Chelidonium majus. Studying homeopathic remedies

Chelidonium (Chelidonium majus) in homeopathy is a preparation that is made from the well-known plant Greater Celandine . Celandine is popularly known as “swallow grass.” There is a legend that swallows treat blind chicks with celandine juice. Ancient Greek healers, Avicenna and subsequent generations of doctors used celandine to treat eye diseases until the 18th century.

Active ingredients

The drug contains:

  • Chelidonium majus;
  • Fel tauri (ox bile);
  • Atropa bella-donna (Belladonna).

Chelidonium majus - Warthog, Greater celandine. A perennial herb with a pungent orange sap, mainly found throughout Europe and Asia. Celandine contains about 20 alkaloids, 4.2% in the grass, 2% in the roots, and also contains vitamins C (170 mg.), A (14.9 mg.). The aerial part of the plant serves as raw material for medicine.

Fel tauri (ox bile) - used in two forms:

1) Fresh - it is received from butchers immediately after the slaughter of bulls; 2) Dried - a yellowish-white hygroscopic powder, having a characteristic bilious odor, the taste changes from sweet to unpleasantly bitter.

Taking this substance internally helps digest food. External use is used as a powder on wounds.

Atropa bella-donna (Belladonna) - popularly called sleepy herb, used as anticholinergic drugs.

Indications for use of the homeopathic drug Chelidonium:

+ Diseases of the liver and gall bladder: cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, jaundice.

+ Diseases of the venous system: varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

+ Proliferations on the skin and mucous membranes: warts, tumors, cancer

+ Neuralgia – facial, right.

+ Pneumonia – right lung, biliary symptoms. The patient makes fan-shaped movements of the nostrils, as in cases of Lycopodium.

+ Eczema and chronic ulcers.

These and many other diseases can be cured by Chelidonium if there is an appropriate picture of the disease.

Common name for celandine

Warthog is another popular name for celandine. This weed has antitumor properties and has long been used for a variety of growths, including warts, papillomas, and some forms of cancer.

Celandine belongs to the Poppy family, which means that the closest relatives of this plant are poppy and sanguinaria. Like the poppy derivative - opium - the milky juice of celandine has analgesic and antispasmodic properties , and also improves intestinal motility.

The yellow color of the milky juice secreted by the plant caused an association of bile among ancient doctors. Perhaps for this reason, Galen and Dioscorides used celandine to treat jaundice. A rich combination of alkaloids and organic acids gives celandine bactericidal properties.

In folk medicine to this day, celandine is used to treat diseases of the liver and gall bladder. This is due to the plant’s ability to cleanse liver cells, increase the tone of the gallbladder and increase the secretion of bile. But it is necessary to take celandine internally only under the supervision of a doctor, since the plant is poisonous!

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