lucretia told her husband about everything and stabbed herself in front of his eyes, unable to bear the shame and humiliation. Since then, the flower has symbolized dignity and protection.

The plant contains poisonous alkaloids that block the flow of impulses in the nervous system, causing paralysis, especially breathing. The smell of the flower repels parasites and lice.

Instructions for use and dosage

The plant release form discussed below is homeopathic capsules from Use 8 pcs. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after. The granule is not washed down with water, but dissolves under the tongue. Course duration is from 3 to 5 weeks. Repeated administration as necessary and only after a break of the same duration.

If there is a deterioration in your health, then a break for 1 week is necessary, then use can be resumed. If after this there is no improvement or there is deterioration, you should visit a doctor. Only a specialist can give more precise instructions. If a different dosage form or manufacturer is chosen, you must follow the instructions in the package and the advice of an experienced homeopath.

Staphysagria - delphinium

AREA OF INFLUENCE. NERVOUS SYSTEM . TEETH . Genitourinary organs . Fibrous tissue : eyelid ; cartilage of the eyelids - along the edges; skin _ Glands . Right deltoid muscle

WORSE. From emotions : annoyance , grief ; troubles ; indignation ; quarrels , scandals . After sexual excesses . Because of masturbation . _ From touch . From cold drinking . From ruptures , lacerations . _ When stretching, straightening parts of the body After using mercury. At night

BETTER. From the heat. At rest. From breakfast .

Nervous trembling . A clenching [ pain ] or stinging rawness , as if one had cut oneself. Pain moving to the teeth.

Painfully sensitive ; touchy. Always angry . Gloomy and absurd ; throws things. Poor memory Hypochondria Sexually inclined, preoccupied, prone to sex; unsatisfied need for sex; widows. Shy , timid ; sensitive mentally and physically. Imagines that he was insulted. Irritable, nervous, excitable and frantic.

Feeling like my brain is torn apart. Compressive, stupefying headache. It's like a heavy weight in the forehead. Weeping, smelly, corroding milky scab; worst on the back of the head.

Dry eyes. Nodules in the eyelids. Barley. Blepharitis. Sick, emaciated, with sunken eyes. Neuralgia due to caries; pain moves to the eyes.

Runny nose: discharge is either thick or thin; causes ulceration. Swelling of the submandibular glands; abscess. Pale, bleeding gums. Teeth become loose, hurt, turn black, crumble; worse from eating and during menses; better from strong pressure and heat. Pyorrhea [alveolar - periodontal disease]. Musty taste in mouth.

Hungry ; I really want milk. Colic: due to flatulence; associated with the ovary; worse from coitus. Dysentery.

"Irritable" bladder. Weak stream of urine. Urine flows out in a thin stream, drop by drop, or a burning sensation is felt in the posterior urethra; worse after walking or riding, better after urinating. Priapism. Prostatitis. Dysuria: in newlyweds; during pregnancy (Pop.). Itching or tenderness of the vulva. Pain from the ovaries extends to the thighs. Salpingitis.

Tightness, tension in the chest at the end of coitus. The cough gets worse when brushing your teeth or alternates with sciatica. Severe yawning; to tears; after a headache. Pain that precedes herpes zoster. Backache; in bed in the morning, until noon. Subtle tearing pain or numbness in the tips of the fingers. Knots on the knuckles of the fingers. Neuralgia of the femoral nerve.

Skin symptoms alternating with joint pain. Weak joints. Pinching itching; as if they were parasites; changes location when combing.

lacerated wounds ; especially the sphincters ; perineum, etc.; stabbing pains.

Sensual, erotic dreams, with wet dreams.

Sweat and intestinal gas smell like rotten eggs.

The minimum duration of action is 3 weeks.

ADDITIONAL. Caust., Coloc .


ANTAGONISTS [incompatible] Ran—b.

CHILDREN This drug is indicated for children who have been hypersensitive since early childhood and are introverts by nature. Typically, Staphysagria is used as a constitutional medicine, which is prescribed based on an analysis of typical behavior.

Children who are prescribed the drug Staphysagria take everything to heart and can burst into tears at the slightest remark. They are whiny, although they do not like to show their feelings. From time to time, outbursts of anger occur, during which children may even throw things.

Enuresis can serve as a demonstration of internal tension. This type of thing often happens when a child is under stress, such as being teased at school. In other cases, anxiety may manifest itself as a skin condition.

