Lycopodium. Studying homeopathic remedies

Who is Lycopodium for?

Constitutional type of lycopodium - people who seem older than their age. They are characterized by a narrow, compressed chest and a large belly. The reason for this is usually that the main ailment of a person lies in the stomach.

Patients are characterized by poor development of leg muscles, they often have varicose veins, and their ankles swell. The skin tone of the face is yellowish, there are early deep wrinkles. In general, the deterioration of the body is noticeable at first glance. The eyes stand out - they are very bright, revealing a thinking and intelligent person. Often, the constitutional type of lycopodium has a nervous tic.

Lycopodium is a right-sided homeopathic remedy.

For what symptoms is it prescribed?

Lycopodium is prescribed when the following symptoms appear:

  • low pain threshold;
  • severe cough;
  • constant belching;
  • heartburn;
  • cloudy urine;
  • swelling of the nose, runny nose;
  • loss of hearing.

In addition, symptoms include dizziness in the morning and poor health from mid-day to late evening, causeless irritability or attacks of fear. The hepatologist will prescribe Lycopodium to those who constantly suffer from stye in the eyes and yellowish-gray puffiness of the face, to those who have eczema on the skin of the ears or ulcers appear under the tongue and on it. The drug is suitable for the prevention of temporal pain and when there is a sensation of a lump in the throat or chest.

The product helps to overcome bloating and discomfort in the stomach, when constipation alternates with diarrhea, and colic in the gallbladder is tormented. It will also help with the sensation of anal spasms, with a right-sided inguinal hernia, during the period of renal colic and with difficulty breathing.

Lycopodium is also prescribed for right-sided inguinal hernias and swelling of the salivary glands and lymph nodes, for nervous exhaustion and inflammation of the tonsils. The remedy will help cure inflamed hemorrhoids and seizures. It should be taken when you wake up at night with a desire to eat immediately, when there is a lot of sucking in the pit of the stomach, with an accelerated heartbeat and muscle pain, or with tingling in the chest.

Psychological portrait of the patient

In order for the medicine to be as effective as possible, it is important to take into account some of the psychological characteristics of each patient individually. To do this, experienced homeopaths draw up a psychological portrait - in this case, external characteristics are directly related to the indications for prescribing certain substances. For example, Lycopodium will demonstrate maximum effectiveness if the patient:

  • looks much older than his age;
  • he has early wrinkles and gray hair;
  • has swelling of the face and ankles;
  • the pastiness of the eyelids and the entire face is noticeable;
  • big belly regardless of body weight;
  • has inflated self-esteem;
  • restrained in behavior.

Such patients tend to be distrustful of official medicine, do not consider it necessary to pay attention to health, and see a doctor only in emergency cases. Lycopodium is suitable for people with a keen mind and weak muscular development. In such people, the lower part of the body is swollen and the upper part is emaciated. They are prone to liver and lung diseases, show an aversion to fresh air, and patients are hypersensitive to coolness. And some suffer from a burning sensation between the shoulder blades, and require constant airflow. And at the same time he catches a cold quickly.

All these are touches of the psychological portrait of a potential patient. Therefore, when prescribing a drug, the specialist takes into account not only somatic reasons, but also the psychological characteristics of the patient.

How does Lycopodium affect the patient's body?

Lycopodium in its pure form causes excitement, a rush of blood to the organs, an increase in appetite, and the urge to urinate. However, the most important effect of the drug is the last one listed. Due to its unique properties, lycopodium is used in homeopathy to treat spasmodic urinary retention and catarrh of the bladder.

If you take not pure lycopodium, but its dilution, then the symptomatic picture will be somewhat different. Acute lesions change into chronic ones, excitement changes into a depressed state. There is also a painful appearance, the limbs become cold. Another symptom is a decrease in appetite or its complete loss, indigestion, and bloating. Patients experience constipation.


Worse from 16 to 20 hours.

Symptoms on the right side often move to the left.

Subjects are skinny, have a yellow, emaciated, wrinkled face, and are irritable, angry, or depressed.

Wolf hunger, quickly satisfied; After eating, bloating appears in the abdomen.

Bloating, especially in the lower abdomen, accompanied by rumbling and a feeling of pressure on the lower abdomen.

Uric acid diathesis. Clear urine produces a red sediment.

The wings of the nose expand and contract alternately in fan-shaped movements in diseases of the respiratory tract.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers. In addition, such therapy is not suitable for people who are intolerant to the components of its composition. If we are talking about prescribing to a child, then, according to the instructions, use is possible for children over three years of age.

It is important to know that the remedy, like any representative of homeopathy, has one important feature. In most cases, after the first dose, an active reaction of the body occurs - patients experience:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • general malaise.

The symptoms against which the drug was prescribed and taken may manifest themselves more actively. This condition can last up to 6 hours. After this, the patient's condition stabilizes. Later, the dynamics of recovery become rapid - the patient feels significant relief in his health. But if this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

But in most cases, Lycopodium is tolerated easily and without complications.

Dosages and course duration

It is not recommended to select and take homeopathic medicines on your own.
Only contacting a specialist - a hepatologist - can guarantee the maximum therapeutic effect. In this case, the doctor must have a higher medical education and a license that gives the right to engage in such activities of a therapeutic nature. When prescribing, the hepatologist will be able to take into account a lot of factors and give the patient the necessary information about the intake, possible side effects, and the duration of the course. Typically, the prescribed number of Lycopodium granules for a single dose is placed under the tongue. For complete absorption into the hypoglossal vein, they must be kept until completely dissolved. The alcohol tincture is diluted in water in the proportion specified by the doctor. A couple of tablespoons of the diluted product are also kept in the mouth for some time, up to one minute, and only then swallowed. But you have to do it in the morning until you decide to brush your teeth with mint paste.


The drug has good reviews, patients note the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect, the duration of action, and the absence of side effects. I am also pleased with its price, which starts from 100 rubles.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the medicine, it is very important to purchase it from a reliable seller or supplier. To do this, you need to know information about what the drug looks like and what concentration it has.

For example, you can instantly recognize a counterfeit if the drug is offered in a non-existent market. Homeopathy, the indications for use of which is to restore the natural strength of the body, is very effective when original pharmaceutical compounds are used.

Composition and concentration

The drug Lycopodium consists of a tincture of pollen from a herbaceous plant - moss moss, which is collected in the forests. This remedy is sometimes included as a component in other homeopathic preparations. Available either as a tincture or as granules. In the tincture, the active ingredient is diluted in ethyl alcohol, and the granules contain milk sugar. In addition to the composition and form of release, concentration is important in homeopathy - a more highly diluted drug is more effective and efficient. For example, “Lycopodium 200” is prescribed for serious diagnoses, diseases that occur in a severe form, when the patient complains of poor health and pronounced symptoms.

"Lycopodium 30" is prescribed for pathology of moderate severity, when pronounced symptoms are observed, but in general the patient feels satisfactory. This dosage is most often found in prescriptions. But “Lycopodium 6” is suitable as a prophylactic for pathologies on which the medicine has a beneficial effect.

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