WHO experts: Nonoxynol - PROS and CONS.

Spermicides are a fairly wide group of chemical compounds that have the ability to destroy sperm. During the last half of the 20th century, one of the most common components of spermicides used in practice and on the market was nonoxynol. These are vaginal gels, creams, foam products, suppositories, sponges. Nonoxynol can be used as part of a contraceptive as a single contraceptive agent, or in combination with mechanical means of contraception (condoms, vaginal diaphragms). And although drugs containing nonoxynol were primarily proposed and used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, it has long been assumed that nonoxynol also reduces the risk of infection with urogenital infections, including human papillomavirus infection.

Currently, the number of women of reproductive age using spermicides, including those containing nonoxynol, as a method of contraception is quite significant and varies depending on the region - from less than 1% in Asian countries to almost 17% in some Latin American countries.

special instructions

If any adverse reactions occur, it is recommended to stop using the drug.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before using suppositories.

The product can be combined with a condom.

If the candle has melted (the expiration date and long-term storage conditions have not been violated), it can be placed in the refrigerator to return to its original shape.

It is recommended to use the product as little as possible due to the increased risk of side effects with frequent use.

Contraceptive effectiveness:

  • When using only nonoxynol, contraceptive effectiveness is low.
  • Contraceptive effectiveness is higher with the simultaneous use of nonoxynol and mechanical barrier methods (condom, diaphragm).
  • Currently, there is no data available on the effect of the spermicide release form (cream, gel, etc.) or the dosage of nonoxynol on the contraceptive effect.
  • There is also no evidence that condoms containing nonoxynol are more effective than other condoms.


Matches by level 4 ATX code: Patentex Oval N





and Sterilin suppositories also contain nonoxynol .

Contraceptives Nonoxynol suppositories - reviews

Elvina Martizova

I also used them and they didn’t suit me at all, it burned so much after them that I just didn’t know what to do with myself, I’ll never use them again.

Igor Karpov


A slight burning sensation began after the first PA, after the second the burning intensified and the head turned red; added burning sensation after urination. The partner also experienced a burning sensation.



Nonoxynol is capable of causing a real Armageddon in that very place, no less. After inserting the suppository, not even five minutes had passed when I suddenly felt a terribly pinching sensation inside. I thought it was just a temporary reaction that would pass, but it didn’t seem that way - after another five minutes the burning began to feel as if I had not administered a candle, but a piece of sodium. Of course, in such a state there could be no talk of intimacy - I had to confront my lover with a fait accompli, and, loudly groaning in pain, I had to hide in the toilet. I did douching, but after it I felt only a little better - the burning sensation still remained very strong. I was tormented all the next day, I had to spend money on healing suppositories that soothe the mucous membrane - this nightmare by itself was not going to disappear anywhere. You know, I have used a considerable number of such candles in my life - and I had candles that cost even less than Nonoxynol, but it turned out to be the worst remedy of all those tested.



A wild burning sensation in the urethra from the drug began 10 minutes after use, at first it was warm, then it began to burn, reminiscent of cystitis, how to relieve an allergic reaction? My husband has no problems




I don't see any advantages


Burning, redness of the head of the penis.

After a single use: Side effects in the partner: noticeable burning sensation after sexual intercourse. In a partner: burning during sexual intercourse and after urination, redness of the glans penis.




Non-hormonal drug


They don’t give a 100% guarantee, it’s uncomfortable.

For a very long time I have been using oral contraceptives as protection against unwanted pregnancy. Several years passed after using the pills and I needed to take a short break. Then I decided that I would use nonoxynol suppositories all this time. The drug is non-hormonal, is sold in every pharmacy, and costs mere trifles. At home I carefully read the instructions. Suppositories do not smell very pleasant, but they are effective. That's what I thought too. After the first time, I gave up OO nonoxynol once and for all. Firstly, there is terrible discomfort, a slight burning and tingling sensation, and again a smell. Secondly, I began to consider it nonsense. The suppository should be administered 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. I somehow feel uneasy. What should it look like - honey, wait, I'll be back soon? But what about girls whose partners are not husbands? I do not understand this. It may not protect against unwanted pregnancy, but my neighbor used them and became a mother. There is no 100% guarantee. It's easier to use condoms.



Hello girls))

And if the guys also stopped by, then Hello to you too)

Today I want to write again a review about birth control suppositories!!

So to speak, we are not looking for easy ways, and sometimes we rush headlong into the pool, and we also enter the same river twice)

I already have one about candles


I prefer to come up with humorous names for such products, because it’s not really like that, and I don’t want to scare people with terrible side effects!

