Cough medicine for children dry pore d/oral 1.47g pack

Antitussive syrups

It is important to understand that cough therapy should not be limited to suppressing it. The use of antitussive drugs in pediatrics is extremely limited. This syrup for children can be used only in specific situations and as prescribed by a doctor, for example, when preparing a child for bronchological examinations or with a dry and painful cough, which leads to psychological and physical discomfort, serious sleep disturbances, and exhaustion of the body. In other cases, antitussive drugs are contraindicated. What to do with a debilitating dry cough? Many doctors recommend using combined herbal syrups. They not only help to cope with a cough, but also help eliminate the causes of its occurrence. These drugs include Doctor MOM® syrup based on herbal ingredients. The active substances included in its composition have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator and mucolytic effects. This remedy is actively used as symptomatic therapy in both adults and children. If a child has excessive sputum production, then children's cough syrups aimed at suppressing it are even harmful, since they interfere with effective coughing, which can lead to “swamping syndrome” - impaired lung function and stagnation of a large amount of sputum. Doctor MOM® syrup, thanks to the content of dry extract of basil and licorice root, provides a pronounced antitussive effect and at the same time promotes the release of sputum and actively fights inflammation, thereby easing the course ORI.

Solution for nebulizer (inhaler)

Some solutions can be used as inhalation solutions (Ambroxol, Lazolvan, etc.).

Most often they are diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. Before the procedure, you should warm it up in warm water to body temperature. For inhalation, special equipment is used: an ultrasonic inhaler, a nebulizer. For inflammation of the oropharynx, a mouthpiece is used, and for the nasopharynx, a cannula is used. To prevent coughing attacks during the procedure, it is recommended to breathe calmly, not deeply.

At body temperatures above 37.5 °C, it is recommended to use a nebulizer, because it does not lead to additional heating of the body.

The advantages of inhalation administration of a medicinal substance are:

  • use in its pure form, without impurities;
  • low risk of side effects;
  • direct impact on the source of infection;
  • quick effect;
  • possibility of use in unconscious patients and infants;
  • ease of dosing.

Mucolytics (sputum thinners)

Mucolytic agents help thin mucus due to the effects of their constituent components on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. To treat cough in children, drugs are used that help thin mucus and facilitate its removal from the bronchial tract, and drugs that reduce mucus secretion and normalize bronchial function. Children's cough syrup such as Doctor MOM® is quite often used in pediatric practice. It contains, among others, dry extracts of Adatoda Vasiki and Licorice, which have a pronounced mucolytic effect and help thin the sputum.

Expectorant syrups

The action of such drugs is aimed at stimulating the removal of mucus from the bronchi and respiratory tract. To treat cough in children, expectorants with herbal ingredients are used. They contain saponins or alkaloids, which:

  • have a bactericidal effect;
  • stimulate the movement of mucus.

Essential oils in herbal medicines can have the following effects:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • mucolytic (thinning phlegm).

Doctor MOM® syrup, created on the basis of plant components, has a pronounced expectorant effect, among other effects. Carefully selected natural ingredients can significantly alleviate and eliminate coughs with thick, difficult-to-discharge sputum. The syrup has an anti-inflammatory effect on the bronchial mucosa and promotes thinning and easier separation of sputum.

Bromhexine solution

Bromhexine is sold in the form of ready-made oral solutions containing ethanol (95%) or without alcohol. For inhalation, it is advisable to use the closest analogue of bromhexine - ambroxol. These substances have a pronounced effect of liquefying bronchial mucus, stimulating its secretion and improving the removal of sputum.

The mixture with bromhexine is approved for use by children over 3 years of age (for an alcohol-free solution), adults and elderly people who do not have a history of gastric bleeding, intolerance to the components of the drug, or decreased liver or kidney function.

Bromhexine - detailed description and instructions

How to give cough syrup

The frequency of administration and dosage are usually prescribed by a pediatrician after a thorough examination of the child and diagnosis. Also, information on when and how to give syrup to children is contained in the instructions for medical use of the drug. Thus, Doctor MOM® syrup is recommended for use:

  • Children 3–5 years old: 2.5 ml (half a teaspoon) 3 times a day,
  • Children 6–14 years old – 2.5–5 ml (half or a whole teaspoon) 3 times a day,
  • Children 14 years of age and older – 5–10 ml 3 times.

The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks.1

Children's medicine

Registration number: P N003703/01

Trade name of the drug: Dry cough medicine for children.

Dosage form: Powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration.

Composition (per single-dose package): Active substances:

  • Marshmallow root extract dry – 0.30 g
  • Dry licorice extract – 0.075 g
  • Sodium benzoate - 0.15 g
  • Sodium bicarbonate - 0.15 g

Ammonium chloride - 0.0375 g


  • Anise essential oil - 0.0037 g
  • Sucrose (refined sugar) - 0.75 g

Description: A heterogeneous powder mixture of brownish-gray color with white inclusions with the smell of anise oil. An aqueous solution of the drug (1:10) is brown.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Expectorant of plant origin.

