Homeopathic drops against stress Rescue Remedy

Synonyms: Rescue Remedy

Bach drops are one of the fairly common medications that are used to treat psychological disorders. The drug helps relieve mental stress and also improves the patient’s emotional background. The fact that it is so popular is due to its composition, as well as the absence of contraindications and inability to cause adverse reactions.

This therapy was developed more than eighty-five years ago by Edward Bach, a scientist from England. He was absolutely sure that the medicine he invented, which was based on extracts or concentrated infusions from the flowers of various plants, would help cope with many mental disorders.

Bach created 38 one-component tinctures with unique properties. To choose the right one, you should listen to yourself, try to identify the problem as accurately as possible and choose a drug that will help cope with it. The list of drugs will be presented later in the article.

Indications for use

If serious problems arise in a person’s life, he is faced with a difficult choice or is experiencing stress, he can safely use Bach drops, they will certainly help.

The main indication for the use of this drug is the prevention and treatment of stress. It can be used for:

  • severe stress that arose against the background of the loss of a loved one or serious illness;
  • severe fear;
  • tense relationships in the family or team;
  • work that is associated with stress and nervous tension: teacher, emergency doctor, rescuer;
  • if you have to take an exam or speak in front of a large audience;
  • moving or other circumstances that entailed a change of environment;
  • women during the recovery period after childbirth, with postpartum depression;
  • nervousness, excessive excitability;
  • sleep disturbances, frequent nightmares;
  • panic attacks (the drug reduces their intensity);
  • apathy;
  • self-doubt.

Reviews of Rescue Remedy (Bach)

In most cases, reviews of Rescue Remedy (Bach) are positive. Many users indicate the high effectiveness of the homeopathic drug when urgently relieving nervous tension or stress is needed. It is noted that the rapid action of the drug helps to restore the ability to think calmly during panic attacks and concentrate. In addition, the advantages include the pleasant taste and smell of both drops and spray, as well as the ease of use of both dosage forms of the drug.


Bach drops are monocomponent preparations, each containing an extract of only one plant, the effect of which plays a decisive role in the action of each individual essence. Later, these drugs began to be combined into more complex and multicomponent drugs that combine several properties at once. The most popular among all Bach drops is Rescue Remedy, which contains extracts from 5 plants:

  • Extract of poultry plant helps reduce mental pain;
  • cherry plum extract is effective for treating patients prone to confusion and panic;
  • sunflower extract helps relieve severe fear;
  • clematis extract helps relieve stupor or numbness;
  • Impatiens vulgaris extract combats irritability and irritability.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Rescue Remedy (Bach):

  • homeopathic sublingual spray: transparent liquid of pale yellow color with a faint odor of alcohol (in brown glass bottles with a 10 ml or 20 ml dispenser, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack; in brown glass bottles with a 7 ml dispenser, in a transparent blister plastic and cardboard 1 bottle);
  • homeopathic sublingual drops: transparent liquid of pale yellow color with a faint odor of alcohol (10 ml and 20 ml each in brown glass bottles with a pipette cap, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

Each pack also contains instructions for using Rescue Remedy (Bach).

100 g of homeopathic spray or drops contains:

  • active ingredients: Prunus cerasifera Br10 D5 (Cherry plum Br10); Clematis vitalba Br9 D5 (Clematis Br9); Impatiens glandulifera Br9 D5 (Impatiens Br9); Helianthemum nummularium Br9 D5 (Rock rose Br9); Ornithogalum umbellatum Br10 D5 (Star of Bethlehem Br10);
  • auxiliary component: grape alcohol 27%.


The drug “Bach Flowers” ​​is very popular in many countries in Europe and Asia. In the 1920s, they were created by Edward Bach, and almost immediately they became widely used, and their production was put into production. Now the main manufacturer of this drug is the British one. This company is located in London, Wimbledon. It is one of the country's largest manufacturers of homeopathy and health products since 1860. It is noteworthy that this company produces these essences according to the original recipe of their author, without any changes.