Two years have passed since the unsuccessful experience with the first candles and we decided to do another experiment with these. Because we have not yet found the ideal contraception ((

Let's return to the candles, just like the first time, I carefully read the instructions and completely adhered to all the rules, I had to insert the candle and wait, personally, I waited 15 minutes, I was afraid that it would start to leak, but without making any movements, the candle was in me! After the start of the Magic, I didn’t feel absolutely anything bad, as a lubricant it worked perfectly, there were no unpleasant sensations and it practically didn’t even leak!! The thought joyfully flashed through my head - “here it is!!! Found!!! They found my relatives,” but alas, I was only happy for three minutes and then my husband felt sick... He jumped out, without saying a word, rushed into the shower, I was lying in the Eve pose) waiting, I think he’ll come back now)) Then for some reason I heard swearing... I thought I got burned or something , and why did he run at all... I came to the shower and my Adam was standing all in the foam of shower gel, only his eyes were sticking out! It turns out it can be washed! It turns out it was burning again and, as he said, it was not very mild (I felt sorry for my man, since he also complained about pain when urinating. I went and read the reviews, but it turns out that such a reaction was not only happening to us.

This is such a sad story. Of course, we will never go back to candles again!

By the way, I wasn’t hurt at all, and I didn’t even have thrush. But of course I won’t recommend it.



After I stopped taking oral contraceptives (I used

Janine), I was faced with the question of how to protect myself from unwanted pregnancy.

I didn’t really want condoms, so I decided to try vaginal suppositories.

I settled on Nonoxynol suppositories. This is an analogue of the Patentex-oval, but I tried the latter at one time and was turned off by the fact that it foamed a lot. And then I was attracted by the promise on the packaging that everything would be done without foaming.

The instructions also stated that the candles contain lactic acid to protect microflora.

In general, I bought it. There really wasn't any foam - that's good. But the drug turned out to have a strong irritating effect. Not only did I start to feel a very unpleasant burning sensation after about 20 minutes, my partner also started to feel it, and not just unpleasant, but with a noticeable painful effect. As a result, sex that day turned out to be hopelessly ruined, so even water could not wash away the sensations, and the redness on the male genital organ remained until the next day.

And a day later, another surprise happened - I was visited by a thrush, whom I last met about 4 years ago during pregnancy.

I had to throw away the remaining 9 candles (I paid about 280 rubles for the packaging), and now I am in doubt whether I should try candles with a different active ingredient, or if this is not my thing at all...

Reviews of Nonoxynol

Reviews from doctors about Nonoxynol are mostly good. However, experts emphasize that it is advisable to additionally use barrier methods of contraception . Since the drug is not a reliable way to protect against STDs and viruses , and with frequent use it can lead to damage to the mucous membrane, it should not be used during anal sex.

This tool is actively discussed on various forums. Reviews of Nonoxynol contraceptive suppositories from women who have used them for a long time:

“The impressions from the application are positive, I like the low price. It’s a pity that after a year of use I had to switch to COCs due to developing vaginitis”;

“The drug dissolves well and does not form foam. Can be used during breastfeeding , provides additional lubrication. job of preventing pregnancy .”

For some women, the drug simply did not suit them or caused a feeling of discomfort and burning in their sexual partners.

Bactericidal effect:

  • Nonoxynol does not reduce the likelihood of infection with urogenital infections, including human papillomavirus infection, among people who are sexually active.

Although laboratory studies conducted in the 1970-1980s indicated the effectiveness of nonoxynol against pathogens such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and a number of other STDs, including human papillomavirus infection, data from recent years do not confirm this. On the contrary, studies by WHO experts show an increased risk of contracting urogenital infections in women with frequent (up to several times a day) use of spermicides containing nonoxynol. A possible reason is the damaging effect of nonoxynol on the epithelium of the vaginal wall. The development and severity of such damage depends on the intensity and frequency of use of the drug.

Thus, women who are sexually active and frequently use spermicides are advised to choose other methods of contraception. While for women who use spermicides infrequently and who are not at risk for HPV infection, spermicides containing low doses of nonoxynol may be safe. However, despite the possibility of using nonoxynol among this group of women, WHO experts draw attention to the low contraceptive effect of spermicides containing nonoxynol as the only means of contraception. And although the advantage of spermicides such as their easy availability and the possibility of self-control is undeniable, more reliable methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy are hormonal contraception (pills, injectable contraceptives), intrauterine contraception, and condoms.

Nonoxynol is often used as a lubricant in male condoms. Although, reliable data on their higher effectiveness in terms of protection from pregnancy or protection from urogenital infections compared to condoms containing organosilicon compounds has not yet been obtained. Given the data on the adverse effects of nonoxynol on mucous membranes, WHO experts recommend limiting the use of such condoms. Although, at the same time, they note that it is better to use condoms containing nonoxynol than not to use condoms at all.

Along with condoms and spermicides, nonoxynol is present in many lubricants used during anal intercourse. Animal studies and clinical observations have shown the damaging effect of nonoxynol on the rectal mucosa and necrotization of the surface layers of the epithelium, which significantly increases the risk of infection immediately after application of drugs containing nonoxynol.

Thus, spermicides containing nonoxynol, while not being an effective method of contraception, do not reduce, and in some situations even increase, the risk of contracting urogenital infections. In groups at risk of contracting urogenital infections, including human papillomavirus infection, the most effective method of protection is the correct use of a condom.

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