Maxilak Baby, dietary supplement synbiotic (probiotic + prebiotic), sachet 1.5 g each, No. 10


Capsules1 caps.
active substances:
lyophilisate of probiotic bacteria*>4.5 109 CFU
fructooligosaccharides (prebiotic component)63 mg
microcrystalline cellulose; magnesium stearate; silica; titanium dioxide; hypromellose
*Contents of components in a daily dose (see table)


ComponentAmount per daily serving: 1 capsule. weighing (325±16.3) mg
Active substances
Probiotic microorganisms
Bifidobacterium longum6.75 108 CFU
Bifidobacterium breve4.5 108 CFU
Bifidobacterium bifidum2.25 108 CFU
Total1.35 109 CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus9 108 CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus4.5 108 CFU
Lactobacillus plantarum2.25 108 CFU
Lactobacillus casei2.25 108 CFU
Total1.8 109 CFU
Lactic acid microorganisms
Lactococcus lactis9 108 CFU
Streptococcus thermophilus4.5 108 CFU
Total1.35 109 CFU
Fructooligosaccharides63 mg


Maxilac is a biologically active food supplement containing 9 bacterial cultures necessary for healthy human intestinal flora, the concentration of which reaches 4.5 ⁹ CFU.

Bifidobacteria contained in capsules prevent the proliferation of pathogens, increasing the weakened immunomodulatory function of the intestines, protecting the body from harmful viruses and bacteria.

Lactobacilli prevent the development of food allergies by normalizing metabolic processes. Due to this, healthy intestinal motility is normalized, and the ability to absorb calcium, vitamin D and iron increases.

Fructooligosaccharides prevent a predisposition to constipation, increase the ability of beneficial microorganisms to multiply, thereby reducing the population of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, fructooligosaccharides promote the active removal of toxins and waste from the body, normalizing intestinal function and protecting against diarrhea.

A special formula, developed specifically for the formation of capsules, allows you to preserve live bacteria, reliably protecting them from the aggressive environment of the stomach, as well as pancreatic and gallbladder enzymes in the duodenum. Due to this, all dietary supplement microorganisms are released in the intestines without loss.

The capsules do not contain gluten and casein, which makes Maxilac safe for risk groups with congenital allergies to these substances. However, celiac disease is not an indication for prescribing a course of symbiotics, because improving the ability of intestinal absorption does not mean the appearance of enzymes missing in bile and pancreatic secretions. Celiac disease requires a special diet that excludes gluten-containing foods. In addition, the dietary supplement is safe for people with lactose intolerance.

The capsule shell contains no animal fats, which means that vegetarians can take them without compromising their beliefs.


Dietary supplement Maxilak® is a freeze-dried strain of probiotic bacteria, so the color of the substance in the capsule can be light or dark cream. It is acceptable to have darker, brown or black color shades of the capsule contents. This coloring occurs as a result of the encapsulation process and is not a deviation from the norm.


promotes the preservation of beneficial bacteria in the Maxilac® dietary supplement. The bacteria present in Maxilac® are protected from the acidic contents of gastric juice, bile salts and digestive enzymes. Most of the probiotic bacteria enter the intestines and are not destroyed in the stomach, which has a positive effect on the restoration of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).


Today, there are no synonyms of Maxilac containing exactly the same active ingredients on the pharmaceutical market in Russia and the CIS countries. However, there are many drugs that have similar therapeutic effects, but contain other active ingredients. Since Maxilac’s analogues are other synbiotics, they differ in the total number of beneficial bacteria included in the dietary supplements and their varieties.

The most famous analogues of Maxilac include such products as: Acylact Bactisporin, Biobacton, Florin, Biosporin, Linex Gastro, Bifikol, Sporobacterin, Bifilong, Linex Forte, Bifinorm, Linex, Flonivin BS, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin, Probifor, Bifiform, Baktisubtil, Lactobacterin , Bion 3, Colibacterin, Bifistim, Bifiliz.

Component Properties

Synbiotic (probiotic + prebiotic) Maxilak® is a complex of probiotic (9 strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria in a concentration of 4.5·109 CFU in each capsule) and prebiotic (fructooligosaccharides) components for the correction of imbalances in the gastrointestinal microflora, incl. caused by taking drugs.

Probiotics are beneficial live microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the body by normalizing the composition or increasing the activity of normal intestinal microflora.

Prebiotics are food ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the human body as a result of selective stimulation of growth and/or increase in the biological activity of normal intestinal microflora.

Synbiotics are ingredients that are a combination of pro- and prebiotics. They have a mutually reinforcing effect on metabolic processes in the human body.

The lactobacteria contained in Maxilak® suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, process lactose into simple sugars, which is useful for people with lactase deficiency, intolerance to milk and dairy products.

Bifidobacteria, which are also included in Maxilak®, support normal processes of parietal digestion and suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora

Fructooligosaccharides stimulate the rapid proliferation of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria of external origin, reduce intestinal contamination with toxins and improve its functioning, stimulate peristalsis, cleanse toxins, and serve to prevent constipation, diarrhea, and improve gastrointestinal functions.

Maxilak or Bifiform: which is better?

Bifiform is a eubiotic, that is, a drug containing bacteria and fungi that live in the intestines of a healthy person. Unlike Bifiform, Maxilac is symbiotic, that is, it contains not only normal intestinal flora, but also beneficial strains of living bacilli, which include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which enhance each other’s activity. If Bifiform can restore the condition of the digestive system, then Maxilak, in addition to normalizing intestinal function, is aimed at improving the quality of the body's defense system - immunity.