— official distributor of the drug in the Russian Federation.

"Rescue Remedy": instructions for use

The drug should be taken as follows:

  1. 4 drops four times a day.
  2. In acute cases, it can be taken as needed.
  3. Pre-dissolve the drug in a small amount of warm water (at least 30 milliliters).
  4. Before swallowing the medicine, it is necessary to hold it in the mouth for a short time, so that the active substances can be better absorbed into the oral mucosa.

The drug can be taken with other medications prescribed by the attending doctor.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Bach drops are herbal preparations with a completely natural composition. They have proven themselves to have a fairly mild, gentle and safe effect. The medications have no contraindications; they can be used by patients of all ages, as well as pets. The only possible contraindication, neglect of which is fraught with adverse reactions (including allergies), is individual intolerance to the active component of the drug. In addition, despite the fact that pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for use, such patients are strongly advised not to use the drug without first consulting a doctor.

For most drugs that belong to the sedative group, it is characteristic that they have an inhibitory and hypnotic effect on patients. Bach drops do not do this, since their effect on the body is very mild, the body perceives them well. They are not capable of causing harm to the body, on the contrary, only health, peace and strength.

Action of Rescue Remedy on the body

The human psyche has the ability to resist emotional experiences. Being exposed to minor and major stress every day, the human body has developed a certain psychological defense system. Depending on the individual, it works differently for each person. Many people, having a weak defense system, have a hard time coping with stress and psycho-emotional stress. Also, people who have chronic diseases of internal organs are less resistant to stress and are susceptible to neurotic manifestations, depression, feelings of anxiety, fear and restlessness.

Dr. Bach's medications are designed to increase resistance to emotional experiences and restore the body after mental trauma.

The homeopathic drug Rescue Remedy eliminates disorders of the nervous system at the molecular level, harmonizes the transmission of nerve impulses, prevents or relieves foci of excitation of the cerebral cortex, and improves the biochemical composition of the blood. The drug softens the experience of various negative situations and increases the body's resistance to stress.

Directions for use and dosage

If taken for preventive purposes, for example, before a stressful or important event, 2-4 drops of essence are dissolved in ⅓ glass of water, or simply dripped under the tongue.

If you just need to relieve fear, stress or just nervous tension, take the same 2-4 drops of the drug 4 times a day for 2-3 days. They are either dripped directly under the tongue or dissolved in a third of a glass of water.

In case of treatment of severe stressful or nervous conditions, the drug is taken in the same dosage for 2-3 months.

Bach drops are approved for use by children. Before using the drug for infants and young children, a preliminary consultation with a neurologist and pediatrician is recommended. For children over 6 years of age who experience increased excitability, sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, mood swings, moodiness, it is allowed to take 2-4 drops of the drug 4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. In the first days of taking the drug, it is recommended to especially carefully monitor the child’s condition and behavior in order to promptly notice individual reactions to the components of the drug.

In general, the drug has proven effectiveness when taken by all groups of patients. Bach drops have proven themselves in the treatment of emotional disorders in children, adolescents, as well as adults and the elderly. Many women with small children who have suffered from postpartum depression note that this particular drug helped them cope with this problem. If necessary, the drug is approved for use by pregnant women, however, it is not recommended to start taking it without first consulting a doctor.

Despite the fact that Bach drops do not cause adverse reactions and also have no contraindications, their continuous use is strictly prohibited, since this can become addictive and lead to the drug no longer having the expected effect on the body. It is not recommended to take these drops for more than 2 months. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated, but after a break of 3 months.

Dr. Bach

Edward Bach was born on September 24, 1886 in England. He was a famous homeopath and bacteriologist of his time. His main work was a selection of flowers called “Bach Flower Remedies”, created in the 30s of the last century. The basis for the work was traditional homeopathy, which Dr. Bach studied for many years.