ATX code: R05CA10

Pharmacological action: A combined drug that has an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. Sodium bicarbonate shifts the pH of bronchial mucus to the alkaline side, reduces the viscosity of sputum; licorice root and anise oil have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects; sodium benzoate and ammonium chloride have an expectorant effect. Helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract when coughing.

Indications for use: As an expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by cough with difficult to separate sputum (including tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, acute glomerulonephritis, acute pyelonephritis, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Directions for use and dosage: Orally, for children: dissolve the contents of 1 packet in 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of chilled boiled water. Take orally 3-4 times a day after meals:

  • Children under one year old - 15 - 20 drops;
  • Children 1 - 2 years old - 40 drops;
  • Children 3 - 4 years old - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml);
  • Children 5 - 6 years old - 2/3 teaspoon (3.75 ml);
  • Children 7 - 8 years old - 1 teaspoon (5 ml);
  • Children 9 - 12 years old - 2 teaspoons (10 ml);
  • Children over 12 years old - 1 tablespoon (15 ml).

The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Side effect:

  • Possible allergic reactions
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • May be irritating to the gastric mucosa

Overdose: To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other drugs: Concomitant use with antitussive drugs, as well as drugs that reduce sputum production, is not recommended.

Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms: No effect.

Special instructions: Instructions for patients with diabetes: the carbohydrate content in a single dose of the drug corresponds to 0.06 XE.

Release form: Powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration. 1.47 g in heat-sealable bags. 5 or 10 packages along with instructions for use are placed in a box of cardboard. It is allowed to place packages together with an equal number of instructions for use in a group package.

Storage conditions: In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. After dissolving the dry mixture in water, store the resulting solution at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C in a place protected from light for no more than 2 days. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 1.5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Without a prescription.

Doctor MOM® – a combination preparation of herbal origin

Syrup for children over 3 years old Doctor MOM® is a preparation based on medicinal herbal ingredients. It is recommended by doctors as symptomatic therapy for both acute and chronic respiratory diseases - laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis - accompanied by a dry cough or cough with sputum difficult to separate.

Cough syrup for children has the following advantages:

  • fights the cause of cough – inflammation;
  • has a wide range of indications - suitable for use for pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • can be used much longer compared to chemical drugs, due to which it helps to cure cough completely;
  • has a multicomponent composition with a wide range of actions - it has bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dry cough medicine

A prolonged dry cough causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. Attacks provoke a sore throat, sore throat, chest pain, often disrupt sleep and deprive you of strength. Before choosing any cough solution, you should consult with a therapist, general practitioner or specialist (otolaryngologist, pulmonologist).

Cough medicines: overview by group

To enhance the formation of sputum and facilitate its discharge in acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia, it is recommended to take mucolytics and expectorants. Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Flavamed, etc. are also available in the form of solutions.

To reduce the frequency of attacks, antitussive drugs are used, which are often prescribed for chronic cough in smokers (Rengalin). Drugs in this group are mainly presented in the form of tablets or syrups.

Inhalations are an effective and quick way to relieve pain during attacks, moisturize the mucous membranes and reduce the frequency of coughing. Solutions with bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable for these purposes.

Active components of Doctor MOM® syrup

Instructions for the use of cough syrup for children Doctor MOM® states that this preparation contains dry extracts that are isolated from the seeds, bark, flowers, leaves, roots or fruits of the following plants: elecampane, licorice, aloe barbadensis, ginger, holy basil, curcuma longa, adatoda wasiki, cubeba pepper, Indian nightshade, terminalia belerica. The composition of the cough syrup for children, which has an expectorant, bronchodilator, mucolytic, anti-inflammatory effect, also contains levomenthol. It has antiseptic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects.

Cough solution during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, the intake of many medications should be limited. Many cough medications do not have sufficient clinical research data for use in pregnancy. Mucolytics and expectorants (ambroxol, bromhexine) are prohibited in the 1st trimester; in the 2nd and 3rd trimester they are prescribed only if the benefit exceeds the possible harm to the fetus. Codeine-containing solutions, as well as other antitussive drugs, are contraindicated due to their pathogenic effect on the fetus. The balance of benefit and risk is determined by the attending physician. Among herbal medicines, extracts of licorice, oregano and primrose are not recommended for pregnant women.


An open comparative study of cough syrup for children Doctor MOM® with licorice root syrup was conducted among 59 children aged 3 to 15 years with acute infectious-inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract and non-productive cough.

As a result, it was found that Doctor MOM® syrup is 3 times stronger than regular monosyrup. Thanks to the content of dry extracts of 10 herbs and levomenthol, it relieves cough in children in the shortest possible time. No side effects were observed when using the Doctor MOM® multicomponent syrup based on herbal components, while in 9.5% of children who took syrup based on the root licorice, skin and allergic reactions were noted. Multicomponent herbal cough syrup Doctor MOM® is an effective drug from a therapeutic point of view that is well tolerated by children. This allows it to be recommended for the treatment of children from 3 years of age who suffer from acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough.3

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