If, in addition to more obvious physical ailments, the child is in a state of constant stress, humiliated, insulted or subjected to some other pressure, then the homeopath may choose the drug Staphysagria in order to help the child.

In a purely physical sense, if the slightest touch on the sore spot makes it worse, then perhaps the drug Staphysagria should be used.
A child who is prescribed this drug does not like to be “touched” (physically or emotionally) because he feels vulnerable. Share your interest!

Interaction of staphysagria with other drugs

The plant is not a traditional medicine, and its concentration is very small, so nothing bad will happen if you take other medications. But homeopathic treatment of diseases will be useless if you take both drugs for these diseases and Delphinium at the same time.

The effect will be stronger if you use Staphisagria in combination with some other homeopathic remedies:

  • Asafoetida;
  • Mercurius;
  • Silicea;
  • Caust;
  • Colocy.

Combination with Ranunculus bulbosus is prohibited.

The Staphysagria variant, the regimen for which was given, is a ready-made complex to which you do not need to add anything yourself.

Homeopathy, according to WHO (World Health Association), will never replace traditional medicine and is a pseudoscience. But there are also people who have been helped by taking Staphysagria, so you can turn to treatment with it for certain symptoms. If there are no contraindications, then it will not cause harm.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

General characteristics of the medicine

The homeopathic remedy Staphysagria refers to drugs of similar action. This means that treatment occurs by inducing symptoms in the person's body that are similar to those that are already present. The constituent components of such medicines are very toxic, so they are most often used in strong dilutions with water or alcohol.

This drug is especially indicated for people suffering from dizziness, weakness, nervousness, and those who are not prone to obesity. In order for the effect to be faster and more pronounced, it is better to take Staphysagria at the first symptoms of nausea, before vomiting occurs.

External rubbing with a tincture diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 perfectly gets rid of skin parasites such as lice.

The main characteristic of patients with Staphysagria type can be called sexual desire disorders. They are overly and unreasonably excitable and constantly want sexual intercourse. They lose strength after ejaculation. Women experience pain during sexual intercourse in the external genitalia, and they also experience a frequent urge to urinate after sexual intercourse.

All these symptoms cause discomfort, weakness, itching of the genitals and anus.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Side effects and contraindications to the use of this drug may include allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the component.

While taking Staphysagria 6C (Delphinium), a temporary exacerbation of symptoms and worsening of the condition may occur. In this case, it is better to stop taking the drug for a week and then try again under the supervision of a doctor.

If, after you started taking the drug, you experience other symptoms that were not observed before, and also manifestations of allergic reactions appear, then you should stop taking the drug immediately and tell your doctor about what is happening.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to treatment with Staphysagria. Do not self-medicate; start taking the drug only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

Analogues in action

The product has no 100% analogues.

The closest drugs in action:

Similarity percentageSubstances
42% (best substitute for Delphinium)psornium
41%Agaricus muscarius; nitricum acidum; phosphoricum acidum
40%Ignacy Amara
39%conium maculatum; Hepar sulfuris calcareum; China officinalis;
38%rus toxicodendron; carbo vegetabilis; yodum purum; carboneum sulfuratum
37%Causticum Hahnemannii; arnica montana

Since these are not complete analogues, you need to familiarize yourself with each product separately before purchasing.

Indications for use of staphysagria

The homeopathic remedy staphysargia shows good results for seasickness, spermatorrhea and prostate diseases in the elderly. It also helps with kidney pain that worsens at night and in the morning. The drug is effective in case of eye diseases, such as gouty ophthalmia and chronic stye.

Staphysargia is recommended for scrofulous and syphilitic bone diseases and exhaustion of the nervous system caused by sexual excesses and masturbation. Homeopathic medicine is prescribed for skin diseases, including eczema, itching, rashes, warts and condylomas.

The drug helps with dental neuralgia and intolerance to meat products. It is noted that this homeopathic medicine can calm pain after surgery. The plant also helps with headaches (when the forehead feels full of lead) and with coughs (dry and deep, worsened by cigarette smoke).

Finally, homeopathy recommends staphysargia in cases of fever accompanied by constant chills with cooling in the evening.

Who is staphysargia intended for?

There is no specific constitutional type of staphysargia. However, we note some features that are characteristic of this tool. First of all, this is a constant sexual desire, due to which the patient suffers from problems caused by sexual excesses and masturbation.

There are complaints of a burning sensation in the urethra. Skin problems are common, as well as nervous diseases.

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