As the doctor himself pointed out, he was looking for the very essence of the flower, its energy. Therefore, only flowers were used for research, and not the plants themselves. The study took place in 1930. In spring and summer, the doctor collected flowers and also prepared infusions. In winter, he treated patients for free and monitored their condition.

The product has not undergone the traditional clinical trial of our time. Its selection and effectiveness were based on the doctor's intuition and his connection with patients.

Contemporaries describe the doctor’s methods for selecting flowers as follows: he raised his hand to the plant and examined his sensations. Feeling negative, he moved on to the next flower and did this until he discovered a plant that evoked positive emotions.

The basis for the infusions was dew, which the doctor collected from flowers in the morning. He believed that the morning sun and clean water had healing properties.

Rescure Remedy creams

Dr. Bach created only drops based on his selection of colors. The creams were created after his death, in the 60s of the last century. The creator of the creams was Nora Weeks, Dr. Bach's assistant.

She added wild apple to the flowers to create a cream that was sold under the Rescue brand. This cream was intended for those who did not feel clean. It contains only natural ingredients and relieves stress.

Application for animals

It has been proven that Bach drops are effective not only when taken by people, but also by pets. If necessary, the animal needs to drip 1-2 drops of the drug onto the tongue 4 times a day. The course of treatment for animals is 1-2 months.

Indications for use for cats and dogs:

  • when an animal is forced to stay for a long period with strangers;
  • before visiting a veterinarian, moving, or before an exhibition or competition;
  • after suffering mental or psychological trauma.

Where is the best place to order active supplements?

Bach products are almost impossible to find in regular pharmacies. It is recommended to purchase them from trusted suppliers to be sure of the quality of the products. Otherwise, you risk not only not getting the desired effect, but also worsening your condition.

The full range of sedatives is presented on the iHerb website. Buyers can familiarize themselves with the composition of the product, check the availability of quality certificates and ask questions about dietary supplements. The supplier works directly with manufacturers of dietary supplements, therefore guaranteeing the quality of the products. In addition, there is a flexible system of discounts and bonuses for customers, which allows them to save money when ordering.


Since the manufacturing company is essentially a monopolist, and the drug is made exclusively from natural ingredients, the cost of Bach drops is quite high. Alternatively, you can purchase similar drugs that have the same sedative and adaptive effect, while their cost is slightly lower:

  • Avena-compositum is an effective remedy for anxiety, sleep disorders, and hypersensitivity;
  • Neurosed (granules) - good for helping with sleep problems and increased excitability;
  • Calm down (tablets) – the drug is well suited for people who are constantly stressed, it helps reduce anxiety and restlessness;
  • Gepar sulfur - effectively relieves despondency, despair, and also improves mood;
  • Ignacy (granules) is an excellent remedy for hysterical conditions;
  • Nervohel is good for constant mental stress and neuroses.

Analogues of Bach drops

Bach drops have no absolute analogues, but there are herbal and homeopathic preparations that are similar in their action. Among them:

  1. Granules - Avena Compositum, Nevrosed, Ignacia.
  2. Drops - Chamomilla, Notta and Passiflora Edas.
  3. Tablets - Calm, Nervohel (Heel), Valerian.
  4. Children's forms - Valerianahel, Baby Sed, Kindinorm.

Similar drugs help with anxiety, despondency, melancholy, insomnia, stress, irritability, restlessness, increased nervous excitability and neuroses.

Bach drops: list and indications

We present a list of Bach Flowers preparations. The serial number in the list corresponds to the drug number (when purchased at a pharmacy).