As a dietary supplement - a source of probiotic microorganisms, including:

- as a means to normalize intestinal microflora during and/or after taking medications that can cause changes in the qualitative and/or quantitative composition of the gastrointestinal microbiocenosis;

- as an aid for functional intestinal disorders, diarrhea (diarrhea), indigestion, constipation, flatulence (bloating), nausea, belching, vomiting, pain and discomfort in the abdomen;

— during seasonal surges of infectious diseases (to support immunity);

- as a prevention of intestinal disorders when changing climate and place of stay.

Side effects

Maxilak is a dietary supplement that is very well tolerated. However, in people with individual intolerance, taking the drug can cause allergic reactions, manifested by rashes and itching of the skin of the body.


There have never been any cases of overdose with Maxilac during the entire period of its clinical use. Exceeding the dosage specified in the instructions may result in the development of one or two diarrhea. In such cases, it is recommended to monitor your stool.

If it has not returned to normal the next day after the overdose, you need to reduce the dosage of the dietary supplement or change the frequency of its use (for example, take Maxilac every other day, not daily).


Maxilac is prohibited from taking:

  • children under three years old;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement.

During pregnancy

There are no restrictions on the use of Maxilac capsules during pregnancy. This is due to the safety of the drug and the absence of negative effects on the development and growth of the fetus. Pregnant women are prescribed Maxilak to eliminate the same diseases and conditions as in men or non-pregnant representatives of the fairer sex.

In the early stages of pregnancy, Maxilak reduces the severity of toxicosis and can be used as part of symptomatic treatment. During the remaining stages of pregnancy, the dietary supplement is taken for constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, after illnesses, and also together with antibiotics.

All gastroenterology clinics and medical centers in your city. Tests and ultrasound. Consultation with a gastroenterologist. Diseases of the digestive system. Find out more: - In Kiev (Hertz, Ilaya, Euromed) - In St. Petersburg (SM-Clinic, Longevity, Allergomed, Doctor +, BaltZdrav, Professor) - In Moscow (SM-Clinic, Medlux, Onmed) - In Kharkov ( TsMEI, Olympic, Victoria, Fortis, Ecomed) - In Minsk (Belgirudo, Art-Med-Company, Sinlab, Mikosha, GrandMedica, MedClinic) - in Odessa (Medea, On Clinic, Into Sano, Venus) - In Razyan (Trust + , Polyclinic-Pesochnya, Evrikas +) - in Nizhny Novgorod (Only Clinic, Alpha Center, EuroClinic, SOLO, Altea) - gastroenterological clinics of Tyumen (Doctor A+, Clinic "Vera", Avicenna, Medis, Your Doctor)


Manufacturer: DANISCO France SAS ZA de Buxieres BP 10, 86220, DANGE-SAINT-ROMAIN, France.

Importer: ZAO Danisko, 121614, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, bldg. 3.

Organization authorized to accept claims from consumers: JSC FP Obolenskoye, 142279, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Serpukhovsky district, urban settlement. Obolensk, r.p. Obolensk, district of the settlement Obolensk, industrial zone, p. 78.



Use of the drug for alcoholism

Alcoholism is a disease in which the patient is unable to control his own cravings for alcohol-containing drinks.

Due to the constant toxic load, organs such as:

  1. Brain.
  2. Heart.
  3. Stomach.
  4. Intestines.
  5. Liver.
  6. Kidneys.
  7. Lungs.
  8. Vessels.
  9. Circulatory system.
  10. Skeleton.
  11. Muscles.

Against the backdrop of constant exposure to ethanol, ethanol begins to degrade the individual. This applies to both the physical and mental state of the patient. Alcoholism has its own symptoms. But the disease is characterized by a high risk of developing concomitant pathologies.

For this disease, the course should be carried out under the supervision of persons not regularly exposed to alcohol. Do not allow the product to come into contact with alcohol-containing drinks at the same time. Otherwise, a positive effect will not be achieved.

In case of alcoholism, consultation with a doctor must be obtained. Improper use and self-treatment against the background of constant alcohol poisoning can lead to unexpected and unfavorable consequences.

The development of concomitant pathologies cannot be ruled out. In particular, the excretion of residues is carried out by the kidneys. Metabolism in the liver. If their operation malfunctions, an overdose of active substances may occur.

At the same time, if taken correctly, it can have a positive effect on the condition of an alcoholic. The digestive system will improve. There will be an opportunity to reduce the toxic load.

Using the drug for a hangover

A hangover is a special human condition caused by toxic poisoning by alcohol breakdown products.

The duration of the condition, as well as the severity of symptoms, depends on factors:

  • health status;
  • body weight;
  • age;
  • amount drunk;
  • strength of the drink;
  • air temperature;
  • the amount of oxygen in the room;
  • person's gender.

There are quite a lot of such factors. The average duration of intoxication syndrome is a time interval from six to thirty-six hours after cessation of alcohol consumption.

During a post-intoxication state, it is not advisable to take medicine. The hangover itself indicates that ethanol and its breakdown products still retain their influence on the patient. Although there is no direct interaction between the components of the synbiotic and ethanol, no pharmaceutical effect can be expected.

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