  1. Agrimoni (Agrimony) - the patient tries to hide his mental anxiety behind ostentatious carelessness;
  2. Aspen (Aspen) - the patient suffers from fears, the cause of which he cannot explain;
  3. Scourge (Beech) - the patient is intolerant, critical and picky;
  4. Centauri (Centaury) - recommended for people who are weak-willed and overly helpful;
  5. Cerata (Svinchatka) - a person is not confident in his own opinion, expects advice and approval from others;
  6. Cherry Plum (Vishnespliva) - the patient often lashes out at others and may lose self-control;
  7. Chestnut (Horse chestnut, buds) - indicated for people who do not know how to learn from their previous mistakes;
  8. Chicory (Chicory) - a tendency to manipulate, dominate;
  9. Clematis (Clematis) - the patient is inattentive, absent-minded, often even inhibited;
  10. Crabapple (Wild Apple Tree) - the patient is very pedantic, fastidious, meticulous;
  11. Elm (Elm) - responsibility causes a state of depression;
  12. Gentian (Gentian) - suitable for people who find it difficult to make a choice;
  13. Gorse (Gorse) - a person is pessimistic, gives up quickly;
  14. Heather (Heather) - the patient has lost faith in himself, feels hopeless;
  15. Holi (Holly) - with pronounced egocentrism;
  16. Honeysuckle (Honeysuckle) - for a feeling of nostalgia;
  17. Hornbeam (Hornbeam) - effective for the lazy;
  18. Impeince (Touch-Touch) - good for impatient and irritable people;
  19. Larch (Larch) - indicated for patients with low self-esteem;
  20. Mimulus (Gubastic) - for fears of unknown origin;
  21. Mustard (Mustard) - for melancholic, depressed people;
  22. Oak (Oak) - for people with an excessive sense of duty;
  23. Olive (Olive) - indicated for people who feel absolutely exhausted;
  24. Pine (Pine) - when feeling guilty even for the actions of others;
  25. Red Chestnut (Red Chestnut) - an exaggerated sense of fear for loved ones;
  26. Rock Rose (Sunflower) - panic attacks, poor sleep;
  27. Rock Water (Water from springs) - applicable for suppressing desires, asceticism;
  28. Scleranthus (Hedgehog) - good for indecisive patients;
  29. Star of Bethlehem (Poultry Farmer) - for those who have suffered severe emotional shock;
  30. Sweet Chestnut (Noble Chestnut) - for deep emotional experiences;
  31. Vervain (Verbena) - with excessive enthusiasm;
  32. Vine (Grape Vine) - for those who seek to dominate in any way;
  33. Walnut (Walnut) - helps to adapt to life changes;
  34. Water Violet (Water Violet) - cope with difficulties in communication, isolation;
  35. White Chesnut (Horse Chestnut) - will drive away pessimistic thoughts;
  36. White Out (Oatmeal) - will help cope with uncertainty in the future;
  37. Wild Rose (Dog Rosehip) - will help patients with apathy, fatal obedience;
  38. Willow (Willow) - will help patients who feel sorry for themselves.

About the manufacturing company Bach

The legendary founder of the company is the English doctor Edward Bach, who is considered an outstanding scientist. He studied homeopathy and bacteriology and developed his own unique formula based on flower essence. While exploring the influence of an unstable nervous system on other internal functions, he realized that they were inextricably linked.

In a painful and nervous state, the immune system is weakened, which subsequently leads to multiple diseases of the internal organs. Dr. Bach realized that it is necessary to restore the body by eliminating stress and negative emotions. He developed his own system to stabilize the nervous system.

The so-called “Bach flowers” ​​is a patented formula that contains an extract of 38 medicinal flowers. Depending on the goals that need to be achieved, they are combined. The company's products help get rid of negative thoughts, resist stress, improve sleep and avoid constant nervous worries.

Today, the English manufacturer produces dozens of medicinal products designed to stabilize a person’s psychological state. The line of products contains drugs not only for adults, but also for children. Thanks to their natural composition, they are completely safe.

Bach, Rescue Remedy, Natural Stress Relief, 20 ml

This is a universal and most famous product from an English company, which includes 5 components:

  1. cherry plum (cherry plum). Reduces the desire to constantly control everything;
  2. clematis (clematis). Helps you concentrate on important tasks and provides a connection with the real world;
  3. touchy. Allows for patience, eliminates fuss;
  4. sunflower. Relieves feelings of panic and fear, which helps to act in a balanced manner;
  5. Star of Bethlehem. Allows you to cope with negative environmental factors and unreasonable fear.

Rescue Remedy drops do not contain artificial ingredients and are manufactured in full compliance with current quality standards. Therefore it is safe for use. The manufacturer recommends taking the supplement before important events, as well as in cases where you experience any internal tension.

In order to calm down and feel better, only 3-4 drops of dietary supplements are enough. In addition, the drug can be used in courses. After undergoing therapy, you will get rid of accumulated stress, become calmer and more resistant to negative factors, and your sleep will improve. The calming essence acts almost instantly and helps to cope with nerves in any stressful situation.

It should be noted that Rescue Remedy drops contain 27% alcohol. For a healthy person, this dosage is tiny. After all, only 3-4 drops of the product are needed per dose. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women need to be more careful.

Bach, Original Flower Medicines, Rescue Remedy, Natural Stress Relief Spray, 7 ml

This spray is completely identical in composition to the famous drops. The only difference is the release form. Many consumers find it more convenient for traveling or when they need to take the product outside the home. The bottle is very small and can easily fit in a handbag or cosmetic bag.

Using Rescue Remedy in the form of a spray is extremely simple: you need to press the sprayer twice, pointing it at the tongue. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

The drug has a 100% natural composition and is completely safe for the whole family. However, the alcohol content of 27% obliges responsible parents of children under 12 years of age to consult a doctor before use.

If you have problems sleeping, then iHerb has a spray designed specifically to solve this problem. Rescue Sleep, a natural sleep aid, will help get rid of obsessive thoughts, disconnect the brain from disturbing problems, irritating factors, and calm the nervous system.

The manufacturing company also took care of those who need to feel cheerful and energized. Rescue Energy, a natural anti-fatigue remedy, helps to activate the body's strength and eliminate fatigue without an addictive effect.

Bach, Original Flower Remedies, Rescue Remedy, Natural Stress Relief for Children, Alcohol-Free Formula

The product is designed specifically for use in children. It does not contain alcohol, so it can be used on babies. However, before use, you should obtain the approval of your doctor and make sure that there are no specific reactions to any component of the complex.

The drug helps relieve stress and reduce symptoms of hyperactivity in restless children. After the course, the child becomes more collected, focused, and can solve complex problems. School performance improves. During the period of adaptation to kindergarten, it is recommended to take a dietary supplement in a course to reduce negative manifestations.

Contains 5 basic ingredients. They help the child to concentrate better, be patient and focus on important details. Glycerin and water are present, but there are no artificial flavors, preservatives or other dangerous substances. This is confirmed by numerous European and American quality standards in force for pharmaceutical products.

The manufacturer indicates that the natural remedy should be used in 4 drops. They are dropped under the tongue for resorption or dissolved in water and drunk. After taking it you need to take a short interval. You need to take dietary supplements as needed (in stressful situations) or in courses.

The product does not cause drowsiness during daylight hours, but improves the child's sleep at night and during quiet hours (for preschoolers). Sleep becomes deeper and more restful, so the child rests better and recovers faster. Before starting a treatment course, make sure you are not allergic to any of the active components of the product.

Bach, Original Flower Remedies, Rescue Lozenges, Natural Stress Reliever, Orange & Elderberry, 35 Lozenges, 50 g

The drug allows you to cope with the manifestations of stress in unforeseen emergency situations. It consists of the following components:

  1. cherry plum. Provides a feeling of calm in the first minutes after administration;
  2. clematis (clematis). Does not allow one to plunge into despair and does not allow a break in connection with the real world;
  3. sunflower does not allow you to experience fear, panic, protects against these conditions;
  4. the star of Bethlehem prevents you from overreacting to external negative factors and aggression;
  5. Balsam prevents irritation over trifles, ensures a stable emotional state, and improves the ability to withstand stress.

Additionally, the supplement contains natural beeswax, elderberry, vegetable oil and other natural ingredients. The manufacturer indicates that you can start using flower lozenges from the age of 12. If you want to give them to a child who is younger than the recommended threshold, you must first consult with a specialist.

If the complex is abused, a slight laxative effect may be observed, so you should not use the product in large quantities. It is enough to dissolve one lozenge at a time when you feel acute anger and irritation. This is a product for stabilizing the nervous system during occasional stress.

Dietary supplements can be used for depression, feelings of fear or panic, when communicating with people who cause negative emotions. If you have panic attacks, fear of flying or other stressful conditions, this remedy will help you cope with them. Lozenges come in several different flavors. These are orange and elderberry, lemon, black currant.

Bach, Natural Sleeping Aid, 28 Capsules

Natural supplements from Bach help not only get rid of stress, but also improve sleep and avoid insomnia. The “Natural Sleeping Pill” complex contains 5 active components, each of which has a positive effect on a person’s nervous state. Thanks to the use of the drug, it becomes easier to cope with the manifestations of stress.

A person who uses the supplement as a course learns to relax, stops being nervous and irritated over trifles. Unreasonable feelings of fear and panic go away, concentration improves, and stress factors no longer have their bad influence. All this leads to improved sleep quality and deeper sleep. A person falls asleep faster, sleeps without awakening, and in the morning feels completely rested.

The manufacturer specifies that you need to keep one capsule on your tongue until it dissolves. Use the product before bedtime, and if necessary, increase the indicated dose. The composition does not contain artificial, narcotic components, or alcohol, so the dietary supplement does not cause drowsiness or addiction. If, after two weeks from the start of use, you feel sleepy during the day, this is a reason to cancel the complex and visit a doctor. In this case, poor sleep may indicate serious internal disorders.

Bach, Rescue Remedy Pet (Pet), Alcohol-Free Formula, Dropper, 10 ml

The manufacturer took care not only of people, but also of pets. A special sedative has been developed for animals to help cope with stress. Pets may also encounter unpleasant situations that will trigger an emotional response in them. A dietary supplement developed by an English company is suitable for calming pets.

This product is used to reduce stress in dogs, cats, horses, and birds. The composition contains a balanced complex of 5 active anti-stress components, as well as glycerin and water. There is no alcohol, but the packaging must be kept out of the reach of small children.

The complex can be used in the following cases:

  1. when going to the veterinarian or before a haircut, if this causes stress in the animal;
  2. with frequent loud noises that are present in the apartment;
  3. if your pet is faced with other types of stress and constantly barks (hisses, etc.);
  4. after mistreatment of other animals;
  5. in other emotional crises.

To relieve your pet from nervous tension, use 4 drops of a natural remedy. They can be dripped onto the treat your pet prefers, or added to clean drinking water. Use the complex not regularly, but as needed.

The dietary supplement will gently relieve stress and help in emotional crisis situations. It is recommended by veterinarians all over the world to calm pets. These are safe products that do not contain alcohol or other dangerous components. If after a course of use the pet’s condition does not improve, this is a reason for a serious examination by a veterinarian.

Features of the drug

This drug can be considered an indispensable assistant, as it helps eliminate a number of symptoms in a significantly short time:

  • excitement;
  • anxiety;
  • excitation;
  • irritability.

Rescue Remedy also relieves stress and normalizes concentration.

Although the drug has sedative properties, there is currently no evidence that Rescue Remedy affects activities that require increased alertness. Does not interfere with driving.

Upon expiration date, you must stop using the drug and dispose of it. If drops get into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. If there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the eyes, then you need to seek help from a specialist.

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